Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC Once-A-Week, 1929-30 1-23-1930 Once-A-Week, 1930-01-23 Ithaca Conservatory and Affiliated Schools Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Ithaca Conservatory and Affiliated Schools, "Once-A-Week, 1930-01-23" (1930). Once-A-Week, 1929-30. 13. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in Once-A-Week, 1929-30 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. ONCE-A-WEEK OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of THE STUDENTS Of THE ITHACA CONSERVATORY AND AFFILIATED c.";) SCHOOLS ~ Pub/is/zed by t//e students of the Ithaca Institutio11 of Public Scliool Music It/iaca Co11servatory of 1llusic i11cludi11g Ithaca Scliool of Physical Education JVestminster C/ioir Scliool- JVilliams Ithaca Ba11d Sc/iool School of Expressio11 a11d Dramatic Art iJ,/arti11 School of Speec/i Correction s. HESTER FOSTER, Editor-in-Chief ] A:\'"C,-\RY 23, ] 930 NUMBER 13 The Cayugan Spring Tour of Westminster Choir by \ "1RGIXI.\ JARVIS, Et!itor-i11-Clifrf Of 1930 Cayugan r:s-11·c knmr you've heard about Y th~ Cayugan-but the point is- 1·ou ha\·en't heard ALL about it. At the regular meeting of the entire staff b,t Tuesday, final plans \\'ere made for the completion of the book; and \\'e hm·c even· reasan to b~lievc that this year's book 11·ill surpass any of the for­ mer Cayugans. First of all, there is a larger staff at \\'Ork on the book and each of the Afl1liated Schools is rcprc­ smtrd by at lc,1st one member on the staff. \\'ith this arrangement } ou can be a,s11rcd that \'Clllr 0\\'11 school acti,·­ itil's \1·ill ha,·c ;L definite place in the book. Last ) car picturl's, stories and acti,·­ it) ''lnit~-ups" 11·cre gi1·c11 equal spact' in the book, but h.:caus:· of suggestion, by so many students 11·c'rc planning to IX months ago the \Vestminster membership being only forty, there is make the Cayugan of 1930 a real "pic­ S Choir School. comprising students natural!) keen competition among those tt!rl' book". Of course- there u-i// be of outstanding ability and a distinguish­ trying out for the Choir. This Choir is, IITite-ups of all the important eHnts, ed facult\', left Davton, Ohio, the cit1· at pres~nt composed almost entirely of but after all-11·e really 11·ill keep our of its bi;·tl1 to bcc~me a ,·ital part ~f men and ,,·omen \\"ho are conducting the Ithaca Conservaton- and Afliliatcd Choirs in and around Ithaca. \Vhcn the boob primarily for the pirturcs-and Schools. During this time e1·cnts have \Vcstminster Choir goes on tour sub­ the memories 11·hich pictures of friends shmn1 this mm·e to ha\'c been a bene­ stitutes ar:: sent out from the School to anti places al11·ays bring to mind. Also ficial one for all concerned. fill the l'acancics made by those Conduc­ --although year books arc usually dcsig­ Last year the touring choir, directed tors. n;:trd as a s~nior book-this one is to b1· Dr. fohn Finlcv \\"illiamson, ach­ The Spring Tour \\'ill include con­ certs in the folloll"ing cities: Rochester, bl' dificrl'nt. To the Seniors \\"ill, oi i::1·ed fa1;1e in E11ro1;:: as \\"ell as Amer­ ica through the excellency of its per­ ;',; .'{.; Attoona, Pa.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; l'our,;·, be gi,·cn the honor due their formances. This year this organir.ation Columbus, Ohio; Lima, Ohio; Indian­ rank - but - the Juniors and under­ 11·i!l go out as reprcs~nting not only the apolis, fnd.; St. Louis, ::\Io.; Dayton, da,,ml'!l are to be gi,·en "a sho11· dmn1" \ Vc·stminster Choir School. but also the Ohio; Cincinnatti, Ohio; Evansville, too. For Th:: First Time, the Cayugan g:·eat Institution of 11·hicl{ it is no\\' a Ind.; \ Villiamsport. Pa.; Steubenville, part. Ohio; Spri11gficl<l, Ohio; Louisville, Will l.'se Individual Pictures Of Tun­ Ky.; Peoria. Ill.; Bloomingtom, Ill.; St·Hral tours have been arranged by io;·,--.'\nd-acrordino to the \\'a\_- the Springfield, lll.; Kokomo, Ind.; :'.