Patented Feb. 28, 1-939 2,148,734 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFHCE 2,148,734 BUCKSAW John C. Du Jat, Reynoldsburg, Ohio Application June 9, 1937, Serial No. 147,327 5 Claims. (Cl. ‘145-32) A bucksaw of the kind ordinarily used in con each slot has intersecting it transversely a stout nection with a saw buck for sawing sticks or logs pin, as seen at i! and 12, fixed in the arm, each of wood, because the said bucksaw is rather large of these pins being substantially correspondingly and bulky, it is di?icult, troublesome and expen located in relation to the ?gure of the slot. When 5 sive to transport or store. the said slots 8 and 10 are made, as shown in full One object of the present invention is to pro lines, Fig. 1, the frame arm members can be com vide an improved construction of bucksaw, the pletely reversed, as shown in Fig. 3. But the slots ‘parts of which are simple and economically can both be made, for example, with their longer manufactured and easily and quickly assembled ends facing each other as suggested by broken 10 for use or disassembled and when unassembled lines in Fig. 3 and when the arms are reversed 10 compacted and placed in a small box for trans the saw may be applied but without the advantage ‘portation or storage. Other objects incidental to hereinafter set forth in connection with the ar the main object will be apparent fromthe dis rangement'of the slots, as in Fig. 1. p closure of the details herein. i3 designates the saw blade, it being made of 15 The invention is embodied in the example good sheet steel, said blade having at each of its 15 herein I shown and described, the features of ends a slit or slot, as seen at it“ and 13*’ that novelty being ?nally claimed. opens at the upper untoothed‘ edge of the saw ' In'the accompanying drawing— blade. The said slits converge in the upward di '. 'Figure 1 is a View in side elevation, with por rection and permit engagement of the saw blade 20 tions in section, of the assembled members of with the pins ii and 12 respectively because the 20 the tool according to the invention. ‘spreading of the arms of the frame by the Fig. 2 is a top plan view. _ spreader tends to cause the rising of the saw blade Fig. 3 is a view in side elevation of a frame and in relation to the arms until such rising is ar its appurtenances, except the saw blade, collapsed. rested by the lower ends of the slots. Fig. 4 is a detail in plan view, on a larger scale, In practice with the construction as shown in 25 of the arm spreader. Fig. l, the right hand slit of the blade is ?rst V In the views 5, 5, designate arms of the main engaged with the pin I2 by holding one end of frame and 6 a link or connecting device pivotally the blade upward, as shown in broken lines in pinned at 6“ to said arms at one pair of their Fig. 1, and effecting the engagement of the slit ends, said connecting device being such, in the with said pin, and when this engagement is ef 30 present instance, that the arms are capable of fected the free end of the blade is swung down having their angular relation to each other into position to receive the wide end of the slot changed. in the left hand arm and loosely engage the left The said link 6 has at its middle a collar 6b hand slit of the blade with the pin I l of that slot. perforated for the passage of a screw '1, said The advantage of this particular feature of con 35 screw having a stop shoulder 1E and a suitable struction and arrangement of the arms is that handle 1b for turning the screw. ' after the engagement of the slit at the right hand 8 designates the device for spreading the arms, end of the saw and the arm is turned down sole 40' said device having its opposite ends enlarged and attention can be given to effecting engagement formed to ?t against the inner edges of the arms at the left hand end without the annoyance of 40 loss of the ?rst engagement because when the when spread to receive the saw blade and having blade is engaged with the first pin it cannot be a centralscrew threaded collar 88v to be operat entirely removed from that engagement except ingly engaged by the screw 1. , by swinging the blade upward into the position When the screw 1 is turned in the proper di for effecting the entire disengagement. 45 rection the spreader 8, by reason of the stop ‘1*1 The arms of the frame can, if desired, be made on the screw, is drawn upward toward the link wholly or partly of light metal or of a material _ 6 to secure the saw in its operating position. or materials other than Wood. ' The lower portions of the arms above the The distance of the spreader 8 from the '60 handle ends thereof are provided with transverse toothed edge of the saw permits the cutting of 50 slots 9 and 10 to receive the opposite ends of the logs of larger diameter than would be possible saw blade, said slots being conveniently made of with the ordinary saw of similar length when generally dovetail form. These slots have, in the mounted in a frame of different construction. instance shown in Fig. 1, their wider ends termi The construction, as shown and described, 55 nating at corresponding edges of the arms; and can be made in different sizes and affords a 55 2. 2,148,734 handy and cheap practical tool for farmers, me by said arms can be folded into parallel rela chanics, tourists and boy scouts. It is obvious tion at either side of said connecting member, from the illustration in Fig. 3 that the collapsed a spreading member for said arms and means frame and its accessories together with the saw engaging said connecting and. spreading mem blade can be put into a narrow container of bers for operating the latter, said arms each suitable length for storage or transportation. having at its lower or free end portion a longi The forms of the parts can be changed with tudinal slot and a pin intersecting the same to out departing from the gist of the invention as receive an end of the saw blade. claimed. 4. In a bucksaw frame, a pair of saw receiv 10 What I claim is: ing arms of substantially similar rectilinear 1O 1. A bucksaw including a frame consisting of form, member connecting said arms having a pair of saw receiving arms of substantially distinct and separated means for freely pivot similar rectilinear form, a member connecting ally carrying each of said arms at its upper end said arms having distinct and separated means whereby said arms can be folded into substan 15 for carrying said arms at their upper ends, at tially parallel relation at either side of said con least one of said means being pivotal whereby necting member, a spreading member for said the angular relation of said arms to each other arms, and means engaging said connecting and can be varied, a spreading member for said spreading members for operating the latter,‘ a arms, means engaging said arms connecting and saw blade provided with slots opening at the spreading members, means for operating the untoothed edge thereof and converging toward 20 latter, said arms each having at their lower or each other from the toothed edge thereof, said free end portions a longitudinal slot and a pin frame arms each having at its lower free end intersecting the same, and a saw blade provided portions a longitudinal slot and a pin trans with slots opening at the untoothed edge thereof versely intersecting the same to receive an end and converging toward each other from the of the saw blade, the slot of one of said arms .. toothed edge of said blade for engaging said having its said transversely intersecting pin po pins. sitioned therein to receive a slot of the blade 2. In a bucksaw frame, a pair of saw receiv only when said blade is in a tilted position in ing arms of substantially similar rectilinear relation to said arm. form, a member connecting said arms having 5. In a bucksaw frame, a pair of arms of sub distinct and separated means for pivctally cat:=w stantially similar rectangular form, a member rying each of said arms at its upper end where containing distinct separated pivots for spac by said arms can be folded into parallel rela ingly and pivotally connecting said arms at their tion at either side of said connecting member, upper ends whereby said connected arms can hang side by side in parallel relation tov each aengaging spreading said member connecting for saidand armsspreading and mem other, a distinct and separable spreading mem ber for operating the latter. ’ ber for said arms, and means engaging both 3. In a bucksaw frame, a pair of saw receiv the spreading member and the said arms con ing arms of substantially similar rectilinear necting member for operating the spreading 4.0 form, a member connecting said arms having member. I distinct and separated means for pivotally car JOHN C.
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