SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1971 PAOB TWENTY iianrliPBtn lEvrnini) Im U i Avtrsg* DaUy N«t Pn u Run Manchester Pot Tha WMk Bnded The Weather Nqvtntwr M, ivn Cloudy, fog, with parioda ot Hospital Notes light rain/driiile through Tuaa- day a.m. L<ow tonight naar 40. vnm M o HovBs 15,590 Partly cloudy, mild tomorrow intermediate Care Semi- mASum lUancheiter— A City of Village Charm afternoon; high In 50a. private, noon ' it p.in., and 4 p.m. • 8 p.ni.; private rooma, OPEN SUNDAY 10 a.in. ■ t p.m., and 4 p.m. • 8 VOL. LXXXXI, NO. 68 (FORTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1971 (OfaHalfled Advwtlalng oa Pag. t 7| p.m. PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Pediatrics: Parents allowed any time except noon—8 p.m .; others, t p.m. • 8 p.m. Self Service! 10 a.m. ■ t p.m.; 9:30 A.M. TO 10:30 P.M. Nixon Lifts 4 p.m. • 8 p.m. DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORES Intensive Care and Ooronary Care; Immediate family only, U.S. Dollar %Revives any time, limited <to five min Surcharge iites. Maternity; Fathers, II a.m. • 18:48 p.m., and 8;.S0 p.m. • H At Bermuda p.m.; others, s p.m. - 4 p.m.. HAMILTON, Bermuda (AP) and •;S0 p.m. • 8 p.m. On Foreign Market — Prealdent Nixon arrived here Axe Limlta: 16 in maternity today for two daya of aummlt 18 In other areas, no limit la talka with Prime Minister Ed­ B y ANTHONY OOLLIN08 T od a y ’ s opening rate self-service. changing doUars Friday at the ward Heath and announced he amounts to a 4.7 per cent In­ rate of $2.66 to one pound. All emergency patients and LONDON (AP) — The Ameri­ hM Juat signed a proclamation crease in the value of the franc, American Express said busi­ outpatients are requested to use can dollar strengthened in Eu­ GIRLS' lifting the 10 per cent sur­ compared to the 4.61 per cent ness was norm ^ and all tourist the new emergency room MISSES' TOPS ropean currency dealings today ciRis'ROBES 1 mars SUCKS charge on foreign Imports Into revaluation propoeed for the needs were being satisfied. entrance off Armory St. Access as .foreign exchange operators the United States. franc in Washln^n. Money markets were dosed to the entrance Is via exlsttng HOLIDAY DRESSES studied implications of the Thie action, the President told Switzerland Is not a member in Paris also as the French driveways. Th«M or* « r»ai vnlu*. newsmen assembled before the Washington accord ending four of the Group of Ten but is rep­ months of monetary and trade state b€Uik announced the residence of Bermuda’s Gover­ resented at its meetings by ob­ franc’s new parity of 6.1167 to Patlenta Today: 871 McmI* Trum cotton or Mon's fashion cord uncertainty. A w ide selection in nor, Lord Martonmere, will servers. Edmond Stopper and the dollar. This represented on A wonderful Holiday slack in narrow and clear the way for wider talks American stocks Improved ADMITTED YESTERDAY; nylon in both short or several styles. All Fritz Leutwiler, president end 8.67 per cent Increase In the on International trade. sharply in the stock exchanges John F. Ahlberg, 82 Chestnut gift. Girl quilted robes wido walo with con* director-general of the Swiss franc’s dollar value from the long iloovo stylos. Buy bright and ready for On the Hekth-Nlxon agenda and prices of Eurodollar bonds National Bank, reported to the St.; Mrs. Linda M. Amlrault, soared. old pculty of 6.66419 francs. of cotton. Sizes 4-14 — ^trasting patch pockots also Is a crash program o f In­ Pine Hill Rd.,. Tolland; Mrs. iovoroi at this low Holiday wear. Sixes 3- Cabinet this morning on the The Bank of France also set ternational relief for East Paki­ Foreign exchanges were Washington talks in advance of Hanslne Andersen, Crestfleld a choice selection. with flaro logs. its new support levels at 6.0006 prico. Sisos S>M«L. and 7-14. stan. closed in most countries but the an official decision on the Convalescent Home; Marion B. i t franca, the point at which it ^ f- Authoritative sources said the : v dollar was strong in bank-to- franc’s new parity. Annltto, Qlastonbury. bonk dealings. buys dollars-to bolster the U.B. British leader was certain The London foreign exchange Also, Mrs. Carol Bradshaw, R E G , 4,0Q Matching Improvement of the money, and 6.2310, the rate at K E G . 2.50 R E G . 4.00 R E G . 