Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 2-8-1962 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1962). Winona Daily News. 245. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/245 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦;/ Cloudy and Warmer tonight Arid Friday New Weather New Plea Before N-Tests Satellite Put in Orbit By HOWARD BENEDICT CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla, <AP> —The United : States put a new U.S. Set for Blasts weather satellite. Tiros IV, into orbit today, and its cameras and electronic equipment , promptly began sending back photographs of the earth's cloud cover . A 90-foot 7 Thpr-Delta locket , blasting off from this base at 7;44 a.m., put up. the 285-pound satellite. fa Washington, the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis- On Christmas Isle tration announced shortly before 11 a.m. that pictures , of cloud cover had been received, and that West Urges "indications are that these are good." A spokesman for the space agency said pictures were re- Russia to ceived at 9:32 a.m, at the Wallops ¦ Island , Va. • -monitoring staEion. - :?-•' - . i\<-<\ ->3_*;- ;--vW : .:- .-.-¦:•:¦ . " ;/ ' -:HIHni¦ ;¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - - - »! ¦¦ »¦:. ¦ - •':"- - --i-m^i ¦*mmmws- '' '- *~ : Officials of Radio Co rp. of JAYNE AND MICKEY AFTER RESCUE ... after their speedboat overturned ,. then swam a America said pictures from the Reconsider Actress Jayne Mansfield is helped to the dock to- short distance this morning to the Rose Island satellite were also received at (TAP) ¦' ' :¦¦' WASHINGTON — Th« day by her husband Mickey Hargitay after their beach where they were spotted by a Coast Guard their , Princeton , N.J. station. United States and Britain an- rescue from Rose island near Nassau, Bahamas. plane, Miss Mansfield was hospitalized for treat- A spokesman for NA"A said nounced today agreement -on They spent the night on a tiny coral rock atoll ment of shock and exposure. <AP Photofax ) these- ' pictures ,- were mac during Christmas . Island in the Pacific the satellite's first whirl around as a site foi U.S. nuclear atmos- ' pheric They also the earth. In this initial Dibit , . he test programs. said , the satellite was slightly called for an EastAVest foreign ministers meeting on disarma- ment. would hot be expected to- be as ' Jayne good as those received during . The proposal for 3 foreign min- Mans^ later orbits. isters , meeting was made by The job of putting up the satel- President Kennedy and British lite , went smoothly. Prime Minister Harold Macmil- At a news , conference later, lan to Soviet Premier Khrush- project official Robert Gray gave chev. InW the report that all looked well. A joint U.S.-Brirish statement He said that radio signals from said that foreign ministers of the By BEN FUNK weight-lifting husband , related a He was released after treatment. the rocket indicated all three - three powers should meet in ad- NASSAU, " Bahamas . (API—Ac- tale of an overturned boat , a Hotel publicist Jack Drury of stages performed normally. He vance of the proposed 18-halion tress Jayne Mansfield , her mus- fainting and panicking Jayne, and Fort Laud erdale, Fla., the tnird said signals were picked tip from disarmament confe rence opening cular husband and- a ' companion a night perched on the tip of a member of the partx was unin- the payload by a station in Wink- at Geneva March 14 and should returned safely to Nassau today coral rock just jutting above high jured. field , England. " ' COUNTERFEITERS' WORK ... Secrest Serv- homemade camera used for copying and off- also be ready to participate per- with a story7 of a: harrowing ex- tide. * .'- 7' The group returned ' to- Nassau ice agents arrested ' fiVe persons and broke $500,- set printing plates used on $3,500 stolen printing sonally m tlie negotiations. perience at sea and a night on a aboard the 65-foot charter yacht The aim of this foreign min- " ring operatin g from a ram- press. Arrests made in four states. (AP tiny coral atoll. : Miss: Mansfield, Hargitay, and "Blades , which picked them off 000 counterfeiting were . isters effort would be to generate a Florida friend were found safe Shivering and weeping, the the . beach of isolated! Rose Island shackle house in Dickinson , N. D. Shown above Photofax) "supreme effort" to bring tli« this morning on a beach at Rose a buxom blonde, 28, who skied gaily after a pl ane spotted them. Bob Kennedy are uncut bogus bills, box of rejects sitting on nuclear arms race under control, Island after a night long search . out , of Nassau Wednesday, was the joint statement said. en they failed