/So 25C HOAO 4 SONS* 300K DIMDEn SPfilNCPORF, MICHIGAN The Lowell (34 Volume 14, Issue 11 Serving Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 Wednesday, January 24, 1990 Along Main Street FCC ruling forces Lowell to 1 -rtpi^ ii t • f r-J»—I?-* ^ ^ ^ drop channels 6 and 10 0 0 iT 0 jbHjBsq-r Subscribers are asked to send in suggestions for replacements; future rate hike likely VALENTINE'S DAY EVENT! Lowell Cable subscribers "It won't do much to change man-time many will have to Cable is using blankers to All Lowell senior citizens are cordially invited to a Val- will have their cable feed to our position. There is no dup- pay for the electronic system block the signal. It then uses' intine Party given by the Lowell, Caledonia and Middleville Channels 6 (WLNS) and 10 lication of our Fox program- so they can do the dropping jumping cables to transmit a 'ommunity Education on Feb. 14 at I p.m. at the Mid Villa (W1LX) dropped due to a re- ming. Cables that carry our automatically. It takes 20 local station over the distant Inn, Middleville. cent FCC ruling on local tele- feed don't carry the feed of man-hours a day to switch station. Transportation will be provided. A school bus will pick vision rights, according to other FOX programming sta- manually. Possible replacements for up people at Schneider Manor at 12 noon, Cumberland Lowell Cable Supervisor tions," he said. "It will cost Lowell Cable the two channels include Manor at 12:15 p.m. and in Alto at 12:30 p.m. HBO Comedy Channel, Herb Haines. Krause added that it will $12,000 for the equipment," If you would like to attend this free, fun event, please The ruling is to provide have an effect on the weekend Haines said. This com- TNT, Cable VaJue Channel, call Marge at Lowell Community Ed, 897-8434 before Feb. local stations with exclusive sports programming. The pounded with the signal C-Span, Arts & Entertain- 9. rights over distant stations. Lansing stations didn't al- supplier cost increase which ment Channel, American LIBRARY CLOSED THIS SATURDAY The FCC also believes the ways carry the same games went into effect the beginning Movie Classics and any other ruling will help to diversify as the Grand Rapids' stations, of January and cable sub- possible selections you have. Jane Aronson, Lowell librarian, has announced that the local programming. which gave viewers a choice. scribers should not be sur- It should be noted that Lowell .ibrary will be closed this coming Saturday, Jan. 27, so 'The ruling will give local That choice will be lost. prised to see their monthly Cable will have to purchase that new carpeting may be installed. stations exclusive rights over Carol Doty, the Program subscription rate increase. retro-fit kits enable to trans- The Library will be open regular hours again next week. distant stations to, lets say, Director for TV 8 (WOTV), Haines says, UI don't think mit the TNT and American the Oprah Winfrey Show. It says "Local television sta- there is any doubt that Lowell Movie Channel signals. "The SPIRIT STORE HAS EVERYTHING will reduce the duplicating in tions arc not charging viewers Cable will be going to the requests will have to be high FOR LHS FANS programming." Haines said. for local programming, how- City Council for rate for us to use those channels ''Currently there are only ever cable systems do, as they changes." as replacements," Haines The Spirit Store, sponsored by The Lowell Athletic Boos- about 4-5 hours of daily tele- feed our signal to other areas. said. ters Club, is open every Friday from 10:45 a.m. to 5:15 vision shown on stations 6 So, I think ifs a good ruling." Haines adds that the chan- Haines said subscribers ».m. in the Main Hall at the High School. and 10 that is not carried on The new FCC ruling may nel drop will go into effect in with suggestions are encour- The store will be open for the Feb. I wrestling meet with local television stations in provide the biggest headache about 30-45 days. "We will aged to send a postcard to Sparta and the Feb. 2 basketball game with Wyoming Park this area. for cable systems. For most, replace both stations before Lowell Cable, 127 N. Broad- as well. Mark Krause, Program Di- that means finding alternative Lowell Cable actually drops way, Lowell, MI 49331 list- The Spirit Store now has corduroy caps available. rector for Channel 17WXMI, stations to replace those that stations 6 and 10," Haines says the change will not have will be dropped. To prevent says. To prevent program- ing their personal prefer- ences. ROTARY TO INTERVIEW FOR STUDY TEAM that much effect on WXMI. using an excessive amount of ming duplication, Lowell Rotary