R 3430 E MB U N SSUE I WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 2020 Intelligent . In-depth . Independent www.phnompenhpost.com 4000 RIEL LAID-OFF WORKERS STATE-OWNED ARDB INNOVATIONS JOIN GET UNEMPLOYMENT BANK EXTENDS HAND COVID-19 FIGHT ALLOWANCES TO AGRO INDUSTRY IN INDONESIA NATIONAL – page 3 BUSINESS – page 6 WORLD – pAGE 10 ‘Potential Gov’t rolls out stimulus shield’ for virus hangs to keep businesses afloat in balance THE World Health Organisation Thou Vireak den on poor people through social tax rate on banks and microfinance non-existing countries) for 2021 and (WHO) suspended trials of the assistance programmes. institutions from external and domestic adjust the withholding tax rates on drug that US president Donald HE government has intro- “The fourth round of measures also sources to five per cent (borrowed banks and microfinance institutions Trump has promoted as a coro- duced the fourth round of focuses on helping to rehabilitate and from countries with agreements on from both external and domestic navirus defence, fuelling con- stimulus measures aimed at boost business possibilities and allow Double Tax Avoidance (DTA) and the sources to normal levels in 2022. cerns about his handling of the ensuring economic and social businesses to contribute to econom- prevention of fiscal evasion and borrow- For finance sources for working pandemic that has killed near- Tstability during the outbreak of the ic growth in the post-crisis context,” ing from non-DTA countries) for 2020. capital, the Ministry of Economy ly 100,000 US citizens. Covid-19 disease. a government statement said. The government will also lower and Finance will set up a “Credit Trump has led the push for The move, which was announced The government will ease the prac- withholding tax rates on banks and Guarantee Fund” with a budget of hydroxychloroquine as a poten- on Tuesday, is designed to help busi- tice of withholding tax for local and microfinance institutions from both $200 million. The fund can secure tial shield or treatment for the nesses, factories and enterprises to foreign lenders. For new loans, it has external and domestic sources to 10 virus, which has infected nearly stay afloat while reducing the bur- decided to reduce the withholding per cent (both loans from DTAs and CONTINUED – page 7 5.5 million people and killed 345,000 around the world, say- ing he took a course of the drug as a preventative measure. Brazilian President Jair Bol- sonaro has also heavily promot- E-cigarette back ed hydroxychloroquine while the virus has exploded across the nation, which this week became the second most infect- in spotlight amid ed in the world after the US. But the WHO on Monday said it was halting testing of the drug for Covid-19 after virus pandemic studies questioned its safety, including one published on Long Kimmarita tools increases the chance of Friday in medical journal The Covid-19 transmission. Lancet that found it increased THE Ministry of Health’s Depart- “The police must strengthen the risk of death. ment of Communicable Disease measures to ban the sale of The WHO “has implement- (DCD) department has released electronic cigarettes,” it said. ed a temporar y pause … while a video about the effects of Vaping and shisha were the safety data is reviewed”, smoking, while the NGO Cam- banned by the National its chief Tedros Adhanom bodia Movement for Health Authority for Combating Drugs Ghebreyesus said, referring (CMH) warned against the use (NACD) in 2014. But the CMH to the hydroxychloroquine of electronic cigarettes or vape. said there is still advertising on arm of a global trial of various The short video clip that was social media platforms that possible treatments. posted on the CDC’s Facebook describe e-cigarettes as a “quit Last week, Trump announced page last week conveyed a smoking machine”. Shisha, that he was taking the drug, message that smoking affects often associated with the Mid- explaining he had decided to and destroys the lungs and dle East, involves smoking take it after receiving letters other parts of the body and tobacco through a bowl with a from a doctor and other peo- increases the chance of Covid- hose or tube. ple advocating it. 19 infection. In a directive dated February “I think it’s good. I’ve heard The CDC said smokers are 25 that year, the NACD said while a lot of good stories,” Trump vulnerable to getting infected the products do not contain told reporters then, as he more than non-smokers. “It is addictive substances banned by declared it safe. the right thing that you decide Cambodian laws, they do con- Trump dismissed the opin- to quit smoking from now. tain high-synthetic nicotine that ions then of his own govern- Quitting smoking can rejuve- affects smokers’ health. ment’s experts who had nate lung health by 30 per cent NACD secretary-general Meas warned of the serious risks within two or three weeks,” the