ARDS AND NORTH DOWN BOROUGH COUNCIL 16 April 2019 Dear Sir/Madam You are hereby invited to attend a meeting of the Ards and North Down Borough Council which will be held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, The Castle, Bangor on Wednesday, 24 April 2019 commencing at 7.00pm. Yours faithfully Stephen Reid Chief Executive Ards and North Down Borough Council A G E N D A 1. Prayer 2. Apologies 3. Declarations of Interest 4. Mayor’s Business 5. Mayor and Deputy Mayor Engagements for the Month (To be tabled) 6. Minutes of Meeting of Council dated 27 March 2019 (Copy attached) 7. Minutes of Committees 7.1. Special Planning Committee dated 21 March 2019 (Copy attached) 7.2. Audit Committee dated 25 March 2019 (Copy attached) 7.3. Planning Committee dated 2 April 2019 (Copy attached) 8. Consultation Documents 8.1 Department for Communities – The Sale and Supply of Alcoholic Drinks at ‘Special Events’ in Northern Ireland’ – Responses to be submitted no later than Friday 3 May 2019 (Copy correspondence attached) 8.2. Department of Health – Future of Stroke Care Services in Northern Ireland – Responses to be submitted no later than 18 June 2019 (Correspondence attached) 9. Conferences and Invitations 9.1. ABF The Soldiers’ Charity – D-Day Commemoration Concert 8 June 2019 (Correspondence attached) 10. Ards and North Down Sports Forum Grants (Report attached) 11. In Bloom Funding 2019 (Report attached) 12. Community Development Grants Assessment 2019 – 2020 (Report attached) 13. Community Festival Funding 2019-2020 (Report attached) 14. Veterans’ Day and Proposal to mark 75th Anniversary of D-Day Landings (Report attached) 15. Request from WSC Consulting on behalf of Crawfordsburn Construction Limited for a wayleave to connect to the watercourse in Council land at Glen Park, Crawfordsburn (Report attached) 16. Request from NIE for a wayleave at Abbey Road playing field Millisle (Report attached) 17. Rural Development Programme Co-Operation Scheme – Grey Point Fort (Report attached) 17a. Commitment to Funding of LEADER Programmes following the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union (Report attached) 18. Change of Date of Bangor and Newtownards Christmas Switch On (Report attached) 19. Proposed Street Naming – Montgomery Meadows, Donaghadee (Report attached) 20. Grant of Entertainment Licences (Report attached) 21. Request by Portavogie Coastal Rowing Club to install cargo container at Anchor Park and carry out works to install gate at old slip way (Report attached) 22. Sealing Documents 23. Transfer of Rights of Burial 24. Notice of Motion Status Report (Report attached) 2 24.1. Notice of Motion 24.1.1. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor T Smith and Councillor Brooks That this Council will bring back a report examining each Recycling Centre and ways to ensure safe pedestrian access for each site. 25. Response to Notice of Motion about Car Parking at Bangor West, Carnalea and Helens Bay Railway Stations (Report attached) 26. Response to Notice of Motion regarding Water Charges on Community Houses (Report attached) 26.1.Response to Notice of Motion re Problem Gambling and Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (Report attached) ***IN CONFIDENCE*** 27. Request to Transfer Land at Upper Crescent, Comber to Northern Ireland Water (Report attached) 28. Queens Parade – Update (Copy to follow) 29. Amendment to Boundary Lines for Lease to Urban Property Solutions Ltd for the Old Donaghadee Community Centre (Report attached) Circulated for Information (a) Department for Infrastructure – Disabled Persons Parking Place (Correspondence attached) (b) NISRA 2021 Census in Northern Ireland – Proposal Document (Correspondence attached) (c) Department for Communities – Affordable Warmth Scheme (Correspondence attached) (d) Northern Ireland Office – Northern Ireland Policing Board (Correspondence attached) MEMBERSHIP OF ARDS AND NORTH DOWN BOROUGH COUNCIL Alderman Carson Councillor Dunlop Alderman Fletcher Councillor Dunne Alderman Gibson Councillor Edmund Alderman Girvan Councillor Ferguson Alderman Graham Councillor Gilmour 3 Alderman Henry Councillor Hunter Alderman Irvine Councillor Kennedy Alderman Keery Councillor Martin Alderman McDowell Councillor McAlpine Alderman Smith Councillor McClean Councillor Adair Councillor McIlveen Councillor Allen Councillor Menagh Councillor Armstrong-Cotter Councillor Muir Councillor Boyle Councillor Robinson Councillor Brooks Councillor Smart (Mayor) Councillor Cathcart Councillor T Smith Councillor Chambers Councillor Thompson (Deputy Mayor) Councillor Cooper Councillor Walker Councillor Cummings Councillor Wilson Councillor Douglas Councillor Woods 4 ITEM 6 ARDS AND NORTH DOWN BOROUGH COUNCIL A meeting of the Ards and North Down Borough Council was held in the Town Hall, The Castle, Bangor on Wednesday, 