Votum*7M>nbarM mdtano UWv*n«v-Krtu» Ur*»nlty o» moanapoti XtfZ6, 1971 How charming is the contrast of land and pater, especially a temporary island in a flood. ' > Henry David Thoreau 1 SoQomorw 7/26/78 V f Z Z 54805460 E. E. Fall Crwwk Pkwy., N. Drive J W ® (E. (E.561 56th A Em arson) 547-1772 11-9 M-F IUPUI News ‘Boardroom 11-6 Sat A oomptft* Mm of Iporti Mlualutwd SA speaker pro tern resigns N. Lansing, In vet neWng Footori. B aM M . B w M , A t o m * the Student Assembly« they believed the SA should bo din a change la parking pokey Mors# FMc#v Auto Racing. QoM and meeting on July to lacked a « concontrotlag an In the coming year ion sddad that at peasant, there •porta Trtata Oamna (er 14 saunters) j oae were SA plana for la no official aludanl representation on passage of any official business orientation and registration ia university cammtltnm as people Is impossible, there was dtscatsioe August, the Student Loaders’ a have concerning the SA't plane for the year Workshop la ha bald at Gamp Riley in net bean selected yet sod a member of Urn Executive Bradford Woods, lo o k !* into Mm Council, the SA’a hierarchy, porting problem, and lobbying in the As Mr the formation of a lobby announced his resignation state legislature group, one of the ABC platform Steve Richards, the SA's speaker pro promises, Reardon said ho has diaoovarsd that Indiana University tom and acting vice president, Reardon said thnths ie in the proems announced his resignation from the of making a recommendation to tbs may have only ant legal lobby group, so this makes the esUhlkhmant of aa Student Assembly citing personal administration to increase student IUPUI lobby group imhkety He said reasons for leaving the pool be held representation on university the beet thing to do would be to re • since May 10 Richards said that his committees, particularly the Parking establish the Indiana Student's family and education had to come Policy Committee Tab number of Association and lobby thrash that first, and that be was "not doing well students on the committee is group in either category " In leavu*. be currently 1 out of ST members, recommended that Arlene Thomas be Reardon said, and he would bko to see Became of the upavailatahty of a . for the now-vacant position at that proportion increased to a ana- cenfarmci room in the Blake Street the next SA meeting Thomas was the third studmi representation Reardon Library, the SA will bold its next two head of the SA's committee which urges all interested students to attend meetings in the Lecture Hall Both decided upon (he type and amount of a the committee's next meeting st 11:10 meetings, August • and to. will begin student activity fee am on August 4 in the Conference at 7 pm. The Student Assembly invites Richard and Mika Reardon, student Room in the Administration Building. all students to attend. Juillerats to leave for Indonesia Dr Moots JuiUerat. professor of ec- working with MUCIA in several training and experience to prepare I at IUPUI, will arrive tn Ja­ ways development of administration, him for hia Indonesian post karta. Indonesia on August I to begin improvement of direct public service Thu is not the first time he has his two-year appointment as project programs (with special attention to be worked with an overseas operation in associate tn Indonesia for the Midwest given to establishing links with the ns IfTl, during • three-month tour of Univemtiteo Consortium on Interna Uonal extension service), planning re- duty with the World Bank, he spent Uonal Activities w orth* with the h i aaarcb projects, development of grad­ several weeks in Egypt surveying HOME doorman Agricultural Consortium uate schools sod development of crop prospects as potential security CO M PU TER Hts wife. Dr Florence L JuiUerat, diploma and certificate programs far an EgypUam loan request. CENTER assistant profaaaor of bielocy at The Juilierats. who are on leave MUCIA, composed of Indiana Uni­ IUPUI, aleo wlU travel to Indonceta from IUPUI. plan to return to their versity, OMo State University. Mich, I11SE 62nd While living in Jakarta, she will com­ pooitiona on the faculty following com gan State University, the University plete a textbook on biology for itu pletioo of hu terra with MUCIA, They of Ilhnota, the Uatvertety of Wwccnsm. Bringing people (Mots who are not majoring In the sub- aleo intend to resume residence at the University of Minnesota and the Net for Holt, Rinehart and Wiiwton their 40-acre farm located naa Leba­ University of Iowa, la working with A computers The Juillerats' children will attend non. several Indonesian universities on together the school operated by the U S. Em A graduate of Purdue and former this five-year aaaisianre program baaoy in Jakarta dean of the faculties and as­ Dr. JteUarat's duties will taka him to As project associate. Dr JuUierst sistant executive vice chancellor at the islands of Sumatra, Java, Bali and will aaaist Indonesian ueiveraities IUPUI, Dr. JuiUerat has had ample Computer system s for the home Uoo OkM demons Vsiort to By trough aw gteaxy. (Mamma how tang to oook a roast. 