LIST OF ORAL PRESENTATION ROOM “A” NO CODE NAME TITLE 1 ABS-IGEOS Nasir Nayan Is Flood Water Safe for Consumption at Evacuation Center in UNS-19001 Kuala Krai District, Kelantan, Malaysia? 2 ABS-IGEOS AFRINIA LISDITYA Evaluation of Lahar Flood Hazard Management Policy using UNS-19035 PERMATASARI Participatory Planning in Putih Watershed, Magelang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia 3 ABS-IGEOS Yudi Basuki Hydrometeorological Hazard Prediction in the Kuto Bodri River UNS-19039 Region Central Java Based on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Analysis 4 ABS-IGEOS Listyo Irawan ASSESSING COMMUNITY COPING CAPACITY IN FACE UNS-19070 OF TSUNAMI DISASTER RISK (Case Study: Sumberagung Coastal Area, Banyuwangi, East Java) 5 ABS-IGEOS Wahyu Widiyatmoko Agricultural Drought Risk Assessment in Upper Progo UNS-19097 Watershed using Multi-temporal Landsat 8 Imagery 6 ABS-IGEOS Ananto Aji STUDY OF THE MERAPI MOUNTAIN ERUPTION AND UNS-19110 THE IMPACT ON COMMUNITY AGRICULTURAL LANDUSE IN SLEMAN REGENCY 7 ABS-IGEOS Cecep Pratama A possible Opak fault segment that caused the 2006 Mw 6.3 UNS-19126 Yogyakarta earthquake and its future implication 8 ABS-IGEOS herdis herdiansyah Strategy for Community Adaptation to Flood-Prone Areas in UNS-19153 Situ Rawa Besar Settlement, Depok City 9 ABS-IGEOS Retno Purnama Irawati Disaster Concepts and Disaster Mitigation According to The UNS-19154 Students from Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang 10 ABS-IGEOS herdis herdiansyah The Internet Of Things (IoT) For Flood Disaster Early Warning UNS-19157 in DKI Jakarta: Prospect And Community Preparedness 11 ABS-IGEOS Chatarina Muryani The Readiness of villages in Surakarta City Toward The UNS-19167 Disaster Resilient Village 12 ABS-IGEOS- Arif Ismail Meteorological Water Balance for Assessing Water Scarcity UNS-19217 Based on Remote Sensing Data in Mountainous area 13 ABS-IGEOS Wahyu Eridiana The Community Capacity in Facing Disasters: Case study of UNS-19105 South Lampung Communities 14 ABS-IGEOS revi hernina Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) application for supporting UNS-19079 climate change readiness program in Depok Municipality, Indonesia 15 ABS-IGEOS Shafira Himayah Land Surface Temperature Changes in Northen Parts of UNS-19082 Bandung Basin 16 ABS-IGEOS- Totok Doyo Conceptual Interpretation Seismic 3D Using RMS Amplitude UNS-19211 Pamungkas and Dip-Azimuth Attribute Analysis for Identification Structure and Facies Model in Physical Geographic 17 ABS-IGEOS Aceng Kosasih Theology of Disaster: A Study on West Bandung People’s UNS-19168 Responses to the Potency of Earthquake 18 ABS-IGEOS irma Lusi nugraheni ANALYSIS OF EMBASSY AREAS OF DISASTER AND UNS-19101 DISASTER MITIGATION EFFORTS IN PESAWARAN LAMPUNG DISTRICT 19 ABS-IGEOS Sri Maryati Status and Challenges of Water Governance in Facing the Water UNS-19103 Crisis Disaster LIST OF ORAL PRESENTATION ROOM “B” NO CODE NAME TITLE 1 ABS-IGEOS Mohmadisa Hashim THE IMPACT OF ECOTOURISM ON THE WATER QUALITY IN UNS-19002 SEDIM RIVER, KEDAH, MALAYSIA 2 ABS-IGEOS syamsul bachri Mapping geomorphological environments of Bendo Watershed Ijen UNS-19023 Volcano, Banyuwangi East of Java 3 ABS-IGEOS Fahmi Arif An Overview of Depositional environment between the mountains of UNS-19025 Kurnianto southern Java and the fold mountain of North Java 4 ABS-IGEOS Edy Trihatmoko A Numerical Study of Tidal Run Up and Inundation Impact in Kendal UNS-19080 Coastal Area using Logical Tool-Less Than Equal 5 ABS-IGEOS Sumarmi Sumarmi Ecological Value Of Soil Organic Matter (Mandala Customary Forests With UNS-19189 Awiq-Awiq Management) 6 ABS-IGEOS Hanifah Mahat Environmental Sustainability Engagement Practices among Youths in UNS-19036 Muallim District, Perak, Malaysia 7 ABS-IGEOS Heny Mulyani Implementation of Capital Planting Local Wisdom Values as Independent UNS-19008 and Environmentally Friendly Villages in Bantar Karet Village Community in Cijalingan Village, Cicantayan District, Sukabumi Regency 8 ABS-IGEOS Baiq Liana WATER QUALITY STUDY AS A WAY OF COMMUNITY BEHAVIOR UNS-19027 Widiyanti IN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT IN EAST LOMBOK DISTRICT 9 ABS-IGEOS Entien Darmawati THE UTILIZATION OF KESUMBA SEEDS FOR COLORING BIAWAK UNS-19051 (VARANUS