Directory of Radio Butte Chinook Columbia Falls Dillon East

Directory of Radio Butte Chinook Columbia Falls Dillon East

Montana Directory of Radio bell, vp engrg; Jim Bender, engrg mgr. Rates: $27.75; KOUY -FM -Co -owned with KXTL(AM). Feb 7, 1980: Communications Co. (acq 5-86; $100,000; FTR 4 -21- 24.60; 27.75; 15.35. 95.5 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 1,820 ft. TL: N46 00 29 W112 26 86). Format: Adult contemp. News progmg 4 hrs wkly. 30. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. (406) 494 -5895. Net: Target aud: 25.54. Burt H. Oliphant, pros á gen slsmgr; KATH(FM)-Co-owned with KBOZ(AM). Nov 1, 1980: MBS; Mont, Net. Rep: Torbet, McGavren Guild. Format: L. Brent Oliphant, gen mgr & chief engr, Jeff S. Oliphant, 93.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 245 ft. TL: N45 41 35 W110 58 50. Adult contemp. News progmg 7 hrs wkly. Target aud: progmg dir & mus dir. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Net: ABC /E. Format: Hot 25 -54. Dave Levin, opns mgr. country. News staff 2; news progmg 4 hrs wkly. Target KGLE(AM )-Aug 22, 1962: 590 khz; 1 kw-D. TL: N47 aud: 25 -54. Peter Masse, progmg dir; Roger Nelson, 05 50 W104 47 09. Box 931 (59330). (406) 365 -3331. mus dir. Rates: Same as AM. Chinook Licensee: Friends of Christian Radio Inc. (acq 1- 12 -93; $90,000; FIR 2- 1 -93). Net: CBN. Format: Relg, farm. KGLT(FM) -December 1963: 91.9 mhz; 2 kw. Ant 365 KRYK(FM) -Licensed to Chinook See Havre. Target aud: General, 35-64. Merle Mullet, pres; Paul ft. TL: N45 41 35 W110 5900. Stereo. Rm. 325, S.U.B., Malone, vp; Jim McBride, gen mgr & progmg dir; Bill Montana State Univ. (59717). (406) 994 -3001. Licensee: Columbia Falls Lindsay, mus dir & news dir; Art Gehnert, chief engr. Montana State Univ. Net: AP. Format: Div, educ. Target KCWX(FM}January 1994: 95.9 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 285 ft. aud: General. Spec prog: Black one hr, class 11 hrs, folk KXGN(AM) -Sept 23, 1948: 1400 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N47 TL: N48 27 35 W114 20 25. Box 396, Whitefish (59937). 12 hrs wkly. Philip Charles, Landon Woodward (asst), 05 40 W104 42 50.210 S. Douglas (59330). (406) 365- Licensee: Frank Copsidas Jr. gen mgrs; D.G. Poymter, vp mktg; Landon Woodword, 3377. FAX: (406) 365 -2181. Licensee: Glendive Broad- vp progmg; Michael Weaver, Rob Work, mus dirs; John casting Corp. Net:ABC /I. Rep: Intermountain, Eastman. Campbell, chief engr. Deer Lodge Format: MOR. Stephen Marks, pres; Dan Frenzel, gen mgr, Paul Sturlaugson, gen sis mgr. KXGN -TV affil. KMMS(AM) --Oct 15, 1939: 1450 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N45 KDRG(AM) -1963: 1400 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N46 24 26 39 33 W111 03 22. 