to Jayne and Mickey were on skis taken to a hospital for treatment touched off wh On the military side the two return from the water ski trip. and Drury piloted the 17-foot- of shock , exposure and coral rock Western governments . ' declared Hargitay was taken to the hos- white-hulled outboard boat they cuts. had rented, v Photographers fol- Given Friendly that the existing state of nuclear Mickey Hargitay, 32, , her pital for treatment of a cut leg. lowed them for about a mile, then Kennedy Backs McNamara development would "justify the turned back. West in v making such further Hargitay ' said the party con- series of nuclear tests as may be tinued on until they got about a Jap Greeting necessary for purely nuV'ary mile and a half lrpm Rose Is- By CONRAD FIN K Dispute Censors reasons. " Reservists land, some five miles from In Over 300 (API-Robert OSAKA, Japan F. An Important factor In the pres- Nassau. WASHINGTON (AP> - Presi- dential intervention Stennis had subcommittee membership, n ' Kennedy took his rneet-tle-people ent state of nuclear develop-rent Jayne fell off her skis, he- said . campaign to the Japanese coun- dent Kennedy invoked the doc- been one of those attempting to course which would have been the statement said, is the "recent He tried to help and fell off him- tryside today, waving and smiling trine of executive privilege today elicit answers on the point. open to him. massive Soviet tests," Released by 32nd self. She complained of a hurt leg. to forbid Pentagon personnel to Secretary of Defense Robert S. in good humor both at the thou- Tha only subcommittee mem- "The United States and United Drury, in the boat, said be tell a Senate subcommittee the McNamara read to the subcom- " FT: LEWIS, Wash. Wl — Almost 30O reservists mistakenly called sands who cheered him and the ber objecting to the chair's ruling Kingdom governments the state few hundred mustered by the names of -censors Who altered mittee a letter from the President ment then said , "have therefore to active duty last fall — most of them "with Wisconsin's 32nd Division texts of specific anti-Communist was Sen. Strom Thurmond , D- invoking the executive privilege — have been released, the Army said Wednesday. Communists to jeer him. S.C , whose charges that the decided that preparations should speeches. The chairman promptly and directing Defense Depart- be made in various places nnd A spokesman said most of the men were "fillers" from raid-west- "Aren't they a frien-dly peo- upheld the plea. military had been muzzled ment personnel from top . to ern states called back into service to raise the 32nd to authorized full ple?" the U.S. attorney general against anti-Communist state- as part of these the United . King- "I am convinced this executive bottom not to disclose the in- dom government are making strength of 13,748 officers and men said to a newsman several times ments set off the . subcommittee's plea applies and the chair sus- formation about any individual available to the United States after it was mobilized last October. during the day as farmers, house- tains it," said Chairman John study. changes in texts. wives,- .- . workers and children government the facilities at Others were fr om southwestern Stennis, D-Miss. Thurmond did not appeal Sten- The President held it would not Island. " called up to' . bolster 29 mobbed him enthusiastically. (he Christmas states, . Up to the time of the presi- nis' ruling immediately to be "in (lie public interest" to , wh ich is a hu«e smaller units, also ordered to ac- The nsland Supreme Court permit the subcommittee to ques- ,000 miles tive duty last October at the time His enthusiasm was undamp- atoll , li«s more than 1 ened by' several leftist demonstra- tion the censors, and on this lonely of the Berlin crisis. south of Hawaii. It is in a tions that dogged his trail as he Guests at Special Opera basis Stennis sustained the chief section of the Pacific. ' . The Army said In Washington criss - crossed the countryside executive s right to invoke execu- U.S. officials said that the pro- To Hear Tower Tuesday the men mistakenly call- from Kyoto to Osaka before tive privilege. ' posal l-o raise the disarmament ed up had beer kept in the ready boarding a plane for Tokyo. Since the days of George Wash- meeting: at Geneva March 14 to ington , Slennis said, neither the reserve when they should have He ran into one group of 30O the foreign ministers level was been assigned to the inactive re- Embassy Children courts nor Ihe Congress ever has shouting Communists : outside, a not a barrier to g;oing ahead with Case in March serve.
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