27 March 2019 commencing at 7.00pm. PRESENT: In the Chair: The Mayor (Councillor Smart) Aldermen: Carson Henry Fletcher Irvine Gibson Keery Girvan McDowell Graham Smith Councillors: Adair Kennedy Allen McAlpine Armstrong-Cotter McClean Brooks McKee Cathcart McIlveen Chambers Menagh Cooper Muir Cummings Robinson Douglas Smith Dunlop Thompson Dunne Woods Gilmour Officers: Chief Executive (S Reid), Director of Organisational Development and Administration (W Swanston), Director of Community and Wellbeing (G Bannister), Director of Finance and Performance (S Christie), Director of Environment (D Lindsay), Director of Regeneration, Development and Planning (S McCullough), Corporate Communications Manager (C Jackson), Democratic Services Manager (J Wilson) and Democratic Services Officer (H Loebnau) 1. PRAYER The Mayor (Councillor Smart) commenced the meeting by inviting the Chief Executive to open in prayer. 2. APOLOGIES Apologies for inability to attend were received from Councillors Boyle, Edmund, Martin, Walker and Wilson. Apologies for lateness were received from Councillor Douglas. NOTED. C.27.03.19 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The Mayor asked for any Declarations of Interest. Councillor Dunlop declared an interest in Item 7.5 – Community and Wellbeing Committee. Councillors Cathcart and Alderman Gibson declared an interest in Item 24 – Tender Report – Bring Site Service Contracts. NOTED. 4. MAYOR’S BUSINESS AND 5. MAYOR AND DEPUTY MAYOR ENGAGEMENTS FOR THE MONTH (Appendix I) PREVIOUSLY CIRCULATED:- Copy of the Mayor’s engagements for the month of March. The Mayor outlined business for the previous month. Officers and Members had been saddened to hear of the passing of the Director of Community and Wellbeing’s mother. The Mayor had passed on the condolences of the Council and was pleased to see that the Director was present at the meeting. He outlined the engagements for the month and expressed his gratitude to the Deputy Mayor who had assisted him. RESOLVED, on the proposal of Alderman Gibson, seconded by Councillor Cummings, that the information be noted. 6. MINUTES OF MEETING OF COUNCIL DATED 27 FEBRUARY 2019 PREVIOUSLY CIRCULATED:- Copy of the above minutes. RESOLVED, on the proposal of Alderman Gibson, seconded by Councillor Robinson, that the minutes be agreed as a correct record. 7. MINUTES OF COMMITTEES 7.1. Planning Committee dated 5 March 2019 PREVIOUSLY CIRCULATED:- Copy of the above minutes. Councillor Cathcart asked for a correction to be made to the minutes. On page 2 it had been noted that Councillor Walker declared an interest in Item 5 and that should be changed to Councillor McKee. 2 C.27.03.19 RESOLVED, on the proposal of Councillor Cathcart, seconded by Alderman McDowell, that the minutes be adopted subject to the above amendment. 7.2. Environment Committee dated 5 March 2019 PREVIOUSLY CIRCULATED:- Copy of the above minutes. Councillor Chambers commented on Item 6 relating to the donation of a lifebelt to the Council which was to be placed at Groomsport Harbour. He thanked the Environment Committee for the support it had given to the proposal. The Ulster Unionist Party had been approached in respect of a suitable memorial and after a conversation it was considered appropriate to donate a lifebelt and plaque. That memorial was a very fitting tribute to the life of a man who had a lifelong association of life saving. Alderman Irvine referred to Item 20 - HRC Optimisation, querying if there had recently been a change of policy at those sites. The Director explained that there had recently been an incident at one of the smaller sites where an accident had been narrowly avoided. After taking advice from the Health and Safety officer within the Council it was viewed that vehicles and pedestrians sharing an access was an unacceptable health and safety risk. As a result of that it was suggested that unless a separate access point was available for pedestrians it would be safer for them not to enter the Household Recycling Centres on foot. Along with that residents were being encouraged to make full use of their wheeled bins which Council had made available. Councillor Adair was aware that in his own town many people did walk to the HRC with small items such as unwanted electrical items. He strongly believed that they should continue to be able to do so. Alderman Irvine and Councillor Dunne were in agreement adding that measures should be taken, particularly in town centres to permit people to continue to recycle at those places. Officers were urged to review the position. (Alderman Keery entered the meeting at 7.11pm) The Director confirmed that the situation was under an ongoing review but stressed that it was crucial that the Council took health and safety extremely seriously and if it did
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