WINTER 2016 The Anglican Link 3 The Anglican parishes of the Territory of Serving hundreds the People walk together with all God’s Anglican people, journeying into a new creation, of parishioners and trusting with faith and courage in and friends across the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We B.C.’s Central Interior love as Jesus loves, living with integrity and openness, and are committed stewards of God’s creation. +he Link WINTER 2016 WHAT’S INSIDE Waiting, longing & welcoming this Advent and Christmas PAGE 3 Painting the Stars “When we wait for the blessed families. Longing to just be in we take time to look at what we series offers an hope and the manifestation of the one’s home country with familiar are longing for, and what we want glory of our great God and Sav- language and culture around them. for the world around us, and set opportunity to explore iour, Jesus Christ.” Titus 2.13 Longing for all the things you and it alongside the gospel that calls evolving Christianity I long for in our lives. And yet us to welcome again the source of itUS reMinDS US of these men and women find them- true and lasting joy. both the longing for the selves aboard an ocean going ship Let us look for those opportuni- coming of Christ in Advent in a faraway place, having brought ties in our communities to deliver and the great celebration to us in Canada all the delightful a small gift of friendship, love and ofT welcome of the baby Jesus at things we surround ourselves with care for those far from home and/ Christmas. at Christmas. or longing for something more this Longing is basic to the human It is the seafarer’s job to bring Christmastime. And may they see condition. True longing engages Bishop Barbara Andrews from far off countries in the “gift box” (our small acts), our passions and our wills. It all the mate- that we are delivering the love of PAGE 2 involves the commitment of our rial goods we Christ, wrapped as a tiny baby Helpful resources entire being. Advent invites us spend hours who comes to us at Christmas with always available from to explore our longings and our The items shopping the greatest gift of all . the glory capacity to envisage a better future have been lov- for, to of our great God and Saviour, Anglican Fellowship for ourselves and the world around ingly collected delight our Jesus Christ. of Prayer us. by supporters families Happy Advent and a Joyous On a recent visit to the Mission of the mission with on Christmas, to Seafarers in Vancouver, in the to give to those Christmas +Barbara back of the chapel were Christmas who long to be morning. decorations and many boxes of elsewhere at Christ- It is hard to This Advent, please pray items that will make up a gift mas. Those far from imagine their for seafarers and the work of box being prepared to take out by home longing to be with loneliness and all they the Mission to Seafarers, the water ferry to each of the seafar- family, to do the familiar, everyday long for as they spend months ers in the Vancouver harbour this away from their loved ones. Apostleship of the Sea and the tasks, watching their children grow International Sailors Society. Christmas week. and supporting the elders of their As we wait this Advent, may Heartfelt wishes for a joyous and blessed An excellent video describing the history of the Bank) is available at flyingangel.ca/page/history. Each pastoral, spiritual, legal, medical, social, advocacy and Christmas season! Mission to Seafarers in Vancouver and it’s work at the year, the mission visits about 2,000 ships and hosts communication services. This immensely rich ministry Port of Vancouver (including Fraser Port and Roberts up to 14,000 seafarers by providing a wide range of works seven days a week, 365 days of the year. 2 The Anglican Link WINTER 2016 Anglican >>> ANGLICAN FELLOWSHIP OF PRAYER heLink +A section of the Anglican Journal Volume 15, No. 4 Resources to enrich prayer life Publisher APCI/The Territory T. PAUL SAYS that prayer For lay people to take a more When we pray for others we PraYer CHainS of the People is more than what we do, it active part in the liturgy by being have a particular sense that Christ FOR InterceSSORY PraYer Managing Editor is what God does through readers and intercessors. is our Advocate. (Booklet G25) Cathy Wozlowski us. This booklet gives a very good This helpful booklet gives us An excellent practical booklet [email protected] S description of the scope of Prayers some very good understandings 250-376-0038 (home) “The Spirit helps us in our for setting up a prayer chain in a 250-319-3540 (cell) weakness; for we do not know of the People in the