^ f AL^<v SCRIPTA FEDERAL* REGISTER VOLUME 12 TSfr, 1934 NUMBER 194 Washington, Friday, October 3,19 47 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT Third Principal Meridian CONTENTS Beginning at the intersection of the cen­ PROCLAMATION 2748 ter line of Sand Ridge Road with the center THE PRESIDENT line of the main track of the Chicago & Closed Area U nder the Migratory Bird Eastern Illinois Railroad, said point being Proclamation Pa«e Treaty Act, I llinois approximately in the center of section 28, Illinois; closed area under Migra­ T. 15 S., R. 2 W.; tory Bird Treaty Act________ 6521 BY THE PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES Thence southwesterly and westerly, with OP AMERICA the center line of the main track of said EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad, through A PROCLAMATION Olive Branch, and T. 15 S., R. 2 W., sections Agriculture Department WHEREAS the Secretary of the Inte­ 28, 29, 32 and 31, and through T. 15 S., R. 3 W., sections 36 and 35, approximately 5.1 See also Rural Electrification Ad­ rior has submitted to me for approval the miles to the intersection of the center line ministration. following regulation adopted by him, of the main track of the aforesaid railroad Rules and regulations: after notice and public procedure pursu­ with the center line of a road leading south­ Irish potatoes grown in Michi­ ant to section 4 of the Administrative westerly, about one-half mile southeast of gan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, —Procedure Act of June 11, 1946 (60 Stat. Fayville; and North Dakota; modifica­ 238), under authority of the Migratory Thence southwesterly, with the center line tion of general cull regulation. 6523 Bird Treaty Act of July 3,1918 (40 Stat. of said road, crossing the Missouri Pacific Railroad approximately 1,650 feet -to the left Alien Property, Office of 755,16 U. S. C. 704), and Reorganization (east) bank of the Mississippi River, near Notices: Plan No. II (53 Stat. 1431): the upper end of Burnham Island; Vesting orders, etc:: Regulation D esignating As Closed Area Thence southeasterly, with the left bank Ackermann & Fritze Luxus- Certain Lands and Waters in Alexan­ of the Mississippi River, through T. 16 S., R. Porzellan-Fabrik______ 6559 3 W., sections 2,11,12,13 and 24, and through der County, Illinois T. 16 S., R. 2 W., sections 10, 30 and 31, ap­ Arming, Frances__________ 6559 By virtue of and pursuant to the au­ proximately 6.1 miles, to a point on the left Costs and expenses incurred thority contained in section 3 of the Mi­ bank of said river at the intersection with in certain Massachusetts, gratory Bird Treaty Act of July 3, 1918 the north sixteenth line of section 31, T. 16 Rhode Island, New Hamp­ S., R. 2W-; shire and Connecticut court (40 Stat. 755, 16 U. S. C. 704), Reorgan­ Thence east, with the north sixteenth line actions________________ 6562 ization Plan No. n (53 Stat. 1431), and in of said section 31, approximately 1,800 feet, Damm, Willmar O________ 6558 accordance with the provisions of section to the Intersection of said line with the Dietrich, Marga___________ 6559 4 of the Administrative Procedure Act center line of a public road, in the NE% of June 11, 1946 (60 Stat. 238), I, J. A. of said section 31; Doitsu Seiko K. K________ 6560 Krug, Secretary of the Interior, having Thence northeasterly, with the center line Donat, Adolf, Jr., et al_____ 6560 due regard to the zones of temperature of said public road, through sections 31 and Fritze, Johannes________ 6560 29, approximately 3,400 feet to the intersec­ Hellmann, Erich, and Rudolf and to the distribution, abundance, eco­ tion of the center line of said road with A. Mahn_____ .___ ____ 6557 nomic value, breeding habits, and times the center line of the Miller City Road, in Kawashima, K., and Max and lines of flight of the migratory birds the SW^ of said section 29; Paetau__;_____ 6561 herein referred to and included in the Thence southeasterly, easterly and north­ Kuh, Hermannl----------------- 6558 terms of the conventions between the erly, with the center line of the Miller City United States and Great Britain for the Road, through sections 29, 28, 27 and 22, Lachman, Johanna_______ 6561 protection of migratory birds, concluded through Willard, approximately 3.8 miles to Michaelis, Anna, and Robert August 16,1916, and between the United a point at Roth, on the Missouri Pacific Rail­ Michaelis_______________ 6561 States and the United Mexican States road, in the line common to sections 22 and Reis & Co. A. G___________ 6562 for the protection of migratory birds and 23, T. 16'S., R. 2 W., in the center line of a Siegel, Jacob_____________ 6562 county road; Wohlke, Annie H_________ 6558 game mammals, concluded February 7, Thence north, with the center line of said 1936, and in consideration of the obliga­ County Road, between sections 22 and 23, Civil Service Commission tion imposed by said treaties of insur­ and between sections 14 and 15 of said town­ Rules and regulations: ing the preservation of said migratory ship, approximately one mile, to the inter­ Appointment to scientific, tech­ birds, do hereby designate as closed area, section of the center line of said road with nical and professional posi­ effective November 3,1947, in or on which the center line of the Promised Land Road; tions, formal education re­ pursuing, hunting, taking, capturing, or Thence northeasterly, with the center line quirements ; Junior Profes­ killing of all species of wild geese, or at­ of said Promised Land Road, crossing the sional Assistant (Corr.)