INDIANA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1920. 7 Mrs. Housewife, PUSS IN BOOTS JR. Do You Know? By David Cory. any Lot me think a moment. It was in “How dare you come Into my king- 1. Whether there is scientific dom? king- country.” And & Pink and lavender asters effectively ar- the story before this that I told you lam of Toad foundation for the belief fish Is brain I guess turned around LtSAxßgs&Co- ranged banking Puss would have s in French baskets the food? about the wonderful made gone only Swan had sailed and back, the 2. important points altar and- topping white pedestals, com- the wild animals as gentle as lambs. Oh, away and was no where to be seen. What are most to remember in making Junket? with masses feathery fern palms not you,” Puss " bined of yes, I remember now. Well, as Puss “I will harm said Little 3. An easy way to wash woolens so Junior, but toad replied: “1 will not and ropes of smilax under the soft glow junior rode away on hla faithful ateed the that they will not shrink or become have you In my country,” and he puffed of cathedral candles made an attractive flying oa ahead, stiffened ? with the little Blackbird himself up until he was almost as big (These marriage Beu- , questions will be answered setting for the of Miss he a voice singing. as a dog. And, oh dear me, he was & morrow by heard ' the Housewife). Stockdale, daughter Mr. thing. lah of and Mrs. dreadful looking , Edmund W. Stockdale, 2531 Central ave- Oh, woe is me, a little fish. ANSWERS TO YESTERDAY’S QUES- nue, and George H. Cornelius, which That waits for certain death. TIONS. took place Saturday night iu Central Pray throw me back into the lake 1. Grapefruit are so named because of Avenue M. E. Church. That may gain my breath.” their supposedly grape-llke flavor. I 2. Ham usually improved Dr. O. IV. Fifer read the service. And there, close at hand, on the bank is in flavor by standing in cold Miss Melissa ' Cornelius, sister of the of a large pond, lay a pretty silver if It is freshened bridegroom, sang “I Did Not Know” and water for several hours. fish. Certain food properties are con- “At Dawning” preceding the ceremony, Puss 3. So jumped down from his horse fat milk accompanied by Miss Verna Sweetman, ' tained in the cream or of the O and threw the fish Into the water, and get way.—- organist, played the btidal the which babies can in no other who also in a few minutes It came to surface Copyright, chorus from “Lohengrin” for the pro- 1920. and said: , cessional “Little Pues Junior, for I know you, Miss Louise Stockdale, sister of the though you do Some day of not know me. Meetings bride, maid of honor, wore a frock you for your kindness,” I will reward Auxiliary of A. O. H. en- lavender taffeta and. carried a basket of swam under the Ladles’ will and then he watef and tonight a party asters In lavender and white shades. him tertain With card in St. Cornelius, blue taf- Puss saw no more. Anthony’s hall. Miss Melissa in ' Stockdale, £> Well, after that, our little traveler feta, and Miss Mildred in jumped into the saddle and rode away, pink, the bridesmaids, carried basket MOTOR FASHION. The annual electloh of the Florence by and by, after many a mile, he asters pastel and Crlttenton Home will take place at 10:30 hats filled with in the The indispensable sweater—and if It Is a there was came to deep river. But at the home, 1803 West Washington shades. not black, henna red or Atlantic blue, across nor was there any Cornelius, brother of the no bridge It street. Pembroke will be gayer and Just as practical for boat In sight. And while he sat there bridegroom, acted as best man, and sweater of zephyr color. This little opens wondering what to do, a snow white the Little Wood Animals Were Chalmers McGaughey, Paul McCampbell, a way “All short down the left front, Is fin- swan swam up to the bank and said: Listening to the Piper.” SAY “DIAMOND DYES" and Bussell Moore we>g Philip Cornelius ished with white angora and a smart ferry you across, Sir Oat. ushers. "I will v the leather belt that is stained henna to Get upon my back aud you shall reach Well, there was nothing for Puss to Master John Harris, in a white suit, match the sweater. It Is ideal to wear Don’t streak or ruin your material ha yonder shore In safety.’