MOBILE SOURCE AIR POLLUTION REDUCTION REVIEW COMMITTEE MSRC AGENDA Thursday, June 20, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. LOCATION South Coast Air Quality Management District 21865 Copley Drive, Conf. Room CC8, Diamond Bar, CA 91765 TELECONFERENCE LOCATIONS 1. Los Angeles County MTA Headquarters, Henry Huntington Room, 3rd Floor One Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90012 2. City of Wildomar City Hall, Council Chambers 23873 Clinton Keith Road, Wildomar, CA 92595 (Public may attend at any of the above locations) MSRC Committee Members MSRC Chair Brian Berkson Larry McCallon Representing Riverside County Transportation Member, Board of Directors, SBCTA Commission Representing San Bernardino County Transportation Authority Jack Kitowski, CARB Staff Alternate: John Valdivia, Board of Directors, Representing California Air Resources Board SBCTA Alternate: Michael Carter, CARB Staff MSRC Vice-Chair Ben Benoit Greg Winterbottom Member, SCAQMD Governing Board Member, Board of Directors, OCTA Representing South Coast Air Quality Representing Orange County Transportation Management District Authority Alternate: Tim Shaw, Chair, Board of Directors, Vacant OCTA Representing Regional Rideshare Agency Alternate: Dolores Roybal Saltarelli, MTA Staff Steve Veres, Member, LACCD Board of Trustees Representing Los Angeles County MTA Alternate: Mark Yamarone, MTA Staff Rex Richardson Member, SCAG Reg. Council Representing Southern California Association of Governments Alternate: Meghan Sahli-Wells, Member, SCAG Reg. Council 6/20/19 MSRC Agenda Members of the public may address this body concerning any agenda item before or during consideration of that item (Gov’t. Code Section 548543.(a)). Please provide a Request to Address the Committee card to the Administrative Liaison if you wish to address the Committee on an agenda item. If no cards are available, please notify SCAQMD staff or a Committee Member of your desire to speak. All agendas for regular meetings are posted at District Headquarters, 21865 Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, California, at least 72 hours in advance of the regular meeting. Speakers may be limited to three (3) minutes each. CALL TO ORDER Opening Comments: Larry McCallon, MSRC Chair Other MSRC Members Naveen Berry, Asst. DEO/Science & Technology Advancement STATUS REPORT Clean Transportation Policy Update Ravenstein The Clean Transportation Policy Update provides information on key legislative and regulatory initiatives of potential interest to the MSRC. The report can be viewed at www.cleantransportationfunding.org. CONSENT CALENDAR (Items 1 through 7) Receive and Approve 1. Minutes of the April 18 and May 16, 2019 MSRC Meetings Cedillo Minutes to be distributed at meeting. 2. Summary of Final Report by MSRC Contractor Gorski, p. 1 • Foothill Transit, MS18008 ($100,000 – Special Transit Service to LA County Fair) Information Only - Receive and File 3. MSRC Contracts Administrator’s Report Ravenstein p. 5 This report covers key issues addressed by MSRC staff, status of open contracts, and administrative scope changes from April 25 through May 29, 2019. 4. Financial Report on AB 2766 Discretionary Fund Kampa p. 37 Financial Report for May 2019. ii 6/20/19 MSRC Agenda For Approval – As Recommended 5. Consider FY 2019-20 Administrative Budget Berry p. 38 An administrative budget is prepared each year as part of the annual MSRC budget. THE MSRC-TAC UNANIMOUSLY RECOMMENDS APPROVAL 6. Consider Modified Statement of Work and 29-Month Term Extension Ravenstein for City of Long Beach, Contract #ML16017 ($1,445,400 – Purchase 50 p. 41 Medium- and 19 Heavy-Duty Natural Gas Vehicles & Install CNG Station) The City requests to substitute a number of specific vehicles. The City also requests to reduce the total number of heavy-duty vehicles from 19 to 17. Lastly, the City requests a 29-month contract term extension due to the changes in vehicle models and types. THE MSRC-TAC UNANIMOUSLY RECOMMENDS APPROVAL 7. Consider Modified Project List and 10-Month Term Extension for Ravenstein Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), Contract p. 44 #MS18002 ($2,500,000 – Regional Active Transportation Partnership Program) SCAG requests to decrease the scope and value of one of the events on the previously-approved event list. SCAG proposes to utilize the cost savings to fund an additional event in Long Beach, and also requests a 10-month contract term extension to allow time to implement the additional event. Lastly, SCAG requests to reduce the scope of some of the co-funding projects. If these changes were approved, total co-funding would be $3,325,795, which would still exceed the required amount of $2,500,000. THE MSRC-TAC UNANIMOUSLY RECOMMENDS APPROVAL ACTION CALENDAR (Items 8 through 11) 8. Consider One-Year Term Extension by County of Los Angeles, Ravenstein Department of Public Works, Contract #ML14023 ($230,000 – Upgrade p. 51 