Catalog of the Benthic Invertebrate Collections of the Scripps Institution

Catalog of the Benthic Invertebrate Collections of the Scripps Institution

CATALOG OF THE BENTHIC INVERTEBRATE COLLECTIONS OF THE SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY I - DECAPOD CRUSTACEA AND STOMATOPODA Spencer R. Luke SIO REFERENCE SERIES SIO Reference No. 77-9 October 1977 SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO LA JOLLA, CALIFORNZA 92093 PREFACE This is the first in a series of catalogs of holdings of the Benthic In- vertebrate Collections of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. While the collections date back to the earliest days of the Institution, they have ex- panded markedly during the past decade through the efforts of numerous Scripps scientists and graduate students as well as through gifts or donations from private and government sources. Use of the collections has also increased greatly, especially by scientists outside the Institution, and it has there- fore been deemed appropriate to inform the scientific community at large of the holdings of the Benthic Invertebrate Collection of the Scripps Institu- tion of Oceanography by this series of catalogs. The present catalog, containing 3093 entries, covers the Decapod Crustacea (exclusive of the Penaeidea, Paguridae, and ~orce1lanidae)'andthe Stomatopoda. Of those excluded, the first are on loan to a specialist on the group while the second and third are not yet sufficiently sorted and identified to be in- cluded at this time. The Euphausiacea, considered decapods by some, are con- tained in the Planktonic Invertebrate Collections (Dr. A. Fleminger , Curator). Each catalog will follow the format of this one. The arrangement is sys- tematic; each entry is generally a preliminary identification and includes relevant field data. The material can be examined here, or it may be made available by loan, gift, or exchange to qualified persons or private or gov- ernment agencies. Higher systematic categories used are as in F. A. Chace and T. H. Water- man (1960, "General Crustacean Biology," pp. 1-33. In T. H. Waterman, Ed., Physiology of Crustacea, Vol. 1, Academic Press, ~ewyork.670 p.) and (or) Robert D. ~Gnes(1974, Invertebrate Zoolo=, W. B. Saunders Company, Toronto). Families, genera, and species are treated as in the most familiar or recent references; the Caridea and Stenopodidea are arranged according to L. B. Holthuis (1955, "Recent Genera of the Caridean and St enopodidean Shrimps ," Leyden Zooloqische Verhandelingen, 26: 1-157); the Anomura are as in Waldo L. Schmitt (1921, "The Marine Decapod Kustacea of California," University of California Publications in Zoology, 23 : 1-470) ; the Brachyura (except tG Portunidae and 0xyrhynch5 are as inxary J. Rathbun (1918, "The Grapsoid Crabs of America," United States National Museum Bulletin, 97 : 1-461, 1930, h he Cancroid Crabs of America," ibid., -152: 1-609, and 19w, "The Oxystomatous and Allied Crabs of America," ibid., 166: 1-278); the Portunidae are as in John S. Garth and W. Stephenson (1966, "Brachyura