TEA BROKERS EAST AFRICA LIMITED Telephone: +254 41 2221953 / 4 Tea Trade Centre Fax: +254 41 231 4480 Nyerere Avenue Mobile: +254 735 221953 / 729 403507 PO Box 87296 - 80100 Mombasa Kenya E-mail: [email protected] www.tbeal.net Tea Market Report: Sale 21 of 24th - 26th May, 2021 There was good general demand Current and Future Fresh Auction Offerings for the 193,240 packages (12.80m/kgs). 8.02%remained Sale 21 Sale 21 Sale 22 Sale 23 24 - 26 May'21 26 - 27 May'20 31 May - 2Jun'21 7 - 9 Jun'21 unsold. Country MG SG MG SG MG SG MG SG Kenya 123,420 13,300 120,780 12,690 122,220 12,660 127,780 13,680 Uganda 15,180 8,580 17,480 8,820 16,980 8,920 16,518 9,066 Tanzania 1,200 260 2,600 2,740 1,680 1,519 1,840 980 Rwanda 6,360 1,120 4,800 820 7,560 1,160 6,840 1,100 Leaf Grades Burundi 1,880 320 2,520 300 1,640 360 1,280 400 Zambia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Offerings: 107,020 packages Malawi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Madagascar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (7.00m/kgs). 7.36% were unsold. Zimbabwe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D R Congo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mozambique 0 0 0 538 0 0 0 0 The Best BP1s in the market met Ethiopia 0 0 220 580 0 0 0 0 a strong enquiry and appreciated Reprints 19,740 1,880 15,320 1,197 18,379 1,600 9,440 1,560 148,040 23,580 148,400 26,488 150,080 24,619 154,258 25,226 by USC8 - USC94 and substan- Total 171,620 174,888 174,699 179,484 tially more closely following qual- ity with Brighter varieties irregular varying between steady to above last prices to easier by USC4 - USC8 and some teas USC18 dearer to easier by a simi- lar level. Medium categories remained without bids. ranged between USC9 - USC10 above previous week’s rates to Best PF1s on offer held firm to easier by USC6 - USC76. Lower USC16 below last prices with Mediums saw an irregular interest Brighter categories firm to and varied between steady to USC2 easier while Medium USC10 dearer to easier by USC4 types advanced by USC2 - - USC28 and a few invoices were USC10 but a few lines shed up unsold with Plainer descriptions to USC3 with quality. Lower varying between firm to USC11 Medium sorts varied between CTC Quotations and Highest Prices (USC) USC4 - USC11 above last prices to easier by USC2 - USC6. BP1 PF1 Plainer types saw better absorp- 218 - 560 217 - 292 Best tion at firm to USC12 above last 198 - 318 215 - 238 Good prices but a few invoices lost Good Medium 190 - 268 210 - 229 value with quality. Medium 174 - 218 170 - 216 Lower Medium 124 - 187 120 - 194 Plainer 090 - 176 080 - 182 TBEA’s Mombasa Tea Market Report : Sale 21 of 24th - 26th May, 2021 Page 2 DUST Grades Secondary Grades Offerings: 60,760 packages (4.50m/kgs) with Offerings: 25,460 packages (1.30m/kgs) and 7.24% unsold. 