12096 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 9 June 11, 2008 either. This is a critically important people ask me about it. I encourage all pionships.’’ You will notice this ‘‘42’’ is matter. What happens if France or of our colleagues, Democrats and Re- like a little flip chart because we won Russia—which, by the way, is pushing publicans, House and Senate, let’s all so many times, I think after maybe 25 to increase its stake in EADS—want to work together and try to do something. or so, the highway department said we slow down our military capacity be- Certainly it is going to take a Hercu- can’t keep replacing this sign every cause they do not like our policies? Do lean effort to get President Bush to time he wins a title, so now all they do we want another country to have that change his policy on gas prices, but I is change that number out. Let me tell kind of control for decades to come— hope we could all work together, find you, it changes frequently. especially given the concerns the De- some consensus, and move forward on His record of wins as a coach is re- fense Secretary has now raised about some meaningful legislation to try to markable. He has won 42 NCAA Na- decisionmaking and leadership at the bring relief to people today on gas tional Championships since 1984: 11 in Air Force? I think we have to push for prices. cross country, 19 indoor track cham- an explanation before we move forward f pionships, and 12 outdoor track cham- on this contract. pionships. This includes 12 consecutive HONORING COACH JOHN I have detailed this morning three NCAA indoor track championships MCDONNELL very serious concerns about Airbus and from 1984–1995. During this streak he EADS. The facts are clear. When it Mr. PRYOR. Mr. President, I come to won the triple crown five times includ- comes to international trade, EADS the floor today to talk about a great ing three in a row from 1991–1994. doesn’t play fair. It has repeatedly lied Arkansan, a fellow—I am holding his He has been relentless in his pursuit about its impact on our economy and it picture up here—whom most Ameri- of conference championships as well, has more than once given us reason to cans do not recognize. Pretty much ev- winning 84 conference championships worry about how hard it will work to erybody in Arkansas knows him. He is since 1974 including 38 in the old South- protect our security interests. a household name in our State. west Conference and 46 in the South- The bidding process for the tanker It is with great pleasure I rise today eastern Conference. Did I mention 20 contract was so flawed that Boeing to honor the career of a great Arkan- conference triple crowns since 1982, in- filed its first ever protest of a defense san, a track and field icon, known not cluding 8 straight between 1987–1995? contract decision with the GAO, and just in Arkansas but around the world. Alberto Salazar, a Nike executive we are waiting for that decision. But Following the NCAA Outdoor Track and world-class marathoner said ‘‘John we need to remember the GAO can only and Field Championships this week, McDonnell has been the most success- look at whether the Air Force followed Coach John McDonnell will retire after ful and the best coach in the United the procurement laws and regulations. 36 years at The University of Arkansas. States from the 1980s on.’’ He goes on It cannot answer whether the Air Force Walking past the trophy cases lining to say, ‘‘his teams have continued to should have awarded that contract in Bud Walton Arena at the University of get better and better . he has set the the first place. We, Congress, have to Arkansas, you will note the Razorback standard for all other coaches to fol- ask those questions. track team has been a winner over and low.’’ I have raised those questions in hear- over again under the leadership of While being a winning coach he also ings, in letters to Pentagon officials, Coach John McDonnell. He has accu- focused on development of his student- and in face-to-face meetings, yet no mulated more National Championships athletes, coaching 185 track All-Ameri- one at the Air Force or the Pentagon than any other coach in the history of cans who combined have earned 652 All- or the White House has begun to jus- college athletics. But his commitment America honors. He has coached 23 tify why we should award a $35 billion to track and the UofA goes beyond the Olympians, spanning three decades and contract to supply the linchpin of our finish line. His athletes will tell you six different Olympic Games. Mike military strength to a company that that Coach McDonnell motivated them Conley won a gold medal in Barcelona another branch of our Government has and set high standards on and off the and a silver medal in Los Angeles, accused of illegal business practices, track. He taught them about integrity, Matt Hemingway earned silver in Ath- one that distorts its records, and does character and teamwork—traits they ens, and Calvin Davis a bronze in At- not have our national security inter- continue to apply in their career and lanta. ests at heart. lives today. Seven-time NCAA champion and As I said at the beginning of my re- Dr. B. Alan Sugg, president of the Olympian Alistair Cragg said: University of Arkansas system, said it marks, the Defense Secretary has I am his creation . I came in here out of raised serious questions about the lead- best when he described Coach McDon- shape and had quit running. He’s got that ership and oversight at the Air Force. nell as ‘‘a world-class coach because he hand on your shoulder that you know you Given those concerns, we here in the is a world-class leader.’’ can’t mess up, but if you do that you’re not Senate and the Congress must examine He started his track career at South- going to mess up on your own. You can go this contract carefully, demand the Air western Louisiana, now Louisiana-La- into any race or competition with a lot of Force explain its decision, and consider fayette, where he was a six-time All- confidence. When he says you’re ready, whether it is in our Nation’s best inter- American in cross country and track. you’re ready. It’s a reassurance. ests to move forward on this contract. He also was the 1966–67 AAU 3,000– Moreover, Coach McDonnell produced We owe it to our taxpayers. We owe it meter champion, and he won the mile 55 individual national champions. His to our servicemembers. I hope with at the 1966 British Selection Games. athletes hold 22 records, including Dan- new leadership and oversight at Air He began helping other athletes iel Lincoln who holds the Outdoor Force, we will get those answers. achieve their own success as a coach American record for the 3,000M Stee- I yield the floor. for 2 years at New Providence, NJ and plechase and Tyson Gay who holds the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- at Lafayette, LA before embarking on 200M record at the Outdoor World pore. The Senator from Arkansas is a dedicated and determined career Championships. recognized. coaching the Razorbacks. He accepted Coach McDonnell will continue to in- f the job at Arkansas over a similar offer spire student-athletes and coaches from Oklahoma, he says, because the alike. A physical legacy has been es- GAS PRICES terrain of northwest Arkansas re- tablished by the new state of the art Mr. PRYOR. Mr. President, I wish to minded him of his home in Ireland. ‘‘John McDonnell Field’’—a new 10,000 follow up on something the two leaders I am going to hold up a sign here. seat outdoor venue which opened in were talking about a few minutes ago, When you drive into Fayetteville, you 2006 at the University of Arkansas. Ac- and that is gas prices are a very serious see this sign. It says, ‘‘Welcome to companying that is the Randal Tyson issue in this country, certainly in my Fayetteville, Track Capital of the Track Center, a world-class indoor fa- State. Everywhere I go in Arkansas, World; 42 NCAA Track and Field Cham- cility that opened in 2001. 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