of the Pacific Coast of America Brachyrhyncha: Portunidae," Allan a an cock Monographs in Marine Biology, -1: 1-154). The Oxyrhyncha follow John S. Garth (1958, "~rachyuraof the Pacific Coast of America Oxyrhyncha," Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 21: 1-854); and the Stomatopoda are as in Raymond B. Manning (1971. "Eastern Ecific Expe- ditions of the New York zoological Society. ~to~ato~od~rustacea,"zoologicH, -56: 95-113). The catalog was prepared under the direction and encouragement of Dr. William A. Newman (Curator) for which I am most thankful. Spencer R. Luke Museum Scientist Subsection Dromiacea .... Superfamily Dromiidea . Family Dromiidae ... Superfamily Thelxiopedidea Family Thelxiopeidae . Subsection Oxystomata .... Family Dorippidae ... Family Leucosiidae . Family Calappidae ... Subsection Brachygnatha ... Superfamily Brachyrhyncha Family Euryalidae ... Family Portunidae ... Family Potamonidae . Family Atelecyclidae . Family Cancridae ... Family Xanthidae ... Family Goneplacidae . Family Pinnotheridae Family Cymopoliidae . Family Grapsidae ... Family Gecarcinidae . Family Ocyopdidae ... Superfamily Oxyrhyncha . Family Majidae .... Family Parthenopidae . Superorder HOPLOCARIDA Order STOMATOPODA Family Squillidae ....................... 69 Family Gonodactylidae .....................71 iii Class CRUSTACEA C 3089 Operation Bli~dSpot off Pra. Chivato, Superorder EUCARIDA Baja Calif. Sur, 27O17.5'N 111°25'w 1829-1875m 25' otter trawl June 15, 1970 Order DECAPODA R/V Agassiz E. Kampa C 3090 SI064-1029 Santa Cruz Basin 33'46'~ Suborder NATANTIA 11g037'w rock dredge 1829m April 23, 1957 R/V Baird Sta. A disposal area survey Section CARIDEA C 3518 SS-72, 140-DB S. of Kauai, Hawaii 21'49.54 'N 15g023. 85 'W dredge box 732m Family Oplophoridae July 10, 1972 R/V Sea Scope C 3513 SS-72, 95-DB N. Mid-Pacific 30~16.6'~ Hymenodora frontalis Rathbun 172O16.2'~ dredge box 5359m June 15, 1972 C 3156 MV65-111-12 Basin N.W. of 60 mile Bank, R/V Sea Scope 32015.6'N 118026.4'W 1573-1836m 10' IKHT Sept. 23, 1965 R/V Agassiz C. Hubbs Family Nematocarcinidae (SIO65-443) Hymendora sp. Nematocarcinus sp. C 3451 R-9 Tanner Basin Oct. 28, 1970 320511N C 988 API Project 51 Dredge Sta. #II Spencer F. 119O32'W 25' otter trawl 1397m R/V agassiz Baird Cruise San Lucas Canyon 1097m 3% mi. I?. Rokop, S. Luke offshore off Cabo San Lucas, Baja Calif. --Gen. Indet. Jan. 1957 Rock Dredge - granite, mica sand, C 3453 R-41 Tanner Basin July 13, 1971 32O48'~ on "mud stone'' coll. Beal 119°30'~25' otter trawl 13901x1 R/V Agassiz --Gen. Indet. F. Rokop C 3093 Operation Blind Spot - off Pta. Chivato, C 3240 MV71-1-44 1,000 Em. Basin, off Baja Calif. Baja Calif. Sur 27O17.5'~ 111°25'W 1829- 31018'N 117024'W 1984-1957m 6' Sigsbee 1875m 25' otter trawl June 15, 1970 R/V trawl May 30, 1971 R/V Agassiz C. Hubbs, Agassiz E. Kampa S. Luke C 3088 MV68-1-76 W. slope of Carmen Basin, Baja C 3175 Sta. 16 Santa Catalina Basin 33O01'~ Calif. , Sur, 25O57 'N 110~35'W 1321-1344m 118O17'W Dec. 10, 1972 1097m IKMT R/V 25t otter trawl Jan. 22, 1968 R/V T. Wash- Agassiz