The Miami StudentEstablished 1826 WELCOME BACK! TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2015 VOLUME 142 NO. 29 WWW.MIAMISTUDENT.NET MIAMI UNIVERSITY OXFORD, OHIO WINTER TERM WANDERERS This year, Winter Term enrollment rates spiked 30 percent. This includes those participating in study abroad programs. (Top) Students from FSB’s Winter Southeast Asia Program visit an orphanage in Cambodia. (Bottom) Sustainability and Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica students pose in a cloud for est. (Right) Students travel to Cuba for Miami’s Cuba in Transition program. Photos contributed by (clockwise): Blake Wilson, Walter Vanderbush and Kate Morgan Lean, mean machine: MU efficiency ranks top U.S. News and World Report names Miami most efficient school in country, with help of ‘Lean’ program ADMINISTRATION Chris Pirigyi is the Lean Leader of were housed in different buildings said they try not to sacrifice quality ami and Marcum Conference Center Housing, Dining, Recreational and across campus, making tasks like a for cost-effectiveness, because they catering services merged, many staff EMILY TATE Business Services at Miami, which hard drive repair, which required vis- strive to keep the students happy. were assigned to other service posi- UNIVERSITY EDITOR was the first and one of the largest its to multiple locations, cumbersome “Sometimes there are hard de- tions throughout the university. Lean offices on campus. He said and time-consuming for students. cisions to be made, financially,” But, because Miami does not al- U.S. News and World Report while many Lean projects do not Now, under one roof, the process he said. “But, when we are doing ways fill positions when staff retire named Miami University the most involve direct student involvement, is simplified. big projects, that is the one thing or leave the university, understaffing efficient school in the country earlier they ultimately help students. “It’s just something that kind of we have in mind — keeping our has become a problem on campus. this month. “Our overall goal … is aligned makes sense,” Pirigyi said. “That’s customer No.1.” “We recognize it to be an is- This recognition, determined by with the university’s goal — to pro- where all the technology is, and now However, the school does ac- sue,” Pirigyi said. “We had a team comparing the quality of educa- vide the best student experience in it’s together at the book store.” cept favorable offers when its terms at the beginning of last year look- tion to the money spent on aca- the nation,” he said. “All the projects And that, essentially, is how do not significantly affect Miami ing into it, looking into student re- demic programs, can be attributed to we do are in some way going to ben- many Lean projects work. The students. For instance, Coca Cola tention on dining jobs. It’s about some of the projects from Miami’s efit the student population.” purpose is to eliminate unneces- products are now rare on campus, continuous improvement.” waste-reducing strategy: Leverag- These Lean projects, he said, are sary obstacles and provide a sim- as Miami recently signed a con- One of the biggest improvements ing Efficiencies and Aligning Needs tract to sell Pepsi Cola products brought about by a Lean project, (LEAN) Initiative. almost exclusively. Creamer said, was the university’s Miami adopted this business strat- Also because of its cost-reducing One Stop Shop. egy in 2009 in response to the eco- There are a lot of myths associated with Lean, like objectives, Pirigyi said many Miami “The one-stop approach is try- nomic recession plaguing the U.S. that it cuts jobs ... when we’re trying to increase employees and students misunder- ing to make a way for students to In the years since, Lean teams have revenue we are ultimately going to need stand the goals of Lean. … get assistance from the first per- completed hundreds of projects that more manpower.” “There are a lot of myths associ- son they contact, to go to one place aim to make the university operate CHRIS PIRIGYI ated with Lean,” he said, “like that it for the registrar, financial aid, bur- smoother and more efficiently. LEAN LEADER cuts jobs. But, in fact, it would actu- sar, admissions,” Creamer said. These projects have been imple- ally do the opposite … When we’re “[Now], that first point of contact is mented in nearly all areas of campus, geared toward five objectives: in- pler solution for students and the trying to increase revenue we are likely going to be able to help with senior vice president of financial and creasing revenue, improving pro- university community. ultimately going to need more man- whatever you need.” business services David Creamer ductivity, reducing costs, cost avoid- “Lean is just improving a pro- power to support those increases.” The Lean Initiative also fits into said, like cleaning, maintenance, IT ance and continuing and improving cess,” he said. “It’s getting rid of all