BOX. 1&73 ST AU 32.034 News special section today: latest in home furnishings Ann Landers SB Oct. 5-7, 1967 Classifieds 8-9B Hi Lo Rain Editorials 4A Thurs. 83 70 .6 Real Estate 5-7B Fri. 80 70 1.5 Sports 6A BOCA RATON NEWS Sat. 83 67 •&< Vol. 12, No. 138 Sunday, October 8, 1967 42 Pages Winfield Park sewer assessment protested City will standfast, says Mayor By JIM RIFENBURG Winfield Park residents are up in arms over possible as- sessments for a new sewer system now being installed in that area. "We are being charged in a manner contrary to an existing Life in Boca Raton is somewhat damp these days, with about six city ordinance," Mrs. Betty inches of rain since last Wednesday. The car shown above was Holland, 2176 NE 3rd St., told fording an intersection on the Dixie Highway at noon Friday. Al- the News. though the clouds parted at times yesterday and a few rays of sun- "According to the ordinance," shine got through, more rain is forecast for today. she continued, "assessments will be charged on an actual front footage. But the city has decided on a 75-foot minimum regardless of how much land a City is confident person owns." Mrs. Holland said the front of her property measures ex- actly 62.8 feet, however her of funds for park assessment will be made on a 75-fGpt front. The resident also Barring the unexpected, Bo- checked by Froemke on his visit said she and others had been in- ca Raton will receive $250,000 here, it will go to the regional Finishing touches were put on the lobby as 42nd opening. Hotel officials expect more than formed the cost would be much in federal funds for develop-, office of the Department of In- the Boca Raton Hotel and Club readied for its 100 guests to register this weekend. lower than the "$7.50 per foot ment of an oceanfront park. terior in Atlanta. Then it will go estimate now being used by the Following a meeting in Talla- to Washington for final approv- city." hassee Thursday, Boca Raton al. The original engineering es- officials were highly optimis- No problems are anticipated, Boca Raton Hotel rolls out timate pegged the cost at $7.46 tic about getting the money. Alford said. "It's just a matter per front foot. However, after City Manager Alan Alford, of gathering all the necessary studying the low bid accepted, Mayor Bernard Turner and information and putting it in the engineering department es- Planning Director Walter Young proper form." timated the cost to residents met in Tallahassee with R. W. Time has become a critical carpet - 10,000 yards of it would come closer to a figure Froemke of the State Outdoor factor in the city's bid for of $5.75 per foot. Recreational Development federal funds. After Jan. 1, the Council. The meeting was held federal program no longer will By SANDY WESLEY hallways with white velvet wall- new presidential suite, a posh "I'd like to know what they're primarily to work on the city's paper, completely redecorated going to do with the extra mon- be on the basis of reimburse- five-room suite overlooking the application for the funds. ment, but future funding. Boca Boca Raton Hotel and Club of- all the guest rooms with bright front courtyard which was ey," Mrs. Holland said. "A "I think it was a very fruit- flowered and striped wallpaper neighbor of mine who had a 110- Raton already has spent about ficials literally rolled out the planted this summer with orange ful meeting," Alford said. "We $625,000 on land acquisition for carpet for the 42nd opening of and gay curtains, renovated old and grapefruit trees to comple- (Continued on 8A) came away optimistic that the the park, and the federal mon- the city landmark Saturday. furniture, and placed new furn- ment the Belle of Boca Raton application would be approved." ey it is seeking would be re- To be sure, not all of the car- iture in the rooms on the first statue. The application is expected to imbursement funds. peting was red, but there was three floors of the Clarence The old presidential suite, a More green be completed when Foremke 10,000 yard s of it. .allbrand Geist addition . and Addison wing built over the lake, has comes here, Oct. 23 or 24, for The $250,000 would be the new. Mizner's original Cloisters been torn down to make room areas wanted an inspection of the park site on first allocation of $1 million for The 10,000 yards of carpet- area. for the beginning of phase three A1A north. which the city has qualified. ing is part of the phase two of Today 100 guests will sign in the hotel's expansion and ren- The State