-- - ----------------------. , PH " Ace E PTE D L,.....-::-:=-:::-:~ " ~ OIR£CTlOHS--Ct"'HTlHU£D fROM !!lACK ~'~H BLUEBERRY. CRANBERRY. CURRANT, Uod ...... rodoml 1_ GOOSEBERRY Jc1p.lnP<,,· Rf'i'llp (-r,Hliwrry f rurfworrll fuaqidd-. oDd 1\0..1' IIIIC"1d", I ('.Ilhopp~·t .. ~,1Il Jo ... 1' ~(.tlf' {( '" ..... 1('1'» ,J 10 b ttl ... IW' ,I( II"' Q.I ClJ"Deonde-d. 101 !.btl V_Ul,.IJe 01 ? 10 J til ... pt'/ 100 ~.Ih ...... llpr ,II ]00 III /0'.1 ~.Ih j}('/ ,It f,' UPONT 'oqio.. ,.d u.d.. 3SJ f'HI 14 d,I\'" f:PA R ,No. BLACKBERRY. LOGANBERRY, RASPBERRY. R BOYSENBEFIf>,/" DEWBERRY, YOUNGBERRY, STRAWBERRY - HO'>f> CIl.llt·, ~tr Iwbt'''' #ef>v,J Ilt',l 8('(-'lh"",. OIlIlIII.'OIOu.., Le.11 lie, ~1J1111{'tJu~" J.lpdnest' 8e€'IIt' ,I leI 1111 .. Ill" I( fP {II pf'r 100 ~.11' pl'l .If 1(' f)!lt 14,1.IY" GRAPE ·H,·/f\ MidI! Gr.lp('!,·.rlh"ppf'1 l,p.lllt".f' HI'I'1I1' I (',\1 ~1o.f'1t'lollllt'r HI}':>'- ell,ller ? 10 6 Ill." pt'( ,j{ It .It ? to 3 Ibs per lOO ~dl" ""'.111'/ ,II 100 In 700 ~.lh 11('( .Ilrf" Pill 14 rl 1(,> VEGETABLES ASPARAG.US-AW.t'.l~u<; Bp('llp,,> 2104': IlJ"> pt'l ,I( fl' PHI II .lpphf't1 wlth,n 3 d .. .,.,> 01 h.t/v,·..,t 't'IllOVt' 11'<,Ic1w· ... IJ.,. ...... ' ... h,rt~ ,1I tJI<lllrtllr>~! ~ ..'-IS,BLACK-EYEDPEAS-·Co".{.IIWO/1ll CUIIJIIl INS E- C TIC IDE tWI Bf'{·Ilt: ... f.111 I\rllly .... orm AIt.III.1 ,'IHI C.I!dt'1l Wp'.wnrm ... f 1('0 Bpt>tlt· ... o\1t·J,,( .11~ BI·.111 Bt'f'tI!' Pot.lln I ('.lltlnpp<'" R£".lIl WETTABLE t (".iI Bt~'lh' J.,p.Hlf'~t' liPPltt· I 10 U I" ... 1"'/ .t(lt' PHt 1 POWDER d.l.,." .lppl, ... ,thln l d.h"> (llh.!!YI·"" " . lilt·, .lIP no: "''1:1 lor • iN'd :11 fiJi ','(' For Dairy And Beef Cattle & Certain Other Live BRUSSELS SPROUTS. BEETS, BROCCOLI. CABBAGE, CARROT, CAULIFLOWER. COL. LARD, EGGPLANT, KALE. KOHLRABI. LET· Crops· Buildings· Ornamentals TUCE, PEPPER. RADISH. RUTABAGA, ACTIVE INGREDIENT: SPINACH. TURNIP-· HI,">I!', B"plI" ... f Ip., Bpl'lIp .... 11'.11 OMethoxychlor. Technical tlOPPf"'" All 111.1 l (lflllf'1 '.111 fl.lIlly,',Orl1l ).ljl.lflP,,>t· UI't'llt, Impo/It'd L,'::IJ·!t:t'.·.. orlll '10.1· Ill"> (X'! .lIn' PHI 1.1 INEfn'INGREDIENTS (jily<, ('H I'pl . ,hJ;,!I()""" ,.! ·,.t .Ifl.l,·, 1 11.,,, .. ,.~lJh"t:t· d.IY~ t'i~I!I)I.I·11 l\,(ll1l(,iI)' '~':l Pt'PIH'1 .11Y'" (I d.IY ,I ~ ~O"" Mpttll})f' 111m If'! hlln .lIt'> ("QUI. 1!f'1l1 In 4,,\ 2 l bl<' (P .nettlOX) phenyl) It)"> P"I I< '1' .·1 :, .... ">J pll1,u11' .H'" b', ()Ihpi ,..,Olll,',,> .Hlll '('.It!, 111 p',.du( I .. CORN· f .111 AIIIIY"'(1I11I Arrll\· ... ,:I'll J.'p.,flt'''· fk''C'lIp I If'.t BPI'llp ....> 1,· 4' Ill ... pf" II I!' PIli ; .11~"" Keep out of reach of children. fPA Reg N, CI 'CUMBER. MELONS, PUMPKIN, SQUASH, t,,4€R SQUASH - \qu , ... /1 Vlflt· Hnlt'! f "II Army lMP<lRTANT ., .' ~ ... 'PI,I,,'" :, I". '"\I :.. '~Uf 11"II'PI Bpf't'j'''> f 11',1 HI'i·!lt·... I 1(. E, IIJ"> IWI .1, IP : '. 'h, .... , ,,' " f'fit (1.1, I{JI '.111'" II! ill) ... P'" .1' If' jfl'~ l)f·lp .... ~)Ihp. , ... h,·ff·· I" ." ,,: ,',', tI,1Y'" ........ ." " '. '''I .11 t ",.' .·of I , , ..... ,'.:' PEAS· AII.llf" I (I'opf'r Pf'.l \\·1'(· ... 01 II,) l{Jlt,,~!f' I'<"illy 1,loOill • belolf' t·"p~:"> .1If' I.,'t! ,lilt! ,'t~dH' ~ d.I.,." 1.11(,1 I Bp.IIl I e"t Beetlp 7 10 f., It>"> per .H't' PHt 7 day,,> POTATO (IRISH)-Cnl()I.Hl0 Pot.ltO Be-ellp fled Uf"('IIf .. f elll ArrnY ..... lJlfll I f'tlitHlJlPf""> Bt.<;I("r Bl'(>lIe\ ,J 10 4'. Ib<, ppr ,I[(P PH l NOIlP ,I • ~ . \~ ~ . ~ ~ .. • '. SV.· EET POT A TO. YAM f .111 Arlllf .... ,11/11 f Ip •• ." .... H··"III·"> I Ir ,1 I",,> IlPI .11 If' PHI Nil"" - TOMATO-Ctlltlf.-l{jO 1'01.111. Hppll .. fl,..~ fiNllp.., 1.111 NET 4 LBS. Affllywnrnl I p.llh{)p(lf"~ HI ... ,,,, Hf>('!1~'" i ,'J ...., Ill .. pi" r~rp PHI 1 day lor rales of Jl .. Ib\ <inri I>.elo ..... nlh;.r....,I'>£' 7 (1.ly') E: I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & COMPANY. BIOCHEMICALS OEPARTMENT. WILMINGTON, OE CCEPTED ~ .-----r. Du Ponl warra' Ical descripliOl' I for purposes s· corda nee with t It i. impossible with the use 01 flea or olher uninle Japanese Beelle: such faclors 8$ aals. De< acre. PHl: 14 dawt. terial$. or the , are beyond lhe. Leafhopper. Japanese Beelle. be liable lor cc 2 fO 6 Ibs. De< aCre Or 2 to 3 resulting from 100 to 200 lIalS. per acte. PHL: such ris~s sha MAKES NO WAI Nl"SSfORAPA NESS fOR A P EXPRESS OR I ABOVE. INSECTICIDE WETTABLE POWDER DuPont "M. in accordana For Dairy And Beef Cattle 8 Certain Other livestock in~ratep' BI!!B"I~. BROCCOU, IbIe IIIrOUIII C~ULII~L()~el"" COL· Crops • Buildiqgs • Ornamentals I~:~if.s~~~~~U;::~ LET. ACTIVE INGREDIENT: (l r~:::;-';'" tsee1tles. Leaf· eMethoxychlor, Technical ", , .....••..•.•.••.••........ 50% for conlrol 01 $11 orA! Japanese Beetle. quitoes: Use lIb 4'/, Ibs. per acre. PHL: 14 INERT INGREDIENTS ........•...................... 5a% to 500 sq. It. 01 rutabaga. 1 daWS: cabbage. 3 ices. baseboardS. 0 PtlII*. 7 dap (1 dar at 3'" "SO'\. Methoxychlor. Technical is equivalent to 44 0 2.2·bls (p·methollyphenyl)-l.l.1-trichloro­ deposits usual" ethane and 6'\. other isome,s and ,eaellOn products. moved bY _tilt to avoid contlm Jrm'ywll,rrn. Japanese Beelle. Flea stuffs. feed trou PHL: 7 days, Keep out of reach of children. Should not be pre WaSh thoroughly after handlin,. EPA Rea. No. 352·75·AA Ily spray Should I PUMPKIN, SQUASH, sum. Illcludin, J.Sqll8sh Vine Borer. Fall Army· IMPORTANT-ThIs producl " lo ..c 10 11<.... ,nd .hould nol be applied wiler> bees are such as manure Beelles-2 to 6 Ibs. per acre. .let.vEl.,. .1~lhng the area. Do nol'IJ U'P h.tJ!. bury ""'1"f1 empty. This prodU(;' IS to... MUSHROOM Ibi. per acre and below: other· tu fish. K~p out of Idk~. streams or pund~ Iftl not .tpply where runoff IS. likely to 8Jls. of water: • OCCur. 00 not apply when wealher condlllunS lavor drift lrom arers trealed. Do not I ...IIs. IlOOrs. 