Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1983-84 The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 10-6-1983 The thI acan, 1983-10-06 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1983-84 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1983-10-06" (1983). The Ithacan, 1983-84. 6. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1983-84/6 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1983-84 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. ITHACA COLLEGE THE ITHACAN 7,,...1.d 1119, , ·~ _ 0(.;1 1 A Student Newspaper For Ithaca College Fwml I 932 D 1983 lncarporared I 969 October li, 1983 Workshop Provides Leadership Skills By Barbara Richards rnrnplislunenl was for tlw t·d: making dt·rision!, and ov1·r­ n1t'mliers 10 learn new leader­ This past weekend fif1y-two rnming olls1<1rks: allowing student leaders representing ship skills along with an nwrnlwr!, ol each group 10 practically every organization understanding of !heir realiL<· !heir importance; juMl­ at Ithaca College ,lltended tlw orgamzation and motivalions. ing acaclcmic, personal and cx- Fall 198:i All Campus Leader· Also lhe studcnis were expos­ 1racurricular cornm1ttmcnts; ship Workshop. Under the ed to other leaders of difft'rent and approaching and evcn1ual­ direction of Sharon Policello dubs anrl cornm1t1<·es. ly getting rid of apa1hy in and Don Hoscnblum, Director Hopefully, a 1w1work will lw your~<'lf ancl your orgaruzat,on. and Assistant Director of Cam­ formed among 1hem 10 1>cnd11 Tlw s1udrnts were grouped ac­ pus :\c1iv11ies, the students lcfl each of their organiL,llions and cording to orgcJnizations, in- the campus around 4:30pm tl1t' ennrt· campus communily, 1cn·s1s. and qucllification~ for Friday, Scptemlier 30, for The schedule for the the las1 leadership lab. ThL<; Cayuga Lake Nature Center. workshop was entirely s1ruc­ was a more md1V1dual effort to This was the fifth year lhe tured and allowed participants deal with specific problt'rns. worl,shop was held and it in­ to attend four leadership Jails. Throughoul 1lw workshop " eluded various activities and The firs1 two !alls discussecl ther<' were also cJC11vili<'s ~ ... .. - . ... ., 9 "lndividu<1l Needs ancl Motiva­ which enablc:d the kaders to D1'lu:arg the ManOWar ~ are,, left to rig}ll, Inigo \'alltil} d1scussiom, on leadership skills and responsibilities. tion" and "Delegalion am! gel acquainted and work \.igrra-,~aru Directcr, Barry Lancin-Directcr ard Gu5av (9'.lpl There were many goals of Task Preferences". The third together toward a rnmmon l,u~kn-Cl-.lirrmn of the Cioom arxl ltdograjlly Ot,:mtm-nt. the weekend evenls. Accor­ lab was the choice of the in­ goal, The one cvem that many ding to Policello, the major ac- dividual and the topics includ- participants expressed as the M.T. V. continued on page s AT ITHACA b} Joe Epstein tant director. working under \lmosl every LC. student Berry Landon. a 1978 LC. 1,·,1111~ an opportunity to work graduate." It was a special in .i professional setting. This shoot because the director did i~ t'½p<·cially true in the School all the camera work so ot <:ommunications, where students had more power in ~1udt'nls seek internships for making decisions and could be 1111· !,Limmer or a semester. more creative as opposed to . \1 h 11ier they arc TY /R, being mechanical. It was an , ,\i <.11wrna/Photo. Gommunica­ amazing learning experience ,d 11nn~ \lanagement or Theatre for everyone involved." said ;:j .\rl!, majors studenis try to get Inigo. Landon. who has work­ /1 proft·~s1onal experience while ed in both Hollywood and New ·] ilu·y aw still in school. York City was the Oirector and ·,,'J L,l!,I week, students in the camera man. William Cole. a ·1· St hool of Communications had junior film production major. ¥' .i r<11c opportunity to work on was the· assistant cameraman. f .i prolessional shoot. The rock "Everyone was willing to learn { g_roup Manowar came to Ithaca and did what they were asked, • Lollt·gc to get help filming a It was good to be able to work . ,....