WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14,' IMT PAGE FORTY-SIX iianrb^Bt^r lEuBtttng li^raUi Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather For The W e ^ Ended Pair and mild tonight, loOT aiay 20, 1002 In 60s; sunny and hot tomor­ row, high 90-95, 30% cfaanoO 15,210 of afternoon ahowera Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm (OlaasUied Advertislns on Page 21) PRICE SEVEN CENTi You are invited to the VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 217 (TWENTT-FOTjR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1967 Tempers Warm .V.-, WEST MIDDLESEX, Pa. (AP) —Tempere ' are grow­ Stennis Repeats Stand ing hotter after police shut j).- '■ ''V : :■>' down a bingo game at a firemen's carnival and now Hartford National’s Ndw it looks as if there may be no one around to put out fires. Ifs The firemen are so iv On Dodd’s Censure censed they are threatehing to resign on July 14 unless the borough council gets rid of the mayor, who backed the police action. Mayor Arthur Pantall Says Senator says bingo is illegal and the fM\ Manchester Middle Turnpike Office firemen will have to ra'se Didn’t Prove money for a new firehouse w y. ^ im i .V in some other way. m ■ .'i s S tS S iK ie Debt Claims fA) i i a • *5^ M s : m m WASHINGTON (AP) — State News Sen. John Stennis said to­ day he failed to see how M z M Thursday, June 1 .! 7 Pedestrian any impartial ^ rson could go through “this m<^ass of money” involved in Sen. Deaths R^se Thomas J. Dodd’s affairs and conclude “that a griev­ On Highways ous wrong has not been 5 done to the Senate.” WETHERSFIELD (AP) Stennis, the Mississippi Dem­ ocrat who is chairman of the —A study by the State Sgpate ehtics committee, said m Highway Department he would never come to the con­ showed today that 15 per clusion that a senator should be cent of the fatalities on censured unless he were strong­ k tv l state-maintained roads in a ly and firmly convinced that “ a five-year period were those wrong has been, done to this in­ 63 per cent during daylight stitution.” The department said its July, The ethics committee found 1960-to June 30, 1966 study Indi­ that Dodd, a Connecticut Demo­ cated that the careless, daytime crat, had converted x>eBtteel pedestrian on a two-lane, two- funds to his personal use and direction road was most likely had billed both the Senate and private organizations for travel to become a high death statis­ ! * I tic. expenses. A total of 1,176 persons lost It submitted a resolution to (AP Photofax) their lives in accidents on the the Senate to censure him for Happiness Is the Right Size Swimmin’ Hole state-maintained highway sys­ conduct that “ tends to bring ta tem during the period, the de­ Senate into dishonor and It may be little more than a mud puddle but it’s a grandiose swimming pool partment said, of which 179 LBi with Newest Capital Appointee disreput.” to this happy lad in Madison, Wis. It was big enough for him as he sought were pedestrians. .:> Stennis, in a rebuttal to mi sanctuary from summer heat and became a big fish in a very little pond. The study said there were President Johnson sits in his White House office with Warren Minoi* Christo­ Dodd’s dramatic and dmotionsd 101,795 accidents during the pe­ pher, a Los Angeles attorney, after announcing his appointment today to be denial Wednesday of any riod, of which 1,686 involved pe­ Deputy Attorney General. Christopher, 41, succeeds to the position vacant wrongdoing, said the Connecti­ destrians. It noted that only 1.6 since Ramsey Claric was advanced’ to Attorney General., (AP Photofax) cu t. senator had claimed but Guard Leaving Tampa per cent of the total were pe- "fi^ed to offer proof that $150,000 ttrii destrifin accidents, but that 15 in debts represented political J per cent of the fatalities were ■rather than personsil indebted­ fTI those of pedestrians. Traffie Stopper ness. ■ ' ' The department said a later Haitse Panel O.K.’s . - g r i T Referring to the committee’* study, from July 1, 1966, LOS ANGELES (AP) — hearing last March when testi­ Racial Disorders to April 80, 1967, showed 229 No wonder traffic stopped mony . was taken under oath,, fatalities on &e state highway Lower Debt Ceiling at Wilshlre Boulevard and Stennis ssild that “ we were hun­ I system, and that 55 bfthem —or Grand Avenue. gry for proof that these 'were 24 per cent—were pedestrians. