PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR FEDERAL AID GRANT F-63-R, SEGMENT 4 2013 MARINE AND ESTUARINE FINFISH ECOLOGICAL AND HABITAT INVESTIGATIONS Maryland Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Service Tawes State Office Building B-2 Annapolis, Maryland 21401 1 This grant was funded by the State of Maryland Fisheries Management and Protection Fund and Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Acts (Dingell-Johnson/Wallop-Breaux) 2 Approval Sarah Widman, Director Policy and Planning Division Maryland Fisheries Service Department of Natural Resources James H. Uphoff, Jr. Fisheries Habitat and Ecosystem Program Policy and Planning Division Maryland Fisheries Service Department of Natural Resources 3 Acknowledgements The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MDDNR) would like to thank the Mattawoman Watershed Society, the Volunteers of Piscataway Creek, the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (CBNERR) Staff, and Volunteers from the Anita C. Leight Estuary Center (ACLEC) for their volunteer sam- pling efforts. Mattawoman Creek volunteers consisted of Jim Long, Ken Hastings, Russ Talcott, Haven Carlson, Bob Boxwell, Edward Joell, Yvonne Irvin, Kevin Grimes, Doug Cline, Bonnie Bick, Julie Simpson, and Linda Redding. Piscataway Creek volunteers consisted of Norma Merritt, Whelden Merritt, Joyce Hawkins, Ruby Grady, and Hans Haucke. CBNERR staff and ACLEC volunteers included Chris Snow, Allyson Genson, Anne Gilbert, Leila Hadj-Chikh, Gary Hass, Erik Hill, Jessica Hobson, Riley Keane, Kelly Kyro, Bill Leverington, Rebecca Mastrippolito, Fawn Palmer, Helen Rogers, Aliyah Russell, Bob Shakeshaft, Sharyn Spray, Byron Bodt, Trey Morton, Lindsay Hollister, and participants in Merkle's MCC program. Tom Parham, Bill Romano, Mark Trice, and Brian Smith of MDDNR’s Tidewater Ecosystem Assessment are thanked for assistance with water quality information. Jim Thompson, Rick Morin, Marek Topolski, Nancy Butowski, Tony Jarzynski, and Butch Webb of MDDNR’s Fisheries Service are thanked for assistance with sampling. The GIS skills of Marek Topolski have been invaluable in preparing tax map data. Julianna Brush gets a big thank you from the Impervi- ous Serfs for her help with RNA/DNA analysis. Jim Price of the Chesapeake Bay Ecological Foundation has done a monumental job of collecting and recording Striped Bass diet data. Project Staff Jim Uphoff Margaret McGinty Alexis Maple Carrie Hoover Bruce Pyle Paul Parzynski Report Organization This report consists of summaries of activities for Jobs 1–4 under this grant. All pages are numbered sequen- tially; there are no separate page numbering systems for each Job. Job activities are reported in separate num- bered sections. For example, Job 1, Section 1 would cover development reference points (Job 1) for stream spawning habitat of anadromous fish (Section 1). Tables in a Job are numbered as section number – table num- ber (1-1, 1-2, etc). Figures are numbered in the same fashion. This nomenclature applies to Job 1. Throughout the report, multiple references to past annual report analyses are referred to. The complete PDF versions of many past annual reports can be found under the Publications and Report link on the Fisheries Habi- tat and Ecosystem (FHEP) website page on the Maryland DNR website. The website address is http://dnr.maryland.gov/fisheries/Pages/FHEP/index.aspx. 4 Table of Abbreviations for Jobs 1-3 °C Celsius, temperature α Level of significance µ (micron) micrometer or one millionth of a meter µg/L Micrograms per liter µmho/cm or µS/cm Conductivity measurement as micromhos per centimeter or micro-Siemens per centimeter. A Area A/ha Structure area per hectare AM Arithmetic mean ASMFC Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission BI Blue Infrastructure BRP Biological reference point C Structures in a watershed C / ha Structure counts per hectare CAD Computer Aided Design CBP Chesapeake Bay Program cfs Cubic feet per second, measurement of flow volume CI Confidence Interval COL Cooperative Oxford Laboratory, NOAA CPE Catch per effort CV Flow coefficient of variation DO Dissolved oxygen EBFM Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management ER Environmental Review Program in MD DNR ESRI Environmental Systems Research Institute FERC Federally Energy Regulatory Commission FIBI Fish Index of Biological Integrity (see reference Morgan et al. 2007) GIS Geographic Information System gm Gram GM Geometric mean ha Hectares hr Hour Pi Proportion of samples with target species i IA Impervious surface area estimated in the watershed in Inches IS Impervious surface ISRPs Impervious surface reference points km Kilometer km2 Square kilometers 5 LP Proportion of Tows with yellow perch larvae during a standard time period and where larvae would be expected M Median flow m Meter Max Maximum MD DNR