PENSACOLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE Update| Spring 2013 PCCinfo.com PRESIDENT’S COLUMN From the President Dr. Troy A. Shoemaker s Pensacola Christian College the learning environment, but also A looks forward to its 40th year serve to prepare individuals for suc- this fall, we are thankful for its rich cess in today’s technological world. heritage. Our history is marked by Fifth, to serve the need for ad- humble beginnings, faithful leader- vanced training, attention must be ship, and God’s wonderful blessing; given to the expansion of distance and as we move into our fifth decade, and correspondence delivery for- it is exciting to see the possibilities mats, especially on the graduate and before us. seminary levels. During my first year as president, Sixth, the vision includes strong it has been a distinct privilege to promotion of the spiritual emphasis, develop understanding and clarity in character, and unique qualities and planning for the college. At inaugura- culture of PCC. Both prospective and tion in October, I shared the following current students need to see that PCC ideas as part of our vision for PCC. has something they can get nowhere First, the vision includes renewed else: the opportunity to grow person- attention to principles, policies, and ally in an academic rich environment procedures that impact our spiritual that is conducive to spiritual devel- ministry, academics, and student life. opment. It is healthy to step back and look at The last objective is to support how our policies and procedures ac- the various areas of this diverse in- tually support our guiding principles. stitution with leadership that upholds The second objective includes our spiritual ministry, inspires our significant allocation of time and sense of unity and teamwork, and resources toward assessment and assures each member of the faculty institutional effectiveness. This sim- and staff that their personal effort is ply means that we need to know for recognized and appreciated. sure that we are meeting our intended My prayer is that our team will mission and purpose, and that we are continue to faithfully do what God has doing so effectively and efficiently. called us to do here. It is a privilege Third, the vision requires the Col- to serve others; and there is a level lege to maintain the high academic of excellence that people have come rigor inherent in its liberal arts pro- to expect from us. grams and a continued effort toward We cherish the history and tradi- accreditation as quickly as possible. tions of Pensacola Christian College, Fourth, the vision calls for the in- and we are seeking the Lord’s direc- tegration of appropriate instructional tion for how to best plan for the future technologies. These not only enhance until He returns. CONTENTS Connect with Us PCCinfo.com/GetConnected Inauguration doughnuts? Read about PCC students’ surprise treat at— PCCinfo.com/Doughnuts PCC HAPPENINGS Presidential Inauguration Week 02 Dramatic Productions 04 FEATURE | Current Christianity Christianity & Secularism 06 Liberal Christianity 10 The World’s Most Dynamic Religion 12 MAJOR SPOTLIGHT Bible 14 HIGHLIGHTS New Graphic Design Grad Programs 16 Grab ’n Go Meals 17 SMART Boards in the Classroom 18 CAMPUS POST 20 Spiritual Growth CONNECTIONS 21 Employment Opportunities ©2013 Published by Pensacola Christian College and distributed free. For correspondence or change of address, write PCC Update, Pensacola Christian College, P.O. Box 18000, Pensacola, FL 32523-9160, U.S.A. PCC is located at 250 Brent Lane, Pensacola, Fla. PCC HAPPENINGS PCC’s Presidential Inauguration Week PCC celebrated the inauguration of Dr. Troy Shoemaker as second president with a week full of informative, inspirational, and historic events. eginning with an inspiring patri- applause throughout the evening. Botic Fine Arts performance and College chapel welcomed two of concluding with an early morning Eagle the student body’s favorite speakers, 5K run, Inauguration Week (Oct. 6–13, PCC alumnus Dr. Jeff Redlin (CO) and ’12) featured an assortment of events Dr. Johnny Pope (TX), who encouraged to celebrate this momentous occasion students to serve God with their youth. in PCC’s history. Thursday offered a host of events Marking the beginning of the week’s starting with informative Academic activities, the first Fine Arts Series of Symposiums, which brought PCC the semester presented the nation- alumni to campus to discuss how ally acclaimed a cappella group Lib- PCC’s training has benefited their erty Voices. Their sensational perfor- ministries and careers. mance, covering 200 years of American For the All-Star Soccer Game, the music and history, elicited resounding best men’s collegian players from Na- [ 2 ] PCCINFO.COM INAUGURATION WEEK tional and American leagues banded members of the PCC community together for exciting competition. participated in the ceremony. U.S. The popular Eagle Mania wel- Congressman Jeff Miller (FL), Pastor comed 3,000 students and guests for David Teis of Liberty Baptist Church a late-night rally to build school spirit. (NV), and representatives of the Riding in on a decked-out golf cart