THE WESTFIELD LEADER Serving Westfield Since 1890 USPSW020 Published NINETY-EIGH'f H VE,T A NO. 50 Second Clui Pouijt Paid WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1988 20 Pages—30 Cents •I wmritld. U.I. Every Thursday Town Council Approves Chamber's "Mall Day" A resolution authorizing the tification of storefronts, includ- the Westfield Symphony Guild closing of certain streets in the ing Mr. Thomas' suggestion to was "eager for any opportunity central business district for adopt the Williamsburg style of to promote the Westfield Sym- "Westfield Mall Day" on Sept. architecture. He concluded by phony Orchestra." She added 24, was approved 5-2 by the Town urging the council to consider that the WSO's season begins Council Tuesday evening. "Mall Day" as a means of help- three weeks after the proposed Proponents of "Mall Day" ing popularize Westfield with "Mall Day." were on hand to urge Mayor Ray- shoppers. Mayor Stone said he could not mond W. Stone and council Mr. Hartzell said the event support "Mall Day" because of members to approve the would be for developing a "Com- the closing of East Broad Street. townwide event, which is being munity spirit that has to be kindl- He added that the Chamber had developed by the Westfield Area ed every so often." He added that not submitted any plans showing Chamber of Commerce. the United Fund's annual cam- how traffic would be re-routed The Chamber proposes to close paign begins the third week in away from the closed streets. portions of East Broad, Prospect, September and that "Mall Day" Councilman Christian Abeel sup- Elm and Quimby streets in order would present the opportunity for ported the mayor. to display 1989 motor vehicles in his organization to distribute its Councilman Frank Rodgers a mall-like atmosphere. The car literature. Photo by David Chou voted in favor with some appre- dealers providing the ear Mrs. Atwell concurred, saying (ContFnued on last pegs, this section) HEIGH-HO, HEIGH-HO, IT'S OFF TO PLAY THEY GO ... Snow White's seven dwarfs put In an ap- displays would be major spon- pearance last week in the Washington School's Summer Playground's Costume parade. Out of costume, sors of the event. the "dwarfs" are Meghan, Jennifer and Chris Schwarzenbek, Megan O'Brien, Robby O'Brien, Laura At its last meeting, the council Stall and Nicole Kreger. A recap of the first week of the Recreation Department-sponsored 1988 summer showed reluctance to permit the Local Taxi Ordinance playground program and additional pictures appear on pages 2 and 3. closing of the streets to vehicular traffic because of the re-routing Is Amended by Council . of traffic and the problem of emergency vehicles getting An amendment to an ordinance office space in the downtown through the streets. Council was which would lift certain restric- area and insurance as difficulties School Staff flonored at not opposed to the concept of tions from the town's taxi and faced by taxi operators. "Mall Day," however as promo- limousine regulations, was in- Introduced with the taxi or- tion for the town. troduced by the Town Council at dinance, was another town or- its public session on Tuesday. End-of-Year Gala Dinner Former Mayor and Council- dinance prohibiting taxi and , man, H. Emerson Thomas; Council removed from the or- limousine businesses as home oc- Honoring 29 staff members Joseph J. Salinard, Edison matics department chairperson, dinance the requirement that cupations. Council plans to revise United Fund of Westfield presi- taxi operators maintain an office the ordinance, however, to fur- with a cumulative total of 647 Junior High School guidance 25 years; Gloria W. Lyng, dent, Larry Hartzell; and West- years of service. Westfield counselor; Virginia P. Shaw, Franklin School secretary, 20 in the downtown business area. ther define limitations of taxi field Symphony Guild President, businesses; the revisions are be- School Superintendent Mark C. substitute teacher, secondary years; Rita G. Murphy, Margot Atwell addressed the Members of the council said Smith stated: "Through their ex- schools; Irene H. Singer, Tama- Washington School second grade, they hoped that the amendment ing considered to so as not to council during the open discus- would encourage taxi companies limit those who run small trans- perience, these staff members ques School third grade teacher; 25 years; Sally Vejnoska, sion portion of the meeting. have added reason to knowledge Barbara L. Woerz, Advanced Westfield High School English to come into Westfield. Those portation services in their and sense to scholarship to Learning Program teacher at teacher, 21 years; Irene Mr. Tnomas outlined the operating taxi and limousine ser- homes. become wiser. They have done so Tamaques, Washington and Wroblewski, Westfield High development of Westfield's cen- vices would be required to main- Final reading of these or- to the benefit of Westfield Wiison Schools; Fred Zakaluk, School matron, six years; and tral shopping area, the addition tain