125 W. Mendenhall (59715). (406) W112 43 08. Box 811, North of Deer Lodge, Sam Beck 586 -2343. FAX: (406) 587 -2202. Licensee: Gilbert Rd. (59722). (406) 846-1221. FAX: (406) 563 -8259. Li- Great Falls Broadcasting of Montana (acq 4-25.91; $829,000 censee: Aire /Ink Inc. (acq 8-20-87). Format: Oldies. Corp KAAK(FM)- Listing follows KXGF(AM). with co- located FM; FTR 5-20-91). Net: AP, CNN. Rep: News staff 2. Target aud: 18 plus. Spec prog: Farm 2 hrs wkly. David R. Fransen, pres mgr; Edith I. Fran - Target Radio. Wash airy: Pepper & Corazzini. Format: & gen KEIN(AM) -July 1922: 1310 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N. TL: News/talk. Newsstaff2; news progmg 20 hrs wkly. Target sen, gen sis mgr; Mike McCoy, progmg dir & news dir. N47 3120 W111 23 18. Box 1239 (59403); 811 First Ave. aud:35.64. Kip Gilbert, pres; Joan Gilbert, gen sis mgr; N. ( 59401). ( 406) 761.1310. FAX: (406)454-3775. Licen- Kay Ruh, prom mgr, George Carter, progmg dir. Dillon see: Roan Communications (acq 10 -6 -93; $325,000 with co- located FM; FTR 10- 25 -93). Net: SMN. Format: KMMS -FM -Aug 14, 1986: 95.1 mhz; 94 kw. Ant 781 ft. 1 KDBM(AM) -Jan 1, 1957: 1490 khz; kw -U. TL: N45 Country. Ron Young, gen mgr; Conrad Young, progmg TL: N45 40 24 W110 52 02. Format: Adult rock. 14 13 W112 38 32. Box 950 (59725). (406) 683 -2800. dir & mus di r. Licensee: Beaverhead Madison Broadcasting (acq 4 -1- KZLO(AM) -May 22, 1950: 1230 khz; 1 kw -U, DA -2. 88). Net: ABC /I. Rep: Eastman. Format: Country. Larry KLFM(FM)-Co -owned with KEIN(AM). Feb 14, 1982: TL: N4542 02 W111 02 49. Hrs opn: 18.219 E. Main St. pres, 92.9 mhz; 100 w. Ant 450 ft. TL: N4731 57 W1111641. (59715 -4747).1450 W. Kagy Blvd. (59715). (406) 585- Chaffin, gen mgr & gen sis mgr; Wally Feldt, 1230. FAX: (406) 586 -8659. Licensee: Reier Broad- progmg dir; Greta Chaffin, news dir. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Format: Adult contemp. Tar- get aud: 25-54. Conrad Young, opns mgr. casting Co. Inc. (acq 2.19 -93; $125,000; FTR 5- 17 -93). KDBM-FM--August 1972: 98.3 mhz; 10.5 kw. Ant 495 Net: CBS; Agri-Net, Mont. Net. Rep: Eastman/Inter- ft. TL: N45 14 22 W112 40 03. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. 'KGPR(FM) -April 1984: 89.9 mhz; 9 kw. Ant 368 ft. TL: mountain .Format:Best hits of last 40yrs.News gmg Format: AOR. News staff one. Target aud: General. N47 31 57 W111 16 41. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Rebroad- 15 hrs wkly. Target aud: 30 plus; affluent adult Judy casts KUFM(FM) Missoula 100%. Box 3343, 1400 First Cowdrey, pres; Katalin Pados, gen sis mgr. Rates: East Helena Ave. N. (59403). (406) 761 -8292. FAX: (406) 761-0415. $12; 11; 12; 10. Licensee: Great Falls Public Radio Assn. Net: APR, KHKR(AM) -May 26, 1988: 680 khz; 5 kw -D. TL: N46 NPR. Format: Classical, educ, news. News progmg 44 KILO -FM -1983: 99.9 mhz; 100 kw. TL: N45 41 34 3358 W111 54 12. Box 4111, Helena (59604). (406) 449- hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Peter Briant, pres; Judy W110 58 57. Box 519 (59771). (406) 587 -9999. Licen- 4251. FAX: (406) 449 -3553. Licensee: Big SkyCommu- Wilsey, vp; Tim Christensen, stn mgr, progmg dir & mus see: Reier Broadcasting Co. Inc. Format: Hot country. nications Inc. Format: News/talk. Roger Lonnquest, dir; Kerry Callahan Bronson, news dir & pubaffrs dir; Jim Bill Reier, gen mgr, Craig Sullivan. progmg dir. gen mgr; Kurt Kittelson, progmg di r. Van Cleave, chief engr. Butte KHKR -FM -Apr 13,1989:104.1 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,896 KLFM(FM)- Listing follows KEIN(AM). ft. TL: N464450 W1121949. Stereo. (Acq 9-85; $60,000; KAAR(FM) -Nov 1,1988: 92.