driv- city, students, faculty, alumni, and en by his wife, President Shoemaker Board of Directors offered support to gave high fives and shot tee shirts to Dr. Shoemaker at the formal beginning the crowd with the Eagle cannon be- of his new position. fore introducing Eagor, PCC’s mascot. To conclude the week, the Eagles During Friday’s Inauguration Cer- 5K saw record numbers of students emony, Dr. Shoemaker was formal- pounding the pavement. President ly installed as second president of Shoemaker shot the start gun to begin PCC. Founder and President Emeritus the race, and later he and his wife, De- Dr. Arlin Horton presented Dr. Shoemaker nise, posed for pictures with students. with the presidential medallion and We thank God for His provision chain of office, symbolizing the trans- and anticipate His continued blessing feral of presidential authority. on PCC under Dr. Shoemaker’s godly Several distinguished guests and leadership. View highlights from the Presidential Inauguration Ceremony online at PCCinfo.com/Inauguration. Eagles 5K Eagle Mania Liberty Voices PCC UPDATE [ 3 ] PCC HAPPENINGS “Three Little Maids” from Gilbert & Sullivan’s The Mikado Captivating Campus Performances Fine Arts Series provide students an evening of enjoyable entertainment. Bob Cratchit carries Tiny Tim home for [ 4 ] PCCINFO.COM a holiday meal in A Christmas Carol. PRODUCTIONS Katie Andrews (center) played leading role in Anne of Green Gables. From seat or stage, PCC students enjoy dramatic productions throughout the year. ights dim, and a hush falls over a Each production provides many op- Lfull house of students, faculty, and portunities for involvement. Students administration as well as Pensacola resi- of varied majors audition for leading dents and guests. As the curtain draws, roles, cast positions, orchestra, or the stage comes to life with colorful chorus. Some choose behind-the- costumes, artistic sets, thematic music, scenes work, building props, working and moving performances. with stage crew, and assisting with Dramatic performances highlight costumes and make-up. each semester at PCC. This past semes- “Productions are a great opportu- ter included the dramatic production nity to make close friends and learn Tell Me a Christmas Story, featuring five a lot about stage productions,” said Christmas classics: The Gift of the Magi, performance studies major Katie An- A Charlie Brown Christmas, A Christmas drews (Sr., FL), who recently played the Carol, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, title character in Anne of Green Gables. and The Christmas Nutcracker, each This spring anticipates Oscar Wilde’s directed and performed by students in The Importance of Being Earnest, fea- the Experimental Theatre. turing witty Victorian characters and Uniting students with experienced unforgettable plot twists as two wily faculty, the fall Fine Arts Series brought men determine to win the hearts of the Gilbert and Sullivan’s operetta The Mika- women they love. do to the Dale Horton Auditorium stage, A time to gather with friends or a tracing Nanki-Poo and Yum-Yum’s come- date, these programs invite audiences dic pursuit of love as they fled forced to sit back and enjoy an evening of engagements and possible execution. thoughtful entertainment. PCC UPDATE [ 5 ] FEATURE | Current Christianity Is Christianity Losing Ground to Secularism? by S. Michael Craven [ 6 ] PCCINFO.COM CHRISTIANITY & SECULARISM Statistics showing America’s religious/spiritual decline imply that society is becoming more secularized. But this decline may be caused by Christian apathy—something God’s Word overcomes. So is Christianity really losing to secularism? his is clearly the implication of the (In 1960, two-thirds of American adults Tmedia reports following the latest identified themselves as Protestant.) Pew Research, “Nones on the Rise,” Catholics showed only a modest 1% which shows a “steep decline” in the drop, while Orthodox (Christian) and number of Americans who self-identify Mormons remained steady and those as Protestant, coupled with a “signifi- claiming “other faith” experienced a cant jump” in the number of those who 2% increase. now claim “no religion.” The secular As to the other side—the religious- devotees in the media seem hardly ly unaffiliated or so-called “Nones”— to Secularism? able to constrain their delight over the the picture is not quite as clear as prospect that the headlines Christianity is Secular devotees in the suggest. First, disappearing in media seem hardly able to the study’s cat- America.... constrain their delight over egory of “reli- But conclud- giously unaffili- ing that Christi- the prospect that Christianity ated” has in fact anity is losing is disappearing in America. risen from 15.3% and secularism of U.S. adults in is winning isn’t quite accurate.... 2007 to 19.6% in 2012. This, when The Pew study asked 2,973 adults coupled with the apparent drop in nationwide: “What is your present the number of self-described Protes- religion, if any? Are you Protestant, tants, seems to suggest that apostasy Roman Catholic, Mormon, Orthodox is to blame.
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