70 Plant Protection Quarterly Vol.13(2) 1998 Reyna, J.V. and Barkworth, M.E. (1994). El genero Nassella (Poaceae: Stipeae) en The economics of serrated tussock in New South Mexico. Acta Botanica Mexicana 26, 63-75. Wales Roig, F.A. (1978). Stipa. In ‘Flora Patagonica Parte III. Gramineae’, ed. R.E. Jones and D.T. Vere, Co-operative Research Centre for Weed E.G. Nicora. (Coleccion Cientifica del Management Systems and NSW Agriculture, Orange Agricultural Institute, Instituto Nacional de Technologia Forest Road, Orange, New South Wales 2800, Australia. Agropecuaria (I.N.T.A.) Tomo VIII. Buenos Aires). Rosengurtt, B., Arrillaga De Maffei, B.R. Summary Serrated tussock has no grazing value and Izaguirre De Artucio, P. (1970). Serrated tussock (Nassella trichotoma) is because of its high fibre (86%) and low Gramineas Uruguayas. Universidad de a grass native to South America which protein content (4%). Consequently infes- la Republica. Departmento de has become a serious weed in Australia, tations of this weed result in a significant publicaciones, coleccion ciencias 5. Monte- New Zealand and South Africa because loss in livestock production. Heavy infes- video. firstly, it results in significant losses in tations of serrated tussock can reduce the Sloane Cook and King Pty. Ltd. (1988). livestock production due to heavy reduc- carrying capacity of both improved and ‘The economic impact of pasture tions in carrying capacity in infested pas- natural pastures by as much as 90% while weeds, pests, and diseases on the Aus- tures. Secondly, control by pasture im- moderate infestations can reduce stock tralian wool industry’. (Australian provement requires a large capital in- numbers by 40%. Wool Corporation, Melbourne). vestment which hinders the adoption of The first survey of the area and distri- Stace, C. (1997). ‘New flora of the British control recommendations for many bution of serrated tussock was by Isles’, second edition. (Cambridge Uni- landholders. Thirdly, significant exter- Campbell (1977) who determined that the versity Press, UK). nal costs can be attributed to this weed. total area of infestations in New South Sutherist, R.W. and Maywald, G.F. (1985). Spread is generally by wind with seeds Wales was 680 000 ha (Table 1). Campbell A computerized system for matching from uncontrolled areas travelling up to classified infestations into three densities: climates in ecology. Agriculture, 20 km a day. i. dense infestations in which animal pro- Ecosytems and Environment 13, 281-99. The distribution and density of ser- duction was seriously diminished United States Department of Agriculture rated tussock has been surveyed for 19 (Class 1), (1953). Grasses introduced into the local government areas in central and ii. scattered patches with isolated plants United States. US Department of Agri- southern New South Wales. These data interspersed which would soon in- culture, Forest Service, Agriculture have been incorporated into a GIS which crease to (i) in the absence of control Handbook No. 58, pp. 55. has been combined with data on soil fer- (Class 2), and Walsh, N.G. and Entwisle, T.J. (1994). tility and rainfall to provide the neces- iii. scattered plants with no heavy concen- ‘Flora of Victoria. Volume 2: Ferns and sary constraints for a regional linear pro- trations (Class 3). allied plants, conifers and mono- gramming model to estimate the produc- Subsequent serrated tussock surveys by cotyledons’. (Inkata Press, Melbourne). tion losses due to this weed. Econometric Campbell (1987) and Gorham (unpub- Westbrooks, R.G. (1991). Plant Protection models of the wool and livestock indus- lished) in 1994 (Table 1) indicated that the Issues 1. A Commentary on new weeds tries were used to estimate the economic area of serrated tussock had declined by in the United States. Weed Technology 5, impact of serrated tussock on the New about 30% between 1977 and 1987, but by 232-7. South Wales central and southern table- 1994 the infested area of 740 716 ha had Westbrooks, R.G. and Cross, G. (1993). lands. increased above the 1977 level of 680 000 Serrated tusssock (Nassella trichotoma) ha. Campbell (1987) attributed the release in the United States. Weed Technology 7, Introduction of the chemical tetrapion as one of the sig- 525-9. Serrated tussock (Nassella trichotoma) is a nificant reasons for the decline in serrated grass native to South America and is a se- tussock by 1987. Gorham gave no reasons rious weed in Australia, New Zealand and for the subsequent increase by 1994. South Africa. The threat posed by this Serrated tussock has been the principal weed was first recognized in 1935 in noxious weed in New South Wales for the southern New South Wales after its intro- past 15 years despite the development and duction in fodder shipments imported extension of proven control technologies during droughts. By the 1950s serrated and the demonstration of the economic tussock had occupied large areas of south- benefits of these methods in areas