KUrier Newsletter of the Department of German Studies The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS Editor: William Keel • Layout: Pam LeRow Vol. 7, 2019-2020 Recognition Ceremony and Reception Reed Boohar earned both a German Studies major and 2019 a Bachelor of Science degree in Molecular, Cellular, & Devel- opmental Biology, and he completed certificates in the Re- search Experience, University Honors, and Global Awareness The department held its annual Recognition Ceremony and Re- Programs. He received Engel and Collins scholarships for his ception during Commencement weekend, on Saturday, May 18. semester in Bonn in spring 2018. Reed presented his senior We were joined by two colleagues from the College Advis- capstone course research project, “A Legacy of Division: In- ing and Student Services office: Dr. Laura Leonard, Senior Aca- vestigating Demographic Shifts in a Reunified Germany Three demic Advisor for German Studies, and David Nickol, Gradu- ation Advisor. Both were recognized for the valuable advising Decades Later” at the Undergraduate Research Symposium in support they provide for our students. Dr. Winder McConnell, April. He planned to begin the PhD program in developmental an alumnus of our department, was also recognized for a gen- and evolutionary biology at the University of Miami in fall. erous gift he made to German Studies in memory of his men- Owen Brown completed majors in German Studies and tor, Dr. Ernst Dick. His gift enabled us to present each of our Linguistics and a minor in Religious Studies. He graduated Outstanding Award recipients with $200. with Highest Distinction from the College of Liberal Arts and Our ceremony began with the induction of 14 graduating Sciences. (No more than 3 percent of the graduating class may seniors into Gamma Pi, the University of Kansas chapter of the graduate with highest distinction.) Owen was initiated into Phi Delta Phi Alpha National German Honor Society: Reed Boo- Beta Kappa as a junior and earned the University Honors Pro- har, Owen Brown, Shane Chuwonganant, Sarah Cluff, Collin gram certificate. His semester of study in Bonn was support- Cox, Gabriel Dorsey, Matthew Fawcett, Emily Jacobson, Ryan ed by Engel and Office of Study Abroad scholarships. Owen Liston, Meghan McNamee, Claire Schumacher, Anastasiya presented his senior capstone research project, “The Verein Skvortsova, Brandon Wiederholt, and Theodore Wiklund. Deutsche Sprache and the Contradictions of German Lan- We then recognized seven German Studies majors and mi- guage Purism,” at the Undergraduate Research Symposium. He nors who became new members of Phi Beta Kappa National planned to pursue graduate study in Linguistics in Germany. Honor Society: Owen Brown, Shane Chuwonganant, Sarah Shane Chuwonganant earned a major in Psychology and Cluff, Gabriel Dorsey, Matthew Fawcett, Meghan McNamee, minors in Music and German Studies. He completed the Glob- and Claire Schumacher. PBK is the oldest academic honor so- al Awareness Program certificate with distinction as well as the ciety in the United States. Founded in 1776, Phi Beta Kappa University Honors Program certificate. He participated in our embraces the principles of freedom of inquiry and liberty of Summer Language Institute (SLI) in Holzkirchen and followed thought and expression. that with a semester of study in Freiburg, for which he received The next part of our ceremony honored the academic Engel and Collins scholarships. He plans to attend medical achievements of our German Studies majors and minors. school. Induction of Graduating Seniors into Delta Phi Alpha Graduates and German Studies Faculty Sarah Cluff completed majors in Molecular, Cellular & Matthew Fawcett completed the German Studies major Developmental Biology and German Studies. She earned De- and minors in Global & International Studies and Business, partmental Honors in Biology for her senior thesis and gradu- and he earned the Global Awareness Program certificate. He ated with Distinction in the College of Arts & Sciences. (No participated in our SLIs in Eutin and Holzkirchen. Matthew more than the upper 10 percent of the graduating class may presented his senior capstone course research project, “Ger- graduate with distinction.) Sarah became a member of Phi Beta many’s Path to Marriage Equality: From East to West to the Kappa her junior year. She spent a semester studying in Bonn, European Union,” at the Undergraduate Research Symposium. for which she received Engel and Collins scholarships. She pre- This fall he will begin the MA program in German at the Uni- sented her German Studies senior capstone research project, versity of Arkansas. “Reconstruction of Science and Technology after Reunification Emily Jacobson majored in Applied Behavioral Science in Germany,” at the annual Undergraduate Research