LANTEGLOS-BY-FOWEY PARISH COUNCIL NOTICE AND AGENDA OF THE FULL COUNCIL MEETING TO BE HELD IN WHITECROSS VILLAGE HALL TUESDAY 28TH APRIL 2015 @ 7.00 pm Members of the public and press are invited to attend this meeting of the Council. Minute AGENDA ITEMS Action Chairman’s Welcome and Public Forum –Members of the public may address the Council, prior to the commencement of the meeting. David Read – Community Link Officer for Liskeard and Looe Community Network Area. Mr Read will be attending to introduce himself, discuss the parish and answer any questions. Members to receive reports from outside authorities (where present). a. Police – PCSO David Evans b. County Councillor –Cllr Hannaford Cllr. Hannaford is to provide a copy of her report to be appended to the Minutes of this meeting Members’ Declarations: 55/2015 a. Pecuniary/Registerable Declarations of Interests – Members must declare an interest, which has been declared on their Register of Financial Interests Form, relevant to the agenda. b. Non-registerable Interests – Members must declare non-pecuniary interests at the start of the meeting or whenever the interests becomes apparent. c. Declaration of Gifts – Members are reminded they must declare any gift or hospitality with a value in excess of fifty pounds. d. Dispensations – Members to consider any written requests for dispensations. Cllr Wakeham is to sign his written dispensation request i.r.o. Polruan village hall. 56/2015 Apologies for Absence - 57/2015 Minutes of Meetings – a. Full Council Meeting 30th March 2015. 1 /LBF/CouncilMeetings/Agenda/2015-04-28 58/2015 Planning Matters – a. South Torfrey Farm, Golant – Minute 194f/2014 (deferred from the December 2014 meeting). Members to consider what enforcement action CC had taken regarding the removal of wind turbines, erected without planning permission. b. PA15/00618 – Chy Vounder – Proposed loft conversion and general refurbishments. This application has been WITHDRAWN. Planning Applications – a. Planning Applications – None received at time of print. b. Planning Applications Approved by CC – Information only. i. PA15/02869 – 7 Furze Park, School Lane, Polruan – Non material amendment to PA14/05808 (two storey side extension and loft conversion) to add screening to gable end French doors and circular window to dormer cheeks on south west elevation. Environmental and Amenity matters - 59/2015 c. The Quay Public Conveniences – Any further developments of the draft Clerk lease from the Town Trust - d. St Saviours Public Conveniences – i. Minute 45/2015 (h) refers. Cllr Wilde to report as to whether there Cllr Wilde are any maintenance issues. ii. Members to consider keeping St Saviours open until 8pm daily from May the 1st. Cllr Wilde e. Taps – Members to discuss the advantages of fitting the public conveniences with spring return, shut off taps. f. Quay Lighting – Minute 47/2015 (ii) refers. Any further developments Clerk form South West Water on the insufficient lighting that has been placed on the ferry steps. g. Frogmore WCs – Minute 21f/2015 refers. Members to receive an update Clerk regarding discussions with the National Trust (NT) to renew the lease on this property. h. Village Hall – Members to receive a response from the VH Committee Clerk (VHC), i.r.o: i. Who the Village Hall Trustees are? i. Scoop the Poop – Members to discuss the financial impact, advantages and local need in sourcing the glow in the dark “We Are Watching You” Posters and stickers from Looe Town Council. j. Fore Street Drains – Members to consider the ongoing issues with the drains in fore street and to decide the first steps in taking action to get them looked at and maintained. 60/2015 Administrative Matters – a. The Website – Minute 48/2015 (d) refers. An update from Cllr Fisher Cllr Fisher on the way in which the website can be better utilised. b. Social Media – Members to discuss and decide whether the use of social media would benefit the Parish Council. Clerk c. Office Equipment – Minute 45/2015 (i) refers. The Clerk to give a cost report on purchasing a projector and screen for future use at meetings. 2 /LBF/CouncilMeetings/Agenda/2015-04-28 d. Training Courses – Members to consider attending the following Courses. 1) Being a Better Councillor – Sessions will include roles and responsibilities, understanding council procedures, code of conduct and law. 16th May 2015, Epiphany House Truro, 10am – 4pm at a cost of £60 + vat per delegate. 2) Chairmanship – To include the introduction to basic chairmanship skills, chairing difficult meetings, the use of the casting vote. 7th July 2015, Liskeard Town Council Offices, 7pm – 9pm at a cost of £22 + vat per delegate. 3) Freedom of Information and Data Protection Act – The ICO will be delivering a one day event to include data protection issues for local councils. W/c 22nd September 2015, venue tbc, 10am – 3:30pm at a cost of £37 + Vat per delegate. 