Midget Submarine Goes To Charleston Yard For Overhaul Scelba Announces Cabinet Decision On Pact ... Judge Tests Legality Of “SkilbaH” With Yugoslavia For Division Of Trieste - SANTA MONICA. Calif. t*-The X judge tried his luck, or his Mull, ROME (JP) ltalian Premier I Big Cigarets at an ocean front bingo parlor. Mario The court still out whether Scelba formally announced THE KEY WEST Tuesday, October - is on Page CITIZEN 4, - 8 1954 : the games to his Cabinet today that agree- Warn Of ; are gambling dsvices Fire ior tests of skill. ment finally had been reached GRAND RAPIDS. Mich. (* _ Superior Judge Frank G. Swain, with moving Yugoslavia on a division of Grand Rapids has endorsed king his court with him. took the Trieste free territory. To Mark sized . a personal hand in the proceed- Jewish Congregation cigarets—big ones n f ee t ings. He Initialing of the long-awaited ac- long and 18 tossed a few balls into inches in diameter. ; holes in a board. cord was scheduled in London la- They “Skilball” He have been placed through- then let 20 “experts” provided by ter today. Yom Kippur Celebration Here out the city in the game operators observance of /'ire demonstrate Scelba called it “a great day Prevention their contention that skill ji& Week can win. for Italy.” Yom Kippur (day of atonement) repeated anymore. And the true Each carries the slogan Nathan H. Schur. a former “I - ’’jfcfeL “chap- am observed by the B’nai „ - very happy,” he said. will be Zion love and kindness to our fellow If ",', -.? your cigaret; operator in nearby Venice, has “Finally erone don’t let it we are going back into Congregation starting with the Ko! man, as well as the true love to go out :Sl ’e d the city of Santa Monica and Trieste.” Nidrah Services, Wednesday even- our Father in Heaven alone.” will from Fire Chief Frank N. others to have the games declared Settlement of bitter ing at 6:00 p. m. on October 6. be our main objective, in Bums said illegal. Also on trial a the nine- here on 80 per cent of the city s is suit by year dispute two The following morning the regular fires in operators between the this New Year, 5715. an average year are of six of the games wl o Adriatic Sea neighbors is expected Yom Kippur services will begin every traceable to ask that city at “Each and one of us feel a carelessly discarded cigaret. the be ordered to to ease the task of welding the de- 8:00 a. m. The services will last like anew person free and clear reissue licenses denied them sinco fense all day, until at least 20 minutes July line across southeastern Eu- between man and God. Oh, what A jack rabbit get 1. rope against The usual can up to 40 games possible Communist after sunset. Maskir a wonderful feeling this is.” miles per hour The have been operating aggression. Nashomos (memorial service) over a short dis- under a for Rabbi Schwartz has expressed tancc. temporary court order departed pending Immediately after signing of the the dear ones will take himself, and sincerely a final decision. agreement by place around the hour. feels that the British ahd Yu- noon this practice, this kind of a Yom goslav in The services will be in charge ambassadors London, of Kippur Day, of a T*l GOES TO YARD—One of the U.S. Navy’s smallest planned the Congregation’s religious this kind cele- submarines, the USS T-l. departed from Scelba to present it to the and should be made the Key West Charleston, spiritual leader, bration universal area Monday afternoon for S. C. Under the command of Lt. J. M. Italian Parliament and demand a Rabbi Abraham to people of the world. Snyder, USN, vote of Schwartz, assisted by the all Jr.. the T boat will undergo overhaul at the Charleston Navy Yard and will re- confidence on it. Reverend He said, “The entire universe turn virtually Meyer Redlich from Miami here in December. The T-l is a unit of Submarine Squadron 12 Official U.S. Navy Under the agreement, Beach. should have a day of repentence, a Photo. PROCLAMATION Zone strategic There will also be a special all A of the terri- ser- day of Yom Kippur to seek for- tory at vice conducted for the youth “ * the head of the Adriatic in the giveness, just as we hav a Mother’s ViC,ory WorW War co*l““““on.ol Sea goes to Italy. zone, which social hall by local represen- Toumer This Day, a Father’s Day, etc., we Reveals Plant eouS“d the city of Trieste, tatives of S. Navy. They includes port the U. have a “God’s Command has occupied jointly by are Harvey and should many millio“ been U.S. Hochwald Mr. and Day.” On this day all people can “andicappwl and British troops since Mrs. Gerald Kotinsky. This special Ders^n^hf tateS many of World business, arguing, prejudices, * ' whom by their f* service will be divided stop and^and m manu War n. into two jealousies, envy, Navy Will Go All-Out To Back viHinn ,® *acturing munitions or pro- selfishness, Chest Drive viding service P starting for the Yugoslavia gets Zone B. the hin- sessions, one at 10:00 a. looking war effort, and lasting and stop for honors and and 12:00 noon, - terland area which Yugoslav m. until special privileges, and think only Rear Admiral G. C. Towner/ WHEREAS, all .of these persons, forces since they and the second session starting at Commander of the Naval Base, veterans including disabled have held of peace and happiness to all an- of of World Wars I, II and marched into Trieste in 1945, as 2:00 p. m. and lasting until 4:00 nounced today that Navy course all turns out fine before the Korean conflict de- peoples regardless of race, nation- the Unit- the final fade. serve self-supporting, well as several pockets in Zone A p. m. ed Community Chest - Red Martin, Lewis self-respecting jobs in which they lity, creed or color. Cross 6 ÜBe id contri along the The sounding of Sho- - Sprinkled throughout butions to our southern boundary which usual the “The love to our fellow men and Campaign for 1954 55, will get the story community, state and are populated mostly by far (the Rams Horn) will be done under way on are many melodic episodes nation^ the love to our God should be our October 15. Are which Yugoslavs. by Jack Appel of this city. Towner is president of Terrific give both Dean and Jerry ample slogan in deed and in practice. We vice the T :RHF ORE l' Pau l Ross Roberts, The 4,000 American and 3,000 Rabbi Schwartz is again pleased area Community opportunity to show off their tal- Toem of i? ’ ' Mayor Pro should declare ourselves on this Chest and co- the City of Key West, set Key signi- • ent song. Florida do aside tho British troops garrisoning Zone A to inform Westers of the Commanding Day that all chairman of the 1954 55 Cam- In Golf Film for Dean warbles several ficance of the Kippur religious God’s romantic 3rand to October 9th, 1954, as are expected to pull out shortly, Yom people are equal children to our paign. ballads and Jerry does THEth^dS EMPLOY way troops. aspects. He said today, “To begin Be prepared for some wonderful a specialty PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED WEEK, and call upon making for Italian Then genuine This campaign is the means of number, “The Gay Con- all I Italy with by God in Heaven. rollicking entertainment, for tinental,” keeps local employers, all local officials, Both and Yugoslavia had we start the Celebration of mind will make all providing contributions of naval Dean which the audi- all local civic or- long the before the fasting. peace us ence roaring ganizations and all citizens to assist in demanded all the territory. meal This happy. us hope and pray that personnel and civilian employes Martin and Jerry Lewis, those two with uncontrolled every way possible before Let laughter. Adding to the end that it shall The dispute led to numerous bor- meal must be finished sun this will happen in near future toward the support of worthy chari- inimitable gentlemen of uproarious the love interest be brought to the attention of all on Wednesday. fasting the are lovely Donna members of our der incidents, and relations be- set The ¦*% table and civic projects in the Key comedy are due back in Reed as Dean’s community that disabled veterans and starts at sunset and last twenty- in all mankind." town. The and other tween the two countries deteri- for Rabbi Schwartz and the B’nai West community. new picture that they so richly amour Barbara Bates, an ex- handicapped civilians are fully are en- tremely cute trick, capable and orated seriously. four hours. No food or drink may Congregation wishes the ci- The Navy campaign will be co- dow is “The Caddy,” who keeps Jer- performing efficiently, safely and reliably in be taken in the mouth for this Zion Paramount’s ry’s busy when thousands of The settlement was reached in per- tizens of Key West and all people ordinated with the United Com- brand new laugh sensation, opening arms he is not different occupations. iod. It is also customary to be - carrying a golf bag. London after lengthy negotiations of the universe a continuous Happy munity Chest Red Cross Cam- Thursday at the Monroe Theatre.
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