12.35% were unsold. Best PDUSTs on offer saw an irregular enquiry In the secondary catalogues, BPs were about ranging between steady to USC4 dearer follow- steady with PFs firm. Clean well sorted coloury ing quality to easier by up to USC10 while Fannings gained with similar DUSTs dearer. Brighter types advanced by USC8 - USC17. Me- Other Fannings appreciated while DUSTs held dium categories varied between firm to USC6 value. BMFs were well absorbed. above previous week’s levels to easier by up to USC7 with improved Lower Medium varieties Markets appreciating by USC22 - USC30 but others shed USC2 - USC16. Plainer sorts saw an irregular Kazakhstan and other CIS Nations showed more activity and ranged between firm to USC17 and strong support with strong interest from Egyp- above last prices to easier by up to USC6 where sold. tian Packers and were forceful while Yemen, other Middle Eastern countries and UK increased activity. Pakistan Packers, Sudan, Russia and The Best DUST1s available were heavily dis- Bazaar showed good enquiry with some interest counted by up to USC52 but a few improved col- from Iran while Afghanistan were quieter. Local oury sorts gained up to USC7 with Brighter types Packers were active in line with price. Somalia advancing by USC6 - USC8 while Medium cate- showed good activity at the lower end of the mar- gories met improved support appreciating by ket. USC6 - USC18. Lower Mediums advanced by USC6 - USC30 where sold while Plainer de- scriptions gained USC3 - USC13 but some in- voices eased by up to USC4 with a few teas re- maining unsold. CTC Quotations and Highest Prices (USC) PD D1 Best 220 - 304 180 - 258 Good 218 - 246 176 - 220 Good Medium 214 - 229 178 - 212 174 - 212 156 - 194 Medium Lower Medium 102 - 240 104 - 212 Plainer 092 - 194 074 - 175 Secondary Quotations (USC) BP/BP2 PF/PF2 FNGS1/FNGSDUST / DUST2 BMF Best/Good 177 - 246 189 - 190 099 - 198 080 - 216 074 Good Medium / Medium 114 - 188 090 - 140 Lower Medium 106 - 162 096 - 166 069 - 168 070 - 108 070 - 081 Plainer 098 - 140 078 - 157 068 - 149 074 - 119 068 - 076 TBEA’s Mombasa Tea Market Report : Sale 21 of 24th - 26th May, 2021 Page 3 Average Auction Hammer Quantities and Prices by Country ` Country of Main Secondary Total Total for Corresponding Sale for Origin Last Year Pkgs Kgs USC Pkgs Kgs USC Pkgs Kgs USC Pkgs Kgs USC Kenya 124,540 8,627,495 2 01 12,440 622,102 1 10 136,980 9,249,597 195 113,580 7,781,526 194 Uganda 15,440 989,589 1 34 7,980 391,444 9 4 23,420 1,381,033 123 20,800 1,228,136 123 Tanzania 1,220 67,738 1 19 200 8,860 7 6 1,420 76,598 114 3,300 184,280 122 Rwanda 7,140 488,240 2 79 1,340 86,480 1 83 8,480 574,720 264 4,020 279,381 245 Burundi 2,640 164,996 1 92 360 19,008 1 19 3,000 184,004 184 2,320 146,937 216 Zambia - - - - - - - - - - - - Malawi - - - - - - - - - - - - Mozambique - - - - - - - - - - - - Madagascar - - - - - - - - - - - - Zimbabwe - - - - - - - - - - - - D R Congo - - - - - - - - - - - - Ethiopia - - - . - - - - - - 60 3,593 150 Total 150,980 10,338,058 1 97 22,320 1,127,894 1 10 173,300 11,465,952 1 89 144,080 9,623,853 186 Previous Sale's Quantities and Prices Total for Corresponding Sale for Sale Number Main Secondary Total Last Year Sale 20/21 143,300 9,867,761 1 93 23,620 1,177,157 103 166,920 11,044,918 184 159,959 10,582,130 188 Sale 19/21 134,580 9,268,248 1 91 21,600 1,073,006 102 156,180 10,341,254 182 152,438 10,036,243 1 92 Sale 18/21 133,221 9,195,888 1 93 23,798 1,193,544 102 157,019 10,389,432 183 162,552 10,644,523 194 Sale 17/21 132,120 9,092,153 1 95 24,300 1,199,365 103 156,420 10,291,518 185 155,270 10,260,814 2 07 Sale 16/21 134,080 9,242,564 1 94 26,979 1,351,097 104 161,059 10,593,661 183 170,167 11,330,641 212 Sale 15/21 136,273 9,417,817 1 