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 24 ft. TL: FTR 9-2-85). Format: Country. KMON(AM)-May 30,1947: 560 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. TL: N46 01 34 W112 32 07. Hrs opn: 6 AM- midnight. 3219 N47 25 29 W111 17 20. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 3309, Harrison Ave. (59701). (406) 494 -1030. FAX: (406) 494- East Missoula Suite 210, 20 3rd St. N. (59401). (406) 761 -7600. FAX: 6020. Licensee: Sunbrook Communications Ltd. (group (406) 761 -5511. Licensee: Staradio Corp. (group owner; owner, acq 3-31-93; $90,000; FTR 4- 19 -93). Net: NBC, KLCY(AM)-Licensed to East Missoula. See Missoula. acq 5.3 -91; $450,000; with co- located FM; FTR i- 7 -91). MBS. Rep: McGavren Guild. Format: Country, rock. Net: ABC /I. Rep: IMN /Eastman, Art Moore. Wash atty: News progmg 8 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Bob Forsyth Greg Skall. Format: Country. News staff one; news Toole, gen mgr. Rates: $4.25; 4.25; 4.25; 4.25. progmg 20 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35-64. Spec prog: Farm KIKC(AM) --Oct 10, 1975: 1250 khz; 5 kw -D. TL: N46 25 hrs, sports 5 hrs wkly. Jack Whitley, pros; Howard KBOW(AM) -Feb 14, 1947: 550 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N, 1530 W106 41 21. Box 1250, Hwy. 10 W. (59327). (406) Doss, exec vp; Jim Senst, vp &gen mgr; Terry Strickland, DA -N. TL: N45 58 30 W112 3418. Box 3389, 660 Dewey 356 -2711. FAX: (406) 356 -2712. Licensee: Peter P. Ko- gen slsmgr; Dave Wilson, prog mgdir, Skip Walters, mus FAX: Blvd. (59702). (406) 494 -7777. (406) 494 -5534. zloski (acq 3.8 -91; grpsl; FTR 4- 1 -91). Net: USA. Rep: dir, Brent Stang hel le, news dir, Mark Hoskins, chief engr. Licensee: KBOW Inc. (acq 4-1-62). Net: CBS. Rep: East - Art Moore Inc. Format: Country. News progmg 3 hrs wkly. Rates: $21.40; 21.40; 21.40; 18.80. man/Intermountain, Art Moore. Wash airy: Haley, Bader Target aud: 25 -54; farmers & ranchers. Pete Kos - & Potts. Format: C &W. News staff 2; news progmg 24 lowski, pres; Bill Harrington, gen mgr. KMON -FM-Oct 1, 1972: 94.5 mhz; 36 kw. Ant 470 ft. hrs wkly. Target aud: General; 25 plus. Spec prog: Farm TL: N47 32 09 W111 17 02. Stereo. Format: Hot Country. 5 hrs wkly. Shag Miller, pres; Ron Davis, gen mgr; KIKC -FM- September 1980: 101.3 mhz; 100 kw. Ant Steve Keller, progmg dir. Rates: Same as AM. Francie York, gen sis mgr, Tim Beggs, progmg dir; Karen 1,010 ft. TL: N46 10 32 W106 24 21. Stereo. Dups AM KMSL(AM)-1955: 1450 khz; 1 kw-U. TL: N47 31 26 Sullivan, news dir, Ed Bauer, chief engr. 100%. (406) 232 -2002. W 111 18 04.525 Central Ave. (59405). (406) 761.2800.

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