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TEXARKANA GAZETTE ✯ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 5B 4067 Truck Driving 4159 Houses for Sale 4190 Legal Notices 4190 Legal Notices 4190 Legal Notices 4190 Legal Notices ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE LEGAL NOTICES yp CONGRATULATIONS! BUILT IN 2018, Pleasant Grove. required to present them to the COMMISSIONER'S SALE nized pipe found for the South- /s/ Mary Pankey YOU MAY HAVE FOUND YOUR This 3 bdrm, 2 bath custom undersigned within the time and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that in west corner of the N ½ NW 1/4 Mary Pankey, Commissioner MATCH FOR YOUR built home includes granite in in the manner prescribed by law. pursuance of the authority and NW 1/4 of Section 11, Town- BINGO CARD 919 kitchen and bathrooms, William Douglas Lance II directions contained in the Fore- ship 16 South, Range 27 West; O68 stainless steel appliances, 10 ft. Independent Executor closure Decree of the Miller THENCE N 00° 04’ 02” E for ceilings, tankless water C/O Clint E. Allen County Circuit Court, in case 176.84 feet to a 3/8 inch rod set; heater, jetted tub, oversized 207 East Hiram Street number 46CV-20-245, in this THENCE S 87° 18’ 09” E for 3H^U closets, can lighting, a fenced Atlanta, Texas 75551 action pending between Ban- 235.46 feet to a 3/8 inch rod set; in patio, a mudroom and more. A DATED the 28th day of Sep- corpSouth Bank, Plaintiff, and THENCE S 77° 07’ 43” E for 5LLK:VTL RENTALS must see! Call Virginia tember, 2020. Richard T. Carter, Brenda Carter 368.28 feet to a 3/8 inch rod set; 4009 Personal Prazak, ERA Raffaelli Realtors, 4190 Legal Notices /s/ Clint E. Allen and B & R Tile, LLC, Defendants, THENCE S 00° 04’ 02” W for *HYL& 4146 Duplexes Unfurnished 903-277-3333 Attorney at law the undersigned, as Commis- 90.55 feet to a 3/8 inch rod set; ******************** CAUSE NO. P11243 Texas Bar No. 24012206 sioner of said Court, will publicly THENCE N 89° 20’ 30” W for &KHFNRXW IF YOU DRINK That’s your SPRING LAKE PARK Area, 55 + IN THE COUNTY COURT OF 207 East Hiram Street offer for sale to the highest bid- 594.36 feet back to the point of 2/2 $825mo plus deposit. Call Atlanta, Texas 75551 der, at the front entrance of the beginning, containing 2.00 acres WRGD\·V business. IF YOU want to WONDERFUL STARTER HOME or CASS COUNTY, TEXAS stop call ALCOHOLICS 903-831-6926. IN THE ESTATE OF Telephone: 903-799-7779 Miller County Courthouse in of land, more or less. %XVLQHVV investment opportunity in Nash! Facsimile: 1-800-480-5214 Texarkana, Arkansas, on the TERMS OF SALE: On a credit of ANONYMOUS 903-798-1024 or Private back yard, metal roof, WILLIAM DOUGLAS LANCE DECEASED [email protected] 20th day of October, 2020, at three (3) months, the purchaser 'LUHFWRU\ 903-794-9856. 