i THE FLAT HAT Vol. X. COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY AT WILLIAMSBURG IN VIRGINIA, MARCH 5, H21 No. 17 THE MANLESS DANCE EPPA RIXEY LEAVES FOR TRAINING CAMP Sumnier Seision is Elaborate The atmosphere around Tyler Hall Present Outlook Indicates Rec¬ was surcharged with excitement all day on Saturday, the eve of the an¬ GIANT SOUTHPAW PITCHES AGAINST 'VARSITY BEFORE ord Attendance. nual "Manless Dance" of the season. LEAVING TO JOIN CINCINNATI REDS. The 1920-21 summer quarter of the Mysterious looking packages were College of William and Mary, Vir¬ received all day with suppressed gig¬ Eppa Rixey, who left Williamsburg ginia's State college for teachers, will gles while occasionally the unfamil¬ Sunday last, probably is in training be the most elaborate ever planned by iar cry of "Padgett's Man" could be camp in Texas as this publication UNABLE TO ACCOMMODATE that nistitution. There will be two .heard resounding thru the halls. gallops to press. The tall southpaw terms in the quarter, the first term Topics of conversation were limited reported to Manager Pat Moran in THE EL! S commencing June 15, and ending to the one subject of the dance in Cincinnati Wednesday, and the squad immediately boarded a train bounded Coach Driver has received a letter July 26, the second continuing from its various phases fo dates, clothes July 27 to September 2. and "eats." for the Lone Star State. from George Bailey, manager of the As the fateful hour of 8:30 drew During the two weeks Mr. Rixey track team of Yale University, in The courses to be offered this year P which Manager Bailey expresses re¬ are of greater variety than those of near, excitement rose to the fever coached the baseball squad of William pitch. Girls in various stages of and Mary College his instruction gret that the Indians are unable to any previous session, including courses men's dress stalked thru the halls, proved very valuable. Although it meet Old Eli on the cinder path this prescribed by the State Board of Edu¬ while from all sides came the cries, was too early for the players to show year, and declaring that he hopes the cation for special, elementary, normal, "Where in the wtorld—— ?" "How real form. Mr. Rixey remarked to two institutions can "arrange a meet professional, and collegiate profes¬ under the shining sun ?" "Some¬ Coach Driver that the material here next year. sional certificates for teachers. There body please come help me with this!" can be blended into a first-class, fight¬ Yale wanted to train a large squad will be specialized courses leading to The suppressed giggles rose to shrill ing aggregation. here for a week, and to have William the B. A., B. S., and M. A. degrees for principals, supervisors, and superin¬ screams of laughter as each "finished Rixey and Gooch Work for Scrubs. and Mary participate in a three-cor¬ product of perfect manhood" walked nered meet. Track facilities here are tendents, as well as regular courses of Rixey sang his coaching swan song into various rooms for inspection. conspicuous by their absence, but collegiate grade for students prepar¬ by pitching two innings against the All visible signs of trouble had dis¬ plans are being considered for placing ing for law, medicine, engineering, varsity Saturday last. Of course, the appeared, however, when at 8:30 the track athletics on a more substantial business and social work. Many of big leaguer did not cut loose, for such group assembled in the gymnasium. basis. the classes for teacher's certificates action would have been foolish on his It was a case of "pay as you enter carry college credits. part; but he did show the pitchers, Yale defeated the Indians in base¬ and bring your own eats." Conse¬ ball last spring, although the Bulldog Many forms of entertainments are quently the top of the piano was soon and batters, a few things about how being planned for the students in the to pitch and to use one's noodle. With got only three hits off Settle's deliv¬ piled up with all sorts of queer-look¬ ery. A game was scheduled for this summer session, including trips to ing bundles and bottles. With the his left fin—and it seemed to reach places of beauty and interest in and the plate—Eppa Jeptha breezed along year with Yale at New Haven, but the first strains of a "peppy" fox trot Yale faculty lopped several games off around Williamsburg, excursions to from the college orchestra the danc¬ serenely. The varsity did not score the seashore, dances, band concerts, on him, but White and Jones each con¬ Eli's schedule, among which was that ing