Form 1 as per EIA Nottiiffiicattiion 2006 ffor Redhiillls Gravell Quarry off V.. G.. Satthiish Babu iin Redhiillls Villllage,, Madhavaram Taluk,, Tiiruvalllur Diisttriict,, Tamiillnadu Appliicattiion Form for Obttaining Enviironmenttal Clearance ffrom Sttate Level Enviironment Impactt Assessmentt Autthoriity (SEIAA),, Tamiilnadu FORM I (I) Basic information S. No Item Details 1 Name of the project/s Redhills Gravel Quarry project 2 S.No. in the schedule 1 (a) The Proposed capacity of Gravel is 28350m3 for a period of sixty days only. Area = 3.15.0Ha Dimensions of the area Section L (m) W (m) D (m) 3 Description Max Avg (Avg) Proposed capacity/area/length/ tonnage Conceptual XY-AB 315 100 0.90 It is Open cast method of shallow quarrying. The to be handled / command area/lease Gravel is clearly visible right from the surface area/number of wells to be drilled hence No wells are proposed not drilled New/ Expansion/ Modernization It is a New Proposal Gravel Quarry Project in 4 Redhills Village. Existing capacity / Area etc. The proposed quantity of reserves is 28350m3 (i.e., 5009 Lorry Loads of Gravel up to a depth 0.90m below the existing profile of union tank for a period of sixty days only. 5 Description Gravel in m3 Geological Resources 28350 Available Mineable reserves 28350 Sixty days plan period 28350 As in the approved mining plan 6 Category of project i.e. `A’ or ‘B’ Category-B (B2) Does it attract the general condition? If 7 The project does not attract any specific condition yes, please specify. Does it attract the specific condition? If 8 The project does not attract any specific condition yes, please specify. Location Redhills Village, Madhavaram Taluk, Tiruvallur District Plot/ Survey/ Khasra No. 1 (P) 9 Village Redhills Taluk Madhavaram District Tiruvallur State Tamilnadu Nearest railway station/ airport along Ambattur Railway station - 5km - E 10 with distance in kms Chennai Airport - 19km - SE Nearest Town, city, District Nearest Town : Madhavaram - 9km - SE 11 Headquarters along with distance in kms. Nearest City : Tiruvallur -33km - SW District : Tiruvallur -33km - SW Village Panchayats, ZilaParis had, Village - Redhills Municipal Corporation, Local body Panchyat Union - Madhavaram 12 (Complete postal addresses with Taluk - Madhavaram telephone nos. to be given) District -Tiruvallur 13 Name of the applicant V. G. Sathish Babu Registered Address S/o. R. Goverdhanan, 16B, 4th Cross Street, 14 Kumaran Nagar (East), Avadi, Chennai -71 Mobile No. 9566661808 Address for correspondence Name V. G. Sathish Babu Designation (Owner/Partner/CEO) Proprietor/Owner S/o. R. Goverdhanan, 16B, 4th Cross Street, 15 Address Kumaran Nagar (East), Avadi, Chennai -71 E-mail [email protected] Telephone No. 9566661808 Fax No. - Details of Alternative Sites examined, if There are no alternative sites examined. The 16 any. Location of these sites should be project is site specific. shown on a Topo sheet 17 Interlinked Projects There is no interlinked projects Whether separate application of As there is no interlinked project, no application 18 interlinked project has been submitted? has been submitted If yes, date of submission As there is no interlinked project hence no 19 application has been submitted. 20 If no, reason The project involves Gravel Quarry Project only. Whether the proposal involves approval/ (a) The project does not attract the Forest clearance under: if yes, details of the (Conservation) Act 1980. There is no Forestland same and their status to be given. involved within the quarry lease-applied area. (a) The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980? (b) There is no wild life within the 15km radius 21 (b) The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972? from applied area and does not fall under the (c) The C. R. Z. Notification, 1991? Wildlife (protection) Act 1972. (C) The project doesn’t attract the C.R.Z. Notification, 1991. The applicant has obtained precise area communication letter was issued by the District Whether there is any Government Order/ collector Tiruvallur vide Rc. No. 738/2014/G&M- Policy relevant/ relating to the site? 1 dated 17.03.2015. 22 The mining plan was approved by the Assistant Director, Department of Geology and Mining Tiruvallur vide Rc.No. …………………………………………………… ………………. 