H8362 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 15, 2010 of light, an inexpensive ship. That ob- Whereas the Auburn University football touchdowns. Additionally, he rushed viously didn’t happen, and we learned team finished the regular season with a 12–0 242 times for 1,409 yards and 20 more some very painful mistakes as a Con- record; touchdowns. Both Newton’s passing gress, and I hope those of you who re- Whereas the Auburn University football and rushing touchdown totals are the team won the Southeastern Conference main on the committee will remember Championship game by a score of 56 to 17 best in Auburn University’s history, those painful mistakes. We can make over the University of South Carolina; and he becomes only the third NCAA mistakes doing things too rapidly. We Whereas Cameron Newton accounted for 6 major college player in history to have made a lot of mistakes in this program. touchdowns, 4 passing and 2 rushing, in the more than 20 rushing and passing But the thing I want to most com- Southeastern Conference Championship touchdowns in the same season. pliment the Armed Services Com- game; While leading the Auburn Tigers to mittee for, and particularly the Whereas the Auburn University football an undefeated 13–0 regular season, Mr. Seapower Committee, was, when we team is ranked number one in both the Bowl Newton was also named the South- Championship Series and Associated Press recognized those mistakes, we admit- eastern Conference Offensive Player of rankings; the Year and led his team to a number ted them and we went as far as to Whereas Cameron Newton was named the threaten to cancel the program if it Southeastern Conference Offensive Player of one ranking and an appearance in the wasn’t corrected. I think those threats the Year for 2010; January 10 BCS championship game. and, again, the phenomenal work of Whereas Cameron Newton was named the He was one of the four finalists for the Secretary Stackley and Secretary Walter Camp Football Foundation Player of 2010 Heisman Trophy, and he was Mabus in holding the vendors’ feet to the Year for 2010; awarded that trophy in a well-deserved the fire, the economic circumstances of Whereas Cameron Newton received the landslide victory. For his outstanding Maxwell Award for the Collegiate Player of performance, Cam Newton was offi- our Nation where people need work, the Year in 2010; and the fact that the Navy needs the ships, cially honored at the 76th annual Whereas Cameron Newton was named the Heisman Memorial Trophy Award Din- that the frigates that these ships will 76th winner of the 2010 Heisman Memorial replace are getting to the end of their Trophy for the most outstanding college ner in New York last Monday evening. useful life, and, again, the willingness football player in the United States: Now, Madam Speaker, I would like to of all the members on both sides of the therefore, be it thank Representative ROGERS, who aisle to hold these vendors accountable Resolved, That the House of Representa- represents Auburn University, and tives congratulates Auburn University quar- was the key element in turning this Representative LEWIS, who represents terback and College Park, Georgia, native Cam Newton’s hometown, for spon- program around. Cameron Newton on winning the 2010 So, again, I want to thank future soring this resolution and, once again, Heisman Trophy for being the most out- express my congratulations and the Chairman AKIN, former Chairman standing college football player in the congratulations of everyone in this BARTLETT, Mr. WITTMAN, Mr. KAGEN, United States. House to Cam Newton as the 2010 Mr. BONNER, Mr. STUPAK, Ms. BALDWIN, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Heisman Trophy winner and wish him and Mr. CONAWAY for being cosponsors ant to the rule, the gentleman from continued success. I urge my col- of this measure. Pennsylvania (Mr. ALTMIRE) and the leagues to join me in support of this I yield back the balance of my time. gentleman from Alabama (Mr. ROGERS) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The resolution. each will control 20 minutes. I reserve the balance of my time. question is on the motion offered by The Chair recognizes the gentleman Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. I yield my- the gentleman from Mississippi (Mr. from Pennsylvania. self such time as I may consume. TAYLOR) that the House suspend the GENERAL LEAVE Madam Speaker, I rise today in rules and pass the bill, H.R. 6494, as Mr. ALTMIRE. Madam Speaker, I re- strong support of House Resolution amended. quest 5 legislative days during which 1761, a resolution congratulating Au- The question was taken; and (two- Members may revise and extend and in- burn University quarterback and Col- thirds being in the affirmative) the sert extraneous material on House Res- lege Park, Georgia, native Cam Newton rules were suspended and the bill, as olution 1761 into the RECORD. on winning the 2010 Heisman Trophy amended, was passed. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there for being the most outstanding college A motion to reconsider was laid on objection to the request of the gen- football player in America. the table. tleman from Pennsylvania? I would like to thank everyone that f There was no objection. came together to bring this resolution Mr. ALTMIRE. I yield myself such CONGRATULATING CAMERON NEW- to the floor today, including the lead- time as I may consume. ership of both sides, the Committee on TON ON WINNING THE 2010 Madam Speaker, as a member of the HEISMAN TROPHY Ed and Labor, and especially Mr. LEWIS Higher Education Subcommittee, I rise of Georgia. Mr. ALTMIRE. Madam Speaker, I today in support of House Resolution Madam Speaker, Cam Newton is from move to suspend the rules and agree to 1761, which congratulates Auburn Uni- College Park, Georgia, outside Atlanta, the resolution (H. Res. 1761) congratu- versity quarterback and College Park, and went to Westlake High School in lating Auburn University quarterback Georgia, native Cam Newton on win- Mr. LEWIS’ congressional district. and College Park, Georgia, native Cam- ning the 2010 Heisman Memorial Tro- From there, he came to Auburn Uni- eron Newton on winning the 2010 phy. versity in my congressional district Heisman Trophy for being the most Each year, the most outstanding col- earlier this year. Cam quickly became outstanding college football player in lege football player in the United a starting quarterback. the United States. States is recognized by the Heisman From his first few games with Au- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Committee. Mr. Newton has earned the burn, it was easy to see that, standing tion. 76th such distinction this year. at 6–6 and 250 pounds, Cam was no ordi- The text of the resolution is as fol- Cam Newton was selected as winner nary quarterback. He could rush, lows: of the Heisman Memorial Trophy last throw, and even catch touchdowns H. RES. 1761 Saturday, December 11, live from from anywhere on the field. If the ball Whereas Cameron Newton graduated from Times Square. He became the third Au- was in his hands, he was a threat to Westlake High School in College Park, Geor- burn Tiger to win the Heisman, joining score. gia, in 2007; 1971 winner Pat Sullivan and 1985 win- Needless to say, Cam has set many Whereas Cameron Newton became Auburn ner Bo Jackson, and he is the 31st col- records in his long list of statistics University’s starting quarterback in 2010; lege quarterback to win the Heisman that are downright unbelievable. If you Whereas Cameron Newton became the first Trophy. saw his incredible performance against player in Southeastern Conference history Mr. Newton became Auburn Univer- LSU, Cam had a 49-yard run for a and only the eighth player in National Colle- giate Athletic Association Football Bowl sity’s starting quarterback just this touchdown, the miraculous comeback Subdivision history to achieve over 2,000 season, and with one very big game re- to win in the Iron Bowl in the second yards passing and over 1,000 yards rushing in maining, he has so far completed 165 of half after trailing 24–0, or, with 16 sec- a single season; his 246 passes for 2,589 yards and 28 onds left in the first half of the SEC VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:43 Dec 16, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15DE7.015 H15DEPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with HOUSE December 15, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8363 championship, the Hail Mary pass into To me, Cam is an inspiration, and he man on an outstanding season of college foot- the end zone for an unbelievable catch ought to be an inspiration to each and ball. by Darwin Adams, then you have seen every one of us, any of us that, for Cameron Newton came to Auburn in Janu- why Cam is such a driving force for the whatever reason, find ourselves in a ary as a transfer student from Blinn Junior Auburn Tigers and why he won the difficult or challenging situation, not College. After going through a spirited com- Heisman Trophy. to strike back at our critics, but sim- petition to decide the starting quarterback po- The one statistic that counts most to ply to use it as a motivation. sition in spring training he was awarded the Cam and most of the fans at Auburn is In such times that we do face dif- job. the undefeated record of 13–0, and in a ficulty, it is important to surround Fans were wowed, including my 11-year-old few short weeks he will play for the ourselves with good people, people that daughter Mary Elliott, with his three passing BCS championship.
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