94 23,101 1,146,114 103 159,374 10,563,931 184 195,481 12,963,406 2 05 Average Auction Hammer Prices by Grade and Country ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Current Sale's……………………. Prices per Grade Corresponding Prices per Grade for Last Year Country of Origin BP1 PF1 PD D1 BP/2 PF/2 D/2 F/1 BMF Av BP1 PF1 PD D1 BP/2 PF/2 D/2 F/1 BMF Av Kenya 2 08 2 01 2 02 1 85 135 1 37 99 120 72 195 197 201 191 193 157 139 112 121 54 194 Uganda 1 41 1 30 1 42 1 22 127 1 08 95 98 71 123 130 131 139 136 129 103 86 87 53 123 Tanzania 96 1 18 1 22 - 98 78 74 76 70 114 118 133 143 113 - 115 80 84 55 122 Rw anda 3 40 2 43 2 54 2 17 210 1 90 149 146 74 264 357 230 243 240 204 180 118 164 - 245 Burundi 1 84 2 03 1 86 1 72 - - 116 120 - 184 234 232 201 198 - - 130 146 - 216 Zambia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Malaw i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mozambique - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Madagascar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Zimbabw e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D R Congo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ethiopia - - - - - - - - - - - - 150 - - - - - - 150 2 16 1 98 1 96 1 76 164 1 25 104 112 72 189 192 198 183 180 152 122 106 107 54 186 Previous Sale's Prices per Grade Corresponding Prices per Grade for Previous Year Sale Number BP1 PF1 PD D1 BP/2 PF/2 D/2 F/1 BMF Av BP1 PF1 PD D1 BP/2 PF/2 D/2 F/1 BMF Av Sale 20/21 2 01 1 98 1 91 1 71 144 1 19 99 102 76 184 194 207 186 186 159 122 99 108 57 188 Sale 19/21 2 00 1 94 1 89 1 72 158 1 21 96 104 71 182 213 210 191 187 161 130 104 101 55 192 Sale 18/21 207 198 189 170 166 117 96 100 72 183 210 211 195 193 159 139 104 107 56 194 Sale 17/21 2 07 2 01 1 90 1 73 170 1 16 100 101 73 185 224 220 214 209 160 142 107 114 58 207 Sale 16/21 201 201 189 173 167 118 97 104 73 183 226 223 219 219 158 142 114 117 56 212 Sale 15/21 2 04 2 02 1 88 1 69 164 1 17 102 95 73 184 215 221 211 209 146 127 105 107 56 205 TBEA’s Mombasa Tea Market Report : Sale 21 of 24th - 26th May, 2021 Page 34 Average Auction Prices and Quantities by Country Previous Sale Last Year Year To Date 2021 Year To Date 2020 Variance Year Sale 20/21 Sale 20/20 To Date Country Kgs USC Kgs USC Kgs USC Kgs USC Kgs USC Kenya 9,351,752 1 91 181,493,748 197 9,094,665 196 183,655,029 210 -2,161,282 -13 Uganda 1,383,301 1 14 27,920,233 120 1,346,582 120 26,337,620 116 1,582,613 4 Tanzania 100,388 98 1,887,094 98 94,112 93 3,553,089 114 -1,665,995 -16 Rwanda 503,348 2 52 10,270,017 262 373,782 254 10,363,339 297 -93,322 -35 Burundi 130,968 1 82 2,748,259 207 131,618 216 3,407,622 232 -659,363 -25 Zambia - - - - - - - - 0 0 Malawi - - - - - - - - 0 0 Mozambique - - - - - - 127,162 64 -127,162 -64 Madagascar 4,814 92 98,943 101 - - - - 98,943 101 Zimbabwe - - - - - - - - 0 0 D R Congo - - - - - - - - 0 0 Ethiopia - - 108,333 141 33,814 100 296,257 144 -187,924 -3 Total 11,474,571 1 84 224,526,627 190 11,074,573 187 227,740,118 202 -3,213,492 -12 Mombasa Weekly Average Auction Quantities and Prices 2016—2021 m/Kgs USC 14.00 350 12.00 300 10.00 250 8.00 200 6.00 150 4.00 100 2.00 50 0.00 0 2016 2017 2020 2021 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Kgs USC Kgs USC
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