ARIZONA LOCAL PUBLIC AGENCY SYSTEM BRIDGE RECORD As of 4/12/2021 Sorted by Agency Excludes City of Phoenix Agency Str No Bridge Name Original Construction Project No Year Built Mat Type No of Spans Max Span Length Ft Structure Length Ft Skew Roadway Appr Width Ft Bridge Roadway Width Ft Allow Vert Clearance Ft Overlay In Bridge Rail Type Def SR Bridge Condition NHS On System Apache Co 07731 San Fran River CMPA 1988 3 19 3 6 21 0 24 38.8 0 2 000 98.5 Good Apache Co 08064 Little Colo River Br NON SYS 1934 1 1 1 27 30 0 18 14.2 0 6 600 58.9 Fair Apache Co 08066 Small Wash Bridge FAP 73 1929 1 4 1 28 32 45 24 28 0 400 79.5 Fair Apache Co 08071 Querino Canyon Br FAP 83-A 1931 3 9 5 77 269 0 18 20 0 600 S 19.3 Poor YES Apache Co 08480 Concho Creek Bridge 1900 1 1 1 30 34 0 15 17.5 0 2 400 80.1 Fair Apache Co 08775 RCB 1931 2 19 3 12 38 0 20 22.6 0 0 000 81.2 Good YES Apache Co 08776 SPPA's 1931 3 19 4 6 30 0 20 0 0 87.7 Fair YES Apache Co 08778 Ltl Colo Rvr SPPA's 1982 3 19 3 45 165 45 31 0 0 89.9 Good Apache Co 09048 Chambers Wash RCB S450 1 1966 2 19 5 10 53 0 27 0 0 99.9 Good YES Apache Co 09049 Navapache Wash RCB S450 1 1966 2 19 4 10 43 0 27 0 0 99.9 Good YES Apache Co 09052 Sepulveda Wash RCB S272 1 1958 2 19 2 12 25 0 26 0 0 99.5 Fair YES Apache Co 09621 Seep Draw SPPA 1980 3 19 1 32 32 0 24 0 0 98.0 Good YES Apache Co 09738 Mail Sta Draw SPPA 1982 3 19 1 24 24 0 20 0 0 99.3 Good YES Apache Co 09901 Bonito Wash Bridge 0 1985 4 2 2 17 35 0 24 24 0 2 600 66.3 Fair Apache Jct 07727 Weekes Wash Bridge F-028-1-513 1990 5 2 1 61 63 0 32 31.6 0 911 90.0 Good YES Apache Jct 07905 Weekes Wash Br EB FAP-93(B) 1929 2 1 4 22 88 0 36 41.7 0 3 911 76.4 Fair YES Apache Jct 07906 Weekes Wash Br WB F-022-3(18) 1964 2 1 4 25 93 0 38 38 0 3 411 87.5 Fair YES Apache Jct 07907 RCBC EB FA-93(B) 1930 2 19 3 10 32 0 35 0 0 0 -00 99.6 Good YES Apache Jct 07908 RCB WB F-022-3(1) 1964 2 19 2 12 31 45 40 0 0 -00 99.6 Fair YES Apache Jct 07910 RCB M-707-9(1)P 1987 2 19 5 6 35 20 50 0 0 -00 83.9 Good YES Apache Jct 07911 Weekes Wash RCB M-708-4(1)P 1991 2 19 8 10 87 0 44 44.1 0 1 611 99.6 Good YES Apache Jct 07912 CMPA 0 1991 3 19 13 5 79 20 34 0 0 -00 98.8 Good YES Apache Jct 08834 Baseline Rd-CAP RCB 344-D-77-55 1985 2 19 3 31 114 40 30 0 0 98.8 Good YES Apache Jct 10364 CAP Canal Bridge 124076 2008 5 2 3 140 296 38 84 84 0 911 85.0 Good YES ASU 09385 ASU Pedestrian UP ASU 1964 5 12 1 104 269 0 0 