Orkney Field Club Bulletin Index, Number 1: 1961-1999 Introduction………………………………………………………………...i Index………………………………………………………………………..1-167 Classified Index……………………………………………………………1-174 Agriculture……………………………………………..1 Archaeology……………………………………………1 Author …………………………………………………1-10 Birds…………………………………………………...10-35 Botany…………………………………………………35-96 Fish, Reptiles, Amphibians…………………………… 96-100 General………………………………………………...100-101 Geology………………………………………………..101-102 Lepidoptera…………………………………………….102-119 Mammals………………………………………………119-125 Molluscs……………………………………………….125-134 Other Arthropods………………………………………134-137 Other Insects…………………………………………...137-148 Other Invertebrates…………………………………….148-149 Persons…………………………………………………149-156 Sites…………………………………………………….156-171 Trees……………………………………………………171-174 Compiled by Marcus Love, trainee on attachment to the Orkney Biodiversity Records Centre, Manager, Ross Andrew. Database technical support and programming, Sheena Spence. Published by Orkney Biodiversity Records Centre 2000 The information presented here is believed to be correct. However, no responsibility can be accepted by Orkney BRC for any consequence of errors or omissions Copyright: any part of this publication may be reproduced provided due acknowledgement is given ISSN 1471-4833 Introduction This Index builds on the previous work of Orkney Field Club members Paul Hepplestone and Alan Skene. The Index was compiled by Marcus Love, trainee on attachment to Orkney BRC. Technical support and programming was provided by Sheena Spence, overall project supervision by Ross Andrew, Orkney BRC Manager. The following Orkney Field Club members assisted with production of the Index, their help is gratefully acknowledged: Ross Andrew, Lynda Bartlett, Chris Booth, Elaine Bullard, John Crossley, Sydney Gauld, Eric Meek, Alan Skene. With the exception of obvious errors, entries, including scientific names, are given as originally published in the Bulletin. Index Entries Each entry has an associated context given beneath, together with a Bulletin reference which may contain a part number (at one time more than one Bulletin was published each year), followed by the year of publication and a page number. BRS refers to Biological Records Supplement (originally intended as a serial publication but produced only once in 1992). Updating It is intended to publish the next Orkney Field Club Bulletin Index after an appropriate interval. Readers discovering any errors or omissions are urged to contact Orkney Biodiversity Records Centre c/o The Orkney Library, Kirkwall, Orkney. By these means, corrections can be incorporated in future updates to the Index. i ORKNEY FIELD CLUB BULLETIN CLASSIFIED INDEX 1961-1999 1 AGRICULTURE ARCHAEOLOGY Agricultural Biodiversity Midhowe Burial Chamber Cultural Heritage 1997/p7-9 Rousay 3/1965/p3 Agricultural Development Plan Mill Conservation 1/1988/p7-8 Papa Westray 1/1976/p5 NCC Report 2/1987/p2 Newark Bay Avena fatua Skeletons Uncovered 1/1970/p10 Agricultural Biodiversity 1997/p7-9 Onston-type Burial Chamber Avena sativa x fatua Huntersquoy, Eday 3/1965/p3 Agricultural Biodiversity 1997/p7-9 Point of Buckquoy Avena strigosa Excavation 4/1971/p3 Agricultural Biodiversity 1997/p7-9 Quanterness Barley, Bere Report By Colin Renfrew 3/1974/p3 Past & Present 3/1982/p7 Saash Ness FFWAG North Ronaldsay 1/1966/p2 