The Great Jubilee Stories and photos: TheCCriterionriterion pages 9-14 Serving the Church in Central and Southern Indiana Since 1960 www.archindy.org September 22, 2000 Vol. XXXIX, No. 50 50¢ Photos by Banayote Photography, Inc. Photography, Banayote Photos by Above, 30,000 Catholics from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis gathered in Indianapolis for the Great Jubilee last Saturday to celebrate Thank you! 2,000 years of Christianity and to thank God for all his blessings. Eighteen bishops, two elebration in the Spirit of Hope: The Great We prayed for the Holy Spirit’s guidance for a new archabbots and several priests of the archdio- Jubilee was a blessed moment in the history of emphasis on our mission of evangelization. We now cese helped Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein the Catholic Church in our archdiocese. We thank embark on our Journey of Hope with new vigor as confirm nearly 3,200 youth and adults at the C archdiocese’s Celebration in the Spirit of God for this blessing and the countless blessings show- “Disciples in Mission.” † ered on our local Church! Surely it Hope: The Great Jubilee. It was the largest was a memorable and holy event, gathering of Catholics in the history of the not only for those who received archdiocese and one of the largest Jubilee the sacrament of confirmation but Most Rev. Daniel M. Buechlein, O.S.B. celebrations in the United States this year. for all of us. Archbishop of Indianapolis Archbishop Buechlein called on Catholics And in the name of all of us— of the archdiocese to spread the Good News laity, religious and clergy—I want as the Church prepares to begin a major to thank everyone who gathered at evangelization effort. For more Jubilee coverage, see pages 9-14. the RCA Dome as the Church in central and southern Indiana. I also want to thank the 1,000-plus peo- Archbishop Daniel ple who gave their time and talent M. Buechlein so that our celebration might be prayerful, joyful and beautiful. An incredible amount of detail and hard work go into this kind of venture. Msgr. Joseph Schaedel, assisted by Brian Doyle, Father Patrick Beidelman, Father James Bonke, Bill Bruns, Father Paul Etienne, Jesuit Father Joseph Folzenlogen, Charles Gardner, Father Rick Ginther, Sue Hetzler, David Hodde, Steve James, Kathy Kaplan, “Mickey” Lentz, Carolyn Noone, Karen Oddi, Susan Schramm and Marlene Stammerman formed the steering committee that oversaw the plan- ning and its execution. Countless others served as staff. Mike Fox and C.J. Wright, of the RCA Dome staff, provided invaluable assistance. Heartfelt con- gratulations and thank you, one and all! Our Jubilee celebration not only gratefully celebrated Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein and 18 other bishops from around the 2,000th anniversary of Christ’s birth and our salva- the country, two archabbots and priests from the archdiocese con- tion, it was primarily an event that looked to the future. celebrated the Jubilee Mass last Saturday at the RCA Dome. Page 2 The Criterion Friday, September 22, 2000 Six Sisters of Providence celebrate their silver jubilees SAINT MARY-OF-THE-WOODS— Sister Jeanette earned a bachelor’s Evansville. She currently ministers as Sr. Janette Sr. Mary Ann DeFazio Six Sisters of Providence of Saint degree in mathematics from Saint director of worship at the Cathedral of Hagelskamp Mary-of-the-Woods celebrated their sil- Mary-of-the-Woods College. She the Assumption in Louisville, Ky. ver jubilee during a eucharistic liturgy received a master’s degree in mathemat- She entered the congregation on on Aug. 19 in the Church of the ics from Purdue University and a degree Aug. 29, 1975, from Christ the King Immaculate Conception at the mother- in educational leadership, administra- Parish in Evansville, and professed per- house. tion and supervision from the National petual vows on Aug. 25, 1984. The silver jubilarians are Sisters College of Education. Sister Lisa earned a bachelor’s degree Mary Ann DeFazio, Jeanette She was a teacher at Providence High in English from Saint Mary-of-the- Hagelskamp, Sue Pietrus, Lisa School in New Lenox, Ill., from 1977- Woods College. Stallings, Dawn Tomaszewski and 79. She served as a physics instructor, She was a teacher at Our Lady of Wendy Workman. assistant director of financial aid and Providence High School in Clarksville Sister Mary Ann DeFazio is a native director of admissions at Saint Mary-of- from 1977-81, and a teacher at of Pittsburgh. She currently is a student. the-Woods College from 1979-82. At Providence-St. Mel School in Chicago Sr. Sue Pietrus Sr. Lisa Stallings She entered the congregation on Providence-St. Mel School in Chicago, from 1981-88. She was director of Aug. 29, 1975, from St. Mary Parish in she taught mathematics and physics and music for St. Bernadette Parish in Griffith, and professed