Virith confirmed to The Post on associated with hydroxychlo- CDC message said. Tuesday that e-cigarettes are not roquine, with the Food and At a press conference on allowed in Cambodia. He said Drug Administration high- Monday, the CMH warned that the sale, marketing and use of lighting reported poisonings students are at risk of contract- the product are against the law. and heart problems. ing Covid-19 and other dis- “It is a reasonable concern Family outing? Trump has been heavily eases due to vaping. It said that using these tools can A Cintri worker, with his children in tow, removes rubbish along a pavement in Phnom sharing the same smoking affect health,” he said. Penh. Those who do not pay for rubbish collection have been warned of action. HENG CHIVOAN STORY > 5 CONTINUED – page 9 one month’s free VIP subscrIPTION Pufferfish poisons THE PHNOM PENH POST group in Kampong National Inside page 3 FOR THE FIRST 1,000 PHNOM PENH POST Speu, kills two men READERS WHO REGISTER! 2 THE PHNOM PENH POST may 27, 2020 WWW.phnompenhpost.COM National Man held for violating daughter and niece Kim Sarom KANDAL Anti-Human Trafficking and Juvenile Protection Depart- ment officers sent a man to the provincial court on Tuesday after arresting him the day before for allegedly molesting his daughter and niece in Sa’ang district. Department chief Ros Savin said the 30-year-old construction worker was questioned before be- ing sent to court. “My department sent the sus- pect to court and the provincial prosecutor is working on the case,” he said. Sa’ang district police chief Ros Chantha told The Post on Tuesday that the suspect’s nine-year-old daughter and 11-year-old niece are students and live in Sa’ang district. A police officer who asked to re- main anonymous said they were tipped off by the victims’ grand- mother and aunt. Quoting the niece, the police offi- National Police chief Neth Savoeun warned that capital and provincial chiefs would be held legally liable if they continued to use roadblocks to stop drivers not breaking the law. POLICE cer said she made daily visits to her uncle’s house. When they were alone one day, the suspect forced her to touch him inappropriately and per- form oral sex before groping her. Police chief: remove all roadblocks He regularly manipulated her by giving her cakes or money and Khorn Savi again. First, stop putting up the order because traffic police officials He maintained that even though only committed the crimes when roadblocks. Second, [we] were clear had enforced the law in a way op- orders were issued to remove the they were alone. ATIONAL Police chief Neth that as long as drivers break the law, posed to the principles laid out by roadblocks, police will be deployed The suspect’s daughter told po- Savoeun warned Phnom we call them for checks. the senior leadership. on the road as before to monitor lice that her father forced her to Penh and provincial po- “Now it is being reported that on the The leadership determined seven drivers who break the law. touch him inappropriately and lice chiefs to remove all roads, especially in Kampong Cham, points for issuing fines to motorcycle Deputy National Police Commis- he would do the same to her. She Nroadblocks, saying that traffic police Tbong Khmum and Mondulkiri prov- riders for breaking the law and nine sioner and secretary-general of the said she didn’t understand what officials in some provinces had tight- inces, drivers who don’t break the law points for motorists. The leadership National Road Safety Committee, was happening and followed him, ened traffic law implementation are being called to pull over. didn’t lay out guidelines for stopping Him Yan, recently said police had added the police. against guidelines. “Now, at this hour, this morn- drivers at roadblocks. set the traffic violations. Other family members of the In a leaked voice message which ing, all the roadblocks on National “Police officials put up the road- The offences included motorcycle victims noticed a change in their was shared on social media on Roads in all provinces are to be re- blocks which hurt the feelings of citi- riders not wearing protective hel- moods and asked them what Tuesday, Savoeun warned that all moved. You police chiefs go inspect zens who weren’t breaking the law. mets, drinking and driving, disre- had happened. When the kids re- capital and provincial chiefs would them and if any provinces still have “But if they drive cars using phones garding traffic lights and signs, mak- vealed the truth, the victims’ aunt be held accountable before the law them the police chiefs will be held and not fastening seatbelts or they ing turns without consideration for and grandmother alerted police if their respective provinces still accountable before the law.” overtake another car inappropriately other road users, overtaking vehicles on Monday.
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