aqua Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology Vol. 5 (1), November 2001 Aquapress ISSN 0945-9871 aqua - Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology Managing Editor: Scope and aims Heiko Bleher aqua is an international journal which publishes original Via G. Falcone 11, 27010 Miradolo Terme (PV), Italy scientific articles in the fields of systematics, taxonomy, Tel.: +39 0382 754707/08 - Fax: +39 0382 754129 bio geography, ethology, ecology, and general biology of e-mail: [email protected] fishes, amphibians, aquatic invertebrates, and plants. Papers on freshwater, brackish, and marine organisms Scientific Editor: will be considered. aqua is fully refereed and aims at publishing manuscripts within 2-4 months of acceptance. 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The annual subscription rate is DM 50,- Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin, Germany plus postage DM 10,- / US$ 25.00 plus postage US$ Friedhelm Krupp, Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 5.00 / Euro 25,00 plus postage Euro 5,00 / Lire 50.000 Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Ger- plus postage Lire 8.000. many Subscription enquires should be sent to the address given below. Christian Lévêque, CNRS - Programme Environnement Vie et Sociétès, 1 Place Aristide Briand, 92195 Paris Cédex, France Volker Mahnert, Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, Route de Malagnou 1, 1211 Genève 6, Switzerland Robert R. Miller, University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, U.S.A. John E. Randall, Bishop Museum, 1525 Bernice Street, P.O. Box 19000-A, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. Wolfgang Schneider, Hessisches Landesmuseum, Darmstadt, Friedensplatz 1, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany Lothar Seegers, Grenzstraße 47b, 46535 Dinslaken, Germany Wolfgang Villwock, Universität Hamburg, Zoologisches ISSN 0945-9871 Institut und Zoologisches Museum, Martin-Luther-King- Publisher: Aquapress, Redazione aqua, Platz 3, 20146 Hamburg, Germany I-27010 Miradolo Terme (Pavia), Italy Printer: Grafiche Dessi s.r.l., Italy Chem Yi-yu, Institute of Hydrobiology, Academia Sinica, Typesetting: Rossella Bulla Wuhan Hubei, P. R. China © 2001 aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology Food Resource and Habitat Sharing by the Three Western South Atlantic Surgeonfishes (Teleostei: Acanthuridae: Acanthurus) off Paraíba Coast, North-eastern Brazil Thelma L. P. Dias1, Ierecê L. Rosa2 & Bertran M. Feitoza3 Universidade Federal da Paraíba, CCEN, Departamento de Sistemática e Ecologia, Campus I, João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil, 58059-900. E-mails: 1) [email protected]; 2) [email protected]; 3) [email protected] Accepted: 28.09. 2001 Keywords Le régime et le comportement alimentaires ont été Diet, feeding behaviour, reef fishes, Acanthurus, analysés chez trois acanthurides de l’Atlantique du Sud- western South Atlantic, North-eastern Brazil, natural Ouest (Acanthurus bahianus, A. chirurgus and A. reefs, shipwrecks. coeruleus), grâce á l’examen du contenu stomacal et d’observations en plongée. Les données ont été recueil- Abstract lies sur trois récifs naturels et deux épaves le long de la Diet and feeding behaviour of the three western côte de l’état de Paraiba, nord-est du Brésil. Les résul- South Atlantic acanthurids (Acanthurus bahianus, A. tats de l’index de Schoener suggèrent que le chevau- chirurgus, and A. coeruleus) were analysed, based on chement des régimes alimentaires entre paires d’espè- stomach contents analysis and underwater observ - ces n’est pas significatif; toutefois, un certain degré de ations. Data were obtained at three natural reefs and ségrégation par microhabitat a pu être observé. Les two shipwrecks along the coast of Paraíba State, NE jeunes de A. bahianus et de A. chirurgus fourragent en Brazil. The results of Schoener’s Index suggest that com mun, cependant que les jeunes de A. coeruleus dietary overlap was not significant between species s’alimentent solitairement. Les adultes des trois