4) Budget Setting and Precept – The Course will take you through the considerations before budget setting and will look at how to establish the council’s precept. 30th September 2015, Liskeard Town Council Offices, 7pm – 9pm at a cost of £22 + vat per delegate. 5) Forward Planning – This event is designed to help councillors create a plan for a longer period than just the financial year. 22nd October 2015, Liskeard Town Council Offices, 7pm - 9pm at a cost of £22 + vat per delegate. e. Code of Conduct Training – Liskeard One Stop Shop, Luxstowe House. Thursday 16th July, 2pm – 4pm. Clerk to book numbers. This event is free. f. Bank Mandate for Barclays – Members to consider adding signatories to the account. g. Communication Strategy Policy – Members to consider the draft proposed policy. Cllr Fisher 61/2015 Financial Matters – a. Accounts for Payment – Schedule 2014/15 12. Clerk b. Budget Monitor – To be circulated at the meeting. Please note that Clerk “Ocean lighting and maintenance” has now been changed to “Parish lighting and maintenance”. The SSE maintenance payments have been confirmed as correct after they were questioned at last month’s meeting. c. Asset Register - Minute F&GP49/2014 refers. The Asset Register is to be Cllr Adams updated, in accordance with the following: i. Public Benches – Members to receive a verbal report following the ‘inspection walk’, to include: Removal of condemned benches – Cllr. Fisher to action. Provision of three new benches – for purchase in 2015/16. ii. Grit Bins – Members to receive a verbal report regarding: Location Plan and Condition report. d. Notice Boards – Members to receive a verbal report regarding any repairs to be carried out. e. Application of Grant Aid – Members to consider the application made by Lanteglos-by-Fowey Parochial Church Council. 3 /LBF/CouncilMeetings/Agenda/2015-04-28 62/2015 Correspondence / Documents – not covered elsewhere on the agenda: a. The New Care Act – This came into place of April 1st and will help to make care and support more consistent across England. If you receive care or support someone as a carer, you could benefit from the changes. To find out more, visit www.cornwall.gov.uk/careact b. Case For Cornwall – Cornwall Council have published the “Case for Cornwall “ which sets out details of the additional powers and freedoms the people of Cornwall are calling on the next government to give. They are asking for people to show their support by joining the campaign “Stand up for Cornwall”. More information can be found via the website http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/council-and-democracy/council-news- room/case-for-cornwall/ c. Libraries and One Stop Shops – Cornwall Council are asking people to give their views on the library and One Stop Shop services. There are a number of ways to do this including an on-line questionnaire or attending one of the public drop in sessions. For all information please go to http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/leisure-and-culture/libraries/library-and-one- stop-shop-review-consultation/ d. Have Your Say Panel – PC Libby, the Neighbourhood Beat Manager for the Looe area, invites thoughts on Looe policing area introducing a “Have Your Say” group that would meet at Looe Police Station on a quarterly basis to discuss various matters and agree actions. Representatives from parish councils are asked to attend and partner agencies would be invited for their input. It would not replace the visits to parish meetings but would reduce the need and expectation to do so. Members to discuss, so that the Clerk can report back. 63/2015 Information Only / Reports / Future Agenda Items – a. Pear Technology Services LTD – A licensed supplier of Ordinance Survey Clerk Map Data – Minute 48/2015 (c) refers. The Clerk has invited Pear Technology Services Ltd to provide a demo at the June meeting. b. Freedom of Information Request – Case number FS50570134. Members Cllr Moore are to receive an update on this request. c. War Memorial Committee (WMC) – Minute 21b/2015 refers. Any update as to whether the site survey has been carried out. d. Fore Street – minute 45/2015 (g) refers. The Clerk has reported the large pot hole in Fore Street to Mr Adrian Drake, Highways Manager at Cormac. He has acknowledged this and passed it onto the Coordinator. e. Litter bins – Due to the amount of domestic rubbish being place in the bins on Polruan Quay, Corey will be placing “No Commercial Waste” stickers on all bins. Any bags left outside the bins will be inspected for evidence and any evidence will be passed onto the Enforcement Officer to pursue. Corey will monitor the problem. 64/2015 Diary Dates – a. 4 /LBF/CouncilMeetings/Agenda/2015-04-28 65/2015 Closed Session – In view of the special/confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.
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