Conservation 1/1988/p7-8 Sailor's Graves FFWAG & The Orkney Field Club 1996/p17-19 Report By J.Godwin 3/1981/p5 Report 2/1989/p5 Skara Brae Hordeum sativum vulgare Report by Anna Ritchie 2/1973/p7 Past & Present 3/1982/p7 Stalled Cairn Livestock Calf of Eday 3/1965/p3 Rare Breeds 1/1974/p7-9 Standing Stones Mites History 4/1971/p5 Acarina In Orkney 1/1988/p26-29 Stennabreck Oat, Murkle North Ronaldsay 4/1965/p3 Agricultural Biodiversity 1997/p7-9 Stones of Via Oat, Potato Sandwick 1/1970/p7 Agricultural Biodiversity 1997/p7-9 Oat, Red AUTHOR Agricultural Biodiversity 1997/p7-9 Oat, Small Black Adam, R.G. Agricultural Biodiversity 1997/p7-9 Some Orkney Hedgehog Records 1998/p30 Peat Some Orkney Hedgehog Records 1997/p24 Pollen Analysis 1/1974/p12 Aim, Ronald The Honey Bee 2/1979/p6-8 ARCHAEOLOGY Anderson, Sandy Aberdeen University's Orkney 2/1973/p3-4 Ancient Driftwood Fulmar Study Origin 1994/p8-9 Bird Watchers In The North Sea - 2/1986/p5-6 The "NSBC" Archaeology Andrew, Ross 1959-1984 2/1984/p8-9 Auskerry A Wasp-Mimic Hoverfly New To 1992/BRS/p34-35 Orkney Report By S.Flint 1/1971/p7 Freshwater Algae Courses With The 1998/p14-15 Barley, Bere Scottish Field Studies Association Ancient Orkney 1/1983/p10 Largest & Smallest Stonefly 2/1988/p12 Broch, Burrian Discoveries North Ronaldsay 4/1965/p3 Oldest Orkney Caddisfly Record? 1996/p56 Cairn, Onstan Orkney Biological Records Centre 1990/p22 Report by Mr.J.Scott 1/1964/p1 Orkney Field Club Biological 1/1989/p7 Recording Centre Hatston Earth House Recent Additions To The Orkney 1992/BRS/p35-40 Excavations 2/1982/p8-9 Caddis Fly Fauna Holland House Standing Stone Recording Orkney Plants & Animals 1990/p19 North Ronaldsay 4/1965/p3 Andrew, Ross & Watt, K.R. Howmaebrae Orkney Hoverflies 1993/p41-44 North Ronaldsay 4/1965/p3 Andrews, R.J. Kirk, Old Cross Orkney Lacewing Records 1993/p41 Sanday 3/1978/p14 Anon Knowe of Samilands 21 Years With The OFC 1/1980/p7 North Ronaldsay 2/1966/p2 A "Pilgrimage" To Eynhallow 2/1979/p11-12 Map A Local Biological Records Centre 1993/p18 Prehistoric Orkney Woodland 3/1980/p7 Abstract, With Animal, Vegetable & 1/1970/p9 Midhowe Burial Chamber Mineral Connections ORKNEY FIELD CLUB BULLETIN CLASSIFIED INDEX 1961-1999 2 AUTHOR AUTHOR Anon Anon Additional Notes For The Flora Of 3/1966/p? Muirburn 1/1984/p12 North Ronaldsay Muirburn Reminder 2/1982/p8 American Museum Of Natural 2/1980/p4 Nature Trail 3/1963/p5-6 Background To The IOE Group In 1994/p47-48 Nature Trail By Car 3/1976/p5-6 Orkney Neighbouring Naturalists 4/1965/p4 Bat Record For Orkney 3/1976/p2 North Ronaldsay Sheep 4/1967/p6 Beetles From The Neighbourhood 4/1969/p2 North Ronaldsay Sheep 3/1966/p3 Of Stromness North Ronaldsay Sheep 3/1966/p3 Biological Recording 2/1988/p11 North Ronaldsay Sheep 3/1967/p Biological Recording Field Meetings 2/1989/p5-6 Notes Of Species Previously Listed, 3/1973/p11-12 But Now Deleted Or Considered 1989 "Suspect" Biological Recording In Orkney 1/1983/p3 Obituaries 1/1986/p20 Botanical Records In Orkney, 1981 3/1981/p6 Obituary - Nina Jay Dusenberry 1/1981/p7 Botanising In The Orkney Islands 1/1966/p4 OFC Primula scotica Project 1/1980/p6 Botanising In The Orkney Islands 1/1966/p3-4 OFC Senior Members 2/1984/p22-24 Butterfly Atlas 3/1980/p2 Orkney Cormorants 3/1967/p6 Colonising Moss 1993/p17 Orkney Field Club & North 