espècas pairs; however, some degree of microhabitat segrega- observées forment des groupes d’alimentation intra- et tion was observed. Juveniles of A. bahianus and A. interspécifiques. Un comportement d’accompagnement chirurgus formed feeding aggregations, whereas juve- a été noté entre les acanthurides et Halichoeres spp., niles of A. coeruleus foraged solitarily. Adults of the Pseudopeneus maculatus and Sparisoma spp. three studied species formed intra- or interspecific feeding groups. Following behaviour was observed Sommario between acanthurids and Halichoeres spp., Pseu du - Sulla base del contenuto intestinale e di osserva zioni peneus maculatus, and Sparisoma spp. subacquee, vengono analizzate la dieta e le abitudini ali- mentari di tre specie di pesci chirurgo dell’Atlantico Zusammenfassung sudoccidentale (Acanthurus bahianus, A. chirurgus, e A. Nahrung und Fressverhalten wurden anhand von coeruleus). I dati sono stati raccolti nei pressi di tre bar- Mageninhalt-Analysen und Unterwasserbeobach t - riere naturali e di due relitti sommersi, lungo la costa ung en an drei Acanthuriden (Acanthurus bahianus, A. dello Stato di Paraiba, nel Brasile nord-orientale. Il cal- chirurgus und A. coeruleus) aus dem westlichen colo dell’indice di Schoener mostra che non c’è una sig- Südatlantik untersucht. Die Daten wurden an drei nificativa sovrapposizione alimentare tra le specie. Sono natürlichen Riffen sowie an zwei Schiffwracks gesam- stati tuttavia osservati fenomeni di segregazione di melt, entlang der Küste vom State Paraíbo, NO- microhabitat. Durante la ricerca del cibo, gli individui gio- Brasilien. Die Ergebnis e, auf Schöners Index ausgew- vani di A. bahianus e A. chirurgus si uniscono in grup pi, ertet, zeigen an dass Nahr ungsüberschneidung unter mentre quelli di A. coeruleus hanno abitudini so li tarie. Gli Artpaaren nicht von Bedeutung war; jedoch es wurde adulti di tutte e tre le specie formano invece gruppi intra- ein gewisser Grad von Mikro-Habitatunterteilung e interspecifici. Sono state inoltre osservate associazioni beobachtet. Jung tiere von A. bahianus and A. chirur- alimentari con alcune specie dei generi Ha lichoeres e gus bildeten Fütterungsgruppen, währ end junge A. Sparisoma e con Pseudupeneus maculatus. coeruleus als Ein zelgänger fraßen. Adulte Exemplare der untersuchten Arten bildeten intra- oder interspez- Introduction ifische Fressgruppen. Nachfolgeverhalten wurde unter Among reef fishes, surgeonfishes constitute a vis - Acanthuriden und Halichoeres-Arten, Pseudo peneus ually important group in tropical reefs (Alevizon, 1994) maculatus und Sparisoma-Arten beobachtet. and represent, among herbivore fishes, an ecologic - ally and evolutionarily important component of tropical Résumé 1 aqua vol. 5 no. 1 - 2001 Food Resource and Habitat Sharing by the Three Western South Atlantic Surgeonfishes (Teleostei: Acanthuridae: Acanthurus) reef communities (Randall, 1965). Together with adopted by Potts & Hulbert (1994). parrotfishes they constitute the largest and most Collections and stomach contents analyses: mobile group of herbivore reef fishes which contribute Collections were made monthly from April 1998 to to the transport of large amounts of inorganic nitro- November 1999 (except June, July, and August, rainy gen, thus having an important role in the nutrient months with low visibility). A total of 209 specimens regeneration and cycling (Duarte & Acero, 1988). were captured with spear gun or dip net (juveniles In Brazil, surgeonfishes are visually striking reef < 6 cm), and placed in ice to interrupt the digestive fishes and are subject to commercial exploitation at process by thermal shock, following Aguiar & various localities, chiefly as juveniles for the aquarium Filomeno (1995). Collections and observations at the trade, and more rarely as adults for human consump- natural reefs were made through snorkelling, and at tion. Despite this, they remain virtually unstudied in the artificial reefs through SCUBA dives. All speci- Brazil, except for the work by Ferreira et al.
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