began, and continued with little scheduled with William and Mary. various kinds of athletics, and swim¬ interruption until 11:30. During the nected for a double while the smiling ming, fishing and boating in the York intervals between dances the ribbon portpaw usurped the pitching mound. and James Rivers. Mr. Rixey was the guest of his clubs, P-a-n-t-s, N-u-t-s and B-e-a-n-s It is expected that the enrollment prep, school teammate, Professor FACULTY INCREASED gave their yells. The N-u-t-s went for the summer session will fill all Bobby Gooch, and Coach Jim Driver, through with a most attractive and Dr. Hamilton and Prof. Gelsin- accommodations at the college, as ap¬ also a teammate at the University of striking figure. plications for room reservations are Virginia. He said he enjoyed his stay ger Added to Instructing At 11:30 in spite of sighs and pro¬ coming in daily. tests the ehaperons had the orchestra here. It si sincerely hoped that Mr. Force. r:o into the strains of "Home, Sweet Rixey will visit the campus- again ! next year. — While Dr. Hamilton and Prof. Gel- I ■ me." It was with great reluc- ; SPEAKS AT UNIVERSITY Rixey Very Popular Here. singer have been on the campus for "tance that the co-eds wended their such a length of time that they need way home from a dance generally Rixey joined the Phillies in 1912. Professor R. L. Power spoke in no introduction to the student body, Charlottesville on February 24 before conceded to be a big success and His best season was in 1916, when he we feel that all will be interested to seemmgly enjoyed as much by the won 22 games and lost ten. Last students in the School of Commerce know the records of these two men. at the University of Virginia. A spectators as by participants. year he suffered with the general Phil The appointment of Dr. Hamilton decline, winning 11 games and losing number of students have formed a is a distinct indication of the rapidly local organization—Psi Phi Delta— 22. With a club as strong as the developing law department. The de¬ GAMMA OMEGAS Reds, Rixey should enjoy a big sea¬ which intends to petition Alpha ARE ENTERTAINED mand for these courses is rapidly in¬ Kappa Psi for a chapter. If granted son. creasing and will doubtless prove a No higher tribute can be paid to this will be the second chapter in A very enjoyable candy stew was feature of the curriculum in the near Virginia—the first being at William Rixey as a man than that written by future. given by Mrs. R. M. Crawford on the Philadelphia correspondent of and Mary. Dr. William A. Hamilton has been Monday night to the members of the Sporting News, who said, in part: apponited in the Department of Law. Gamma Omega Fraternity at her "The fans regret to see such a high He is an A. B. of Harvard; an LL. B. ALPHA KAPPA PSI home on Peacock Hill. class man as Rixey leave. He always of Cornell; and a Master of Laws and ELECTS OFFICERS The party was in the nature of a has been a credit to the game. When Doctor of Civil Law of Yale. Dr. candy-making contest, with Mrs. E. I hear the words "Southern gentle¬ At a meeting this week of Omega Hamilton is a member of the New M. Lee and Mrs. George Coleman man" instinctively I think of Rixey. Chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi, the pro¬ York and California bars, and during acting as judges, while the members He certainly is one. Cincinnati gets fessional fraternity of commerce es¬ the war was a captain of coast artil¬ of the fraternity cooked in pairs. a grand character and a rattling good tablished at the college last month, lery, being for two and a half years After the candy stew Miss Emily pitcher in Rixey." the following officers were elected: judge advocate at Camp Eustis. Dr. Hall, daughter of Dr. J. Lesslie Hall, It is too early to do any forecasting, President, J. F. Wilson, of Smith- Hamilton during this term is con¬ dean of the faculty, was initiated into but it is obvious to any observer that field; vice-president, H. S. Phillips, of ducting classes in Roman Law, Con¬ the fraternity. William and Mary will have a Newport News; secretary, O. B. East, tracts. Bailments, Personal Property, hustling, aggressive team to repre¬ of Chatham; treasurer, F. S. Man- Criminal Law, and Money and Bank¬ sent it on the diamond. son, Jr., of Lunenville; editor, Law¬ DR. HALL TO SPEAK ing. rence Herr, of Newport News. The associate professor of Greek Dr. J. Lesslie Hall will deliver DONATION TO LIBRARY and English is Prof. George H. Gel- the last of the series of University singer.
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