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Unless House and Senate In plain sight, crossing the poMtiical obligation.” The five-year study disclosed BUCKLAND th;r“7‘ p 7 r';;k “of“W ‘^rd"es“ «««•« ways and Means Com- complete action by June 30. the street, was St. Francis of Earlier today, Stennis “sEdd u mittee proposed today a 22-bil- debt ceiling will drop automa- Assissi—who chose a life of President Johnson and ' 'Vice car Controlled trian accidents occurred on two- lion increase in the national Ucally to $285 billion, some $42 poverty over material President Hubert H. Humphrey lane, two directional roads, 69 debt ceUing — $7 bUlion less billion below the actual debt. wealth — visiting the new acted in good feiith when they CINCINNATI O hio spread over a wide area sur- away, where racial disturb- per cent between intersections, American C^ty Bank. addressed fund-raiising dinners roundlng the downtown district, ances Wednesday night resulted 63 per cent during dayUllit increase rejected by The cominittee bill provides (AP) — Safety Director The huge artwork was for Dodd, and did not know the More than 70 persons were-in 65 arrests. » hours, and 76 per cent on dry the House last week'.' for a $7-biUidn addition to the Henry Sandman said today carried yesterday by work­ funds might be converted to arrested. The white youth .James Shirk, roads. It provided, however, for fur- ceiling to be effective July 1, men aided by ropes £md a personal use. Cincinnati’s third night of There were numerous reports is, of Cincinnati, was struck in ther incresises later. 1968, through June 29, 1969. This small crane. Johnson addressed Dodd testl- racial disorders here had of gunfire but apparently most the back by a bullet fired from Beauty Ruling Delayed Approved by a straight party $7.bUlion margin would be re- vote, the new $368-billlon flgpire newed automatically on the first It wiM be on display at monlEil dinners in 1961 Find 1963 fewer incidents but was were shots fired in the air. Na- a speeding car reported loaded NEW HAVEN (AP) — A fed­ probably will be tested next day of each succeeding fiscal the new bank. ^ ‘more widespread, more tional Guardsmen, with orders with Negfroes. The shooting hap- eral judge has reserved deci­ (See Page Ten) week in the House, which re- year, but drop off one day be- vicious and more difficult to shoot to kill if fired on, did pened one mile from downtown sion in a dispute over beauty jected a $385-bilUon ceiling by a fore the end of the year—thus TO ROUTt 15= to control.” not shooting. Cincinnati. The youth was re- contest names. 13-vote margin June 7. forcing an annueil review of the The outbreaks of violence Negro groups met today with ported in poor condition. The Miss Universe beauty Wednesday night—sporadic and City Council members in an ex- RepubliCEtns Einnounced they ceiling. of the hit-and-run type—were ecutive session. One group com­ (See Page Seventeen) (See Page Seventeen) oppose the new bill. Like the bUl that faUed in the plained to Sandman that Ne­ House last week, the new meas­ Concrete or Lawn ? groes had been “falsely arrest- ure would provide that Treasury Now: banking’s as easy as ed.” note^ which are not subject to Area Tourism He replied, “ We are going to the 4% per cent ceiling on long­ I t ’s a Tough Choice succeed in enforcing the law" term government debt, could be Lagging Behind but said an investigation of ar­ Weekend UN Session Seen issued in maturities up to seven RICHMOND, B.C. (AP) — the truck, nose down, deeper years instead of the present rests would be made. (Curtis Eystone decided replac­ into the ditch. National Growth Councilman Myron Bush" a five. Two more cranes came isnd TO EAST HARTFORD ing some of his lawn with con­ 1-2 and (coming soon 31) Negro, said his car was hit by a Also like the previous bill, the moved theftruck. But in the pro­ WENTWORTH-BY-THE-S E A, rock this morning as he and his On Middle East Problems crete would cut down on his new measure would make some cess they chewed up the drive- N?H. (AP) — Txjuirist revenue wife were driving to his office. UNITED ' NATIONS. N.Y. lines they held before fighting Bradsher reported from Mos- participation certificates—inter- mowing. Now he has a lake and way, Imocked down fences, in New England now tops $1 bil­ He said he did not see whp (AP) — The U.N. General As­ began June 5. cow that Kosygin was likely to esta in government loans sold to wishes he had some lawn left to uprooted trees - and broke the threw the rock. A rear window water main leading to the lion a year, but lags behind the sembly probably will begin ein Thant must call the assembly be among them.
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