DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Indian Affairs Final Environmental Assessment for the proposed Sleepy Hollow Forest Management Project on the Colville Reservationo Ferry County, Wa.shington AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs ACTION: Notice of Availability SUMMARY: This notice is to advise interested parties that the Bureau of Indian Affirirs (BIA) as lead federal agency, with the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, has prepared a final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSD for the proposed Sleepy Hollow Forest Management Projeot on the Colville Reservation, Feny County, Washington. This not:ice also announces the EA and FONI'SI are now available in hard copy at the address below. ADDRESSES: You may request a hard copy of the EA arrd FONSI by writing the BIA Colville Agency, PO Box 150, Nespelem, Washington, 99155, ancl the Colville Tribe, PO Box 111, Nespelem, Washington, 991 55. FOR FURTHER INF'ORMATION CONTACT: Debra Wulff, BIA Colville Agency Superintendent, at (509) 534-2316, and Chasity Swan, Cotville Integrated Resource Management Plan (IRMP) Coordinalor, at (509) 634-2323. SUPPLEMENTAL II\FORMATION: The Colville Tritre, through contractual obligations to the BIA, has proposed the Sleepy Hollow Forest Managernent Project. The activities under the agency proposed action are to harvest approximately 19.5 MMBF of timber from approximatel'y 2,360 acres of Tribal land on the Inchelium District of the Colville Reservation in Fen'y County, Washington. The actirrities will occur under guidelines in the IRMP and associated Environmental Impact Statement. AUTHORITY: This rLotice is published pursuant to 43 C.FR 46.305 of the Department of Interior Reguiations (43 CFR 46 et seq.), the proceclural requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (42 U.S.C. 431I et seq.), and in accor<lance with the exercise of authorit.y delegated to the Assistant lsecreterry - Indian Affairs by 209 DM 8. Ihfnt D u:+* v ,b5,n2t Ag"*y S"p"""t""d." Date Colville Agency Bureau of Indian Affairs U.S. Department of the Interior Finding of No Significant Impact Sleepy Hollow Forest Management Project Colville Reservation, Ferry County, Washington Based on the attached final Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Sleepy Hollow Forest Management Project for a proposed harvest of approximately 19.5 MMBF of timber from approximately 2,360 acres of Tribal land on the Inchelium District of the Colville Reservation in Ferry County, Washington, I have determined that by implementation of the agency proposed action with associated activities, and environmental mitigation measures as specified in the EA, the proposed Sleepy Hollow Forest Management Project will have no significant impact on the quality of the human environment. In accordance with section 102(2)(c) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, an Environmental Impact Statement will not be required. This determination is supported by the following findings: 1. Agency and Tribal Interdisciplinary Team involvement was conducted and environmental issues related to development of the Sleepy Hollow Forest Management Project were identified. Alternative course of action and mitigation measures were developed in response to environmental concerns and issues. Tribal community outreach was conducted (Colville Integrated Resource Management Plan [IRMP] and associated Environmental Impact Statement [EIS]; EA section 1.6). 2. The EA discloses the environmental consequences of the “proposed action” and “no action” alternatives. 3. Protective measures will be levied to protect air (Clean Air Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.), noise, and water quality (Clean Water Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.), as outlined in the mitigation measures (Colville IRMP and associated EIS; EA section 4.3). 4. The proposed action will not jeopardize threatened or endangered species (Endangered Species Act, as amended, 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) (Colville IRMP and associated EIS; EA section 4.4 and Appendix B). 5. There are no adverse effects on historic properties for the purpose of 36 CFR 800.9(b) by preserving archeological value through conduct of appropriate research in accordance with applicable standards and guideline (National Historic Preservation Act, as amended, 16 U.S.C. 470). Should undiscovered archeological remains be encountered during ground-disturbing activities, work will stop in the area of discovery and the stipulations of 36 CFR 800.11 will be followed (Colville IRMP and associated EIS; EA section 4.5 and Appendix B). 6. Impacts to public health and safety are mitigated through implementation of safety measures. 7. The proposed action will not cause a significant effect to energy resources (Energy Policy Act of 2005), water resources, wetlands (E.O. 11990), or flood plains (E.O. 11988). The Sleepy Hollow Forest Management Project will not result in discharge of pollutants into waters of the U.S. or in surface water quality issues (Clean Water Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.) (Colville IRMP and associated EIS; EA section 4.3). 8. The cumulative effects of the environment are mitigated to avoid or minimize effects of implementation of the proposed project. 9. The proposed action would improve the economic and social conditions of the affected Indian community. 10. The Sleepy Hollow Forest Management Project will not have significant impacts on: natural and uniqrre geographic features such as historic or cultural resources; park, recreation, or refuge lands; wildemess areas; wiJld and scenic rivers; national natural landmarts; sole or prime drinking water aquifers; prime and unique farrnlands, wetlands, floodplains; national monuments; eagles ind migratory birds, and other ecologically significant areas. 1 1' The proposed action will not produce highly controversial effects on the quality of the human environment, and will not have unresolved conflicts concerning alternateuses of available resources. 12. The proposed action will not have highly uncertain effects r:n the human environment or involve unique or unknown risks. 13. The proposed action will not establish a precedent for future actions with significant effects or represent a decision in principle about a consideration. 14. The Sleepv Hollow Ilorest Management Project is not related to other actions with individual insi gnifi cant but cumulatively signi ficant environmental efr:ects 15. There will be no disproportionately high and adverse humarn health or environmental effects on minority or low-income communities (Environmental Justir:e E.O. 12898; Title VI of the Civil Rishts Act of 1964). 16. The proposed action will not affect American Indian Religious,Freedom (42 U.S.C. 1996). The action will not limit access to, and ceremonial use of, Indiarr sacred sites on federal lands, by Indian religious practitioners, and/or adversely affect the physical integrify of such sites (Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, 25 U.S.C. 32). 17. The action will not contribute to the introduction, continueil existence, or spread of noxious weeds or non-native invasive sipecies known to occur in the area, or rnay promote the introduction, growth, or expansion ofthe range ofsuch species. 18. The proposed action will not contribute to the disposal of solid or hazardous waste (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976;43 U.S.C. 6901, et seq.). 19. The proposed action will not threaten a violation of federal, state, local, or tribal law or recpirements imposed for the proti:ction of the environment. IJiru l,JuJ-Yh 3,D 5'vD?l Agency Supeflntendent Date Colville Agency Bureau of Indian Affairs U.S. Department of the Interior -- Sleepy Hollow Forest Management Project Environmental Assessment The Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Colville Confederated Tribes of the Colville Indian Reservation Proposed Action: The Bureau of Indian Affairs and Colville Confederated Tribes propose the Sleepy Hollow Forest Management Project. The objective of this project would be to harvest approximately 19.5 million board feet of timber on approximately 2,360 acres of tribally owned lands within the Inchelium District of the Colville Reservation. Official Decision Maker: Debra Wulff, Superintendent, Colville Agency, BIA For further information: Chasity Swan IRMP Coordinator PO BOX 111 Nespelem, WA 99155 (509) 740-7796 [email protected] March 2021 Colville Indian Reservation 1 Sleepy Hollow Forest Management Project Environmental Assessment Table of Contents 1.0 Purpose and Need ........................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 3 1.2 Purpose and Need for Action .................................................................................................................. 3 1.3 Issues, Concerns and Objectives ............................................................................................................. 3 1.4 Compliance with Other Codes and Regulations ..................................................................................... 5 1.5 Determination ......................................................................................................................................... 5 1.6 Public Involvement ................................................................................................................................
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