12.8 17.02 300 -2.0 Good YES Avondale 07559 Agua Fria River Br 68220 1988 6 2 10 116 1163 0 68 68 0 911 97.7 Fair YES Avondale 08048 RID Canal Bridge 19500 1972 5 5 1 30 31 0 74 74 0 5 911 98.3 Fair YES Avondale 09412 RID Canal Bridge 60-C-12 1961 5 5 1 40 43 7 96 96 0 2 911 94.0 Good YES Avondale 09435 RID Canal Bridge 40600 1975 5 4 1 32 33 0 68 68 0 400 82.4 Fair YES Avondale 09896 Agua Fria River Br MCHD 68105 1985 6 2 10 125 1252 20 52 52 0 911 77.8 Fair YES Avondale 10163 Gila River Bridge STP-MMA-0(18)P 1998 5 2 18 142 2553 19 57 57 0 911 89.8 Fair YES Avondale 10219 RID Canal Bridge 2000 5 5 1 40 43 7 52 52 0 411 86.6 Fair YES Bisbee 09283 Black Knob Drain RCB 1917 2 19 3 7 26 30 26 94 0 3 0 S 67.9 Poor Bisbee 09629 Mule Gulch Bridge 1920 2 1 4 18 72 0 22 22.1 0 600 S 19.9 Poor Bisbee 09925 Arizona Street Br 1933 2 1 2 16 32 70 22 28 0 3 600 S 29.1 Poor Bisbee 10538 Moon Canyon Ave Bridge 1900 1 1 1 21 23 0 21 20 0 600 S 6.0 Poor Buckeye 07686 Drainage Ditch RCB 68471 1989 2 19 2 12 24 22 18 18 0 0 89.8 Good Buckeye 08029 RID Canal RCB 23-162 1971 2 19 2 10 39 58 42 42 0 3 000 95.0 Fair YES Buckeye 08032 RID Canal Bridge 68750 1978 5 5 1 38 39 6 34 68.4 0 8 911 95.0 Good YES Buckeye 08645 CAP Canal Bridge 1981 5 2 1 88 90 18 36 36 0 911 99.0 Good Buckeye 08866 Buckeye Canal Bridge BRZ-984(32)P 1988 5 5 1 39 40 20 48 48 0 3 411 98.1 Fair YES Buckeye 09424 RID Canal Bridge 68747 1961 5 5 1 36 37 0 34 68 0 4 911 95.7 Fair YES Buckeye 09593 Buckeye Canal Bridge 633000 1979 5 5 1 38 40 13 34 53 0 4 911 97.7 Good YES Buckeye 10517 Osborn Road RCB 2004 2 19 3 12 39 0 28 0 0 99.8 Fair Buckeye 10848 Roosevelt Street RCB RBF Consults 2008 2 19 5 12 64 0 80 0 0 94.9 Good Buckeye 11192 R.I.D. Canal Br 2010 5 5 1 39 40.33 2 32 32 0 411 97.7 Good YES Bullhead City 10171 RCB F-065-1-536 1999 2 19 4 12 49 0 38 38 0 2 000 92.6 Good Bullhead City 10173 Concrete Arch Culvert 1994 1 19 2 24 56 0 50 0 0 96.8 Good YES Bullhead City 10174 Concrete Arch Culvert 1994 1 19 1 24 25 15 56 0 0 99.7 Good YES Bullhead City 10175 Structural Plate Pipe Arch 1994 3 19 5 21 134 30 68 0 0 83.7 Good YES Bullhead City 10176 Structural Plate Pipe Arch 1994 3 19 7 20 146 0 68 0 0 83.7 Good YES Bullhead City 10177 Structural Plate Pipe Arch 1994 3 19 6 19 164 37 68 0 0 83.7 Good YES Bullhead City 10178 Structural Plate Pipe Arch 1994 3 19 2 14 39 35 30 0 0 99.9 Good Bullhead City 10498 SPPA 1994 3 19 4 