4 Because of some production oven do senoua rings ns cWculan loan payments, do a btttiytm. ashmans how problems, we were praaaid for time long you naght iww—or how about Do you know whore Vogs U torUgMT on this tasue. Those of you who ate Wo carry: Apple. Compucotor, OTC. Mullen, North Star. Poly Caver: The cabin at the Mth Street tolerant, planes ignore our mistakes For those of you who are not, Morphic, TarboU. Vector Graphic, other linos of equipment, A campus made it through a flash flood, but a lot af other things dkta't whoever finds the mast typas in thw books, magazinaa A aceaaaortaa. See story on page J (photo by Fred t e w gets a ties album Entries Hour#: Tuea A Thurs.— 10 am * pm Tucker) mute be la before our next issue Wad. A F rt— 10 am-t pm • out. If ever tat.-Sam gpm phono 251-4SOO for further data SHARE In Our Growth and Progress by Earning 4 a. Inside PER ANNUM IUPUI New*......... pages C0MP0UN0E0 QUARTERLY Letter*............................ page 4 O n r V iew ........................ page 4 ON YOUR INVESTMENT Kelly A Duke................ pages Midwest Arts Gazette.............. pages 4.7.8 The Inside Line............ page 8 Ms bide was thick as leather Classifieds............ pages 1W.11 and his eye* gulch and small f s — V ' ^ and his bach was all scarred by the timee 8e got away G Ughtfoot OdeteBigBlue MOftAl ClfOtl UNION N Summer storm takes toll S h y s u OE MON ST IIAT 10 Cart IS MSI ■ I IU M i m M4 rm m tan Any Meal, Any Time of Day •Breakfast •Lunch •Dinner O tf aarwoa • taat and Inamfy ao pan your frtanda n our tenoig room Or ca* ahaad and out row* ui th* sunm la bop** that u m our carryout aorvwo tor any Hum on our something - aaylhlag could be now expanded menu at ton Want 16m Street salvaged WafHn Mouaa wharo quaMy and oonvwaanoa come together 2621 WMtieth Straat Carry Out Orders: 631-5922 Sompr Cauan * Day T u— day 3 pm 11 pm Had price Ma a a m a p Ia a i A j aMa a Ia a a 9 • F W w P r W f N WT SPEEDWAY IfJklUftb' Htwttf Prettastoary estimate* W damage to lb* IUPUI Sckssl *f upoa tor roadttkm of tor gym fleer, tor total c « M tear to Physical M ac altoo are bet wees IM.aak4M.aaa. Dtpeadlag tn.Ma. < pfceU by Evalds Valalak l Maid* QIC M u s t 5door Hatchback AlcoholicThe recognition that men and "as womengreat a fallacy as using men alco­ studiedneeds of aicohoik woman." she said, OHermg pwnt, of leg room Do* from and Dec* frs* car dams 45 nag**., 35 women alcoholics have differing holics as the basis (or aU alcoholic re­ noting that woman typically begin to cSyMPG- Thw a frw commuter cal 10 hs*s w*>*n gm budgslmg * mpurtoni needs and problems is a relatively re­ search. " Simpson emphasised drink later than men hut develop » « • S me *1 toenc r smote bate rates** ndspsndsm frum susosnssm oos cent phenomenon, says Pal Simpson, Although she noted that women in problems more quickly *• saswlsO from dtec OmMS tntadgtas* snd rear mnXm ««* • and Os" o»<*> is addictions counselor of the Monroe lower socioeconomic groups tend to Simpson discussed research con­ must rsw csyi Com* snd **# * * RX 7 on dmote. tn* hotissl is o to # OscaO* County Community Health Center develop drinking patterns similar to ducted in 117* which would seem to in­ Simpson, addressing the Drug and those of men. she said women aleo dicate that sex hormone levels aflort Alcohol Abuse Workshop >» progress hoiks as a group “ tend to have lower drinking patterns because women Student Uswd Car Spwciak at IU B. emphasised the need for self esteem ' taking oral contraceptive* have been 1471 Toyota c*ass bcom* more research concerning the types "This would seem to indicate that found to metabolise alcohol more 1ST* of women who become alcoholic slowly " women may accept society * value 1474 i. 21 00 one owner a The disease of alcoholism affects system and judge themselvea more Alcohol also affects woman dif 1474 In s Ontaaw Eagte 4 wheal to w power stewrng 4 000 mSa* ***** different types of women differently.
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