Weather Distribution JREDBANK Today f*H*t» It tt» m. Teaigtt tipr,~ tmfrt&u* la tfa* IV4. I Dial SH 1-0010 VOL. »4s^o. 232 OlflMf. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Bulletin Red Bank Man Slain Find One Survivor In Texas SHEPPARD AIR FORCE BASE, Tex. — Airman 2/C Rob- ert Bergln, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bergln of IS Mount St., Red Bank, N. died Of Wrecked Plane last night in the base hospital here of a shotgun wound, the base public relations office re- sorted. 45 Were Ma). Raymond Seldel, base public relations officer said Airman Bergln was shot at close range at 5: SO p.m. after Aboard an argument In the home of friends near here. He died at 7: IS p.m., Ma). Seldel said. Aircraft UNIONVILLE, Mo. (AP)-The fuselage of a Continen'al Airlines Uncover jet which apparently broke up in storm-racked skies last night with 45 persons aboard was found in a muddy farm field early NewData today. Police said one survivor, a man, was taken to St. Joseph's TRI-CLUB MEETING — Member* of tfm Red Bank Rotary,. Lionj arid Kiwanii Clubi Hospital. met bit night in Molly Pitcher Hotel for rheir annual get-together. At right it Donald On Estes He apparently was found lying outside the fuselage, M. Wilion, deputy director of the.U. S. Information Agency, who delivered principal "The rest were in the wreck- .address. Club president! with him, loft to right, are Dr. C. Douglai Hoyt, Lions; Ed- Bigger Names age," said Lt. Frank Wood of ward M. Kelly, Rotary, and Dr. William J. Mergenthaler, Kiwanis. the Macon, Mo., highway patrol Said to Be office. "We do not know whether anyone else is alive. Involved "It will take a long time to get into the fuselage. The field WASHINGTON (AP) — Offi- is so muddy that it's hard to get cial investigative sources said to- any ambulances in there. No Vo tes Changed WEST GERMAN soldier stands guard over the wreckage of a U.S. Navy transport "Our helicopter is on the way day that evidence in.the Billie Sol Estes case points toward per- plane which crashed near Ebersberg, West Germany. All 27 persons aboard were from Jefferson City. That will sons "pretty darn high up" in killed. The four engine plane, based in Spain, was on a secret mission. be quicker than using ambulances On Medicare in House Committee Washington under both the Ken- in that field." nedy and Eisenhower adminls- (AP Wirephoto via radio from Frankfurt) The plane, Continental's Flight WASHINGTON (AP) - The The key vote by the commit-chance of passage this year, trations. 11 en route from Chicago to Kan- txchange ot, salvos by President tee on Kennedy's bill, which Without favorable committee ac- sas City and Los. Angeles, spewed Kennedy and the American Medi- would provide such benefits and tlon passage is still possible, bu The informants, who declined to be identified or to elaborate, Planners-Get Westside Views debris over a miles-wide area as cal Association on health care increase payroll taxes to pay forixtremely doubtful. it fell from the skyr for- the aged has changed no themrprobably will" come during While most members of the told in separate interviews that informatibn has been uncovered It carried 37 passengers and votes where at the moment they the second week. of June. The :ommlttee are not saying pub- a crew of eight. count most—in the House Ways committee has had the measure Icly where they stand, oppon- indicating bigger names may be nvolved than any reported so Traffic Plan Dead Issne The fuselage was found on a and Means.Committee, under consideration for a year ents appear to have an edge far in the investigation of the in- farm tenanted by Perry Bunnell This was the consensus today and similar measures for years which could be overcome if as RED BANK—About 35 members was a special meeting to discuss >e hurt because the plan woulc four and a half miles northeast of committee members on both earlier. many as four uncommitted mem- dicted financier's alleged influ- of the West Side Civic Associa- a portion of the proposed Mas- keep many people away from an ence deals with government of- of Unlonville, just south of the -'fides of the dispute over provid Fair Chance bers decided to go along with tion and members of the local ter Plan dealing with the West- ilready deteriorating trade in Iowa line. ing hospital and nursing benefits Thirteen of the committee's 25 he administration. ficials. business community apparently side. *ed Bank. Making it difficult A grimmer probe into a mys- Mrs. Bunnell, reached by tele- for persons retired under social votes would'give the measure a "I think we'll make