8 36 0 68 0 0 83.7 Good YES Bullhead City 10696 Desert Shores Drn Chnl RCB 2001 2 19 5 12 64 0 59 0 0 65.0 Good YES Bullhead City 10697 N Fork Drn Chnl RCB 2007 2 19 6 12 77 0 68 0 0 85.7 Good Bullhead City 10698 Drain Channel RCB 2007 2 19 7 12 80 0 52 0 0 84.6 Good Bullhead City 10699 Drn Chnl Steel Culvert 2002 3 19 6 9 60 0 33 0 0 87.8 Good Bullhead City 10700 Sun Ridge 1 Drn Chnl RCB 2006 2 19 5 12 78 34 49 0 0 100.0 Good Bullhead City 10701 N Fork Covered Bridge 206121 2007 7 2 6 17 100 0 28 28 0 700 81.7 Good Bullhead City 10702 Laughlin Ranch Covered Br 201161 2005 7 2 7 20 120 0 29 28.5 0 700 81.5 Good Bullhead City 11178 Fox Wash CMP 1991 3 19 3 8 34 27 68 0 0 84.0 Good YES Camp Verde 08400 Copper Canyon RCB SOS982 53 1979 2 19 4 12 53 15 26 50.2 0 4 90.3 Good Camp Verde 09298 Black Bridge BRS-S-259(5) 1975 5 2 5 72 363 6 40 44 0 111 98.6 Fair YES Camp Verde 10451 Grandpa Wash RCB CDBG 060-95, ACT 2 1997 2 19 6 10 72 26 28 0 0 86.0 Good YES Camp Verde 10617 Faulkner Wash RCB S-326-509 1997 2 19 4 10 67 50 40 0 0 98.8 Good YES Casa Grande 07853 Wash RCB 0 1940 2 19 3 10 34 19 68 68.5 0 000 96.5 Good YES Casa Grande 09068 Wash RCB S375(3) 1958 2 19 3 10 32 0 24 31.3 0 5 600 83.5 Good YES 1 ARIZONA LOCAL PUBLIC AGENCY SYSTEM BRIDGE RECORD As of 4/12/2021 Sorted by Agency Excludes City of Phoenix Agency Str No Bridge Name Original Construction Project No Year Built Mat Type No of Spans Max Span Length Ft Structure Length Ft Skew Roadway Appr Width Ft Bridge Roadway Width Ft Allow Vert Clearance Ft Overlay In Bridge Rail Type Def SR Bridge Condition NHS On System Casa Grande 09069 Wash RCB S375(3) 1958 2 19 3 10 32 0 24 31.3 0 4 600 83.5 Good YES Casa Grande 11334 RCB F-014-1(2) 1960 2 19 3 10 25 0 56 0 0 84.2 Good YES CAWCD 08972 CAP RC Culv 1987 2 19 3 16 59 39 34 0 0 100.0 Good CAWCD 11560 CAP Canal RCB 1987 2 19 3 20 54 0 32 0 0 100.0 Good CAWCD 11561 CAP Canal RCB 1987 2 19 3 20 54 0 60 0 0 100.0 Good CAWCD 11562 CAP Canal RCB 1987 2 19 3 20 54 0 32 0 0 100.0 Good Chandler 08027 Consolidated Canal Bridge 41200 1975 1 7 1 21 30 37 78 76 0 1 411 93.5 Good YES Chandler 08042 Consolidated Cnl Br MCHD50800 1976 1 7 1 25 27 21 108 108.5 0 411 93.3 Fair YES Chandler 08046 Consolidated Cnl Br 50500 1975 1 7 1 29 31 24 84 92 0 2 411 97.9 Fair YES Chandler 08868 Consolidated Cnl Br BRM-702-7(1) 1986 1 7 1 55 56 58 94 94 0 3 411 97.6 Fair YES Chandler 08944 Bridge No 1A WB 