Stewardship & Development Newsletter Fall 2015 Sacred Heart Foundation of East Grand Forks Moves Toward a “New Day” An interview with Michelle Kraft, Executive Director of the Sacred Heart Foundation, East Grand Forks, Minnesota now we’re in the middle of a six million dollar an assessment process provided by a compa- campaign that we call “A New Day” Campaign. ny named FACTS, which is a lot like FAFSA We’re asking alumni, friends and parishioners for college students looking for financial aid. to invest three million dollars into People and It uses information gathered in their applica- DIOCESE OF CROOKSTON Programs, two million into Scholarships and tion to determine what a family can afford. Stewardship Alive Endowments and one million for our Building If there are other factors that wouldn’t neces- Dear Friends in Christ, Endowment. sarily be reflected through their FACTS appli- Warmest greetings! We’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your faith-filled support of Vocations, Seminarian Education, Evangelization cation – such as a pending large medical bill, and other diocesan ministries through the Diocesan Annual Appeal. The generosity expressed this past year by Catholic families across the Diocese of When did you begin? then our School President or our Parish Ad- Crookston exceeded all expectations, resulting in the most successful year yet for the appeal. God bless you for the trust you have shown for the work of We started the process of this campaign in ministrator will sit down and work with fami- this local church, dedicated to building up the Body of Christ. In the peace of our Lord, Reathel and Lisa, Office of Stewardship and Development May, 2013, and began talking to supporters in lies in those type of situations. No child is ever January of 2014. turned away! Catholic Community Foundation (CCF) and Faith For Tomorrow How was the goal for the “New Day” cam- Does the New Day Campaign seek to fund Interview with Joe Noel, Executive Director of the Catholic Community Foundation paign arrived at and how did you choose endowments? by Reathel Giannonatti, JD allow. The committee then sends their recommen- get the earnings. what needs you should focus on? Half of our New Day Campaign goal is de- Director, Stewardship and Development dations to the board. The board has final authority Nearly 100 alumni, parents, and friends re- sired as endowment gifts so we can have both over which grants are funded. Is creating an endowment in CCF something I turned to Sacred Heart in May 2013 to partici- upfront funding to implement the necessary Joe, tell us about your role with the Catholic could consider in my will or estate plan? pate in an assessment process. We divided into people and program changes to increase en- Community Foundation. Has the Faith for Tomorrow endowment grown Yes. You would want to talk with me beforehand, four areas to assess in greater detail: Finance, rollment as well as maintain this funding for My job is to manage the day-to-day activities of over the past two years? to ensure the endowment and disbursement is set Tuition & Development; Catholic Character & future generations. the Catholic Community Foundation. Yes, it grows just like a 401k grows; if the stock up in a way that stays within the rules of charitable Spiritual Life; Marketing, Recruitment & Ad- market takes a serious hit, the Faith for To- donations. Alternatively, you could leave money missions and Academic Identity. How are the endowments funded? Are the Diocese of Crookston and the CCF one morrow initial investment can actually drop. to endowments that already exist. Donations re- Each area gave recommendations and Msgr. Individuals or families pledge a certain dol- entity? In the last 2-3 years it has grown steadily. ceived for endowments would be tax deductible. Mike Foltz immediately put together a local lar amount over five years to either begin a No. The CCF is a seperate non-profit corporation. Michelle Kraft, Executive Director of the 20-person National Advisory Taskforce to as- named endowment or to add to an existing However, it exists to serve the needs of the diocese What are your expectations and hopes for the How can people reach you for help with a dona- Sacred Heart Foundation, East Grand Forks, MN sess and make suggestions for the future of Sa- fund. A donor can choose to give an outright cred Heart School. This process helped us dis- gift of cash, however, we are able to discuss and the parishes of the diocese. CCF in the future? tion or setting up an endowment? cover what needs to be accomplished in order and implement gifts of stock/property, a chari- I would like to see Foundation growth continue I would be very pleased to meet with anyone in- by Reathel Giannonatti, JD for the school to grow in quality and enroll- table life estate, gift annuities, or a beneficia- What are the current assets of the CCF? and to see endowments grow through new gifts. terested in making a donation, setting up an en- Director, Stewardship and Development ment and to become self-sufficient. ry designation that would be a charitable gift Around twelve million dollars. dowment, or to answer questions about the CCF Michelle, what is the mission of the Sacred Heart With help from a successful graduate, Jake Jef- while providing tax-savings to an individual. What does it take to create an endowment? or one of the endowments it holds. Foundation, and who serves on its board? frey, we put three years of statistical data into a Where did the money come from? You would contact me and together we would cre- Please call me any time at 218-280-6858 The Sacred Heart Foundation exists to support the spread sheet as a working financial model with What would you like to share with us about There are three basic areas: one, endowments set up ate a description of what the endowment was be- or send an email to: [email protected]. mission of the Catholic Church, especially the educa- all the variables that can change over the next the success you’ve had these past two years? by individuals through parishes for specific reasons; ing established for. It would need to be such that tion of our youth. 3-4 years. Once we had that, we asked, “How God has given us all talents and I’m grateful two, investments by parishes that have money they the earnings will be used for a Catholic endeavor. Gerard Neil, John Jeffrey, Joe Martin, and Dan Zavoral do we sustain and keep the doors open at the that I can use mine in this way. All I have to do wish to invest and grow for future use; and three, are voting members on the board. Non-voting mem- school? How much support does the school is ask somebody to invest in both the Catho- investments and endowments from the diocese. Your money would be placed in an investment bers are the Executive Director, the President Carl and the church need each year from our en- lic church and a great school. Those who act fund and earnings from that investment would be Adolphson and the Superintendent, Msgr. Michael dowments to support this growth, and with charitably and give of their time and of their Explain the difference between the CCF and paid out every six months to your parish, for ex- Foltz. that, how much do we currently have in en- treasure have the harder job: they have to pray Faith for Tomorrow. ample, which would hold that money to disperse dowments?” about it, and make it work within their budgets Faith for Tomorrow is an endowment held for the purpose of the endowment. This type of What project is the Sacred Heart Foundation curent- and schedules at home. I’m just there offering in the Catholic Community Foundation. The endowment would be an open endowment and ly working on? How much tuition assistance do you provide options, facilitating the gift and making sure Faith For Tomorrow endowment specifically of- the parish of the benefactor could continue to Our goal is to continually give our supporters oppor- for your students? their wishes are being kept by our institution. fers support for religious education in the Dio- fund it. tunities to serve the Lord by giving generously. Right It varies according to family need. We have cese of Crookston. It currently holds more than $2,278,000.00. In what ways do parishes benefit from the Faith For Tomorrow endowment? Thank You, Real Presence Radio! How does Faith for Tomorrow support religious When the Faith for Tomorrow endowment was Founded in 1999, the Lay Catholic Radio Broadcast Ministry Real Presence Radio is a beloved “presence” in the education in our diocese? set up in 2000, a collection was taken through the lives of thousands of Catholics throughout the Dioceses of Crookston, Fargo and Bismarck. We are very grateful to Earnings from the Faith For Tomorrow en- parishes during a capital campaign. One fourth RPR for their generous support of the DAA, SMMA and other diocesan stewardship initiatives through radio ads dowment are available through grants of the amount each parish collected was put into and complementary interviews. Most recently, RPR produced individual spots featuring the Diocese of Crookston’s that parishes can apply for each year. an endowment for education for that particular two newly ordained priests, Fr. Bryan Kujawa and Fr. John Christianson, in support of the Summer Appeal. parish and those earnings are paid out every 6 In each grant cycle, the grant committee meets to months to those parishes for religious education.
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