International will, on Saturday, Feb. 3, interview team member candidates for a Rotary Group Study team consisting of a leader and five business and professional Barricades designed to stop trash dumping .men, 25-35 years of age, for travel, at Rotary's expense, Road Commission will erect barricades at both fto a Rotary district in the eastern part of the Netherlands. The team will leave April 7 and return May 19. This is ends of the 1320 ft. S.E. of Timpson & 36th St. in the nature of a scholarship grant funded by Rotary Inter- national. Hoping to discourage a If interested, please call Peter Price, 616-949-9610 Mon- continuing trash dumping day - Friday or Wendell Christoff, 897-5911 for further problem, the Kent County details and an application. Road Commisssion will put • up a barricade to close off the •"l f ATTENTION! AREA RECYCLERS! DUMPING 1320 feet SE of the Timpson and 36th St. intersection in The recycle station in the Food City parking lot (1335 Main) is experiencing sporadic pickup of its recyclable Lowell Township. 'The County received au- materials. thorization on Thursday, Jan. This is due to the transition of recycling operations from Recycle Unlimited to the County. The County of Kent will 18," said Tom Byle, Director be taking over the recycling operations starting Feb. 1,1990. of Road Maintenance. "As the work load permits, a bar- All recyclers are asked to not use the facility until Feb. 1 when normal operations resume. ricade will be erected. Right now, we're looking at late LIBRARIES OFFER STORY TIMES winter or early spring.'* Property owners pleaded to The Kent County Library System offers Cuddle and Read have it closed off. However story times for pre-schoolers ages V/i - 5. that request was denied be- The monthly programs will be held at the Lowell Branch, cause there is still an ease- 325 W. Main on Monday mornings at 11 a.m. They are ment there for road building. scheduled for Jan. 29, Feb. 26, March 26 and April 23. Residents were willing to Pre-registration is required. For more information call the fence it off themselves but library at 897-9596. were told by the county they These story times will be offered at the Alto branch, 6059 could not. Lowell Township Super- Linfield on Thursday mornings at 10:30 a.m. They are The "No Dumping" and "Road Impassable" signs haven't stopped people from visor, John Timpson said he scheduled for Feb. 15, March 15 and April 12. For more dumping their trash. information call the Alto branch at 868-6038. is hopeful the barricade will discourage people from to carry it back in," Timpson land that both Timpson and to close the impassable road ^ LOCAL ARTIST FEATURED AT LAAC GALLERY dumping their trash. "There said. Byle think may some day be off for years." said Gerald The watercolors of local artist, Judy Tummino arc pre- will be a barricade erected at The 1,320 feet of impassa- developed. McClure whose property runs sently on view at the Lowell Area Arts Council Gallery. each end, so people wishing ble road southeast of the 36th "We (Mike DeBoer and ^ to dump their trash will have Barr ca Main St., confd., pg. 21 St./Timpson intersection is myself) have been after them ' des, cont'd., pg. 22 The Lowell Ledger • Wednesday, January 24, 1990 • Page 2 The Lowell Ledger - Wednesday, January 24. 1990 - Page 3 bituaries Northeast Gravel seeks BALDWIN - Myron C. Gerst Chapel. Rev. William 21. 1990. Survived by her terment Rosedale Cemetery. Church. Lowell, a former em- be offered Wednesdav (tod,, 1 Baldwin, aged 54. of Lowell, ployee of Jarcki Tool & Die ining permit extension Amundsen of First United daughter. Sheryl M. Fanell; Grand Rapids. at 10 a.m. at St. Man s died January 20, 1990 He is Methodist Church officiat- granddaughter. Kimberly V for 33 years and owner and Church. Lowell. Interment survived by his w ife. Gladys; ing. Interment Pine Hill Farrell: parents. Fay and Ei- WILLIAMS - Sandra K. operator of Zigmont Gravel St. Mary s Cemetery Memo, children. Mrs. Claude Cemetery. Memorial con- leen Simmons; aunt, Verle Williams. 46. of Lowell. died Inc. for the past 13 years. rials may be made to Hos- (Sheryl) Hogle of Tw in Lakes tributions may be made to the Barrett, all of Wyoming; a Saturday, January 20,1990 at Mass of Christian Burial will pice. MI: Michael (Man) Baldwin Church Building Fund or special friend. Clem Lay of Butterworth Hospital. Bom of Fmitpoit, Sheila and Val- American Diabetes Associa- Lowell. Funeral Services will September 28. 1943 in Kent erie Baldwin, both at home; tion. be held Wednesday (today) at County, she was married two grandchildren.
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