8 .0 1 American aid on a multimil- was tightly shut and interbank which it sells ddlara to support 68 Wetherell St.; Daniel Rushe, Iton-doUar scale Is essential tor dollar, free gold weakened In tvii dealings were forbidden. But the franc. The old levels were 84 Devon Dr.; Thomas F. two reaMms: bullion markets, reflecting the American Express end other 6.5125 and 6.6060. Chance, 12D Thompson Rd.; —^Wlth thetr food dwliulUng end of uncertainty with the rea­ tourist agencies began ex­ The bank said France’s two- J(dm F, Clapp, 14 Haynes St;; and their communications riiat- lignment of currency values de­ changing dollars at the rate of \WlUard A. Cole, Hartford Rd.; . cided late Saturday in Washing­ tier exchange system, set up tersd the Bengalis need help $2.62 for one pound. Within an soon after President Nixon’s James L. Copeland, 88 Demlng dlrriy. ton by finance ministers of the hour the pound declined to Group of Ten richest non-Oom- St.; Alan S. Danbrov, Bloom­ CHRISTMAS —^The United States must $2.6026. Tourist agencies were (See Page Eight) field. move fast to reverse the con­ mimist nations. MEN'S Tliepe was no official gold fix­ Also, Peter S. Gilgosky, 60 BOYS' sequences of having backed the BOYS' FOOIBALL LIGHT BULBS ing in Frankfurt but trading was Norman St.; Carol A. Harakaly. regime of President Agha Mo­ going on at the rate of $42,826 Mansfield Center; Alexander hammed Yahya Khan. FLANNEL ROBES C P O M tIC ET an ounce, down 17% cents an Ivins, 82 West St.; Mrs. Mil­ SW EA TiM R TS Replacement lamps in assorted colors Heath Is ready to pledge full ounce from Friday’s closing. In Monetary Accord dred E. Koehler, 96 Woodland British participation In an Zurich, it opened at $42,625, St.; Jack B. May, 46 Russell a. C7 Indoor replacement bulb emergency program, a high- down 22% cents, and quickly St,; Chester J. Pobutklewlcz, . Thoio aro just great all ranking British source report­ Made from 100% cot­ A bodwtiluf OK> mado PakoflOReg.I.n dropped another 10 cents an 40 McGrath Rd., South Windsor. ed. France, West Germany and ton in beautiful plaids. cotton swootshirts ounce. In London, the price was Also, Elise S. Ring, Storrs; $000 from wool and othdr other Wetrt European nations $Ct6 $ 0 0 0 fixed at $42.40, down 85 cents May Mean Jobs are eiqiected to Join in to re­ Christina E. Sawak, West St., Just right for Holiday .worm Miors in attrao; with Jets or Giants from Friday. Bolton; William W. Symonds, 77* duce; Indian reliance on the So­ JUST WASHINGTON (AiP) — Hie Foreign can, cameras and giving. Sizes S-M-L. Nvo plaids. Sixos to 18. football oinbloin. All viet Union for relief. This was gold on sale to den­ Bast Hartford; Robert A. Sweet, tists, Jewelers, Industry ,and new set cf monetary values other items will cost noticeably sixos. b. C9 Outdoor replacement bulb Nixon’s meeting with Heath Shed Lost at South Windsor 96 Hillside Manor Ave., Vernon; speculators. Monetary gold agreed upon by the Group of more. And Americana traveling Melvin P. 'Wiliams, Daggett PaA of 5 Reg. IP is the third in a series he has South Windsor firemen fought a losing battle for douse an Ellington Rd. tobacco shed owned by Ten richest non-Communist na- abroad wilt find that they will R E G , 3,88 R E G . 8.00 arranged with aUled leaders in backing currencies is excluded House, Andover. nearly three hours late Saturday afternoon to Leo Leichtner of East Hartford. (Paroiak photo) from this market and is traded ttons should bocet U.S. employ­ have to spend more or see less, R E G . 4 .00 advance of Ms Journeys to Pe­ BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A exclusively between state ment and make American prod­ since foreign currencies will king and jMoscow. *nie Presi­ daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ banks. ucts more competitive with for­ cost more. Just 49* dent's aini Is to reassure Amer­ liam Wasllefsky, 3 Linden PL, eign goods. But there should be little ica's allies their interests will With the devaluation of the Rockville; a daughter to Mr. dollar decided in Washington, But it ivtll have little imme­ overall impact on U.S. living not be Jeopordtsed by Ms talks and Mrs. Leroy E. Hay, 25 the new price ter monetary diate impact on the average coots, since imports account for with the CSilnese and Russians. Brlmwood Dr., Rockville; a gold is $88 an ounce, up $3 an ccnsumer—unless he is plan­ only 4 per cent of American But Heath means to use the oc- Pakistani President Resigns Post, daughter to kb. and Mrs. Mi-, ■pgBU pgig:' M H ii 'M iUMHk’'" ounce over the price prevailing ning to travel overseas or buy purchases. TEFLON II OUTDOOR caston for a study In depth of chael Marksteln, 68 Overland since the Hast devaluation of the an imported car, camera or The U.S.
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