Cabinet is expect- Alford said Froemke was "very into the hotel, beginning the long If members of the Planning the hotel's $14 million renovat- ovating program. and Zoning Board have it their ed to approve the city's appli- optimistic" about the initial ing and expansion program, a line of visitors that will continue Phase three includes extend- cation when it meets Tuesday. allocation; the possibility of ob- program which began in 1966 throughout the season. way, future apartment builders ing the Cloister gardens and in Boca Raton will have to make Once the application is ap- taining the $750,000 balance with the complete renovation of Friday, workers hurried to proved by the Cabinet and remains uncertain. the top three of six floors in put the finishing touches on the (Continued on 8A) provisions for a green or rec- the area which had been built reation area in their apartment by Clarence Geist in the 1930's. complexes. The board, which is discuss- This summer workers scrap- ing revisions of the standards Public hearings set ed 42 years of paint off shut- Two new precincts in multiple dwelling zones bas- ters, brightened up long dark ed on a six-page survey made by board member Tore Wallin, on rezoning requests created in Boca Raton would like to see a minimum of 30 per cent of a lot devoted to Public hearings on three pe- erty between Northeast 40 Street Boca Raton has jumped from half. Voters of the new 209 will recreation or green area in the titions have been set for the Oct. and Northeast 46 Street, Fed- five to seven voting precincts, cast their ballots at the Pres- sections zoned for R-3 mul- 19 meeting of the Planning and eral Highway and the Intra- JACK KEITZER and family according to a map distributed byterian Church on Camino tiple dwellings which allow for Zoning Board, and another pub- coastal, from R-l-B, which al- wrapped in raincoats, watching Friday by Supervisor of Elec- Real. small, one or two story apart- lic hearing on a recommenda- lows for single family dwell- the Bobcat footballers at work tions Horace Beasley of West ments, and 25 per cent for tion by the board has been ings, to R-B-l and R-4, which in Fort Pierce Friday night. Palm Beach. Precinct 210 was taken away R-3-A multiple dwelling, which scheduled for Nov. 16. would permit apartments and "Who cares about a little rain," Two new precincts, 209 and from the former 211 and is permits efficiencies. One petition is by Itvenus De- commercial buildings. said Jack. "We won.". ..World 210 have been created in the bounded by Palmetto park on The green area stipulation velopment and Industrial Corp- Another petition scheduled for Series addicts anxiously watch- southern and eastern parts of the south, NE 20th Street on would be a completely new zon- oration asking for rezoning of public hearing Oct. 19 is from ing Saturday morning's skies the city. the north, Federal Highway and ing requirement if it's ac- property bounded by C-15 canal, Florida Palm Aire Corp. asking and praying for a dry field in Precinct 209 is bounded on the Intracoastal Waterway. cepted. Hidden Valley and Intracoastal for rezoning of land bounded by St. Louis. .RED McMAHAN the north by Camino Real and Voters in this precinct will Wallin told the board that Waterway from R-l-A, highest Tropic Isles, Boca Harbour, wearing a smile for the first by the city limits on the south. cast ballots at the Methodist at present the average green zoning for single family dwell- Federal Highway and Intracoas- time in three weeks after the Dixie Highway is the eastern area provided by apartment ings, to R-3-A, which would tal from R-l-A, which permits Miami Hurricane victory over Church on NE Second Ave. boundary and 209 goes to the Precinct 209 will have 1254 complexes in the R-3 zoning permit apartments and effi- single family dwellings, to mighty (?) Tulane Friday night western city limits. It was area is between 25 and 30 per ciencies. R-B-l, R-3 and R-3-A, to al- . .Planning and Zoning Board registered voters, precinct 212, formerly a part of precinct 212 1354, precinct 210, 1217 and cent. It's a bit lower in the Charles B. Marqusee has pe- low for apartments, efficien- member JOHN DeGROVE on which was divided nearly in R-3-A zoning area. titioned for rezoning of prop- cies and commercial buildings. low-cost housing: "After trav- precinct 211, 1239. eling all over the country I'm certain there's no such thing as 'low-cost,' but we might try 'lower-cost.'".
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