4149 Houses Unfurnished and storage building as well! Call or texarkanaaa.org NOTICE TO CREDITORS Attorney for William Douglas 10:30 o'clock in the morning, the being required to execute a bond Joe Sterle at ERA Raffaelli Real- Lance II following described real estate, as required by law and the de- OLVWLQJIRU ********************* tors, 903-826-2603 Notice is hereby given that orig- LEISD 3/2 all electric. Sec. 8 inal Letters Testamentary for the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF to-wit: cree of said Court in said cause, sm 3/1 no pets. Part of the North Half of the ODZQVHUYLFH 4019 Special Notices 4142 Apartments Unfurnished Estate of William Douglas Lance, MILLER COUNTY, ARKANSAS with approved surety bearing 870-772-9628 Deceased, were issued on Sep- CIVIL DIVISION Northwest Quarter of the North- interest at the rate of ten per- EXVLQHVVHV GRANADA west Quarter (N ½ NW 1/4 NW cent (10%) per annum from date CONGRATULATIONS! CONGRATULATIONS! tember 23, 2020, in Cause No. CASE NO. 46CV-20-245 Safe & Quiet - All Utilities Paid YOU MAY HAVE FOUND YOUR P11243, pending in the County BANCORPSOUTH BANK 1/4) of Section Eleven (11), of sale until paid, and a lien be- LQ\RXUDUHD YOU MAY HAVE FOUND YOUR 4158 Farm/Land for Sale Township Sixteen (16) South, ing retained on the premises MATCH FOR YOUR 870-772-8625 MATCH FOR YOUR Court of Cass County, Texas, to PLAINTIFF &KHFNLWRXW BINGO CARD 919 William Douglas Lance II. VS. Range Twenty-seven (27) West, sold to secure the payment of BINGO CARD 919 ARKANSAS HUNTERS Miller County, Arkansas, de- the purchase money. I23 & I30 B5 & B13 All persons having claims RICHARD T. CARTER, BRENDA CONGRATULATIONS! LEASES NOW AVAILABLE against this Estate which is cur- scribed as follows: Given under my hand this 25th Hwy 278 tract 150 acres; Amity CARTER AND B & R TILE, LLC YOU MAY HAVE FOUND YOUR rently being administered are DEFENDANTS BEGINNING at a 1 inch galva- day of September , 2020. MATCH FOR YOUR tract 390 acres; Smith tract 84 JOBS BINGO CARD 919 acres; Call Carl Herberg @ 4157 Commercial Property 4157 Commercial Property 4157 Commercial Property 4157 Commercial Property 4157 Commercial Property 4157 Commercial Property G55 Kingwood Forestry. 903-831-5200. 6XPPHUILHOG'U6WH% 7H[DUNDQD7; ZZZVFKLPPLQJFRPSDQ\FRP 4066 Help Wanted-General ĚŽŶŽǀĂŶΛƐĐŚŝŵŵŝŶŐĐŽŵƉĂŶLJ͘ĐŽŵ HEATHER MANOR is now ac- cepting applications for a Main- tenance Man: 8am - 4:30pm. Please apply in person at 400 21(0217+)5(()25($&+<($52)(;(&87('/($6( West 23rd St, Hope, AR. No calls please. CONGRATULATIONS! ϰϬϵϳ^ƵŵŵĞƌŚŝůů^ƋƵĂƌĞ ϰϬϰϴ^ƵŵŵĞƌŚŝůů^ƋƵĂƌĞ YOU MAY HAVE FOUND YOUR ϳϯϭ^&͕ůĂƌŐĞƌĞĐĞƉƟŽŶͬǁĂŝƟŶŐĂƌĞĂ͕ϯ MATCH FOR YOUR ϳϴϬ^&͕ůĂƌŐĞŽƉĞŶŇŽŽƌƉůĂŶ͕ƐƚŽƌĂŐĞ͕ϭ BINGO CARD 919 ŽĸĐĞƐ͕ĐŽīĞĞďĂƌǁŝƚŚƐŝŶŬ͕ΘƐƚŽƌĂŐĞ͘ ƌĞƐƚƌŽŽŵ͘tĂƚĞƌ͕ƐĞǁĞƌΘƌĞĨƵƐĞ N42 tĂƚĞƌ͕ƐĞǁĞƌΘƌĞĨƵƐĞŝŶĐůƵĚĞĚ͘ ŝŶĐůƵĚĞĚŝŶŵŽŶƚŚůLJƌĞŶƚ͘'ƌĞĂƚǀŝƐŝďŝůŝƚLJůƵĚĞĚŝŶŵŽŶƚŚůLJLJ ƌĞŶƚ͘'ƌĞĂƚǀŝƐŝďŝůŝ Texarkana’s Premier Multimedia Company ^hDDZ,/>>^YhZ &KZ>^ x KĸĐĞΘZĞƚĂŝů^ƉĂĐĞǀĂŝůĂďůĞ x dĞŶĂŶƚĮŶŝƐŚĂůůŽǁĂŶĐĞĨŽƌ ϰϬϵϮ^ƵŵŵĞƌŚŝůů^ƋƵĂƌĞ ϰϬϮϲ^ƵŵŵĞƌŚŝůů^ƋƵĂƌĞ ůĞĂƐĞƐŽĨƚǁŽLJĞĂƌƐŽƌŵŽƌĞ͘ ϳϯϭ^&KĸĐĞƐƉĂĐĞ͕ϯŽĸĐĞƐ͕ƐƚŽƌĂŐĞ͕ ϭ͕ϱϴϱ^&ZĞƚĂŝů^ƉĂĐĞ͕ůŐŽƉĞŶ ĐŽīĞĞďĂƌǁŝƚŚƐŝŶŬ͕ƌĞĐĞƉƟŽŶͬǁĂŝƟŶŐ ƐŚŽǁƌŽŽŵ͕ŽĨĐΘƐƚŽƌĂŐĞ͘ĐƌŽƐƐĨƌŽŵ sŝƐŝƚŽƵƌǁĞďƐŝƚĞĂƚ͗ www.texarkanagazette.com ĂƌĞĂ͕ΘƐƚŽƌĂŐĞ͘tĂƚĞƌ͕ƐĞǁĞƌĂŶĚƌĞĨƵƐĞ dĞdžĂƐ,ŝŐŚ^ĐŚŽŽůĨƌŽŶƟŶŐ^ƵŵŵĞƌŚŝůů ǁǁǁ͘ƐĐŚŝŵŵŝŶŐĐŽŵƉĂŶLJ͘ĐŽŵ 870-330-7550 | 101 E. Broad St. Texarkana, AR ŝŶĐůƵĚĞĚŝŶŵŽŶƚŚůLJƌĞŶƚ͘ ZĚ͘tĂƚĞƌ͕ƐĞǁĞƌΘƌĞĨƵƐĞŝŶĐůƵĚĞĚ͘ Clip entire game card & mail to: Bingo, c/o Texarkana Gazette, PO Box 621, Texarkana, TX or deliver to 101 East Broad St., Texarkana, AR %,1*2*$0(_6HSWHPEHUWK ______________________________________________________________ NAME +HUH¶VKRZLWZRUNV%HJLQQLQJ6HSWHPEHUWKVFDQWKHFODVVL¿HGVHFWLRQ0RQ)UL+LGGHQDPRQJFODVVL¿HGDGVZLOOEHDGV FRQWDLQLQJ%LQJR&DOOVH[DPSOH%)LQGWKH%LQJRDGVDQGVHHLIWKH\PDWFK\RXUELQJRFDUGEHORZ,IWKHDGFRQWDLQV ______________________________________________________________ WKHOHWWHUQXPEHUFRPELQDWLRQ\RXQHHGUHFRUGRQWKHELQJRFDUGWKHFODVVL¿FDWLRQWKHDGDSSHDUHGXQGHUDQGWKHGDWHLW ADDRESS SXEOLVKHG'LIIHUHQWOHWWHUQXPEHUFRPELQDWLRQVZLOODSSHDUGDLO\2QFH\RXKDYHIRUPHGDURZRI¿YHFRQWLJXRXVVTXDUHV ______________________________________________________________ YHUWLFDOO\KRUL]RQWDOO\RUGLDJRQDOO\ FOLSWKH%LQJR&DUGEHORZDQGPDLOWR%LQJRFR7H[DUNDQD*D]HWWH32%R[RU PHONE NUMBER EULQJE\7H[DUNDQD*D]HWWH(DVW%URDG6WUHHW7H[DUNDQD$5'HDGOLQHIRUJDPH1LQH+XQGUHG1LQHWHHQZLOOEH7KXUVGD\ 2FWREHUDWSP<RXPXVWEHDWOHDVW\HDUVRIDJHWRSOD\$QHZJDPHZLOODSSHDUHYHU\ZHHN%(685(127 _____________________________________________________________ 720,;*$0(&$//6*DPH1LQH+XQGUHG1LQHWHHQ¶VFDOOVPXVWFRUUHVSRQGZLWK*DPH1LQH+XQGUHG1LQHWHHQ¶V%LQJR E-MAIL ADDRESS &DUG3OD\DQGHQWHUHDFKWLPHIRU\RXUFKDQFHWRZLQ+DYHIXQDQGUHDGWKHFODVVL¿HGV0RQWKUX)ULIRU\RXU&ODVVL¿HG%LQJR NO CARBON COPIES. DUE BY THURSDAY, October 8th. FRPELQDWLRQV:HHNO\ZLQQHUVZLOOEHGUDZQIURPDOOFRUUHFWHQWULHV)LUVWDQGVHFRQGSODFHZLQQHUVUHFHLYH :DO0DUW Check here if you would like to receive home delivery. *LIW&DUGVZKLFKZLOOEHPDLOHG7KH*UDQGSUL]HZLQQHUZLOOEHGUDZQIURPDOOFRUUHFWHQWULHVGXULQJHDFKPRQWKDQGZLOOUHFHLYH Check here if you receive home delivery. D:DO0DUW*LIW&DUGZKLFKZLOOEHPDLOHG7H[DUNDQD*D]HWWHHPSOR\HHVDQGWKHLUIDPLOLHVDUHLQHOLJLEOHWRZLQSUL]HV *$0( *$0( Start Your Career with a Job that is Right for You! Fresh out of college, I wasn’t sure which job was right for me. Real-Time Job Matching™ helped me identify my best job options & start a bright new career. *$0( *$0( *$0( *$0( *$0( Try Real-Time Job Matching™ & get hired fast. 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