a local phone number. dinances is expected at the next students and the Westfield school Westfield High School business Joseph Wrobiewski, Lincoln of off-street parking, and beau- Council cited the rising costs of public meeting on Aug. 9. district." education; and Richard A. Zim- School custodian, eight years. Dr. Smith's remarks were mer, Westfield High School The' End-of-the-Year Dinner 12-Hr. Meter Fees made at the first End-of-the-Year physical education department was planned by a committee of CUIIMSUQ..which all staff chairperson. staff members under the leader- fi JJave Increased members and retirees from the Retirees;: honored at the ship of Peggy Krychowecky, Jef- school system were invited. "gala" co-sponsored by the ferson school math/BSIP teacher Residents are reminded that as Fourteen staff members Westfield Education Association, and WE A president; and Marie of July 6, all twelve hour meters celebrating 25 years of service Westfield Association of Ad- Scian, coordinator of elementary were raised from 25 cents for and 15 staff members who retired ministrators . and Supervisors; education, personnel and affir- three hours to 25 cents for two during the current school year Westfield Association of Educa- mative action officer. hours. were guests of the Board of tional Secretaries; Westfield Education at the affair which Support Staff Association; was attended by more than 300 Westfield Substitute Association, Police Looking For people. Westfield Instructional Support Staff Association and the Board Hit And Run Driver Presenting 25-year awards, of Education, include: Helen School Board President Susan Aagre, Westfield High School The Westfield Police Department is looking for anyone who Pepper noted that the 14 staff secretary, 14 years of service; might have any information on a hit and run accident which oc- members had accumulated Frank S. Almroth, McKinley curred at about 8:53 Saturday evening (July 2) .at the inter- 63,000' school days. Twenty-five School principal, 31 years; section of North Avenue and Prospect Street. Photo by Lucinda Dowel! year staff members include: Phyllis Babb, Wilson School third According to Police Chief, Anthony Scutti, 71-year-old, "ONCE A YEAR WE ASK, BECAUSE EVERY DAY PEOPLE Louise Larsen Anderson, Wilson grade teacher, 22 years; Sydna George Wegmann of Fanwood was crossing North Avenue over NEED" — a happy approach to the 1988 Campaign, Enthusiastic and School first grade; Sylvia Cum- Hoick Eddy, Roosevelt science/- to Prospect Street, when he was struck by a dark colored, optimistic, left, the Rev. Dr. Robert Harvey, 1st vice president; min, Edison Junior High School biology teacher, 14 years; possibly Ford-made vehicle. The vehicle then proceeded on Shelton Faggins, Westfield High Larry Hartzell, president; Linda Maggio, executive director; business education; Merilyn D. North Avenue, making a right on to East Broad Street and a left William Meglaughlin, treasurer; Henry "Mike" Kelly, 1988 Cam- School custodian, eight years; on to Prospect. The victim suffered multiple fractures. The Diamond, Westfield High School Marjorie A. Frey, Washington paign chairman, share their excitement regarding the acceptance of Project 79/Math; Leland H. School fourth grade teacher, 28 Westfield Police Department is asking for witnesses of this acci- the $580,000 goal. Goslin, Westfield High School years; Eileen B. Grigg , Wilson dent or anyone with information to call the Westfield Police chemistry/physics; William B. School third grade teacher, 20 Department, 232-1000. Hansel, Westfield High School in- years; Ronald A. Gutek, United Fund Sets Goal dustrial arts; Leona L. Jensen, Roosevelt physical education Westfield High School mathe- teacher, 24 years; Charles Wilson For 1988-89 Campaign matics department chairperson; Jackson, Jefferson School prin- Kevin D. Keane, Westfield High cipal, 31 years; Leona L. Jensen, Four Promoted in School English; Jean M. McDer- Westfield High School mathe- The United Fund of Westfield Individuals visits were made to mott, director of fine arts K -12; will ask Westfielders to repeat the agencies by the committee, Police Department their successful history by assisted by special repre- meeting the annual campaign sentatives Frederick Buhren- Four major promotions in the Stutzman, promoted to Captain; goal of the 1988-89 drive. This dorf, Robert Dillon, Doug Kelly, Westfield Police Department Detective Sergeant Bernard F. fall's goal has been set at Jerry Lott, Austin Sayre, and Joe were announced by Chief An- Tracy, promoted to Detective $580,000, the highest in the Fund's Simons. The written reports of thony J. Scutti at ceremonies in Lieutenant; Detective James T. history, to help support the these visits were included with which he presented the badges of Schneider, promoted to Detec- operations for its 19 member the other materials reviewed by their new rank to Lt. Earl L. tive Sergeant; and Officer John agencies.
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