perpetual vows was a computer instructor, curriculum Evergreen Park, Ill., from 1989-90 and on Oct. 14, 1984. She earned a bache- director and guidance counselor from director of music for St. James Parish in lor’s degree in humanities from Saint 1982-91. She also served as principal of Elizabethtown, Ky., from 1994-98. She Mary-of-the-Woods College. Mother Theodore Guérin High School also served as assistant coordinator of Sister Mary Ann served as a teacher in River Grove, Ill., from 1991-97. liturgy at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods in at Lady Isle School in Portsmouth, N.H., Sister Sue Pietrus is a native of 1998. from 1977-79 and at St. Alexander Chicago. She currently ministers as a Sister Dawn Tomaszewski is a native School in Palos Heights, Ill., from 1979- professor of music at Saint Mary-of-the- of Chicago. She currently ministers in 80. She also served St. Alexander Parish Woods College, where she also served the Archdiocese of Chicago as the com- as coordinator of religious education as music instructor, assistant professor munications and media coordinator for from 1980-86 and as pastoral associate and associate professor from 1980-90 the archdiocesan Office of Catholic Sr. Dawn Sr. Wendy Workman and director of religious education at and 1993-99. Education. Tomaszewski St. Clement Parish in Chicago from She entered the congregation on Aug. She entered the congregation on Aug. 1989-91. She served as director of reli- 29, 1975, from St. Louise Parish in 29, 1975, from St. John Brebeuf Parish gious education for St. Ferdinand Parish La Grange Park, Ill., and professed per- in Niles, Ill., and professed perpetual in Chicago from 1991-2000. petual vows on Aug. 19, 1984. vows on Aug. 19, 1984. Sister Jeanette Hagelskamp is a Sister Sue earned a bachelor’s degree Sister Dawn earned a bachelor’s native of Indianapolis and currently is a in music education at Saint Mary-of- degree in communications from Saint doctoral candidate and instructor at the the-Woods College. She received a mas- Mary-of-the-Woods College. She University of San Francisco. She also ter’s degree in music education from the received a master’s degree in journalism has served as assistant director of the University of Illinois and a doctor of from the University of North Carolina. Institute for Catholic Education musical arts in music education from She was a teacher at Marywood Leadership at the university. the University of Southern California. School in Orange, Calif., from 1977-80 She entered the congregation on She served as a music teacher at and at Mother Theodore Guérin High vows on Aug. 19, 1984. Aug. 29, 1975, from St. Matthew Parish Marywood School in Orange, Calif., School in River Grove, Ill., from 1980- Sister Wendy earned a bachelor’s in Indianapolis, and professed perpetual from 1977-80. 82. She was an instructor at Saint Mary- degree in religion from Saint Mary-of- vows on Aug. 19, 1984. Sister Lisa Stallings is a native of of-the-Woods College from 1984-87. the-Woods College. She received a She also served the Sisters of bachelor’s degree in physical education Providence as director of communica- from Indiana State University and a tions from 1984-90 and as director of master’s degree in physical education Providence Sister Bernadette Mary the Office of Congregational from the University of Iowa. Advancement from 1990-96. She taught at Corpus Christi School Carroll receives papal honor Sister Wendy Workman is a native of in Oklahoma City, Okla., from Gilman, Ill. She currently ministers as a 1977-80 and at St. Angela School in Providence Sister Bernadette Mary bookkeeping duties, Sister Bernadette healthcare visitor at the congregation’s Chicago from 1980-82. She taught Carroll, who formerly served in the arch- Mary also assists women with vocation motherhouse at Saint Mary-of-the- physical education at Saint Mary-of-the- diocese, has been awarded the papal discernment at Casa Providencia in Los Woods. Woods College from 1984-87 and honor “Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice” (“For Angeles. She entered the congregation on served as chairperson of the physical the Church and the Holy Father”). “It is an honor to receive this award,” Aug. 29, 1975, from St. Mary Parish in education department at the college Sister Bernadette Mary currently she said. “My family is very, very Paxton, Ill., and professed perpetual from 1985-87. † serves as pas- excited, probably more excited than I toral minister am!” and bookkeeper Nearly half of her 60-plus years as a Catholic physicians to meet Sept. 27 at at St. Teresa of Sister of Providence were spent teaching Avila Parish in children in Indiana and California, which Fatima Retreat House in Indinapolis Los Angeles. is her favorite ministry, Sister Bernadette The award is Mary said.
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