ZO — MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday, Feb. 24, 1986 U.S./W OBLD FOCUS LOOK FOR THE STARS... ^ E C hockey team i Worst is over dP ^ Crafts business Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars help you get for California is family affair tourney qualifier better results. Put a star on your ad and see what o ... page 4 ... page 11 ... page 15 ^ difference it makes. Telephone 643-2711, Monday-Friday, * 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m- ^ I APARTMENTS I CONDOMINIUMS I HOMES I HOMES FOR RENT I BUSINESS I HOMES FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE ManrliFBlrr HcralJi FDR SALE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED DPPORTUNITIES ^ Manchester — A City of Village Charm Affordable Housingl Low Manchester — One bed­ Electricians - Apprentices $167,500. Super Colonial 11 Arvine Place, Manches­ Individual with collection We haye concession stand All real estate advertised 40's. This spacious one room opartment, stove, experience to assist Col­ & lourneypersons. Career at local country club 8 plus rooms. Newer 24' x ter — Cuitom designed bedroom condominium refrigerator, references opportunities for expe­ In the Manchester Herald 24' Fom lly room. 4 bed­ center chimney Cope lo­ lection Monooer on port available for leose. Sea­ Is sublect to the federal will allow the single, required. $290 monthly, time basis. Flexible rienced pre-reolstered, sonal food operation, rooms, 2'A baths, 2 car cated on one of Manches­ young couple or retired 646-2311. _______________ 25 Cents apprentices & lourneyp­ Foir Housing Act of 1968, garage. Appliances to re- ter's loveliest treO’llned Tuesday, Feb. 25, 1986 hours, excellent hourly April through October. which makes It Illegal to buyer(s) to live comforta­ rote, located In Gloston- ersons. E O E (203)243-9563 Contact Manchester moln. Private yard. Moke roads near the country bly I Located In Vernon, 3 Room Apdrtment. Heot Bloomfield Electric Co. advertise any preference, offer. Strano Real Estote. club... 3 spacious bed­ burv. Retirees welcome. Country Club for appoint­ limitation or discrimina­ You'll be close to shop­ 8, Electricity Included. 647-7653. rooms Including a first Coll Mr. Coriander, 659- ment. 646-0103. tion based on race, color, ping, recreation and the Prlvote drivewov, privote 7666. Bench Workers for debur- floor master with Jacuzzi highway. Where else can entronce. $525. 643-9804. rlno of parts, experience religion, sex or national Immaculate - Manchester tub. Form al dinig room, origin, or an Intention to a qualified buyer find a Dishwasher — Full or part preferred, start Imme­ - $95,500 full dormered sitting room with fire­ home with kitchen appla- 4 Room renovoted second diately. Apply at Barry SITUATION make any such prefer­ Cape, 3 bedrooms, dining place. The fam ily room time. Flexible schedule. ence, llmitaflon or dis­ Inces, a garage and a pool floor qportment, gos Blast 238 Hartford Road, WANTED room, 16' X 16' 1st floor has a huge 'wolk-ln' fire­ Uniforms and tree meals crimination. The Herald tor as llttleas$2,5(X)downl stove, no utilities. Secur­ Marcos resigns, flees palace Manchester. N family room with wood place, picture window and provided. Good pay. will not knowingly accept Coll 649-0917 today I All- ity 8i References. $400 stoye. Nice fenced yard random width oak floorsi Please apply to The Nurse will care tor elderly any advertisement which brio Realty. monthly. Coll 646-7336. Luncheoun Waitress with fruit trees. D.W. Fish Cherry raised paneled ca­ Ground Round, 3025 Main or disabled at home. E x ­ Is In violation of the law. St., Glastonbury, 659-0162. wanted - Tuesday - Fri­ perienced ond compos- Realty 643-1591 or 871-1400. binets surround the kit­ Just because you don't Manchester — 4 room, 2 day. Experienced pre­ chen and breakfast area Slonote. 872-0905. Looking for privacy with use an Item doesn't mean bedroom apartment, op-. ferred. Banquet hours Colonial — Manchester, overlookincr the rear Twenty-year (jrama 2 a view? Try this spacious the Item has lost Its value. pllonces, basement stor 2 Secretary to Superintend­ also ayallable. Apply $89,900. 3 bedroom Colon­ yard. The other two bed­ Shultz seven room expanded Why not exchange It for age, parking. $495 a ent of Schools and Board Manchester Country Club ial In nice residential area rooms, along with a full cash with an ad In Classi­ month plus utilities, se­ of Education, Mansfield between 10am and 2pm, or I HOMES Cape In desirable Man­ bath and large unfinished chester neighborhood. yet convenient to schools fied? 643-2711. curity and references. 