tfTf - THURSDAY M UH M 29. 2001 VOL. 78, No. 45 The" Breeze James Madison University Courageous With Cancer Breakin' It Down Dukes Crossed by Tribe Walk This Way The Tribe of William & Mary over- One student tells of her battle Breakdancers, deejays, emcees came a two-goal deficit to claim an with Hodgkin's Disease and her Students, community relay for life and grafitti artists will converge Fri- eventual triumph. and raise $95,000 for the 11-10 victory in overtime on Tues- American Cancer Society. Page 3 day in Circles 2001. Page 17 day. Page 22 Page IS Second-degree murder charge in Caliboso case A former JMU student and her Kn'friend were charged with sec- ond-degree murder bv neglect by a I Vlaware grand jury Monday live a tuple was arrested in April 3XX) on charges of abandoning their i»ewtx>mbain in.11X'lawan-\xstable 1 nlet, leaving the child to die. Abigail i sllboso, 20 of VVood- hridge, Mid lose (Aampo, 19, of t hantilly, agreed to plead guilty to nianslauglUer ami serve lour wars in prison, but the ptOpOSSd pi*-.' agreement watevoiluuh revoked by the prosecution and second- degnv charges wen- brought up. SMand-aegice muidei charges m Delaware cany a minimum prison term.it 10 years. CaUboso haa been in jail tinea March 12, when she surrendt red her bond. Ocampo has been out on bond both are aw ailing Iti.i! — compact from tttft reports Nicholas found responsible on two counts in judicial hearing Students and faculty hold signs on the commons during a speak-out and walkout Monday In efforts to change JMU legislative policy concering hate crime A |MU sophomore said he has Issues. The event was organized largely by Stop the Hate, a new student organization. bean found "responsible" by the Judi- cial Council on twooi three counts In conjunction with a March 17 incident, daastfiad as ,1 hare crime by the JML' police, thai occurred outside of D-hall around BpJTI During Monday s 3 p m. judldal hearing, the OOUncO Ol faculty and Students speak out students found Michael Nicholas Jr. responsible for viowncs against Stop the Hate organizes protest, walkout on commons another person and failing to com- ply with a public n-quest bv JMU B^ F.Min LAYTON join the protest ui an effort to nuke a ed people ecerv wlwii'' BOphOBSOSS polio*, according to Nicholas contributing writ* 1 stronger statement Martin said proteatei Mteg lurrta said. Nicholas was found not responsible Protesters carried signs with mes- At 5 p.m., sppreodmatety 75 people for personal or verbal abuse1. The students and faculty participated sages such as Hate is not a family congregated on the commons for a council recommended suspending in a walkout and speak-out Monday VSlue* and "JMU is .is tolerant as vou npSIUI Ollt continuing to discuss issues him for the two charjp.-s, he said, to push for what thev call a more make it." concerning rate crimes Nicholas has the option to defined legislative policy at JMU con- "Our purpose is not to unite against appeal to a higher ranking council cerning hate crimes. _66^ an individual." junior uiOtSSter Melis- of faculty ami students to have the The hate crime awareness group, sa Chesanko said. "It is to unite against lower deseision appealed. Stop the I late, was largely responsible Our purpose is not to unite hate every where." Nicholas said he does not yet fof organizing \1onda\ 's events She said everyone supporting Stop know if he plans to appeal JMU Tlie group was formed in response against an individual. It is the Hate needs to be prepared for President l.inwood Rose reviews to an alleged hate Crime ass.mll by a backlash. ''There-an- going to be peo- all suspension divisions male |Ml_' student against three female to unite against hate ple who question the validity of the The judicial charge that students on March 17. everywhere. incident Saturday night (March 17)," Nicholas committed violence "Stop tlie Hate is not so much an Chesanko ssid Whether it happened against a person includes ads of osgantoatJon as it is a way of commu- — Melissa Chesanko or not, we should still he opposed to Ei nse, Nicholas ssid. imating with people in an effort to junior hale Nicholas said he still faces se\ or- make this protest as i.ir-reaching as Chesanko said the bay WSJ tor pro al criminal charges at I preliminary possible.' said senior Rebecca Martin, ?9_ testers 10 sta) unified court hearing on May 10. These I o-coordinator t>f the event. "The support from everyone has charges from the JMU Department Nearly 200 protesters carrying signs Martin and co-coordinator sopho- been so important, said junior Lind- of Public Safety induds two counts and banners marched from Wilson more Raul Burgos said they were try- say Vaughan, one of the alleged vfc of