2/1976/p8 Colour-ringed Common Gulls 1/1976/p11 Ronaldsay Sheep Colour-ringed Common Gulls 3/1975/p6 Orkney Flora 3/1963/p2 Colour-ringed Starlings 1/1984/p12 Orkney Lepidoptera (To 1971) 2/1974/p11-12 Commercial Exploitation Of Fossils 3/1979/p17 Orkney Lepidoptera (To 1971) 3/1974/p9-10 Committee Activities 1/1981/p5 Orkney Lepidoptera (To 1971) 2/1973/p9-10 Common Weeds Of Arable Land 3/1971/p2 Orkney Lepidoptera (To 1971) 3/1972/p9-10 Cormorant & Fulmar Ringing 1/1966/p3 Orkney Lepidoptera - Check-list 2/1972/p7 Recoveries Revised To End Of 1971 Season Corncrake & Corn Bunting Enquiry 3/1966/p3-4 Orkney Mammal Records 1/1969/p2 Dee Of Durkadale 2/1983/p2 Orkney Mammals 4/1963/p3 Durkadale 2/1988/p4 Orkney Young Naturalists 2/1987/p7-10 Epitaph For A Frustrated 3/1976/p6 Orkney Young Naturalists Challenge 2/1986/p4 Ex-Patriate Members 2/1977/p12 Award Scheme Field Club Project Area, Brodgar 1/1963/p1 Outings - The Future? 3/1963/p1-2 Get To Know Orkney 1/1974/p4-5 Paths & Tracks 3/1974/p4 Grasshoppers In Orkney 2/1982/p2 Paying For Nature Conservation 1/1967/p2 Habitat Recording 1/1968/p7-8 Pipistrelle Bat 1/1980/p8 Habitats & The Problems Of 3/1969/p1-3 Places Of Interest 2/1971/p6 Conservation Plant Notes 4/1962/3 Hoy Hut 1/1981/p7 Plants 1988 1/1989/p29-33 Huts "Down Under" And The Hoy 1/1983/p4 Plants Records 1/1980/p3 Identification Of Specimens 1/1965/p2 Postscript 2/1986/p13 Index To OFC Bulletins 1971-83 1/1984/p13-14 Primula scotica 4/1965/p2 Info On The Ghost Moth In Orkney 1/1965/p3 Priorities 2/1974/p3 Required Publications 1/1983/p3 It Would Be Very Nice If - 1/1983/p3 Quill-worts, Clubmosses, Horsetails 1/1974/p11 Junior Activities Report 2/1989/p19-22 & Ferns Junior Competitions 2/1966/p2-3 Rarities & Records 4/1968/p6 Junior Page 1/1982/p10 Recording Scheme 3/1981/p6 Juniors Page 1/1967/p6 Report On The Field Club Project 4/1961/2-4 Juniors Page 1/1989/p35-36 Report On The Small Wood, 3/1969/p3-4 Lepidoptera 1/1982/p2 Berriedale, Hoy Lepidoptera 2/1974/p3 Review - The Glasgow Naturalist 1993/p19-20 Library Folder 1/1961/p2 Ringing 1/1967/p4-5 Lichen Mapping Scheme 3/1970/p4 Roadside Verge Cutting 2/1984/p12-13 Lichen Recording 2/1985/p3 RSPB Tern Survey 3/1980/p1 List Of Syrphidae (Hover Flies) 1/1968/p6 RSPB Tern Survey 2/1980/p4 Collection In Orkney Seals & Cetaceans - Scottish 1992/p17 Long-Finned Pilot Whale Stranding, 2/1984/p19 Strandings Scheme Eday - Dec 1983 Snails In A Fieldfare's Plumage 2/1969/p3 Mammal Distribution Scheme 1/1967/p4 Some Methods Of Estimating 3/1981/p7 Mammal Recording Scheme 3/1964/p6 Growth OR Paint Your Winkle Marine Algae Of North Ronaldsay 1/1967/p5 St.Peter's Pool, Deerness 3/1975/p1 Miscellaneous 3/1962/p2 Streams & Pools & Lochs & Things 2/1981/p6 Molly Has Hairy Knees 3/1978/p5 Study Of Mute Swans In The Outer 1/1978/p3 Moths 4/1965/p4 Hebrides Muirburn 1/1983/p4 ORKNEY FIELD CLUB BULLETIN CLASSIFIED INDEX 1961-1999 3 AUTHOR AUTHOR Anon Bichan, Mary Summary Of Geological Progress, 1/1961/p1 Planning 1998/p16-17 1960-1 Blaxter, Piers The BTO/TWC Winter Atlas 3/1981/p5-6 Making Provisions For Access In 1999/p4-5 The Danger Of Toxic Chemicals 4/1963/p2 Orkney The Facts Of Life 1/1973/p2 Orkney Local Biodiversity Plan 1998/p3-5 The Late Mr.Charles Senior 1/1975/9 Bonner, W.N.
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