IN THIS ISSUE ENTS BRUARY 19J95 CIRCULATION OVER 5,200,000 Joyou£ rm paffBrn. I, P3^ns loved -for yeats ^^MEMBRANCEr , ^RNALLY YOUR£ % still fhe ihing h own ^ FIRST LOVE „ , GknkRATIONS ago. wlirn sliiniiig-pvcH liiide? ^ot thrir table? with the "silvei ware of their <lri-anis." iimiic (if tliciii i liuse 1817 Rogers Bros, tliaii any other. And that's still true today. Yoii'II know why, when you see tlic eiiclianting 1847 Rogers Bros, designs [lirtiirod here. For eaeh has a jierfeclion of l)alancc — an extra heiglit and dc|ilh of ornanient found in no otiicr silverjdate. So, whetlier vou choose 1847 Rogers Bros, lirand-new pattern, or one Iieloved for vears. ynn have tlie proud kttowlcdge that— like the brides of great-grundiuollier's day — you own America's finest silvcrplate! /Imericdt Fne^t Qherpiak. COFVRICHT I950. THE I NT CNN A T ION AL StLVCR CO., HKRtDCN. CONN. — TO AMERICA'S 53,000 DRUGGISTS When a new, completely different tooth brush In its first six treeks on sale, solely on the suddenly wins over 20 per cent of the total tooth professional recommendation of the dentists, druggists and their assistants who had tried it brush sales in a big test area, practically over- and liked it, the PHO "59", , , completely un- night, you want to hear about it! So, here's the announced and unadrerlised to the public . , ; "59": "Albany Story" of the new PRO accounted for 22 per cent of total tooth brush tales in that area! One tveek fast fall ire called on every dentist and druggist in Albany, Troy, and Schenectady, We want you to examine and nse this brush; Vf'e pointed out the multiple arrangement of to see for yourself what a really outstanding im- finer, thinner bristles in the PRO "59" and provement it is. When you do, we are positive asked druggists and their assistants to use the you will recommend the PRO "59" to your brush personally, That*8 all. No windoics, A'o gimmicks, No counter displays of any sort many customers who rely on your professional other than the regular one dozen shelfpackage. training and experience. Why did one out of every 5 toothbrush purchasers start buying this unknown brush OVERNIGHT? Your first quick look at the PRO "59" tells you why. This new tooth brush Is completely difierent . specially designed for today's more frequent bnishings. Three times as many bristles as ordinary tooth brushes in the same small, rounded brush-bead . , , three times as many bristle-ends to scrub the same area ofloath surface. No wonder it cleans and polishes better! Bristles one-half as thick as usual . make it easy to clean areas too narrow for regular bristles to enter the very places where so much decay starts. New-type softer bristle, ideal for gum massage. No wearing away the tooth structure at the gum line. No harshness to gums themselves. You can really scrub your teeth, without damage to your gums I Here, at last, is the softer tooth brush so many dentists have asked for. More needed today than ever before, now that the importance of brushing teeth at least three times a day is being emphasized by dentists everywhere. PRO "59" A totally diffmnt looth Srush Pro-phy-!ac-tic Brush Company, Florence, Massachusetis P<»tnffirc at Cliicajto. LIFE LITK IB piiblishM weeklv bv TIMR Inc.. 540 N. Mirhicnn Ave.. Chiraao II. III. '^rintrfj in V. S. A. Entcrrd aa nwond-clajw mattrr Xovfinlior Ifi. 111.10 at the Volume 30 « I Feb. 19. 1951 111. under tbv act of MarcH 3. 1S79. Authorised by r«it Office Department, Ottawa. Canada, as aecond-clam matter. Subscriptiotu $0.75 a year iu U. S. A.; $7.25 in Canada. Number 8 8.r^oo</r/cA @) TESIS SHOW Bill. OFFICIAL AAA REPORT ON BLOWOUT SAFETY 1. SHOWN BELOWAREtiicaaii.il Ccnihcatcs of Performance issued by the Contest Board of the American Automobile Association, certifying to tiie ability of the liFG Tubeless Tire to seal punctures and protect against sudden blow- outs. Here's what these AAA certificates state: Cci : ! ! 