~, ·; ...... ~ rid(·o for their song Gloves of in a professional situation." HClcr11 ramr W<'dih<·r j1u1~ d c!Jrnp1·r on ('dlllpu~ Ill!' Metal. Shot in 16mm film. the Billy Hall, a senior Cinema major who spent last semester ~-------------_:______________________ _j arlion will be transferred to video before it is edited. The in Hollywood was the lighting crew and cast for the video director. "I saw a lot of crews COll!,Isted almost entirely of at work when I was in Parking Solutions? llhc1ra college students. Hollywood and I ,think the <,ustav Landen. Chairman of students on this shoot worked by Dian Dulberger situation, Safety ancl Sernr1ty re­ lh<' Cmema and Photography better than most professional This is the second of two ar­ The committee rnnrluded painted most of lhe lots to Dqwtment coordinated the crews ·did. The students were ticles dealing with the issue of that some suggestions were make the spaces narrower. ~hooling, "I did most of the willing to do more then their parking space at Ithaca Col­ feac;ible. such as a meterper­ and restrippt':d 1hose they flnc1ncial planning and let the jobs called for so things went lege. The first article exposed son, The process of hiring a could. In all. a total of rn s1uclents do the rest. we had very smooth," the problems that have been part-lime meterperson has spaces were picked up. s<·veral students who did a When there is the opportuni­ voiced and seen making been implemented. but the job The "S" lot, where freshmen grt·<11 deal of work for the ty for students to work on this both student and admm1stra­ would only be for the lime the are required to park L<; alc;o con­ shoo1, All of the students had type of project, many get the tion aware of regulations that students are on campus, This sidered the "over-flow" 101 an opportunity to work under experience. All of the students now stand. person would not be a student Anyonr can park there. but very professional conditions. had a fun time working with ------ for reasons of peer some students figure this 1~ ·1 hey were able to see what ii Man o war on this rare chance Louis Withiam, Director of pressure.This would prevent where the extra space is and lc1kes to put together this type to get professional experience, Safety and Security at Ithaca "hopscotching" by resident thus disregard natural parking of filming." Should this situation arise College is concerned about the students between classes, procedures. The problem of again, many of I.C. students problems but feels a lot of time Donna Hoffman, a senior The parking lot problems are "between spot" people still ex­ will get a chance to have fun. and effort has been put into the T\'/R major was the Producer another story. In order to get ists, These people park get experience and see what proposed changes. of the film. ·~tarted doing the full use of the curb space. diagonally across two spaces lies ahead. "We did a video for A group of students. pro­ odds and ends fo~film and cars must park at 90 degree or else they park "half and Desperado last year, so there fessors, and officers among soon became producer. I got angles (directly toward the half": half between each spot. is the opportunity for others to others comprise a group called lhe cast and crew together and curb), Diagonal stripping of lots These people are ticketed. be done here." said Depart­ the"Private Policy committee" they were all volunteers." takes extra space and possibily a job to be taken by ment Chairman Landen. If you which thr.ough the course of Other students were also put in therefore takes much more the meterperson, After so can get MTV, watch for Gloves the academic year meet to r>ositions of importants. Inigo consideration before discuss and hash out problems continu~..9,!t.pag&lir N"'Jf.\ Vallejo-Nagera was the assis- of Metal ,you'll see some of implementing. your · fellow students work. and solutions to the parking nHAl.A --- l I HE ITI-IACAN ... Otlobcr 6. 1983 FROM OUR POINT OF VIEW on September 30, 1983 all Ithaca College students education. one must sub­ stated within the original 98-perccnt. If this is so it Ithaca College came into asking if the~' were mit proof that they are in law, a maximum of five shows that people are accordance with the registered and setting out accordance with a ISi years in jail, and no serious about their college Solomon Amendment to the penalties for non­ registration of more than a s10,ooo fine. education and will do the Defense Authorization compliance with this law. themselves. this infringes Why more penalties are what is needed to insure Act of 1983. This amend­ Failure to return the on at least one of our needed to be added to proper funding to con­ ment stipulates that in enclosed card would be basic rights as American these already strict tinue this education. The order to receive federally taken as meaning that the citizens. penalties, is hard to decision to return the funded tuition assist, nee. person was not in com­ This law itself is a law understand. draft registration/financial a man must show , ,roof pliance with Draft of discrimination.
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