it," one convinced the Planning Board last Arguments favoring a status 'or people to get into town to phone, said the family heard "a security. favorable report and a fair supporter said today. "But thi terious death a year ago struck night that the two-way traffic flow quo situation expressed the senti- ihop will tend to eliminate trade, sparks yesterday In Franklin, big crash, but didn't know what will be decided by a one-voti on Shrewsbury and Bridge Aves. ments that one-way traffic would lusinessman Harry Genovese it was" between 9:30 and 10 p.m. margin/' Tex. is satisfactory. tend to worsen the problem for said. Partial Autopsy (CST) last night. Start Building Soon More flatly, an opponent said, Nearly everyone in the audience pedestrians because traffic would Members Express Views Found Fuselage it won't come out." After a partial autopsy, a med-denounced a proposal to change flow at a quicker rate. No vote was taken on the mat- "We couldn't see anything so The House Republican whip, ical examiner Indicated he be- to one-way traffic. The occasion Businessmen said they would ter because the meeting was held I forgot it until this morning Rep. Leslie C. Arends of 1 lieves Henry Marshall, an agri merely to get the views of local when we heard about the missing See Bigger Glass linois, said In an interview hi culture Department agent who in- people before the board submits plane," she said. wonders whether Kennedy want vestigated Estes' farim opera- its recommendations on the pro- "My husband and our brother- "a law or an^issue this year.' tions, was murdered. Ask State Approval posed master plan. in-law, Pean Crawford went out Arends is not A member of thi The Harris County medical ex- Board chairman Bernard Kel- into the-fc|rm as it was breaking atit in Cliff wood Ways and Meaijs Committee, bu aminer, Dr. Joseph Jachimczyk, lenyi, however, questioned mem' d/ and a,short time later they he said he does not think thi said he. felt "strongly at this time bers as to their feelings on the came running back to the house. NEW. YORK — The American- wood, bounded by the Garden widely publicized pro and coi that this is not a suicide." On Addition Change matter. Board member Joseph They said • they found the fuse- Wheaton Glass Corp. may revise State Parkway, Cliff wood Ave. allies and programs of the pas The complete autopsy report, Esposito said he favors continuing lage of, the-plane. and the New York and Long Its plans to build an even larger few days have had any effect 01 he said, will be available later MIDDLETOWN — The Board Mr, Davidheiser said the East two-way traffic as the result of "We didn't know then whether Branch railroad. plant In Matawan Township than committeemen. ; . this week when the laboratory: of Education has come up with Ceansburg and River Plaza his consultations with 75 per cent there were any bodies in the Mr. Moore said yesterday con originally announced, The Regis- To Be tan Issue •tests are finished. plan that It feels wiii permit ichools are cramped with stu f the businessmen involved. "I wreckage; My husband called the struction itiny get under way in a ter learned yesterday. All sides'agreed the health leg- (See ESTES, Page 2) the construction of the remaining dents who actually could just as Found that all of them favored sheriff. They • went out to look month or so. Construction of the multi-mil- islation will be an issue in the !6 rooms of its building program, easily, attend either Middletown the two-way system," he an' at the wreckage." Hpn-dollar .plant was to have Based on the original announce November elections when al ithout having to build two or Harmony Schools. nounced, "and I would not want The Bunnell farm is about 7 started ear'ly this year. rrient, made Nov. 28, the plant ieats in the House and one-thin Hughes Asks lewer plants. He said the distance the stu- to hurt our businesses in any miles south of Cincinnati, Iowa, According to Elliot E. Moore, was to be built In three stages, of those in the Senate are ui According to James-W David- lents would have to travel to ivay." near where bits and pieces of vice president and genera! mana with floor space in the first stage for competition. leiser, board secretary, the diddletown and Harmony is Mrs. Laura Rudolph said she wreckage from the Boeing 707 ger of the company, the delay totaling 324,000 square feet — Whether or not they could pas; Senate Act >oard has asked for n meeting about the same as the distance to had no strong feelings either jet fell in the village square.
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