malicious wounding one ODUfri 1 kill to the commons at 11:45 a.m. ing to get as diverse a group as possi- tims of the incident each of assault and battery and Students hold signs urging changes Mam students and soots bsadtsn ble involved. sor STOP, pa$e 5 resisting arrest to JMU hate crime legislation. chose lo w.ilk out ot their classes and "There should be more open -mind- - compiled from staff reports SO A Election 2001: Another Florida? In what is reminiscent 15 percent of almost 6 percent ot the Maxwell with natty M Out of darkness the student body voted in vote duS i >f tlie vole of the national presidential election, a difference of the election Sophomore Ashley 111.' mn-(»tt elev(u»n. Survivors, friends voice support less than 1 percent of the Because neither candi- as well as elevti vote divided the Student date earned at least half of moss Michael classi-ouncilanl inent Association the srudent vote, a run-off Kalutkiewicz for vice presi repres,ntalive ti> lU' election will decide the dent of student affairs with Bosid of vutitoi for sexual assault awareness presidential candidat< 1 lowing yesterday's elec- future SGA president. appmximatety W percent dnesday ^i "* ■* tirsi candlelight vigil ol lake Back il«- Bv BIBMAWAI ION Due tocamp-t of the vote. m to 7 p.m. on \ight ai Sm I Mil. IsCO contributing writer lunior Ad.un }wvs had raSDBi junior Steven Davis The vice presideni Mr the commons in Zane Speaker! Brad Pen) and Laoey Mid- .tdniinisirati^eaft.urs wifl Showker I [all and kiff apoke about then own experiences ■light edge with was not permitted to 1\vo everts aimed .it combating sexual 47.17 percent of the vote, appear on the ballot as a be sophomore Brandon UREC. assaiiM and eloemcaBgainei women were becoming involved with the fight "gainst candidate for pi > Durflinger who defeat! — comjii/fJ Sy VIKW wnttr violence against women the lessons thej whereas senior Davio held rMa week. .111.1 Mbuad MnvtvonC earned Ah.XZ peru-nt. 11 he received sophomore Connie Mti;htt>: Mrifpfty different experiences had learned and w li.it students GOuld do The Sixth Annual Take Ii.i. k me NigH themselves. began at 5 p.m., Tuesday on the oom- It wasn't until I s,i», outside the men lake Back the Nigh! I» • »PeJk:°ul .-n.los.-d box Ol ' ial -n.is. iiliiul\ Tuition, fee increases not unusual (or survivors ol sexual eassull and their that I became i lumafi being, • who takes th rarrdliea and Mends Rises due to increase in natural gas prices, inflation H„. ( lomeeUne Project displayed lenge ol loo) ui| ouMdi the bo> will be sl.in- made by members ol tl«- |\u i,. aided, but H ■■ ill be c challenge. Ihere of natural gas during the past \ear At the board nuvtmg, King ivill lx- IIHW who will try to keep you in B\ RH H\KD SAKSHAI a and Harnsonburg communltiei who assistant newt eavor I his affected the compiehenarve showed how even Sftei lli« increase. have been aHected b) lexual assault your box ' lees, whkh increased $^4, and nH)m JMU's otit-ol state tuition is still Mi.lkitts,ii,i I look forward to the day 1 he evenl look place Match 2 and 28 in [he luitum and tees increases and board (IH-S, which increased behind thai of Virginia universities m\ grandchild asks me uh.u's lake PC Ballroom annoomed.it ludav'S Board of VtS* $168. Comprehensive fees include like University ot VtaLnii Vuvinia Back the Nighr and I would sa) oh. Take Back tin- Sipl'l l»*'>" »»h "'"*" llors meeting .m- being described as funding lor non-academic campus Military Institute, Virginia Com- that's aometrung we used to haw- when bom me Cbnlemporai) Gospel nothing unusual compared lo activities such as student organi/a inonweallh I ni\ersit\. t leOTgC tin- Bluealbnei and non Mudenl per sexual assault "as,. problem. Wi don i increases jp previous years. turns, health can-, transportation, Mason Untverstty .\\^\ Old Domin- icemen Ml Steeta,and IheaZiunwaH have that anymore" I think it's a restsonflblc ie. u.ition and athletics. ion Unrversitj Midkin also said studenn should DuriliK tlu-s|v.ik ..ill »heie-urvnors iiuicMM'. DiflSdOf Of Media Rela- King ssid another influence on In stale luilion SMS did noj rise rail) when a woman on campus is ihared their stories, mam riwmbenoftne tion-- I red I lilton said I le s.iid simi- the rise m tees Is Inflation Hilton because ol the freeze Virgin] raped like thev did when an assault .„idl,™en.-.eMMWs moved Inlhenno lar nureasi's ha\e taken place over said money was also built in for Jim GUrnore M\K\ the General classified as a hate .nine was allegedl) llonalevlvnen.es people Shared the past several yean salaries In tna hopes that the Gener- AsM'inblv put on In-State tuitions, | hen- were als.
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