23 Forest land involved (hectares) There is no forest land involved in the lease area. Whether there is any litigation pending against the project and/ or land in which the project is propose to be set up? (a) Name of the Court There is no court case pending, litigations relating 24 (b) Case No. to the project directly and indirectly. (c) Orders/ directions of the Court, if any and its relevance with the proposed project. (II) Activity 1. Construction operation or decommissioning of the project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use changes in water bodies, etc.) Details thereof (with approximate Information/Checklist Yes/ S. No quantities/rates, wherever possible) with confirmation No sources of information data Permanent or temporary change in The topography will be slightly changed after land use, land cover or topography the quarrying of Gravel as per the Mining plan, 1.1 including increase in intensity of Yes Gravel formation is seen right from the surface land use (with respect to local land to a depth of 0.90m for a period of sixty days use plan) only. Clearance of existing land, The quarry lease applied area is devoid of 1.2 vegetation and building? No vegetation’s, Human settlement and buildings hence clearance is redundant. The quarrying activity is proposed to carry out within the quarry lease applied area. 1.3 Creation of new land uses? No Temporary approach road within the area will be form for the easy access of men and machinery which will be well maintained. The Gravel deposits are clearly visible right Pre-construction investigations e.g. from the surface hence pre-construction 1.4 No bore houses, soil testing? investigation and soil testing is not proposed before quarrying operation. The area applied for lease is Puzhal Eri. There 1.5 Construction works? No is no any construction works in around the lease area. There is no existing building within the quarry 1.6 Demolition works? No lease applied area; hence no demolition work is involved. Temporary sites used for The area applied for lease is Puzhal Eri. There 1.7 construction works or housing of No is no any construction works in around the construction workers? lease area. There are no tall buildings or linear structure Above ground buildings, structures found in and around the quarry site. There is or Gravel works including linear no requirement of cutting and filling in the 1.8 No structures, cut and fill or site. The proposed quarry is to exploit Gravel excavations. from unconsolidated sediments for 0.90m only. Conventional open cast semi mechanized Underground works including 1.9 No quarrying will be adopted. No underground mining or tunneling? mining or tunneling is proposed. The quarry operation is restricted up to a depth of 0.90m right from the surface for a period of Reclamation works? sixty days only, after removing the Gravel 1.10 No there is no proposal for backfilling or reclamation. The quarried out land will facilitate the storage capacity of the tank. There is no such type of activities involved in 1.11 Dredging? No this opencast quarrying operation. There is no such type of activities involved; It 1.12 Offshore structures? No is an inland quarrying project. Production and manufacturing No production and manufacturing is involved 1.13 No processes? in the Gravel quarrying. There is no proposal for storage of material within the quarry lease applied area. The Gravel will be loaded directly to the tipper 1.14 No transported to needy sites especially for filling Facilities for storage of goods or materials? and leveling of low lying area for public and private sector projects in and around the district. There is no wastage encountered during the quarrying operation, the entire excavation will Facilities for treatment or disposal 1.15 No be used for filling and leveling of low-lying of solid waste or liquid effluents? area. The Gravel will not produce toxic effluence in the form of solid, liquid or gas. The proposed project is 3.15.0Ha for a period of sixty days only. The required employees Facilities for long term housing of 1.16 No (9Nos) are available in the nearby villages, operational workers? hence long term housing of operational workers are not proposed. No new roads, rail or sea traffic is proposed during operation, the existing road will be New road, rail or sea traffic during utilized for transportation of the Gravel. 1.17 construction or operation? No However, internal roads within the quarry lease applied area will be developed and maintained. New road, rail, air waterborne or There is no such type of activities involved in other transport infrastructure this project. 1.18 No including new or altered routes and Existing road will be utilized for the stations, ports, airports etc.? transportation of Gravel to the needy sites. Closure or diversion of existing transport routes or infrastructure The project will not cause any changes and 1.19 No leading to changes in traffic hindrance in the existing traffic movements. movements? New or diverted transmission lines The project does not involve diversion of 1.20 No or pipelines? transmission/pipe lines. Impoundment, damming, culver The quarrying operation is restricted up to a 1.21 ting, realignment or other changes No depth of 0.90m. The Ground water occurrence to the hydrology of watercourses or in this area is at 20mts depth from ground aquifers? profile. Hence there is no damage for ground water hydrology or aquifers. There is no stream crossing within the quarry 1.22 Stream crossings? No lease applied area.
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