![Now, Me 0 1 % Skier Iigni Sl Irs, More in G Eavalan H I ] Uches ;L](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
A LITTLE SOMEIHINGIG EICTRA CAN IDDAHO COMPETE? Get out in MIVini-Cassia /|^ N o . 1 CS:srtal<en W hatt!the state needs From cheesem akirking to opera to t o 0overtim \ e .to entktice gunm akers, quilting, find w hata t ^ ^ b ) y C E U . EBUSINESS, B l S u m this area has February 10,200!d008 I i$1.50V w 'i ^ ^ H P familv life. F l 's'SPORTS, Dl t o o f f e r , Good IVIornIng V _ ' W gh :39 . LowSO Slightly cooler, mostly cloudy. DotallKDS — M3gkVnlley.<m — Road to & i n g tthe White i i g n i3r ■ House Sen. I)nr;ick O h am a w on caucuses in Nebraska and Washington slate and the i.ouislana primary Slu p p >l o r t i.SadircJay iiiglit, slicing Inli: to .Sen. llillar>' Itodhain Clinton's slender delegale lead. Sen. lohn McCain nunked his firsi hallol lest since becoming the K'He|)iil)lican iKiminee-in- vvalling,vv losing liie Kansas . caucuses lo Mike ^ \ivl_ Iltickahee. ' 5 : ' ' ■ r - v c Si:ii .Moiii: o r th is sn iiiv ON I’ACii/Vl Republicans | : W & 1.191 delecalcs nre needed to win tlic nomination. John McCain OTK 719 j p f i Miko Huckaboo 234 Democrats 2 ,025 (leleeates are neoclod to win itie nominntio'i. Hillary H ^ ^ H r / ' Borack j.( Obama 1,029 H i Distant] Kristi Amollns, «n (nttnctor inI the Literacy Center at the idaho SchoolScl ofthe Deaf and Blind, and CanCannetl Curtis n atch u nlor Max StiStewart a« he signs a t the school<1 la Goodins. Jrecovery O tter’s surgery Stud{lents at CGooding’ j’s Idaho) Schoo for rehab! keeps him out o f Boise BlBy iarcd S. Hopkins the DeaiafandtlheBlinc worry aabout cllosure Tlmo»Wow8 w riter________ ' * I! IlOISl--W hile (iov. Cl. By Andrea Gates r>:m grad u ates sin c u iioil opened j in l!)l()wiili5i deaf':if or blin d “ I h aa ^ v e m o r e ■'I•'H indi" O liiT ii-L'ovi'ts Times-News writer______ ______ stu d e n is. frfrom hip surgery al his StndciH numbers, aalo lo n g w ilh lh e G ooding c a mipus, p bur- frif niiidi ill Star — t’lreciivcly G O O D IN G — S tu d c m si illat tiie idaho Sdiool for the DeafID( geoncd for dccades., TbT h e n , in tiie e arly lilDOs, e nnrollmeni r iiH• i e n d s . "running governinenl via and (hu UHnii sqtice/x'd iirotiro tin d :i taiilc, le an in g ov er traystr: slnrtcd fnliing ns medic;dical advances began lo limitlit o r m ill- lcle k 'p h o n e — th e stale a m - licnpcd with nachos as the)lliey sociali/cd witiiout a soui)und. gate birih defccis, andid aas m ore parents chose to ke llm ies Hi , , • Tltcir hands glided emphntihnlicaily tiirough tiie air, signi[•ning cliildren closer to liomu)ine and enrolled in local scho H e r e w e c a n o;; p e r a t e In S ld C words in n cofcicria of cnipt'nptyciialrs. W ilh just i)l stu d ennts, ts, th e s c h o o l n o w is nt le ssi ilianil lialf n i p t e r ' ' ' Legislature Called "the Cadillac" ofdtf deaf and blind education by its Its capacity, Many at; tluth e sc lio o l fea r closure Is imiimineni. n rOTl n v e r s e . " r ll c tm d j e s own director, the school hus its supporters — nnd ils> cicril- I’roponenis of mainslinstream ing call sdiools forr tth e d e af ics. The State tJoard of Hducijucatlon is now considering; cic u ts a n d blind ou id n ted , eexp x p e n siv e , in c o n v e n ie n t a n diundesir- i j , j 1 d a ll 0 ' on wilh in the school’s budgei, Icaviiaving students here lo ihinicIc thattl able. Me.lnwhlle, fedendenii m andates for eduaiiionon of dis- I t s 3.a deeper [;Legislature no end ofiicinls h a v e largely ignoredircd tlieir conccms. abled kids In the “lea:least restrictive environmeniml." hnve b e g in s ils jn sight, 1\v o d e a f te e n a g e rs saidd lilital wlicn ihey were in rcgugular prompted local schools)ols to expand services, sixili week ----------- public schools tlicy felt isoirsolaicd and got poor grades.s. ButE As a result.O'l deaff or b lin d a n d 30'J h e a rin g nndnd visual- firiO Illn d s h i p . ” M onday. Sco pogo Cl Uiat changcd when tiiey traitransferred to the stale-runI resi-rc ly impaired studentsts iattend class elsewhere in Idalio, n n d law* d e n tia l a n d dny sch o o l inI GoGooding th a t h a s had m o ret th a n acc o rd in g to llie sla tele D epartm ent of I-ducallon. — 