R. Hessler ington C. Hubbs C 3179 M15 OT-11 Pta. Piedras Blancas, Calif. C 1451 M-7, Sta. 3 San Clemente Basin 32'28'~ 35O29'N 121°50'~1189-1170m 25' otter 118°07'~Sept. 16, 1971 1792-1866m 40' trawl Mar. 31, 1974 R/V Agassiz T. Matsui otter trawl R/V Agassiz T. Matsui C 3191 Rokop 71-39 San Diego Trough 32'36.5'~ 117~32.5'W 1161-1198m 25' otter trawl Family Stylodactylidae July 12, 1971 R/V Agassiz F. Rokop C 3204 MV65-1-39 Basin off Bahia Magdalena, Baja St lodact lus sp. Calif. Sur 24'23 'N 113O17 'W 3427-3621m 45 ' C z091 Ardabra Is., Indian Ocean ca. 09's 46'~ otter trawl June 25, 1965 R/V Horizon mouse trap sample C. Hubbs C 3188 MV65-1-38 Basin off Bahia Magdalena C 3205 MV65-IV-76 off Chile Sta. 14 320511S 24'35'~ 113O25'~6' Sigsbee trawl 3563- 72O08'~5' beam trawl 2580m Dec. 19, 1965 3621111 June 24, 1965 R/V Horizon C. Hubbs R/V A. Bruun B, Wisner (~1065-666) (SIO65-221) C 3216 A-17 W. Cortez Basin 32025'N 119°30'W 25' C 3203 MV65-1-39 Basin off Bahia Magdalena, Baja otter trawl 1362m May 7, 1975 R/V Agassiz Calif. Sur 24O23'N 113°17'~3427-3621m 45' J . Siebenaller otter trawl June 25, 1965 R/V Horizon C 3222 A-19 W, Cortez Basin 32'27.8'~ 119~34'~25' C. Hubbs otter trawl 1445m May 7, 1975 R/V Agassiz J. Siebenaller Family Pasiphaeidae C 3082 MV71-1-43 off N.W. Baja Calif. Norte, outer 1,000 fm. basin 31'25 'N 117045'W 2001-2025m Pasiphaea emarginata Rathbun 6' Sigsbee trawl May 29, 1971 R/V Agassiz C 3095 SI063-870 San Diego Trough Cruise SDTC TR- C. Hubbs, S. Luke 2 3Z033'N 117O24'~850-146M 10' IKKC Oct. C 3083 M-7, Sta. 3 W. of San Diego Trough, San 31, 1963 R/v Agassiz R. Wisner Clemente Basin 32'28'~ 118°07'W 1792-1866m Pasiphaea pacifica Rathbun 40' otter trawl Sept. 16, 1971 R/V Agassiz C 3145 MV69-I1 Salsipuedes Basin area, off Isla de T. Matsui Animas, Golfo de Calif. ca 280411N 112°59'~ C 3084 VS-BII-1 off Mazatlan, Mexico 22O47.5'~ Mar. 4, 1969 dip net 'E.B. Scripps' R. 106°52.0'W May 8, 9, 1959 1410-1420111 deep McConnaughey diving dredge (P-59-84) Pasiphaea cf. pacifica Rathbun C 3085 MV68-1-75 Guaymas Basin, Gulf of Calif, C 3144 MV65-1-45 S.E. of Pta. Tosco, Baja Calif. 26O45'N 11l001'~1684-1723m 25' otter trawl Sur, 24O01.5'N 111°16'w 185-194m 45' otter Jan. 22, 1968 R/V T. Washington C. Hubbs trawl June 27, 1965 R/V Horizon C. Hubbs C 3086 MV68-1-58 N.W. of Guaymas Basin, Gulf of --Gen. Indet. Calif, 27O50'N 112°11'W 380-1295m IKMT Jan. C 3324 MV71-1-33 W. of Isla Cedros, Baja Calif. 16, 1968 R/V T. Washington C. Hubbs with Norte, 28O22'N 115°20'W 221-203m 25' otter Ellobiosid parasite trawl May 27, 1971 R/V Agassiz C. Hubbs, C 3087 MV68-1-76 W. slope of Carmen Basin, Baja S. Luke Calif. Sur 25057 'N 110°35 'W 1321-1344m 25' C 3325 A-26 off Encinitas, Calif. 33O02.6'~ otter trawl Jan. 22, 1968 R/V T. Washing- 117O24.5'~May 9, 1975 439m 25' otter trawl ton C. Hubbs R/V Agassiz J. Siebenaller SI065-45 Toro Pt., Panama, Atlantic side, C 2703 Eniwetak Atoll, Marshall Is., artificial hand nets 0-15 ft. Coral reef Mar. 23, 1967 reef 8, 11°22w5'~162'25'~ 30 ft.

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