----- 6523 tempting to take, capture, or kill such Illinois Central Railroad, through sections Personnel, transfer to public wild geese is not permitted, all that area 14,13 and 12, of said township, approximately international organizations in of land and water situate in Alexander 2.2 miles to the intersection of the-center which U. S. Government par­ County, Illinois, within the following de­ line of said road with the center line of the ticipates or to American Mis­ scribed exterior boundary: (Continued on p. 6523) sions___________________ 6523 6521 6522 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CODIFICATION GUIDE— Con. Federal Communications Com- Pa§e Treasury Department Page FEDEMÎ&HEGISTER mission— Continued See also Bureau of Customs. Notices—Continued Notices: Hearings, etc.—Continued Italian lira; collection of duty Patroon Broadcasting Co., in cases involving conversion Inc., and WPTR________ 6554 of currency______________ 6552 Published, daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Scripps-Howard Radio, Inc., War Assets Administration and days following official Federal holidays, et al_______________ 6553 Rules and regulations: by the Division of the Federal Register, the Stanton, Patrick Joseph, et Contractor inventory and dis­ National Archives, pursuant to the authority aj ____ 6553 posals by owing agencies; contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ Virgin, Mrs. W . j 'e t all___ 6553 small lots: proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 5Û0, as WFEA and WVMA___ ... __ 6554 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Sales__ _________________ 6551 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Federal Power Commission Special cases to be declared mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ Notices: surplus_____ ___________ 6552 tion is made only by the Superintendent of Hearings, etc.: Documents, Government Printing Office, CODIFICATION GUIDE Washington 25, D. O. Alabama-Tennessee Natural The regulatory material appearing herein is Gas Co____,____*___ __ 6554 A numerical list of the parts of the Code keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Kentucky Natural Gas Corp. 6555 of Federal Regulations affected by documents which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant published in this issue. Proposed rules, as to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Federal Trade Commission opposed to final actions, are Identified as amended June 19, 1937. Rules and regulations : such in parentheses. The F ederal Register will be furnished by Cease and desist order; Lanzette mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Laboratories_________ ___ 6524 Title 3— The President Pase per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Chapter I—Proclamations: vance. The charge for individual copies Fish and Wildlife Service 2748______________________ _ 6521 (minimum 15<S) varies in proportion to the Rules and regulations: size of the issue. Remit check or money Proclamations designating areas Title 5-—Administrative Person­ order, made payable to the Superintendent closed to hunting; Alexander nel of Documents, directly to the Government County, 111—____________ — 6551 Chapter I—Civil Service Commis­ Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. sion : t There are no restrictions on the republica­ Interstate Commerce Commis­ Part 24—Formal education re­ tion of material appearing in the Federal sion quirements for appointment Register. Notices: to certain scientific, technical Reconsignment: and ^professional positions_ 6523 Chicago, 111.: Part 26—Transfer of personnel Grapes_________________ 6555 to public international organ­ Lettuce ________________ 6555 izations in which the United 1946 SUPPLEMENT Primes at Philadelphia, Pa__ 6555 States Government partici­ Rules and regulations: pates or to American missions. 6523 to the Pipe line companies: unifohn Title 6— Agricultural Credit system of accounts------------ 6527 CODE OF FEDERAL Chapter IV—Rural Electrification Land Management, Bureau of Administration, Department REGULATIONS Notices r of Agriculture: Part 400—Organization, func­ The following books are now Montana; opening of public lands restored from Sun River tions and procedures_____— 6523 available: Project--------------------- 6552 Title 7— Agriculture Book J: Titles 1 through 8, Post Office Department Chapter IX—Production and Mar­ including, in Title 3, Presiden­ Rules and regulations: keting Administration (Mar­ tial documents in full text with Philippines, Republic of, change keting Agreements and Or­ in mail service______ 6524 ders) : appropriate reference tables and Part 960—Irish potatoes grown index. Streptomycin, mailing to over­ seas A.
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