Westchester Maintenance Facility) The County requests a one-year term extension due to internal delays in processing and project filing. THE MSRC-TAC UNANIMOUSLY RECOMMENDS APPROVAL, CONTINGENT UPON THE COUNTY PROVIDING DOCUMENTATION OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR SELECTION BY APRIL 20, 2020 9. Consider One-Year Term Extension by County of Los Angeles, Ravenstein Department of Public Works, Contract #ML14024 ($230,000 – Upgrade p. 54 Baldwin Park Maintenance Facility) The County requests a one-year term extension due to internal delays in processing, project filing and bid process. THE MSRC-TAC UNANIMOUSLY RECOMMENDS APPROVAL, CONTINGENT UPON THE COUNTY PROVIDING DOCUMENTATION OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR SELECTION BY APRIL 20, 2020 iii 6/20/19 MSRC Agenda FYs 2018-21 WORK PROGRAM 10. Consider Additional Research and Outreach in Support of FYs 2018-21 Ravenstein, Work Program Development, Reallocation of Costs Between Tasks, p. 57 and $15,000 Contract Value Increase by Better World Group Advisors (BWG), Contract #MS16030 ($256,619 – Programmatic Outreach Services to the MSRC) At their May 2, 2019 meeting, the MSRC-TAC received an update on the research and outreach conducted by BWG on behalf of the MSRC. BWG’s initial efforts focused on assessing other funding providers’ active and potential programs that would most closely align with the MSRC’s priorities for their Regional Goods Movement Program. BWG’s report included recommended next steps to further develop and explore relationships with the first entities contacted as well as additional collaborative opportunities to be followed up. BWG has provided a proposal to implement this second phase of research and outreach for a total estimated cost of $25,165. Of this, it is projected that approximately $1,500 is available under the existing contract’s task for participation in meetings. There is also approximately $8,500 available for reallocation under the task for conducting Work Program development workshops. An additional $15,000 would need to be allocated as part of the FYs 2018-21 Work Program should the MSRC choose to accept BWG’s proposal. THE MSRC-TAC UNANIMOUSLY RECOMMENDS APPROVAL 11. Consider Establishment of Regional Goods Movement Program York Working Groups The MSRC-TAC discussed dividing goods movement-related subject matter amongst Working Groups. Within its scope, each Working Group would focus on developing potential project categories as part of the overall framework of a regional goods movement program. The MSRC-TAC considered the scope of each Working Group and what Working Groups to establish including, but not limited to, Inland Ports (focused on distribution centers in the Inland Empire), Last Mile (focused on transportation following departure from distribution centers), Maritime Ports (focused on the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles), and Zero/Near-Zero Truck Cooperative (focused on creating a streamlined process to assist small businesses and encourage fleet turnover). THE MSRC-TAC UNANIMOUSLY RECOMMENDS THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FOLLOWING REGIONAL GOODS MOVEMENT PROGRAM WORKING GROUPS: INLAND PORTS; LAST MILE; MARITIME PORTS; AND ZERO/NEAR-ZERO TRUCK COOPERATIVE OTHER BUSINESS 12. *Any member of the committee, on his or her own initiative or in response to questions McCallon posed by the public, may ask a question for clarification, may make a brief p. announcement or report on his or her own activities, provide a reference to staff regarding factual information, request staff to report back at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter, or may take action to direct staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. (Govt. Code Section 54954.2) iv 6/20/19 MSRC Agenda PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD - (Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items, Pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.3) At the end of the regular meeting agenda, an opportunity is provided for the public to speak on any subject within the Committee’s authority that is not on the agenda. Speakers may be limited to three (3) minutes each. ADJOURNMENT NEXT MEETING: Date: July 18, 2019, 2:00 p.m., Room CC8 Americans with Disabilities Act The agenda and documents in the agenda packet will be made available, upon request, in appropriate alternative formats to assist persons with a disability (Govt. Code Section 54954.2(a)). Disability-related accommodations will also be made available to allow participation in the MSRC meeting. Any accommodations must be requested as soon as practicable. Requests will be accommodated to the extent feasible. Please contact Penny Shaw Cedillo at (909) 396-3179 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Tuesday through Friday, or send the request to [email protected]. Pursuant to SB
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