18-ycar-oldsld Jacob Sanders, of mni a k ers will his tim e at thithe Idaho School for continue lo wresile wilh a th ee CDeaf and the Blind shrinking budget, educa- S E E Mf O R E OF t h iI' S STORY ON PAGEF A 6 IIIlion polic)’ disputes and Ihk ow lo fu n d road consm ic- ' ......... ■■■ IIIlion — all without the nearliyni pa'sence of a gov­ e rn o r tw o lilocks away. More srnow, me0 1 % skierirs, moreeavalanuches ;Please see OTTER. Page A3 l( ByieffBamatd downhill, despcperately swimming' inel Reyes pauses while dlj- i Aisoclated Preas writer w ith h is a rm s5 tto keep his head s o rt of his heoseon Jan. ab o v e th e snowV. , , ^ 29afUafter H was hit by an ava- •Jim M cCarthy was aboutut na d o z en “T im e se em eed d to slo w do w n an d lanchiche in Ketchum. Officials turns into his badccountryry [powder my mind spedI u]upi I iliought 1 was :ed residents In some slide- Forf moro stories about the r u n w h e n h e h e a rd a lowt ruim m b tin g a b o u t to die. a nnd d b la m e d m y selffo r me areas about ■ mile west Idaho|( Legislature,'a blog by sound and saw the slope)pc abo\’e ignoring the warning• signs," ofth#'Ihe'citynot to stay In their pollUcal reporter Jarod S. him begin to move. M cC arthy w rotc te 1in a re p o rt for l h e . ’ ,' nes, but It is unclear bow . Hopkins aiKi more, go to He had slowed to check!ck on tiie U.S. Forest Servirvlce. "I could have • • ' . ' * hornet , Ms^cvalIey.com tilt th o . --------s k lert-in -h is-p arty Jifih ln d[t Jilh im , h u t av o id ed th is aval;^anche.but instead • • " mattytny took that advice. ^ an d li\ no time at ^ found,d 1h im s elf ncck-dcep in snow, shootingsh Please see!AVAL«(CHE.PageA6 Al II Al >txjf Sejvtco flircaofy .........___ E ll DeofAOCy...............................................F4 ;u m e ie........................................ElO McMes___......................... ...........C5 SDOft!DOftS .......................................... 01 ............................ Cl OBitwries,.s ...................................... 02 Sj ;(J01 .........................................E8 Brldee........................................., . .E ll Empi<vwni ......................................... El Mask: Valley......... ClastlfleOs................................. .El-12 ramlly W a...............................................F l ....................................... C7 Opinion . ......................................... G6 Ttft«l ..........................•.................07 ila ............................ -..,E 4 w-eain M i l Ilg Cro«woffl........................................... E9 Horojcoee..'.......................................F4 Money ..............................................Dl ReaiEslat#. .........................................08 \ - i ^ J % .................. .......... TtaMt4(m.Twln Fab, Idaho \ s S U ( / / p T ODAy’SFORECACAST_______________ Tonight Mond k E F T oday Tc s M ( O R I ^ [N G l FING P gRAPHKGMEMCORY Small cKanM pi Drcozy, sousoutr^woet PHOTOC Moitly e!oo(}/tl*io«. Sma Uuoxywutlioily wtWKrtY i.liuwu>» wttyJs ondnd imostty ' - >uc>y winds • • cloutfi 's, then and now ... seen through the len:3ns of photographers, H igh 39 L<Low 30 ■)! /:/23 The Magic; VValley’s history a s si - The Twin Falls Milling and I I I III IIIM Qevstor Company, built In cloudy skios a n d brooTy, •'.outh1 to 10 Todny: Pnrtly to mo'-.ily clou 1914, It the last remaining , tiiidtllc- lc< u p p er 30s ooiithv/i!^1 winds, Hirjhs tnii stnictureauoclated with the TonlghI: Btoo^y and clouUilu'.Iy »’/ill' r.catto'r'fl '.now chw/r.'t! llutri'.’S. lov/:. itmljlu- )■., period when irrigation first Tomorrow; Pnrily tf) md'-.lly'-.Ily niniifly. -5liQ»l rliant:(- (i( *;nnv made fanning possible In •iiiWLTS (iiicJ btue/y. i.ouilivulliv(i,-;.t Wind-.,. H i < j l i ; - 3 0lO s s . thli part of Idaho. The build­ ing w at part of ala rg er com­ Complete weatheher report: See pagee DI 8 plex of rira d u re t and illot i' constroctedtoprocesf S B I H li wheat end store flour. By n B ^ n | I; - 1968, most of the milling T ODAY’S HAPPEf'ENINGS ________________ F t i l li operations had ceased and BENEFITSSAND a FUNDRAISERS by 1992, all but lh9 w ar^ house and six tllot had been “Biscuits.
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