\fon­ ' b • ::\lrs. Louise Brooks, the manager of Soph11111ore class ''comes through" \\·ith cie, Ind.; Richmond, Ind.; Youngs- the Choir in the United States. The tmrn, Ohio; Eric, Pa. · sub,"riptions - arrangements \\·ill be First tour \\'ill take place in the early lllacl: for using their pictures in some spring and \\"ill include concerts in se,·­ Se\'eral members of the Facultv \\"ill 11·a)· either than in a group. en mirl-11·cstcrn states. Few people real­ accompany the Choir to enable tl1e stu­ L.,tly-thcrc is one nc11· feature for ize that membership into \Vestminster dents to keep up ,,·ith the regular class this ) car's book that \\·ill interest e,·erv­ Choir is quite an honor and only a assignments. The School \\"ill continue onc. This nc\\" feature \\·ill be annou;1- small percent of Choir School Students withour interrnption during the Choir's ccd in the Oncc-A-\Veek. are admitted into this orn:anization. The absence. ONCE-A-WEEK Professional Ehgage­ P. S. M. Dance a Westminister Choir men ts Brilliant Affair Sings in Philadelphia a,1d Willmington on Monday HROCGH the local entertainment AST Friday evening at t h e Ithaca T bureau of the Ithaca Conserva­ L Hotel was one of the most brilli­ and Tuesday torv and Affiliated Schools a number ant and most successful dances ever of · students are engaged by various held in Ithaca. This dance was given groups and organizations in the city to by the Public School Music Depart­ HE \Vestminster Choir will give provide entertainments for special oc­ ment for the members and their speci­ T two concerts next week, the first casions. Miss Ruth \Volfe who is in ally invited guests. The success of the in Philadelphia on :Monday "·here charge of this branch of work reports evening "·as in part due to our dean, they ,Yill sing before a distinguished the following engagements for this Dean Albert E. Brown, who so ably group including Stokowski, the conduc­ week. assisted the committees in their pre­ tor of the Philadelphia Symphony Or­ Sunday, January 19, a program was parations. l\1ildred Brownell was the chestra. At Wilmington Delawan; on given fo~- ti1e Eagle Lodge Dedication General Chairman, "·ith :Miss Elsbeth Tuesda,· the Choir will be the guests Services by Lillian Legro, Marjorie Jones as Social Chairman, :Margaret of Mr: and Mrs. Pierre Du Pont Fisher and Dorothea Koch. Jacobs was Chairman of the decorations and ,Yill sing in the Conservatory at Tonight the Ladies Class of the First "·hich made the ballroom so attractive. the Du Pont home Tuesday evening. l'viethodist Church will be entertained Mary Jane MacPhail was in charge The Choir have sung for the Du Ponts by Mary Ella Bovee, Leonard Gold­ of the refreshment committee. All these before, having visited there on an east­ smith, Janet Rice and l\1argaret Sell­ chairmans had an able crew of assistants. ern Tour several years ago. Classes ers. The program will follow a supper In the receiving line were President will be resumed ·on \Vednesday morn­ given by the Ladies Class. Williams; Mrs. Deane, Dean and Mrs. mg Albert Edmund Brown, Miss Elsbeth Jones, Dean Ida M. Powell, Dean and Advanced Student Re­ Mrs. Rollo Anson Tallcott, Dean and fVestminster Choir Srhool Notes cital Tuesday Evening Mrs. Lawrence Hill and lVIr. and Mrs. Eugene Knotts has been in the Infirm· Ben Johnson. arv for several davs with a sprained an.kle. · Never before in the history of Con­ \Veslev Hoad has returned to hii x Tuesday evening, January 28 servatory dances has such a beautiful dance been given. The lighting arrange­ home in· Oskosh, \i\Tisconsin "·here h< 0 there ,Yill be an advanced student is recuperating after an operation. recital in the Little Theatre at 8 :15 ment ,Yas very clever in that it brought P. M. This Recital is for all the stu­ out the beautiful colorings of the gO\Yns. dents, as ,Yell as the faculty and it is The music, furnished by "\Ves" Dean Tallcott Honored hoped that many '"ill take advantage Thomas and his famous dance orchestra of this opportunity to hear the splendid "·as of the best. Too soon did the clos­ at National Speech program which has been arranged. ing strains of "Tiger Rag" bring to a close this dance of dances. The program is as follows: Convention Dean BrmYn has announced that he I. Piano wishes this to be the initial affair of Sonata A major ( 1st movement, Theme many to come. It is the hope of the de­ ,Yith variations) .............................. 111 ozart E.\'.\:' R ..\. T..\LLCOTT, a member of partment to make this dance an annual Miss Edith Hendricks the N a t i o n a l Association of affair-trying each year to make it bet­ TeachersD of Speech, was honored. at IL Voice ter than the vear before. Just at present the annual convention in Ne"· York a. Hidden Tears .............................. Schunumn Dean not annou~cing what the Citv. He was chosen as one of the four b. He, the Best of All... ............... Schumann coming attractions are to be, but we rep;·esentative readers in the United l\1iss Hester Foster have no doubt that they will be success­ States to demonstrate and illustrate ful.
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