649- ends in Philippines Public Schools. Perman­ call 646-0103. and shopping. Formal din­ room are on the second FOR SALE Three bedrooms, 2'/» 2443 between 7-9om. praises ent full time position for ing room, 7 X 17 porch. floor. Laundry facilities baths, fireplace, full base­ I BUSINESS person with extensWe se­ Roofing Sr $ldlng — Expe­ Hordwood floors through­ ore located on the main Like Private Home — 3'A MANILA, Philippines (AP) - A cretarial experience, ex­ rienced only. 742-0653. South Glastonbury. Three ment, two car garage. floor. Exterior of this PROPERTY Elegantly styled country out. Wqlk-up attic and room apartment. Apollon- defeated Ferdinand E. Marcos Related stories, cellent typing and steno­ bedroom Ranch with gar­ appliances Included. home It a maintenance Aquino age on lovely landscaped kitchen with oak cabinets ces. W orking single adult, resigned as president of the graphic skills. Ability to RN/LPN — Immediate D.W. Fish Realty, 643-1591 free combination of brick, Thinking of Selling or married couple. No child­ se e p a g e 5 assist the Superintendent Medical Care Center of lot with matured shade and trim Includes all new Andersen thermopane Philippines today, slipping a way in appliances. Split plan or 871-1400. Leasing your property? ren, pets. 643-2880. 4 of Schools In maintaining Manchester has an open­ trees. Living room has windows, narrow vinyl Bv Helen Thomas the Manila night and setting off an 5 We specialize In com m er­ a smooth and efficient unique corner fireplace, with spacious moster su­ explosion of joyous celebration Marcos loyalists guarding the ing for a nurse with recent Allbrio Reolt,v, Inc. was clapboards and timber- cial, Industrial, Invest­ Manchester, large 2nd United Press International operation of the central acute or ambulatory core new wall to wall carpet­ ite and Large walk-ln among his countrymen. palace. The loyalists hurled stones established by Robert All- line shingles. For your ment properties. Warren floor, 3 bedroom, remo­ affice. Available to attend ing, relaxing family closet on lower leyel and "Cory! Cory! "Filipinoschanted as they retreated. experience. Weekend brio In 1980 and the firm comfort the heating sys­ E. Howland Inc. Realtors. deled In quiet location. WASHINGTON - Proclaiming evening Board meetings, hours ayallable. Inter­ room. Very actlye price two overslied bedrooms, tem It gas fired hot air ' in tribute to new President Co­ Juan Ponce Enrile. the defense has grown considerably 643-1108. $625 plus utilities. Low that "reason and compassion have keep accurate minutes ested appllcq.nts, call range. $104,900. Century 21 one with walk-ln closet, on minister who led the revolt against due to the dedication, with central air condition­ heat, appliances In­ razon Aquino as they demon­ and prepare agenda Sheri at 721-7393. Jackston-Showcase. 646- upper leyel. $154,000. Call ing. There is an oversized prevailed,” the United States Marcos, told reporters earlier his 647-9764 for appointment.. motivation and honesty of Manchester — Restou- cluded. Available Imme­ strated by the thousands across the packets. Salary negotia­ 1316. Its professional Stott. Re­ 2 car garage with auto­ extended recognition today to the forces could provide protection to rant, recently remodeled. diately. 649-9639. capital. ble, depending upon expe­ Wanted — A mature cently Allbrio Realty has matic opener... This Is o” new Philippine government of the departing president and his Seats 125 plus, family Corazon Aquino, and praised the Marcos, heading out of the rience, plus compensa­ woman to core for That Country Feeling Is The Time Is Right 11 Inter­ moved to a new, ex­ special home that de­ dining, business lun­ family. yours In this 8 room extro Filipino people as the “true country via the U.S. Air Force's tion at hourly rate tor toddlers, hours l-6ln Man­ est rates are great...Don't panded office located at serves your inspection. cheons, ample parking, nearby Clark Air Base, was "We have no intention of harm­ attendance at eyenlng chester Day Care. $4 an large Cape with 4 bed­ let this chonce go by. 202 East Center Street In $174,900....'W e Guarantee fabulous opportunity, heroes” in the rapid events that rooms, large flreoloced brought down by a combination of ing anybody," Enrile said. "Our meetings. Closing date for hour. Call 643-5535. Spacious Cope Cod with Manchester and we hope Our Homes!". Blanchard owner will finance. Ask­ ended the 20-year rule of Ferdi­ only interest is that we can settle applications Is March Hying room, spacious kit­ to continue serving your 8i Rossetto Real Estate, East Hartford - Immacu­ a “people’s power” uprising, mil­ plenty of room to grow, ing $125,000. Call for de­ late large 2 bedroom nand Marcos, Secretary of State this so we can now start working to 14th, 1986. Applications Cashiers needed for Mobil chen, formol diningroom , real estate needs In the 646-2482.0 itary revolt and U.S. pressure. 3-4 bedrooms, 1st floor tails. Strano Real Estate, apartment on quiet street. George Shultz announced. are available In the super­ station snack shoo, wee­ set with nature on large laundry, many Improye- future! Allbrio Relty was Marcos’ departure ended four serve the interests of the people.
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