Sympo- with a concentration in Early Childhood Autism Interven- sium in April. Sarah received a fellowship from the German tion. She earned minors in German Studies and Linguistics Academic Exchange Service to pursue a Master’s Degree in and completed certificates in the Service Learning and Global Molecular and Cellular Biology in Heidelberg. Awareness Programs. She participated in our SLI in Holzkirch- Collin Cox completed majors in Law & Society and in Pub- en. She will pursue a master’s degree in Occupational Therapy lic Administration, as well as a minor in German Studies. In at Abilene Christian University in Texas. summer 2018 he participated in our Holzkirchen program. He is Ryan Liston completed a degree in Journalism (News & a member of Pi Alpha Alpha, the national honor society for aca- Information), a Political Science major, and a German Studies demic excellence in Public Administration. Collin received one minor. He graduated with Highest Distinction in the College of of the University’s Agnes Wright Strickland Awards in recogni- Liberal Arts & Sciences and also in the School of Journalism and tion of his academic record, demonstrated leadership in matters Mass Communications. He is a member of Kappa Tau Alpha, of university concern, respect among fellow students, and indi- the national honor society for journalism, and Pi Sigma Alpha, cations of future dedication to service in the university. He was the national honor society for political science. Ryan received given the honor of carrying the banner for the class of 2019 in the Mark Johnson First Amendment Award last year from the the Commencement ceremony. In fall he planned to enter KU’s School of Journalism for excellence in the study and protection MA program in Public Administration and continue working in of the First Amendment. He also earned the Global Awareness the Provost’s Office as a graduate assistant and intern. and University Honors Program certificates. Ryan will be work- James Dooley, a German Studies major and Economics ing with a communications group here in Lawrence. minor, participated in our SLI in Holzkirchen and spent his Meghan McNamee completed majors in German Stud- junior year studying in Bonn. He completed the Global Aware- ies and History of Art, and she earned the University Honors ness Program certificate. He presented his senior capstone Program certificate. She spent a year studying at the Technical research project, “Track Recommendations and their Impact University in Dresden, supported by Engel and Collins schol- on Immigrant Students in Germany,” at the Undergraduate Re- arships and a German Academic Exchange Service scholarship. search Symposium. Meghan presented her senior capstone research project, “The Gabriel Dorsey majored in Political Science and completed Phoenix Rising from the Ashes? The Reconstructed Dresdner the German Studies minor. He earned certificates in the Uni- Frauenkirche and the Fantasy of Healing in Post-Unification versity Honors and Global Awareness Programs. In summer Germany,” at the Undergraduate Research Symposium. Next 2018 he participated in our SLI in Holzkirchen. Gabe plans to year she will be a Fulbright Teaching Assistant, teaching Eng- continue working at the statehouse in Topeka with the intent lish in Lower Saxony. of working on a campaign and eventually making his way to Kathleen Meeds earned a Journalism major (Strategic Washington, D.C. Communications), minors in English and German Studies, 2 and certificates in the Global Awareness and University Hon- Theodore Wiklund completed a Bachelor of Science de- ors Programs. She completed an internship with a newspaper gree in Mechanical Engineering, a minor in German Studies, in Eutin. Kathleen presented an independent research project. and the Global Awareness and University Honors Program “The Israel-Palestine Conflict in German and American -Me certificates. He participated in our SLI in Holzkirchen. This fall dia” at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, for which she he will begin graduate study in Robotics at Northeastern Uni- won an Outstanding Presentation Award. After graduation she versity in Boston. will be working as a Surface Warfare Officer in the Navy on the Matthew Fawcett received our Outstanding Service to the USS Preble out of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Department Award. During his senior year, Matthew served Noah Miller earned a Marketing degree in the School of as the department’s student representative and Vice President Business and a German Studies minor. He completed the Glob- of the KU German Club. He was a great advocate for German al Awareness Program certificate and spent a semester studying Studies, actively promoting our courses, study abroad pro- abroad. grams,
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