1 wm iiRE PRicm Yoy MID SUIS PUNCIUIIES 100 5th Annual Report on B. F. Goodrich 4. "AIL TIRES were driven until failure occurred; Invention That with tliese results Protects Against Both Punctures and Sudden Blowouts PROVED IN USE BY THOUSANDS OF MOTORISTS OVER 5 years ago our early tests indicated it! ject when it pierces the tire, plugs the hole when the Reports from thousands of users who have nail is pulled out and prevents the air from escaping. bought these tires over the past 3 years confirmed it Does h Hold Air Without Tube? ad- Now impartial, scientific tests conducted by the How a Recent vances in man-made rubber made the Tubeless Tire American Automobile Association prove it! possible. Rim-seal ridges on the tire bead make an The amazing B. F. Goodrich Tubeless Tire not air-tight seal against the rim flange, preventing air only seals punctures, it protects you against sudden loss at the rim. A layer of another special man-made blowouts too! The first development in the history rubber prevents air loss through the tire. oj pneumatic tires that protects you against both punctures and sudden blowouts! Will It Fit Your Present Wheels? Yes. The BFG How Do Blowouts Occur? Blowouts occur afrer'a Tubeless Tire fits any standard wheel. A special valve break in the tire's fabric, usually caused by a bruise fits your present rims. The tire goes on and off like regular tire. or impact. As the car is driven, the break in the a It can be repaired. 8. "SEVERAL SPIKES completely penetrated the 1 fabric increases. In conventional tires, the inner rire at the tread and were then withdrawn with "Rythm Ride", Too! It is built with famous BFG tube stretches in an attempt to bridge the gap. Inter- no loss of air pressure indicated on the gauge." \ "rythmic-flcxing coids" that give you "Rythm nal air pressure forces the tube into the break. The Ride". Because there are no cross threads to restrict tube is then pinched through, chafed through, or cord action, cords are free to flex in rythm for more stretched to the breaking point . any one of which safety, mileage, comfort. will result in the sudden, explosive release of air and the tire's instant collapse. What About Cost? This BFG tire actually costs conventional Why Doesn't the Tubeless Tire Blow Out? The less than a tire and safety-type tube. Tubeless Tire has no inner tube to fail with sud- What About Supply? In cooperation with the gov- den, explosive release of air. Its air retaining inner ernment's program to restrict the use of rubber, the layer of special rubber is built into the tire carcass. BFG Tubeless Tire may not be available in your area a break in the carcass fabric occurs, the When at this time. However, we can promise you that when flexing action gradually causes a small break tire's conditions permit, production of this revolutiooaiy in the liner and a slow release of air. No sudden tire will be expanded so Tires collapses developed in the many Tubeless that every motorist can blowout tests under supervision. (See given AAA be safe from both blow- pictures to left.) outs and punctures, a How Does It Seal Punctures? Sealant rubber under safety combination never the tread tightly grips the nail or other puncturing ob- possible before. DYQ0-8U5-4HPG jterlal LETTERS TO THE editors RECRUIT STAMPEDE AUDUBON'S ANIMALS Sirs: In "Recruit Stampede" (Life, Jan. Were those scholars ^ rnn^in think- 29) about lackland Air Force Base, ing Audubon handed H ilinesquc some Texas the line that "a frantic and not phonies in his drawings of fish ("Au- entirely patriotic rush of volunteering dubon's Animals," Life, Jan. 29)? swept the country" is most unfair. These pictures, taken within 10 miles The rush is a result of the failure of our of Audubon Stale Park where the great armed forces to unify, and the soap- artist-naturalist did much of his work, selling technique employed hy the serv- seem to indicate Audubon was not us ices in competition with each other. much on the phony side as r< holars Men should l>e inducted into the serv- believe. ice, period, and then they should be The "devil-jack diamond liT-h" mav screened as to the branch where they well be the garfish (^e/otr), wliicli is cov- are needed. ered with stony scales. Every river- man around here will tell yoa it pos- Grafton E. Beiward sible that these scalee would l>r hall Ilasl Orange, N.J. proof if struck at an angle with a weap- on of Audubon's days. Sirs: The toad mudcat might be the blue I am the mother of one of these en- catfish. The tail detail Aiicluboii ilrew listees. My son left a f^ood paying po> is similar to the blue catfish's tail. sition and is giving four years of his life to the service of his country. Since Homer Bow %*hen is it more patriotic to wait to be Evansville, Ind. drafted or try to lind some means to evade military service? Any boy who volunteers his services for four years should not have his patriotism ques- tioned, regardless of which branch of the service he chooses. After what they are going through at Lackland, I think these hoys should be congratulated, not criticized. Mrs. William A, Wetzel L'nion, N.J.
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