Since it began, no Lean project has Miami’s 2020 plan. services, housing and dining. And, “green” initiatives. the non-value added things … and cut a single job. However, many Mi- “The plan says we will continue to they range from scales small to large, One of last year’s projects was bringing to light what is important.” ami employees’ jobs have changed improve the productivity and quality saving the university millions of dol- combining the computer, cell and But, with lofty goals of cost-re- through Lean projects, like being re- of our service,” Creamer said. “One lars in expenses each year and about print centers in Shriver Center, Pi- duction come tough decisions about assigned to other departments. of the ways — not the only way — is $27.5 million to date. rigyi said. Previously, the services what can and can’t be cut. Pirigyi About a year ago, when the Mi- Lean Initiatives.” CRIME ALERT: Two unidentified males attack female on College Corner Pike, see page 3 for details. In 1982, The Miami Student reported the U.S. Federal District Court in Cincinnati denied the Associated Student TODAY IN Government’s motion for class-action status in a suit they filed against the university. The suit challenged the university’s right MIAMI HISTORY to enforce a no-car rule off campus. UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY CULTURE OPINION SPORTS MCCULLOUGH REVIEW STUDENTS YAK JOINS OF “THE WINTER TERM MEN’S BACK PARTNERSHIP INTERVIEW” TAKES OFF BASKETBALL »PAGE 2 »PAGE 3 »PAGE 5 »PAGE 6 »PAGE 10 2 UNIVERSITY TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2015 [email protected] Students ‘yak’ back Q & A with new MU TECH 17 others in two attacks. must be 17 years or older in order Provost Phyllis Callahan In Atlanta, Emory University’s to download the app. JAMES STEINBAUER student government passed a “People this age weren’t re- ADMINISTRATION UNIVERSITY EDITOR resolution denouncing Yik Yak ally ready psychologically to as “a platform for hate speech or handle the maturity required for VICTORIA SLATER Of the initial 200 campuses that harassment” and in March 2014, Yik Yak,” Mullen said. “We see a ASSOCIATE EDITOR began using Yik Yak, one of the abuses on the app became so much more democratic use of the newest additions to the anony- abysmal in Chicago that Yik Yak app on college campuses.” What were your greatest accom- mous networking family, Miami decided to suspend operations in “This is not strong enough to plishments as dean of the College of University has been one of the the area. prevent postings that are hurtful Arts and Science? most active in the nation, accord- Miami University students wit- and inflammatory,” Miami Uni- One of my goals was to em- ing to the company’s Lead Com- nessed a situation like this first- versity Director of Student Coun- phasize professional development munity Developer Cam Mullen. hand this past November when seling Services Kip Alishio said. for students pursuing a liberal arts “We see people sharing funny Hughes hall was the target of two “Those types of posts would do education. Liberal arts are very im- stories about their weekend, a bomb threats. Although the inves- damage before they are evaluated portant for developing strong skills PHYLLIS CALLAHAN project they’re working on, ex- tigation is ongoing, authorities and taken down.” that are valuable for students re- ams,” Yik Yak Lead Commu- said that the threats were initially Yik Yak provides an alternative gardless of which profession they nity Developer Cam Mullen said. referred to on Yik Yak. to the superficial postings of ac- choose. We train people who can fulfill your duties? “There are a million different “We realize that with any so- complishments and success sto- go into many different professions Personally, what I’m interested ways students post on the app.” cial app or network there’s a ries that one finds on other social because they have strong analytical, in is student experiences, because Yik Yak espouses itself as the likelihood for bad apples,” Mul- media apps like Facebook. writing, and oral communication that’s what we’re here for. At the coffee shop corkboard for the digi- len said. “The larger we become “You don’t post things that are skills. That’s what the liberal arts end of the day, the students are our tal age, but unlike in the local Star- the more we will find. It is our too distressing on Facebook,” does for all of us. first priority. Working with students bucks, where people are obligated job, first and foremost, to keep Alishio said. “You want to post What made you interested in be- is invigorating—whenever you’re to follow certain social norms or our users safe.” something that you can associate coming the university provost? tired, working with students makes the barista can remove offensive When a serious threat is posted with your name.” For me, it is always about where you feel recharged.
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