8111 conlarlllnal" water by deanlng 01 equlpmenl. Of diSPOSal 01 west •.,. emergence 01 ft1I Weevil (to foliage early bloom GRAIN STOR 5 daWS later). Bean Leal I (GALL 7 daWS. PEANIITWAF n Aids in control • Grain Beetle. Le , .... Headed flour 84 • .. • • ........... f '.",. • flour Beetle. foro • ~ .. , • Use I lb. in 2"', Armyworm. fIe. .. -• #. • . ..... - • sq. ft. ot surflCe PHl: None. • Beelle. flea Beetles. Fall NET 4 LBS. (PA (,( 35Uu t SEEDPOTA' Beelles: 2 to 6 Ibs. per acre, late.. 50 over pO' .nd bIIow; otherwiW. 7 dayS. In stora&e. 00 no E'. I. au PONT 'DE NEMOURS & <ZOMPANy·'CINC.) BlOC H E MI CAL S -DE PA RT M ENT, W'I L M ING T ON. OE LA WA R'E [ IESr .'MlAIU COP; 1' • &fIO' ....f. ~PM""­ 'I":. --NOTICE OF WARRANTY----, FLOWERS. ORNAMENTALS ~t warrants that this product conforms to the chern· For control of Blister Beetles. cankerworms. Cucumber Beetles. Flea Beethls. FleahoflPlrl, Flower Sescrlptlon on the label thereof and Is reasonably fit Thrips. Japan_ Beetle. Leafhoppers. Rose Chafer. Rose SI... (sawflies): Use 2 to 3 Ills. per 100 IUrposes stated on such label only when used In ac· gals. of water. or 2 tablespoonful. per gal.; spray thoroughly to runoff. fIf&In eppIlcItIanI wIIIn .nee with thedirectlons under normal use conditions. Insecta first eppesr and repeat at 7· to 14-c1ay Intervals or as nMdId. .. impossible to eliminate all risks Inherently associated the use of this product. Crop InjulY. Ineff~lveness her unintended conseque.- may rasult because of SHADE TREES AND SHRUBS factors as weather conditio!!$, presence of other rna· :s. or !he manner of use or application. all of which Tent Caterpillars. Cankerworms. Japanese Beetle: Use 2 to 31bs. per 100 pis. of watar. or 2 table­ IYOnd the control of Du Pollt.ln nocueshall Ilu Pont spoonfuls per gal.; spray thorouShly to runoff. 8e&in .pplfceU- wIIIn InIKts first .ppesr and Ible for consequential. special or Indirect damages qpeat It 7· to 14-c1ay IntIMls II MICI8d. tina !rom the use or handling of this product. All rlFks sha!1 be assumed by the Buyer. DU PONT I ES NO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIUlY OR FIT· UVESTOCK ~FORAPARTICULARF':· .. :lENORANYOTHEREX· DAIRY CATTLE-DIrect DustIng for Control of Hornflles: Use one rounded tablespoonful per SFOR A PARTICULA'· !'<.If:POSE NOR ANY OTHER animal. Sprinkle on poll. neck (top and sides). and back and upper sides; rub In lightly to carry iESS OR IMPLIED WAA!ltJolTY EXCEPT AS STATED powder beneath the hair. Repea; treatment every 3 weeks as needed. Do not use on dailY goats. , f ~E. SEEF CATTLE; SHEEP; SWINE; NON-LACTAllNG DAIRY CATTLE; NON­ LACTATING GOATS-For control of HomfIles. Uce and Fleas: Repeat treatment every 3 WMks as needed: may bit used on young dailY animals up to two -'<s of freshening. 01 SprIIJ CIt Dlp-Use 2 Ibs. In 25 gals. of water. As a spray. wet animals to the skin. For control of :uc DIRECTIONS taillouse of cattle. use 4 to 61bs. In 25 gals. of water and apply as a spray on the Infested taU only.
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