Robert BurnsLimited World Federation Limited www.rbwf.org.uk 1999 The digital conversion of this Burns Chronicle was sponsored by The Lanarkshire Association of Burns Clubs on behalf of RBWF Past President Robert Dalziel The digital conversion service was provided by DDSR Document Scanning by permission of the Robert Burns World Federation Limited to whom all Copyright title belongs. www.DDSR.com I //H'I /11, r f'1l1(/i I f/11 /-·t1u /'r1tt' n•rr·111•111 t·n. 11// ,"(111,,.. /Jut ro.• ltr~•·t'" "·' lo-rt,.I /.11, tr·• i\lotto - "A man's a man for a' that" THE ROBERT BURNS WORLD FEDERATION Lll\tIITED Company Registration 'lo. I %8'J:'i. Srnttbh Chari!~ 'lo. Sl'OllJOIJ'J (Formerly THE BURNS FEDERATION) Institutccl 1885 11 1: ,\l>C) l l,\RTERS DICK INST ITLIT I'.. El. i\ II L\N K ,\ VI·: J\'l'I.. Kii. ~ ! \R .NOCK . K \I \Ill'. AYRS HIRE. TEl./Fr\X: 111 .'ihl )72-lli'J Ol ·l'ICI'. I IOL IRS: i\ IONDA Y TO 1:1< 1I ),\ Y <J :1.11 1. - .'i p.111. Cl.OS I:! J H lR I l ':-\Cl I I p.111. - 2 p.111. llONORi\R\' Pl<ESll>ENTS ~ Jr,_ S. (i. Baillie. The 11 011. Dr. (ir:ull i\ 1:1ch1:111. ,\ Jr,_SiL'lla Br"" 11. Ch.11 h;, \ 11111:\\. I .,·I\ \\ 1< ,·11 1. l.ttttL'' ,\l:h<•t l. Cieorge lni11e. (ion.1<>11 M. Madie). Prok'""- (i. R11 " R11). ,\rchi c ~k . \nlwr. l>r 1>1111 :tld \ . !.""· \.\'illia111 \Villi;im,on. i\lurdo i\ lorri "iorl. Jam ~' P ar11ha111. I .a\\ n .'. llCL' BuntL'''· TP111 Ci . PatL·r..,un. i'L'IL'r I. \\ L''''' uod. J ;1 1llL"" I ktlll1'll'ad. Prm '"'Il l' Ea'I A) r'hirc . .l 1"cph ( ':1 111phell. l'r"1·e"11r f k 111") I- ,\ line. K,·1l\ 1e1h ~ kKel lar. .I itlltll\ Sh:111 d. i\ l. B.I: .. 1\la, 1air Ci1111a11'. R11hc n Clcla11d . OFFICIALS Chicl' hcrnli\e: SI llRLI '. Y BELL. " 11 1,ere,I-." Ke li111i. IJ11111i'ri e,. IJ(i I -Ill ,\ . Tel/I-a\ 0 1 \X 7 77112X \. l're,ide 111 : JOl: Ci\MPB lcLL. _\ O R:t cernur'e Road. 1\)r. KA7 2UX. TL· I: 111 2'!2 2111111 .\.\ . Sc11im Vicc-l're,ide111: .IOI INS K ILLI NCi_ 16 Craig,ll'\\ an Crc'eL'lll. D111111l.11111. ,\ yr. K1\ 7 -l l >II. T L· I: 012'!2 -l-l.'i2 .Hl . .I 1111i or Vice-l're,ide 111 : Jr\MES (i IB SON. Cr:tigm\ :111 Co11:1ge. 28 l:lrL'\\ la11Lh R11ad. S) 111 i11 g11111. 1\) r'hire. Clerica l Senelat"): Mr,. i\ IARCir\RET CRr\ICi . Diel- J11,1i1111e. Elrnha11!- f\\e1 111 e. Ki lt ll:tnt(IL'i- . Kt\ I .\ Bl'. l:di111r: l'l·Tl'.R .I . WESTWOOD_ I Cairn'irn>re R11ad. C'a,1lc D1111g l:i'. l>Ci 7 I llN. Tel/l': t\: II I ))11 )0-l-l-lX. ll ll1111 rary l.egal A<h i"11-- DAV ID ST EVENSON. f\ud iillr': SM IT! I & WALLACE & CO. CONVENERS 200 C luh: AN DR EW McKEE. n B:tll'ro 11 Road. l'ai'lc) Pr\ _\ ,\ I Ir\. Schllol' Cllrnpe1itio11 s: ANNE GAW. 7 Hi ghi'ic ld Pla ce. Ciirdlc Tllll. In i11e . Ki\ I I 1l lW. Tel: ll 129-l 2 17-lXI . Srn11i'h l.i1 er:1 1ure: CLIFF PARR. 22 M"y Terrace. l\l\crne". IV2-li':I .. Tel: lll-ll1.l 2.l2XOh. i\krnmial.' Cll rnrni1t ce: DAV ID SM ITH . 22 C:1rgrnh ri dge t\\ e 11u e. Du 111i'ri e,_ DCi2 Xl.I'. Tel: ll 1387 26 1OJ.\ . i\ Iari- e1in g/Ad vc r1i , ing: MURDO MORR ISON. I I 0 C:1111phc ll S 11 w1. Wi,ll:I\\ . ~ IL2 XI JU. Te l: 0 1698 .\726."\X. Cllnt'crc 11 cc Corn1ni11 cc: JIM ROBERTSON. -l I lu111 er·, Cl1"c. Dunninglll n. Yllri- . YOI :'iQ II. Tel: 0 190-l-lX'J20 1. l'AST PRESIDENTS Bob Dal1icl. 1\ loira Re11nie Dun ,rnore. Andrew McKee. Murdo Morri"111. Da\ id C. S1ni1h . John i\ lmri"lll. Charle' Kenned). Donald Urquharl. Hu1chi"111 Sneddon. C. B.E .. J.P .. A1111 e Ga''. E11C1 r\nder"m. J. Connor. M.D. I.R .C. P. (Edi n). L.R .F.P.S. rG la.,) .. D. Wihon Ogih ie. M.i\ .. F.S.1\ .Srn1. John Ingli,. T. i\klh' raith. Ciellrgc r\11d eN>n. i\ lol li e Rennie. S. K. G:t\\. Main Sponsor of East Ayrshire The Burns Federation ------- COUNC IL BURNS ·cHRONICLE Editor: PETERJ. WESTWOOD, 1 Cairnsmore Road, Castle Douglas. DG7 1BN. Tel/Fax: 01556 504448. Editorial Consultant: Professor RAYMOND GRANT, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. Advertising Manager: MURDO MORRISON, 110 Campbell Street, Wishaw, ML2 SHU. Tel/Fax: 01698 372638. Contents President Robert Dalziel ............................... 3 Thomas Walker, The Rhyming Tailor ...... 117 From the Editor ............................................ 4 A Strange Compound, Cast of the Skull of Burns ........................................... 121 From the Chief Executive ............................. 5 Robert Burns and The Merry Muses ........ 128 John Anderson, My Jo .................................. 9 Wayward Genius: Catherine Carswell The Cinque Ports Cavalry .......................... 28 and her Life of Burns ................................ 136 Thomas G. Paterson ................................... 30 The Genesis of Serge Hovey's Burns Another Burns Cottage ............................... 32 Song Book ................................................ 141 A Commemorative Shrine· to Publish and Be Damned ........................... 143 Robert Burns ............................................... 36 Jean and Isabella Brown ........................... 