* do but draw his and when the * carried the ring in a French basket of wrap days sword, “Diamond beneath one's motor for that “But I do not wish to leave my Good saw what what Puss was doing, a poor dye. Insist on Dyes asters. are enough to a toad in chilly demand little Gray Horse,” Pass. he gave a loud of a sud- Easy directions every package. a handsome gown of said croak and all The bride wore extra warmth. worry me,” bridal satin with an ovedrapery of lace “Do not about said The den dozens and dozens of toads hopped my tip and Puss found beaded in crystal. faithful animal. “One of IrA shoes himself surrounded daughter, Sophrona Day, to I fln’fi a on Her tulle veil was arranged cap ef- Wilma Luth- Is loose and must blacksmith.” all sides. er Cunningham. bird said, “Do very ugly began to fect, hold place by a wreath of orange And the little Black And then a toad in * * * GIRLS! MAKE A me, comrade, for sing a deep croaky bossoms, she carried a shower bou- not worry about little in voice: and Broadway, a comes our quet roses of the Miss Elizabeth Weaver, 2327 I would find a mate and build nest “Whoever within land of bridal and lilies yesterday valley. left for Madison, Wis., where in this big tree.” So Puss seated him- Must lose the fingers from bla hand." she will enter University. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius left on a motor Wisconsin self upon the Swan's back and went And In the next story you shall hear LEMON BLEACH home after 1 • • across the river and when he landed what happened after that. Copyright, and will be at Oct. The wedding of Miss Helen A. Downs Maplewood Court, in Irvington. on the other side, an ugly toad hopped 1920. the and Ulenwood Borders took-place yes- * • out from a (To Be Continued.) terday at the of behlud bush and said: apart- afternoon home the Ralph Valodin of the Harrison bride's mother, Mrs. Thorntle Downs, 1422 Lemons Whiten and Double ments left this morning for Evanston, Broadway, the Rev. J. Ambrose Dunkel of the Skin 11L, where he will resume bis studies In officiating. dent, and Mias Myrtle Thelstng. secre- hold Us fall rally and business meeting Beauty Northwestern University. garden tary-treasurer. at the plant Wednesday evening. Supper French baskets of fiowsrs, com- general Mrs. TV. TV. McCrea, 2952 North Illi- bined with asparagus fern, were used The George H. Chapman Woman’s Re- .will be served, followed by a nois street, who with her nephew, Will through the parlors, with tall palms and lief Corps, No. 10, will not meet tomor- good time. Squeeze tbs Jules of two Umous into a of Chicago, has been spending the masses of greenery forming an row, pwlng to the G. A. R. encampment. A wienner roast will be held next containing three ounces of Orchard Potts altar. Friday night Indianapolis bottle on Pacific coast, stopping In Sllnker Bolles, harpist, oj th Glove White which can be had at any drag summer the Miss Helen and Company be first Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, San Fran- Miss Ruth Borders, sister of the bride- Club. This will thd store, shake well and you have a quarter gave program meeting of the new club year. dsUghtful ciscd and various coast cities, has re- groom, vocalist, a of bridal r. w. c. a. pint of harmless and lemon turned to her home. music, including “Oh Promise Me,” pre- bleach for few cent*. • • • The Y. W. A. 204 ceding the ceremony, and the Lohengrin C. will accommodate Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion women during A. encampment. s . -'fa Mary Eberhardt and Walk- bridal chorus for the processional. the G. R. MY HUSBAND’S Into the face, and hands each Miss Luclle Miss Margaret neckfanns er were married Saturday Downs, sister of the Cots furnished by the committee on day, then shortly note the beauty of yeui Newell Green bride, maid of wore French blue night home of the bride’s uncle, honor, housing will be placed in the gymnasium FAVORITE RECIPE skin, ® at the taffeta combined with point d’esprit and Arthur E. Nodler, 2745 College avenue, and in all the class agid committee Famous stage beanties ase lemon Jniee carried a shower of La France roses. on the third cafeteria BISCUITS. ' rosy- the ReT. William Carson officiating. rooms floor. The is bleach and bring that soft, clear, The Fourth Chi Gray Its Lingle, fraternity serve the guests Shop Robert Phi Delta flour, Celebrates Ingredients—Two cups always Floor baskets of pink roses, combined will breakfast for in the of two white complexion Lemons hsv# brother of the bridegroom, acted as best house. on duty , of greenery, banked the A nurse will be every teaspoonfuls of baking powder, cne tea- been used as a ffcckle, sunburn and tan with masses man.
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