USPSWOtt OUR 107th YEAR-ISSI, I>uM«a Paid at VVeiUtcM, N J. Thursday, March 20,1997 K>t 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS Nine Home Burglaries Reported Over Weekend; Police Conduct Surveillance of Targeted Areas ' BySUZETTESTALKER the evening. was seen in the 800 block of Sprcmtty WriUrnJur Thi HVitflrMl,,,.!,r Because the latest burglaries ;\li Shackamaxon Drive on March 15, Authorities are investigating nine took place during a two-day period occupied by a white woman, possi- home burglaries which occurred last and some within close proximity to bly in her 40s, with red hair. The car weekend in Westfield, in which one another, Lieutenant Tracy said was described us red, an older model, money and valuables were taken there was "a good possibility" they possibly a Ford Taurus, "which was while the homeowners were out. The are related. He added that the burglar- not in very good condition," Lieuten- incidents, which may be related, tire ies also had certain things in com- ant Tracy said. ..'''•••' the latest of approximately 24 break- mon, such as pillowcases having ap- "The Westfield Police Department ins which have occurred in town since parently been used to gather up valu- rcquest&the assistance of our citizens ablest as well ns signs of forced entry. the beginning of the year, according The lieutenant said in most of the in reporting any suspicious people, to police. incidents, entry was gained either vehicles or activity that they think Is Lieutenant Bernard F. Tracy of the through windows or through side or unusual," Lieutenant Tracy noted. He Westfield Police Department's De- rear doors. added that a group of Westfield de- Lauron QaorgH for The Weatftald Loader tective Bureau confirmed that the tectives, in plainclothes and unmarked UNDER CONTROL.-VVestfleld firefighters work to extinguish a Maze which hroke out last Thursday morning at a two- most recent burglaries occurred this Lieutenant Tracy said that a male cars, have been "saturating" the areas family home on Cocciula Place. One firefighter sprained hts shoulder while fij;htinB thi; Mate which was reported at 5:34 past Friday and Saturday. Two of the .suspect was seen exiting a home where the incidents occurred, in or- a.m. and extinguished by 7 a.m. There were no other injuries. Theeause WHS said to he accidental. The second floor, where incidents took place on Shadkjunaxon shortly before 9.p.m. on Luwrence der to respondVs quickly as possible the blaze Is believed toha ve started, received fire damage with some dumuge reported on the third floor and water damage Drive, while the others occurred on to any reports of criminal activity. on the first floor. Pictured on the roof are firefighters Michael Giordano, left, and Lleutenatit Michael Ilrennan. Fighting Avenue on March 15 wearing a royal the blaze on the side of the house are Jim Ryan, Jr., left, Aldo Tammaro, shown at the tup of the ladder, and Angelo Hazel, Boynton and Lawrence Av- blue backpack which matched the Benclvenga, pictured below firefighter Tummaro. enues, Clark Street, Senecu, description of one taken during an Effm ghatn and Norm an Places. Items earlier incident on Shackamaxon Planning Board taken during the robberies included Drive. "mostly jewelry and money," he said. The suspect was described as be- Future of Westfield MainStreet Looms Several other burglaries took place ing 5 feet, 8 inches tall and having a Considers Plan between March 10 and March 13 on medium build, of unknown race, and Alden and Irving Avenues, on Cedar wearing black clothing and n black For Vacations With Town Council Vote on SID Budget Street and on Frazee Court, but law ski cap, according to police. Westfield enforccnientoffictals do notfeel there police and a K-9 unit supplied by the Ily ANNA MURRAY By HORACE R. CORBIN of The Leader Store serves as Chair- tion process" based upon the Na- are strong similarities between these Union County Sheriff's Office S/naatly Wrtiunfor The WntfrM LtiMirr riy WHttmfar Thi WntflrU Uadtr man of the Downtown Westfield tional Main Street Center's four-point and the later incidents, according to tracked the su,spect to Highland Av- On Tuesday evening the Westfield- Editor's Note; The following Corporation which operates the SID. approach to downtown revitnlization. Lieutenant Tracy. He noted, for ex- enue, where it is believed he escaped Planning Board convened forits regu- is the first part of an investiga- Although several months later than This approach is as follows: ample, that the weekday burglaries in a car he had waiting for him, larly scheduled meeting* The first tive report on the future of the anticipated, the council is expected Promotion — To create a positive occurred during the afternoon, while Police are also investigating a re- order of business was not an agenda Westfield MainStreet program to vote soon on approving