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The objective of THELIVING CHURCHmagazine is to build up the body of Christ, LIVINGCHURCH by describing how God is moving in his Church; by reporting news of the An independentweekly serving Episcopalianssince 1878 Church in an unbiased manner; and by presenting diverse points of view. DavidA. Kalvelage Executive Editor Betty Glatzel THIS WEEK GeneralManager John Schuessler Managing Editor Steve Waring News News Editor AmyGrau GraphicArtist 6 Diocese of Virginia TomParker Asserts PropertyRights Advertising Manager Thais Jackson Fulfillment Manager Renee Weber Marketing!ProrrwtionDirector MichaelO'Loughlin Director of Associated Publications BOARDOF DIRECTORS Features The Rev.Thomas A. Fraser Riverside,Ill. (President) MiriamK. Stauff 8 10 Righteousness Tempered Wauwatosa,Wis . (VicePresident) BY GEORGEH. BACK DanielMuth Prince Frederick, Md. (Secretary) HowardM. Tischler Albuquerque,N.M. (Treasurer) The Rt. Rev.Bertram N. Herlong Nashville,Tenn. The VeryRev . GaryW. 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Volume234 Numbers FEBRUARY 25. 2007 · THE LIVING CHURCH 3 SUNDAY'SREADINGS Church Development Institute Idolsof Temptation Seattle 2007 June 18 - 29 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve cmly him' 2008 June 16 - 27 (Luke 4:8b) www.CDITrainers.org For more information: TheFirst Sunday in Lent(Year C), Feb. 25, 2007 Robert A. Gallagher BCP:Deut. 26: (1-4)5-11; Psalm 91 or 91 :9-15; Rom. 10:(5-Sa)Sb-13; Luke 4: 1-13 RCL:Deut. 26:1-11; Psalm 91 :1-2, 9-16; Rom. 10:Sb-13; Luke 4:1-13 206-285-4647 [email protected] Idols are anything less than God world. Certainly this vast authority that we substitute for God or worship could be used for good, and many - For lay & clergy leaders as God. Idols can be things that are could share its glory. Real needs could - Developinga healthierparish good, but less than God. It is possible be helped. But this power is another - Developingcompetence and use of "self" to make a need, a desire, or a idol, and the price for its availability is as leaders possession into an idol. The most the devil's worship. Jesus refuses. - Anglicanapproach to congregational alluring idols can be the ones that Finally, Jesus faces the temptation of development seem to be most essential and certainty. The devil offers a way for him important to us. In this way something to prove his identity beyond question. If - Membershipgrowth rooted in an organic good in itself can become harmful. Jesus will throw himself down from the and appreciativeapproach After 40 days in the wilderness pinnacle of the temple, God's angels - Experientialeducation grounded without food, Jesus is famished. His will protect him. That dramatic rescue in soundtheory hunger is very real, but his need will provide solid proof and certainty. - Projects& readingin-between summers becomes the basis for his first He will not even need faith. But Jesus temptation in the wilderness. If Jesus avoids this temptation as well, saying is the Son of God, the devil says, he that God should not be put "to the test" can command a stone to become a (Luke 4:12). God is not a laboratory loaf of bread. That would satisfy his experiment, and the desire for certainty Would need. But there is more for Jesus to in faith is a dangerous idol. consider. His temptation is to put his We can find and know God through hunger first and make an idol of his the everyday circumstances and you like need. His food would come at a price situations of our lives, including our that he will not pay. Jesus cannot live daily needs. But if we abuse these to help "by bread alone" (Luke 4:4). things or make idols of them, they The next temptation is power. The obstruct our faith and keep us from devil offers Jesus the glory and God. Nothing less than God will our ministry? authority of all the kingdoms of the satisfy our need for God. Consider a gift to LookIt Up The Litany of Penitence in the Ash Wednesday service includes the confession THELlvrNG CHURCHFund. of "our intemperate love of worldly goods and comforts, and our dishonesty in daily life and work" (BCP,p. 268). No gift is too large or too small and all gifts are tax-deductible. ThinkAbout It What are your idols? What things do you put in the place of God in your life? For more information, NextSunday please call our business office SecondSunday in Lent(Year C}, March 4, 2007 at 414--276-5420, BCP:Gen. 15:1-12, 17-18; Psalm 27 or 27:10-18; Phil. 3:17-4:1; Luke 13:(22- 30)31-35 RCL:Gen. 15:1-12, 17-18; Psalm 27; Phil. 3:17-4:1; Luke 13:31-35 4 THE LIVING CHURCH· FEBRUARY25. 2007 BOOKS Journex to Adulthood Pilgrimages Custom-designedbya J2A Teacher and a PilgrimageDesign Team Member TheArts of the Anglican Specializingin England,Scotland, and Ireland! Counter-Reformation Glory,Laud and Honour BRITISHAMERICAN CHURCH MUSIC FESTIVAL By Graham Parry. Boydell and Brewer. Pp. At Edinburgh,York and London::...:~::~:h;;:c!c~~.~~::p1:!: xi+ 207. $80. ISBN 1843832089. ·•. ~ • • at Britain'smost historic locations of the \~ _-··. Dr. Gerre Hancock& MichaelHarns Faith st GilesCathedral, E<inburgh; · · FestivalC.Onductors YorkMinslerCathechl,andWestminster In this attractive new book, Gra­ · CentralHall withorchestra . Custom ham Parry chronicles the rise and une 12-1 8 2008 itinerariescan includeextensions to J 1 achievements of a distinct high exploreyour denommabonalheritage! Innoun c in gB the church movement in the Church of ------------- England from the 1620s through the ELY CATHEDRAL SUMMER TRAINING COURSE Trainingand singing v.ith PaulTrepte, the Directorof Musicat Ely Cathedral,along v.ith the Musicstaff and Choirsof Ely Cathedral.Participate early 1640s. The author's in five Evensongservices, one SungEucharis~ and a very special"Son et Lurniere"Presentation. All in the exquisitejev..el of Ely Cathedral. focus is on architectural Sightseeingin London,Canterbury, Gambridge, stratford, and the magicalCotsoolds. Only 50 pa,11cipenls accepl)ed/ R....,. _, activity, but he also pays JULY 1- 11, 2008 close attention to Angli­ r Additional Information Call 1-800-835-0402 can devotional prose and British European Specialty Tours, Ltd. ciidi:.'1111. poetry, music, historical 12315 Hancock Street, Suite 24 Carmel, IN 46032 writing and church fur­ info BESTConcertTours.com www.BESTConcertTours.com nishings, all of which flourished under the encouraging patronage of men like William Laud (1573-1645), John Cosin (1594-1672) and Matthew Wren (1585-1667). Although all three - and many other fellow inheritors of the teach­ ing of Lancelot Andrewes - were born after the English Reformation, they looked to earlier centuries in Christian history for guidelines about church life and worship. (Parry uses the term "Anglican Counter-Reformation" to refer to a period of pro-ceremonial, anti-puri­ tan tendencies that have usually been called "Laudian"; this move­ ment is not connected directly with the Counter-Reformation period in Roman Catholicism.) Parry provides ground-breaking perspectives on Laudian life, looking closely at lay patronage networks and the impor­ tant roles they played in invigorating church-building and church-expan­ sion plans. Glory, Laud and Honour moves through a history of artistic achieve­ ment and growing strength even as English religious politics became more contentious, culminating in civil war. This book is illustrated with pho­ tographs of surviving Laudian archi­ tecture and art, and its only real drawback is that they are not in color.
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