Maryland Department of Natural Resources MDE Maryland Department of Environment MDP Maryland Department of Planning mg/L Milligrams per liter Min Minimum mm Millimeter MT Metric ton N present Number of samples with herring eggs and-or larvae pre- sent N total Total sample size N Sample size NAD North American Datum NAJFM North American Journal of Fisheries Management Ni Number of samples containing target species NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NRC National Research Council OM Organic matter OM0 Proportion of samples without organic matter P or α Level of significance P herr Proportion of samples where herring eggs and-or larvae were present Pclad Proportion of guts with cladocerans Pcope Proportion of guts with copepods Pothr Proportion of guts with “other” food items P0 Proportion of guts without food Pi Proportion of samples with a target species pH Concentration of hydrogen ions; the negative base-10 logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration. ppt or ‰ Parts per thousand, salinity measurement unit PQwp Proportion of samples with White Perch > 200 mm TL P75th Proportion in the upper quartile P25th Proportion in the lower quartile QA Quality assurance r Correlation coefficient, statistical measurement RKM River kilometer SAS Statistical Analysis System SAV Submerged aquatic vegetation SD Standard deviation SE Standard error 6 TA Estimate of total area of the watershed TAN Total ammonia nitrogen TEA Tidal Ecosystem Assessment Division in MD DNR TL Total length USACOE United States Army Corps of Engineers USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service USGS United States of Geological Service V target Percentage of DO measurements that met or fell below the 5 mg/L target V threshold Percentage of DO measurements that fell at or below the 3 mg/L threshold 7 Definitions Alosines American Shad, Hickory Shad, Blueback Herring, and Alewife are Alosines, which belong to the Herring family, Clupeidae. Anadromous Fish (Spawning) Fish, such as Shad, Herring, White Perch, and Yellow Perch, ascend rivers from the Chesapeake Bay or ocean for spawning. Brackish Water Water that has more salinity than freshwater. The salinity of brackish water is between 0.5 – 30 ppt. Coastal Plain An area underlain by a wedge of unconsolidated sediments including gravel, sand, silt and clay and is located in the eastern part of Mary- land, which includes the Chesapeake Bay’s eastern and western shores, up to the fall line roughly represented by U.S. Route 1. Development Refers to land used for buildings and roads. Estuary A body of water in between freshwater and the ocean; an estuary can be subject to both river and ocean influences, such as freshwater, tides, waves, sediment, and saline water. Finfish Referring to two or more species of fish and excludes shellfish. Floodplain Refers to land that is adjacent to a stream or river that experiences flooding during periods of high flow. Fluvial Of or pertaining to rivers. Hypoxia Occurrence of low oxygen conditions. Icthyoplankton Refers to the eggs and larvae of fish. Impervious surface (IS) Hard surfaces that are not penetrated by water such as pavement, rooftops, and compacted soils. Mesohaline A region within an estuary with a salinity range between 5 and 18 ppt. Non-Tidal Waters (Stream) Areas that are not influenced by tides. Oligohaline Subestuary A brackish region of an estuary with a salinity range between 0.5 and 5 ppt. Piedmont A plateau region located in the eastern United States and is made up of low, rolling hills that contain clay-like and moderately fertile soils. Planktivores Animals that feed primarily on plankton (organisms that float within the water column). Richness The number of different species represented in a collection of indi- viduals. Riparian zone The area between land and a river and/or stream, also known as a river bank. 8 Rural Referring to areas undeveloped such as farmland, forests, wetlands and areas with low densities of buildings. Stock Assessments Assessments of fish populations (stocks); studies of population dy- namics (abundance, growth, recruitment, mortality, and fishing moral- ity). Stock Level Refers to the number or population weight (biomass) of fish within a population. Subestuary A smaller system within a larger estuary such as a branching creek or tributary within the estuary. Suburb An area that has mostly residential development located outside of city or town boundaries. Threshold A breaking point of an ecosystem and when pressures become ex- treme can produce abrupt ecological changes. Tidal-Fresh Subestuary An area containing mainly freshwater with salinity less than 0.5 ppt, but tidal pulses may bring higher salinity. Tidal Waters Waters influenced by tides. Urban A developed area characterized by high population, building, and road
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