a tax as- the ones last weekend happened in port of a "suspicious vehicle" which item, but a review of Westfield streets and its transition into a Sepcial sessment to be levied on downtown under consideration for partial or to- Improvement District, For a properties within the di strict's bound- tal vacation. more detailed and up-to-date re- aries to fund the SID (and presum- Town Attorney Charles R Brandt ort, please see The Westfield ably MainStreet) over the next sev- said it was the town's wish to vacate C eadef site on the Internet: Clarence Street, Whittiet Avenue, hfip mw^Wfutn itftf&mvdtn/ Roosevelt Street, Codding Road and leader. Readers may e-mail com- been presented, Midvalc Way. Later, he briefly ex- ments and suggestions to However, the funding and the fu- plained the particulars regarding each goleader9iaol.com or go leader ture existence of the MainStreet pro- applicants' request for vacation, Ap- 9 WorldNel ATT.net. gram appears in doubt as debate has plicants making vacation requests are, The Westfield Downtown Com- arisen as to the need for continuance primarily, hoping to do construction mittee, Inc. (WDC) has conducted of Main Street from some opposition on their adjacent properties. Adding what is reported to be one of the groups and public officials, The a portion to their lots would bring the nation's best Main Street Programs Westfield Leader has learned. Also, property size into conformance with here in town over the last four years. the state's grant of $60,000, for tran- she town's land use ordinance, The program is headed by Robert L. sition of the MsifiStreet program i nto "The ultimate decision as to Newell, President, arid Michelle a SID. has become exhausted due to whether or not these streets will be Picou, Executive Director, Without the delays. The SID board is asking vacated will be made by the Town tax dollars to date, approximately for a bridge loan or grant from the Council at its March 25 meeting," $400,000 of funding has been ap- "town of approximately $25,000 to explained Acting Board Chairman plied to programs in Westfield gath- keep it alive until taxes can be col- Robert L. Newell. "Mr. Brandt is ered from local donations, fundraising lected in the summer. asking the Planning Board, in lightof Sod gifts. The debate occurring over taxes, its planning expertise, to advise the According to Mr. Newell, Westfield funding, the legislation and who's in Town Council of its recommenda- - MainStreet's plan was to develop control is complex; involving the tion as to whether or not the proposed credibility with a list of accomplish- Town Council the SID. the Westfield vacations are consistent with the ments employing volunteer help and Area Chamber of Commerce and town's master plan." private funds. Then, a Special Im- others. The very existence and effi- Many of the audience members' provement District (a New Jersey cacy of the SID may be in jeopardy, were citizens concerned by the pro- Stale Program) was to be formed in officials have revealed. The details posed Clarence Street subdivision. conjunction with MainStrect's on- of this debate will be presented The applicaiion to subdivide a single going oversight, such that tax rev- within the second part of this inves- lot and combine it with the vacated enue could be obtained to carry the tigative report within the week (on portion of Clarence Street, creating program forward. The Town Council , The Leader web site). four new lots, was the last scheduled created the SID last June. ' So what is the Main Street pro- Uun on the agenda. Approximately 300 volunteers gram? The easiest way to learn more One audience member nsked if the have participated in Westfield is to explore what the community of portion of Clarence Street proposed MainStreet programs to date, accord- Kingsport, Tennessee, has done. The for vacation was protected by Hs pos- ing to Mrs. Picou. The state has Downtown Kingsport Association NAME THIS NOSTALGIC PHOTO...Today, March 20, marks the 40th anniversary of the Wnslii«Kloii Kock r.irl Scout sible status as a wetland. Town Engi- tnted the MainStreet program Council. The council was officially chartered in 1957 with the merger of eiuht councils which had troops einerBlii|; whan neer and Board Secretary Kenneth B. operates under the guidelines of the the Girl Scout program wiw founded on March 12,1912. The council ts located In Westfield and Includes 23 conununll e.s. i.OOO in transition funds until the Tennessee Main Street Program Including Westfield, Scotch Plains. Fanwood, and Mountainside, and a combined membership of 10,7<M. o mart> the COHTtM/tDOHPAOltt > organization can be completed. whose purpose "is to stimulate qual- annl versa rv.an exhibit tracing the root* of the Washington Rovk Council Ison display throughout March at the Westneld .
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