Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 Oct. 1, 2009 E-mail: [email protected] www.southbeltleader.com Vol. 34, No. 35 Bracewell at Almeda closes At press time, the Leader was notified by Houston City Councilman Mike Sullivan’s Monroe extension to Beltway 8 opens early office that Bracewell Library at Almeda Mall will close its doors Saturday, Oct. 3. The new By Matt Griesmyer “We are supposed to get (Monroe Road) fi n- who live near the Monroe intersection had to direct path for South Belt residents to take travel- facility at 9002 Kingspoint will open in early At $4.64 million, the half mile stretch of ished by the end of the year, and I believe that travel another path, often lengthening their driv- ing to Hobby airport. December. (More details in next week’s paper.) Monroe Road connecting Beltway 8 South with we are looking at a late November, early Decem- ing time. Residents can now drive straight through on Fuqua was scheduled to be completed by the ber completion date at this time,” Houston City “I have been contacted over the past year by Monroe onto Hobby airport property without Drama presents Hay Fever end of this year, but the road opened ahead of Councilman Mike Sullivan said just last month. a number of residents who are anticipating cut- taking unneccesary detours. The J. Frank Dobie Drama Department will schedule last week. As of the week of Sept. 20-26, the stretch of ting fi ve to 10 minutes off their travels,” Sullivan An offi cial ribbon cutting ceremony is expect- present Hay Fever, a British comedy set dur- road is now, however, open to travelers. said. “I feel it will provide a measure of conve- ed to be held later this year. ing the Roaring ’20s, Oct. 2, 3, 5 and 6, in the The road provides a straight path through to nience that people have been waiting for.” For more information on the Monroe construc- auditorium. The show starts at 7 p.m. Pre-sale National Night Fuqua from the area subdivisions. Before the Residents should be aware that aside from be- tion project, contact Sullivan’s offi ce at 832-393- tickets are $4. For ticket information, e-mail roadway was completed, South Belt residents ing a straight shot to Fuqua, it provides the only 3008. drama director Aimee Small at asmall @pasa- denaisd.org or assistant director David Out Oct. 6 Crutcher at [email protected]. The 25th annual National Night Out will take place Tuesday, Oct. 6. Didn’t quite make it to the landfill Mistletoe Market Oct. 3 Begun by the National Association of Town Watch, the event is aimed at preventing crime BellaVita will host its Mistletoe Market and drug use by encouraging neighbors to com- sale in the sales office and clubhouse Saturday, municate with each other and police groups. Oct. 3, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jewelry, cloth- NATW, a nonprofi t, crime prevention organi- ing, accessories, cosmetics/perfumes, yard art, zation, works in cooperation with thousands of candles, home decor and more will be avail- crime watch groups and law enforcement agen- able for purchase. Lunch will be served at cies throughout the country. Since 1981, NATW 11:30 a.m. Admission is $1. BellaVita is at has been dedicated to the development, growth 1548 N. Riviera Circle, off Scarsdale. and maintenance of organized crime and drug prevention programs nationwide. NATW’s net- Dobie senior portraits set work has grown to include more than 6,500 Dobie seniors who have not yet had pic- crime, drug and violence prevention organizations. tures taken may do so on campus Oct. 5-9. The event has grown dramatically since its Students will be called out of class alphabeti- 1984 inception. The fi rst year included 400 com- cally, so they should be prepared to be photo- munities from 23 states with a total of 2.5 million graphed each day until they get called. Students participants. must follow Pasadena Independent School Last year’s event included roughly 15,000 District dress code regarding facial hair and communities from all 50 states, with more than piercings. E-mail [email protected] 35 million people participating. for information. While the traditional “lights on” and front porch vigils remain an essential part of NNO, SoHo sets 40-year reunion activities have expanded considerably over the years to include block parties, cookouts, parades, The 1969 Class of South Houston High will visits from police, festivals, neighborhood walks, celebrate its 40-year reunion Oct. 16-17. For safety fairs, contests, rallies and meetings. A tractor trailer en route to a landfi ll rolled over the morning of Mon- spond to the accident. The overpass was closed for roughly one hour information, visit the Web site at http://www. Longtime Sagemont resident Sandra Robb classreport.org/usa/tx/so_houst on/shhs/1969. day, Sept. 28, as