E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 111 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 156 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 15, 2010 No. 105 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was lic for which it stands, one nation under God, joined by his lovely wife, Dawn, and called to order by the Speaker. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. their five children. As a matter of fact, f f they are celebrating their anniversary. Dr. Cross is a very innovative, spir- PRAYER MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE itual leader. I’ve seen him many times Reverend Dr. John Cross, South Bis- A message from the Senate by Ms. on Friday nights in his jeans and T- cayne Church, North Port, Florida, of- Curtis, one of its clerks, announced shirt working with the youth in our fered the following prayer: that the Senate has passed without community. He’s taken a church from Heavenly Father, thank You for amendment bills of the House of the 150 people to over 2,000. He has one of being so kind, gracious, holy, and just. following titles: the largest churches in our commu- Thank You for demonstrating Your H.R. 4861. An act to designate the facility nity. He is serving his second term as endless love through Jesus. Thank You of the United States Postal Service located president of the Southern Baptist Con- for giving us the honor of living in our at 1343 West Irving Park Road in Chicago, Il- vention. linois, as the ‘‘Steve Goodman Post Office great country. Thank You for those I commend Dr. Cross for his long- who have gone before us. Building’’. H.R. 5051. An act to designate the facility standing service, and it is a pleasure to We pray for those who are serving have him and his family today. God now to protect our freedom. Please of the United States Postal Service located at 23 Genesee Street in Hornell New York, as bless. give them safety. We pray for peace. the ‘‘Zachery Smith Post Office Building’’. f We pray for our President, Congress, H.R. 5099. An act to designate the facility and all who lead our country. Please of the United States Postal Service located b 1010 give them wisdom and direction as at 15 South Main Street in Sharon, Massa- they make decisions. chusetts, as the ‘‘Michael C. Rothberg Post ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER May we look to You as our Source, Office’’. The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- not our economy. In these days of glob- The message also announced that the tain up to 10 further 1-minute speeches al terror, may we remember You as our Senate has passed bills of the following on each side of the aisle. security. Use us to be instruments who titles in which the concurrence of the f bring hope to the underserved and safe- House is requested: ty for the unprotected. May we be a S. 1288. An act to authorize appropriations CUTTING WASTEFUL, UNNECES- Nation who humbles ourselves before for grants to the States participating in the SARY GOVERNMENT SPENDING You. We bless You and please bless Emergency Management Assistance Com- (Mrs. DAHLKEMPER asked and was America. pact, and for other purposes. given permission to address the House In Jesus’ name, Amen. S. 3372. An act to modify the date on which the Administrator of the Environmental for 1 minute and to revise and extend f Protection Agency and applicable States her remarks.) THE JOURNAL may require permits for discharges from cer- Mrs. DAHLKEMPER. Madam Speak- er, last week I attended the Big Butler The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- tain vessels. Fair in Butler County and the Grange ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- f Fair in Mercer County in western ceedings and announces to the House WELCOMING REVEREND DR. JOHN Pennsylvania, and what was the num- her approval thereof. CROSS Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- ber one question my constituents nal stands approved. The SPEAKER. Without objection, asked? ‘‘What are you doing about the the gentleman from Florida (Mr. BU- deficit?’’ I visited senior centers in f CHANAN) is recognized for 1 minute. Hermitage and Erie, and what did our PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE There was no objection. seniors say to me? ‘‘Stop the unneces- The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman Mr. BUCHANAN. Madam Speaker, it sary spending.’’ from Texas (Mr. POE) come forward and is my privilege today to introduce and Today I’m proud to tell my constitu- lead the House in the Pledge of Alle- thank Dr. John Cross, who gave the ents that we are taking action. We are giance. opening prayer. The Senior Pastor at cutting wasteful, unnecessary govern- Mr. POE of Texas led the Pledge of South Biscayne Church in Florida, he ment spending to the tune of $98 bil- Allegiance as follows: represents a county that I’m in, my lion. That’s how much Federal agencies I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the largest county, Sarasota County, in spent in improper payments and over- United States of America, and to the Repub- North Port, our largest city. He is payments in 2009; $98 billion is how b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5619 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:08 Jul 16, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15JY7.000 H15JYPT1 rfrederick on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with HOUSE H5620 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 15, 2010 much we stand to gain with the Im- The CBO has suggested that extend- dress the House for 1 minute and to re- proper Payments Elimination and Re- ing unemployment benefits is one of vise and extend his remarks.) covery Act. the most cost-effective and fast-acting Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. This bill will save taxpayer funds and ways to stimulate the economy. It is Speaker, seven proposals have been increase transparency by making Fed- our duty to act now and provide relief brought to this floor for a vote directly eral agencies accountable for the for millions of unemployed Americans from participants in the interactive money they spend. I’m telling my con- and their families. forum YouCut. These proposals are stituents right now, we are cutting f commonsense cost savers of the peo- wasteful spending, and we have a pow- ple’s money. House Republicans have erful new tool to do it. BROKEN GOVERNMENT listened to the will of the people and f (Mr. REICHERT asked and was given have voted to save billions by reform- ing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, by MOST AMERICANS WANT TO DRILL permission to address the House for 1 selling excess Federal lands, and by IN DEEP WATER minute.) Mr. REICHERT. Mr. Speaker, let’s preventing taxpayer subsidized union (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was get real. The real deal is government is activities. Yesterday, the House had given permission to address the House broken. another opportunity to save money by for 1 minute.) I’m always thankful to go back to getting rid of promotional stimulus Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, the the district and hear from our con- signs. American people are opposed to the ad- stituents, but you know what I’m hear- A year and a half after the spending ministration’s ban on deepwater drill- ing? The government’s broken, and the stimulus passed, unemployment has ing. Almost three-quarters of American American people are sick and tired of risen to 10 percent, as the so-called people, 73 percent, say the ban is not it. So am I. They’re tired of partisan stimulus has failed to create jobs. But necessary. But in spite of the will of games and business as usual. So am I. liberals cleverly came up with propa- most Americans, in spite of two court Why can’t we work together to solve ganda to push Americans on this failed rulings that say that the moratorium this country’s problems? Why can’t we policy at a cost of up to $10,000 a sign. is arbitrary, capricious, and punitive, get it right? Why are we not listening Stimulus signs are nationwide. If we the administration is determined to to the American public? Why? That’s eliminated this waste, $20 million kill jobs in the deepwater industry. the big question the American people could be saved. When it comes to You just can’t hit the pause button are asking. Why can’t we, as Members wasteful Washington spending, all on the gulf coast economy. The Presi- and Representatives of this great coun- signs point to the stimulus. dent’s moratorium on drilling is de- try and each and every district that we In conclusion, God bless our troops, stroying lives, and good people are represent, stand here together on this and we will never forget September the being put out of work on purpose by floor in this House and work together 11th in the global war on terrorism. this administration. These aren’t sta- to solve the problems that this Nation f tistics. These are real people, hard- is facing? It’s about freedom. It’s about UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE DOES working people. How do they pay their jobs. It’s about our country.
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