favour- eastern Australia with most infestations able to pasture improvement, as well as occurring within areas bounded by a 21°C continued enforcement of control legisla- isotherm for mean January temperature tion by local government. The information and an average rainfall between 500 and derived from both the Campbell and 990 mm. This area covers most of the cen- Gorham surveys was collected using tral and southern tablelands of New South mail questionnaires to all New South Wales. Wales local government area (LGA) weed Table 1. Estimated areas (ha) infested with serrated tussock in New South Wales by various surveys. Campbell (1977) Campbell (1987) Gorham (1994) Class 1 71 200 47 000 55 268 Class 2 147 100 61 800 86 253 Class 3 461 700 382 600 599 195 Total 680 000 491 400 740 716 Plant Protection Quarterly Vol.13(2) 1998 71 inspectors whose records indicated the the digitization of the survey data into a visiting the weed inspector in each LGA area of land infested by serrated tussock geographic information system (GIS). By area to map where heavy (Class 1), me- on each property within their boundaries. overlaying this information with existing dium (Class 2) and light (Class 3) infesta- Information on the geographic location of soil type and rainfall data, the GIS was tions occurred. Instead of visiting the sites the infestations within a LGA was not ob- able to provide the area of infestation rela- and objectively mapping the weed infes- tained so it was not possible to correlate tive to soil type and rainfall characteris- tations, the procedure was to record each individual infestations with soil type, tics. weed inspector’s data onto map sheets rainfall, slope or topography. Secondly, the development of a re- and to convert these into digital data for In term of its economic importance gional linear programming model that incorporation into a GIS model. The ser- Vere et al. (1993) estimated that the social utilizes the weed infestation and GIS in- rated tussock survey results were then de- benefits from the control of serrated tus- formation is described. The solution of termined by the GIS model (Table 2). sock in New South Wales were approxi- this model provided an estimate of the The total area of serrated tussock area mately $48 million per annum. In an ear- annual regional gross margin impact of in the study area was estimated to be lier attempt to determine the social costs serrated tussock for each of the LGAs. 886 989 ha. This was comprised of 125 086 of serrated tussock in New South Wales, Thirdly, the data provided by this model ha of Class 1, 219 234 ha of Class 2 and Vere et al. (1980) estimated that the annual was incorporated into a preliminary ver- 542 669 ha of Class 3. The southern table- benefits from controlling the weed in es- sion of a quarterly structural econometric lands had the largest area of serrated tus- sentially the same region as covered by the model of the Australian livestock indus- sock of 413 661 ha, the central tablelands current study were approximately $60 tries to provide the parameters necessary had 309 392 ha and the Monaro region million per annum in terms of increased to estimate the impact of serrated tussock 163 936 ha of the weed. The proportion of greasy wool production. In a subsequent using an economic surplus model. Figure each region infested by serrated tussock paper, Edwards and Freebairn (1982) criti- 2 outlines the modelling process used to gives one measure of the seriousness of cized this estimate on the main ground derive these estimates, indicating the flow the problem with the southern tablelands that the model used was inappropriate of information between the GIS model, the having the greatest proportion infested because it failed to consider the strong ex- regional linear programming model, the (14.6%), followed by the Monaro (11.0%) port orientation of the Australian wool structural econometric model and the eco- and the central tablelands (10.9%). Indi- market. They concluded that the main nomic surplus model. vidual LGAs were significantly affected beneficiaries from serrated tussock control by serrated tussock, particularly Evans in New South Wales were most likely to The 1997 serrated tussock survey in (53.0%), Wingecarribee (33.2%), Talla- be Australian wool producers and foreign New South Wales ganda (28.1%), Gunning (18.2%) and wool consumers. Staff from the CRC for Weed Management Cooma-Monaro (15.9%). Although these prior estimates have Systems surveyed serrated tussock infes- The relative density of the infestations been made, the continued demand for this tations for the 19 LGAs in August 1997. is also an important indicator of the seri- information has required a re-evaluation Analysis of the Gorham data indicated ousness of the serrated tussock problem as of the weed distribution data on which the that this area contained 98% of the New the higher weed densities result in the estimates were made.
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