it attempted to turn east onto Fuqua from Interstate in both directions following the spill. The truck is shown above being will be hosting a block party and cookoff in the 45. Offi cers from the Houston Police Department were quick to re- hoisted upright. No one was injured. Photo by Marie Flickinger South Belt PTO to meet Continued on Page 2A South Belt Elementary PTO will meet Thursday, Oct. 1, at 6:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria. Parents and teachers are encouraged Auction items announced for Oct. 15 Evening of Cuisine to attend, and the public is invited. Several auction items have been collected this Among these are a 37-inch Magnavox fl at a four-person pass to the Kemah Boardwalk, a attendees a chance to sample food from a wide past week for the South Belt-Ellington Cham- screen TV with DVD player, a deluxe cedar chil- decorative windmill, a ride with Santa Claus on variety of local vendors. Cheerleaders hold clinic ber of Commerce’s annual Evening of Cuisine, dren’s playhouse, a private wine-tasting tour for a Southeast Volunteer Fire Department fi re en- Confi rmed food and drink vendors taking part The Dobie Cheerleaders will hold a cheer to take place Thursday, Oct. 15, at The Gardens, 20 from Haak Vineyards, a box-seat party for 20 gine, a perfume basket and gift certifi cates from in this year’s event include Texas Land & Cattle, clinic Saturday, Oct. 3, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 12001 Beamer, from 5:30 to 9 p.m.. at a 2010 Astros game, Cabela’s hunting gear, participating food vendors. II Brother’s Pasta, Las Haciendas Mexican Bar at Dobie High School. The clinic is open to Now in its 12th year, the function will give Continued on Page 2A grades kindergarten through 8th grade. Partic- ipants will learn cheers, chants, dance and SVFD breaks ground on new station jumps. Registration is at 8:30 a.m., and the fee Counterfeit suspects sentenced is $30 which includes the cheer clinic, a T-shirt and pizza. Two suspects charged this past January with Area crime possession of counterfeit money were sentenced Deputies from the Harris County Precinct 2 Lariaettes hold dance clinic Monday, Sept. 28. Constable’s offi ce have remained busy battling John Waldon, 38, and Jerold Freeman, 34, crimes ranging from open warrants to drug pos- The Dobie Lariaettes will hold their Hand were arrested Jan. 20 after being pulled over session. and Stand Clinic Oct. 15 in the Dobie dance on Scarsdale with $15,000 worth of counterfeit Deputy Lance Willis stopped a vehicle at 2 room from 6 to 8 p.m. for children in grades money. Waldon was also found to be in posses- p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 23, at the intersection of K-8. Preregistration is $25 or $35 at the door, sion of a handgun. Blackhawk and Hughes for failing to come to a cash or money order only. Preregistration by Waldon, who had four previous felonies, was complete stop. The driver of the vehicle, Law- Oct. 9 guarantees a shirt. Participants can sit sentenced to 25 years to life. Freeman was sen- rence Levy, 32, was discovered to have multiple in the stands with the Lariaettes at the Dobie tenced to eight years. outstanding warrants. The car’s passenger, Joy - Pasadena football game on Oct. 23. For The constable’s offi ce was aided by the U.S. Pilot, 34, was also found to have an open war- information, call Lori Perez at 281-797-8370. Secret Service in its investigation. Continued on Page 6A CT holds craft show Christain Temple, 9701 Almeda Genoa, will City clears blocked drainage pipe have its annual craft show Friday and Saturday, Oct. 2 and 3 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Included will City of Houston offi cials were quick to re- Sullivan’s offi ce, in turn, contacted Art Kidder, be crafts, needlework, collectibles, antiques, spond to the blocked storm drainage pipe report- Braxton Coles and Reginald Jefferson from the candles, and jewelry. A live auction will be ed on in the Sept. 10 edition of the South Belt- city’s Public Works and Engineering Department held on Oct. 3 at 1 p.m. Items included in the A groundbreaking ceremony was held Thursday, Sept. 24, for the Southeast Volunteer Fire Ellington Leader. for their assistance. auction are: a weekend ram hunt in Texas Hill Department’s new station on Scarsdale. Shown above at the festivities are, left to right, The blocked pipe, located near the intersec- City workers visited the site shortly after the Country, Juicy Couture designer handbag, (front row) Brandon Martin, Brendon Martin, Pablo Castellano, Joel Reyna, Ed Baker, tion of Sagedowne and Sageglen, was discov- article was published and determined there was autographed Lance Berkman baseball, auto- Shelly Cino, Capt.
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