liturgy and and practical hints about content, parish. very practical steps for preparation pitfalls and organization for Production & Design how to pray as we ought, but that Lorraine Winter very Spirit intercedes with sighs and delivery. this ministry. It also gives more PraYer VigilS [email protected] too deep for words . We know resources for more depth study. — A HOW TO BOOKlet InterceSSORY PraYerS Printing & Mailing (Booklet G28) that all things work together for (booklet P4) WebNews Printing Inc. good for those who love God, who A very concise guide for setting Note to parishes: are called according to his pur- up a vigil which comes with a The Link is distributed poster and sign up form. as part of the Anglican Journal. For pose.” (Romans 8:26-28 ) everyone in your congregation Anglican Fellowship of Prayer These pamphlets and many (and friends) to receive The has put out four excellent pam- more are available at www.angli- Anglican Link and The Anglican canprayer.org or we have some Journal, please update your parish phlets on intercessory prayer lists and send to: within the parish community: available at the Resource Centre. Beverley Murphy. Blessings on your prayer life. Circulation Department, 80 Hayden St. HanDBOOK FOR ReaDerS Toronto, Ont, M4Y 3G2 Submitted by circulation@national anD InterceSSORS Gordon and Mary Dove and The Rev. Kris Dobyns anglican.ca (Booklet P/G 32) The neXT LINK Books for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany “It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you. Yes, it is Christmas every The deadline for RESOURCE submissions for the time you smile at your brother and offer him SPRING ISSUE your hand.” CENTRE of The Anglican Link Mother Teresa from A Classic Christmas is March 1, 2017. Please send your copy and IT IS THat tiME OF year again when we focus @ St. Paul’s Cathedral photos to Managing Editor on the Incarnation, God’s wonderful activity Cathy Wozlowski at [email protected]. of entering humanity so that we may become All submissions welcome. more Godly. Down through the ages and prison cell, flung open the doors of hope, and down through each of our individual spiritual sailed heavenward as heart-wrenching prayers, journeys we can give thanks that our God has prayers from a condemned man, prayers from a lovingly chosen to walk with us for our time on hopeful man, prayers from a man who embod- this earthly home. ied what it means to pray May your Kingdom We would like to highlight a couple of small come.” books of reflection for individuals and small Scot Mcknight groups for this season of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany: CHriSTMAS IS NOT YOUR BirtHDAY — Experience the Joy GOD IS in THE Manger of Living and Giving Like Jesus by Dietrich Bonhoffer by Mike Slaughter This devotional brings together daily reflec- Every year, we say we’re going to cut back, and joy that comes through adherence to Him. tions from one of the 20th century’s most simplify, and have a family Christmas that This book invites us once again to surrender A perfect gift beloved theologians, Dietrich Bonhoffer (1906- focuses on the real reason for the season-Jesus. ourselves to God’s intentions in and through 1945). These reflections have been chosen But every year, advertisements beckon, the Jesus.” for Baptism especially for the seasons of Advent and Christ- children plead, and it seems easier just to Alan Hirsch mas, a time when the liturgical calendar high- Give a gift of Hope Bear indulge our wants and whims. Overspending, lights several themes of Bonhoffer’s beliefs and overeating, materialism and busyness rob us of We have other seasonal books available at to someone who is being teachings; that Christ expresses strength best baptized. Your $20 our peace and joy, and rob Jesus of his rightful the Centre if you need them and did not get through weakness, that faith is more important role as centre of our celebration. donation benefits a child them in your last book box. than the beguiling trappings of religion, and “In this very readable book, veteran radical Have a blessed Holy Season. in need in Canada. that God is often heard most clearly by those in Mike Slaughter has penned a rather punchy poverty and distress. “These Advent and Christ- reflection on the real meaning and signifi- Mary & Gordon Dove mas reflections of Bonhoffer flew from his www.anglicanfoundation.org cance of Christmas — the wonder of Jesus Resource Centre coordinators ST. GEORGE’S Party a big hit with the kids Kamloops THIS Year we DeciDED TO have a costume party for the Sunday School children and youth.
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