146 Betty Burns Thomson ................................. 41 William Simpson ...................................... 148 Burns and Kossuth ...................................... 43 Robert Burns and George Thomson, Agnes Burns Cottage .................................. 43 Associations with Pleyel, Kozeluch and Hadyn ................................................. 156 Dr. Hans Hecht ........................................... 44 Negotiations by Thomson with Pleyel, Speech of Professor Hans Hecht ................ 48 Kozeluch and Hadyn ................................ 164 William Burnes 1721-1784 ........................ 51 The Wedding of the Year .......................... 168 Sir James Shaw ........................................... 58 Burns Headstones in Patrick Miller 1771-1815 ........................... 61 :. Erskine Churchyard .................................. 173 Robert Burns's Tippling ............................ 174 Scotland in Australia .................................. 66 From the Literary Editor ........................... 176 Allan Cunningham ..................................... 83 Burns's Deeside Song ............................... 178 Song by Robert Burns, Junior .................... 93 Four Fifeshire Friends of Robert Burns and The Stewartry of Robert Burns . ....... ............ ...................... ... 180 Kirkcudbright ............................................. 94 Child's Coffin in Memorialising Robert Burns ...................... 98 "Highland Mary's Grave" ........................ 185 Obituaries ................................................. 109 Toast to The Twa Lands ... .................... .... 192 The Founder's Memorial Chain ............... 111 Alexander Anderson "Surfaceman" ......... 195 Highland Mary ..... :................................... 114 James Thomson 1827-1888 ...................... 197 The Robert Burns World Federation Limited does not accept any responsibility for statements made or opinions expressed in the Burns Chronicle. Contributors are responsible for articles signed by them; the Editor is responsible for articles initialed or signed by him, as well as for those unsigned. Articles, photographs, item; ....... for review and all correspondence should be addressed and forwarded to the Editor at the above address. Articles offered should be in typescript with double spacing and on the one side of the sheet. A stamped addressed envelope should be forwarded for return of articles and photographs. ©THE ROBERT BURNS WORLD FEDERATION LIMITED I 2 ROBERT DALZIEL (President the Burns Federation 1998-1999) welve short months ago I was propelled into what, many people consider to be an enviable position, that of being installed as President of the T Burns Federation. From the moment the chain of office was placed on my shoulders I found that I had, in some ways, stepped back in time and I was once again a student of life, a learning experience that even my working career within the Police service had left me totally unprepared. The past year has been a truly wonderful experience and I have been humbled by the amount of genuine people that I have had the pleasure to be associated with. During my extensive travels I have attended countless functions each of which has had its own special uniqueness, but the most memorable and rewarding have to be those functions involving schoolchildren. Our Schools Committee's handling of Burns Competitions and National Festivals are indeed a credit to our organisation, as are our Schools Burns Clubs and their involvement indeed indicates that our future heritage and history are to be left in capable hands. Our organisation has made some gigantic steps over the past year with our change of name to The Robert Burns World Federation Ltd. and the implantation of full Charitable Status, changes undertaken to allow our future survival within a very competitive world. Support, understanding, encouragement and commitment are some of the key elements now required from our membership in order to achieve our aims and I trust that we shall be collectively committed to developing the full potential of the legacy left to us by Robert Burns. Then catch the moments as they fly And use them as you ought man Believe me happiness is shy And comes not ay' when sought man May I thank all members and clubs for their support during my year as President and I would forward to my successor my good wishes for a successful and pleasurable term in office. 3 FROM THE EDITOR hi s is the last edition or the Hums Chronicle thi s century. a spec ial ·Mil lennium Edition· dated 2000 will be published later that year. Within that i''uc I would lil-.e to n.:cord an) T 'pecial Millcnniulll event' related to Robert Burns that took place during the) ca r. One or th e aim' of The Robert Burns World Federation Limited. through th e ir \'a riou ' publicati ons is to ·s1i111u/111e 1he De1 ·elop111 e111 of'Scollish Li1 emluff.
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