85028 1986 5 5 1 45 47 0 24 24 0 2 311 97.9 Good YES Chandler 08945 Bridge No 1B EB 85028 1986 5 5 1 45 47 0 24 24 0 2 311 97.9 Good YES Chandler 08946 Bridge No 2 85028 1986 5 5 1 30 32 0 48 48 0 2 311 99.8 Good Chandler 09408 Consolidated Cnl Br 01800 1975 1 7 1 27 30 15 80 99 0 1 311 99.3 Good YES Chandler 09796 Consolidated Canl Br MCHD 68230 1985 3 2 1 32 36 18 83 83 0 911 96.7 Good YES Chandler 10800 Galveston Street Ped OP ST0801-202 2013 4 5 6 129 1006 0 0 10 18.38 -2.0 Good -1 Chandler 11143 Consolidated Canal Bridge 2010 1 7 1 34 36 67 96 96 0 911 95.8 Good YES Chino Valley 08236 Verde River Bridge NONSYS 1930 1 11 1 100 127 0 18 20.1 0 4 400 72.2 Fair Clarkdale 08488 Bitter Creek Bridge 1917 2 1 5 27 130 30 20 18 0 4 400 52.7 Fair Clarkdale 09622 Deception Gulch RCB NF 96K 1942 2 19 3 10 33 15 26 0 0 - 99.7 Good YES Clarkdale 09623 Mescal Gulch RCB FAP 96I1 1941 2 19 3 10 32 0 26 0 0 - 99.5 Good YES Clifton 08536 Chase Creek Br #1 1901 1 4 1 29.75 33 30 20 20.8 0 6 600 S 7.0 Poor Clifton 08973 Chase Creek Br 1915 2 1 2 22 26 0 22 22 0 29.3 Fair Clifton 08974 Rosenbaum Bridge 85231 1987 5 5 3 78 234 22 20 24.2 0 1 611 76.4 Good Clifton 09633 San Francisco Riv Br 1917 3 10 1 210 216 0 30 18 0 2 611 S 15.7 Poor Clifton 09634 Chase Creek Br # 2 1900 3 2 2 10 27 10 21 21 0 411 33.6 Fair Clifton 09636 Chase Creek Br #3 1920 2 4 2 30 62 20 20 18.1 0 1 411 32.7 Fair Clifton 09637 SPRR UP 1900 7 2 3 27 81 0 16.02 -2.0 Fair Cochise Co 07576 Ramsey Cyn Wash RCB 1988 2 19 4 10 61 25 26 26.4 0 2 611 93.0 Good Cochise Co 07577 RCB S-279(1) 1968 2 19 3 10 32 0 34 49.5 0 99.7 Fair Cochise Co 07578 Tres Alamos Wash Br S-358(504) 1971 6 2 3 95 286 0 40 44 0 100 90.0 Fair Cochise Co 07592 Charleston Bridge BRZ-984(39) 1990 6 2 3 103 316 22 32 32 0 911 94.5 Fair YES Cochise Co 08087 Middle March Cr Br 1900 7 2 1 27 30 0 17.8 17.8 0 700 47.4 Fair Cochise Co 08089 Cave Creek Bridge 1936 2 1 2 29 61 0 18 18 0 1 610 55.0 Fair Cochise Co 08091 San Simon River Br S-378 (1) 1957 2 1 6 35 200 45 26 26 0 3 610 57.6 Fair Cochise Co 08092 W Turkey Cr Br # 1 USDA FOREST SVC 1936 2 1 3 26 80 45 14 14.2 0 611 67.1 Fair Cochise Co 08093 W Turkey Cr Br # 2 USDA FOREST SVC 1936 2 1 2 25 51 0 14 14.2 0 611 49.9 Fair Cochise Co 08094 W Turkey Cr Br # 3 USDA FOREST SVC 1936 2 1 2 20 41 0 14.3 14.3 0 611 66.5 Fair Cochise Co 08096 RCB 1938 2 19 4
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