SALVATOR) LEATHER WITH DYEING AND FINISHING METHODS BASED ON ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY 10 ABS-IGEOS Dewi Liesnoor ANALYSIS OF DISTRIBUTION THE SALT WATER IN THE UNS-19155 Setyowati BOROBUDUR PLAIN 11 ABS-IGEOS Hendry Edy Impact of Infrastructure Development Jalur Jalan Lintas Selatan (JJLS) in UNS-19049 Yogyakarta to Change in Land Price 12 ABS-IGEOS- Ifan Deffinika Socio-Economics and Environmental Impact of Supit Urang Landfills UNS-19198 Capacity 13 ABS-IGEOS- Lili Somantri Land Value Analysis in the Suburban of Bandung and Agricultural Land UNS-19204 Availability Impact 14 ABS-IGEOS- Maulia D. Kembara SCIENTIFIC LITERACY PROFILE OF STUDENT TEACHERS ON UNS-19215 SCIENCE FOR ALL CONTEXT 15 ABS-IGEOS- Winny Astuti Sustainable Campus Community : from Campus to City, Regional and UNS-19220 National Betterment of Environment 16 ABS-IGEOS SURATMAN MANAGING SEWAGE TREATMENT FACILITIES USING UNS-19047 ROBIAH GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM APPLICATION: A USER REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS IN PENANG ISLAND, MALAYSIA. 17 ABS-IGEOS A Sediyo Adi Split-Windows Algorithm (SWA) Methods Using Fractional Vegetation UNS-19015 Nugraha Cover (FVC) on Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS 18 ABS-IGEOS- Riki Ridwana MULTITEMPORAL LANDSAT IMAGE UTILIZATION FOR SPATIAL UNS-19216 BUILT LAND PREDICTION IN TASIKMALAYA CITY, INDONESIA 19 ABS-IGEOS Muhammad Ihsan The Application Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetry For UNS-19195 Building Maintenance (Case Study: National Education Museum, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) 20 ABS-IGEOS- Nandi Identification and Evaluation of the level Trains Intersection in South West UNS-19210 Java as Effort to Mitigate Train Transportation Accidents using a Geographic Information System 21 ABS-IGEOS- Ambar Soil properties under four different land uses in relation to soil erosion and UNS-19200 Kusumandari conservation in Wanagama 22 ABS-IGEOS Pipit Wijayanti ANALYSIS OF DISSOLVED CARBON SEQUESTRATION UNS-19176 POTENTIALS AT SEVERAL SPRINGS IN KARST LANDSCAPE, WONOGIRI REGENCY 23 ABS-IGEOS- Pipit Wijayanti Characteristic of Spatio Temporal Variation Groundwater Aggressiveness in UNS-19221 Epikarst Aquifer and Effect to Carbon Sequestration 24 ABS-IGEOS Wanjat Kastolani Feasibility Study of Microbial Organic Waste Processing Business in UNS-19033 Sukasari District, Bandung City LIST OF ORAL PRESENTATION ROOM “C” NO CODE NAME TITLE ABS-IGEOS Enok Maryani Disaster Literacy for Students 1 UNS-19169 ABS-IGEOS mamat ruhimat Relationship between Environmental Knowledge and Students 2 UNS-19170 Attitudes toward Environmental Management 3 ABS-IGEOS Saiyidatina Balkhis Indexing Environmental Sustainable Literacy Knowledge among UNS-19038 Norkhaidi Malaysian Youth: Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) Approach 4 ABS-IGEOS Vidi Sukmayadi Geographic Media Literacy for Indonesian Geography Education UNS-19007 5 ABS-IGEOS Alfyananda Kurnia PERCEPTION AND KNOWLEDGE OF GEOGRAPHY UNS-19050 Putra TEACHERS TOWARDS FLOOD DISASTER RISK REDUCTION IN SAMPANG INDONESIA 6 ABS-IGEOS Siti Fadjarajani Ecopedagogy Based Learning as an Effort to Increase Student UNS-19062 Ecoliteration and the Development of Environmental Care Characters 7 ABS-IGEOS Iin Basyari UTILIZING THEMATIC MAPS TO DEVELOP INDONESIA UNS-19066 NATURAL RESOURCES ANALYSIS SKILLS 8 ABS-IGEOS Sugiyanto Development of Social Studies Teaching Materials Based on UNS-19088 Geography Literacy for Increasing Critical Thinking, Creative, and collaborative Skills 9 ABS-IGEOS Wawan Darmawan QUALITY OF TEACHER-BASED TEST INSTRUMENTS UNS-19099 ACCORDING TO STANDARD HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILLS (HOTS) CRITERIA 10 ABS-IGEOS herdis herdiansyah The Actualization of Student’s Disaster Preparedness at The UNS-19121 Elementary and Secondary Education Level of Disaster-Aware School 11 ABS-IGEOS Ratih Puspita Dewi GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS PERCEPTION TOWARD SPATIAL UNS-19161 THINKING TEACHING AND LEARNING 12 ABS-IGEOS Siti Asiyah OUTDOOR LEARNING METHOD AS AN EFFORTS TO UNS-19163 INCREASE SPATIAL THINKING SKILLS IN GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS OF PGRI PALEMBANG UNIVERSITY 13 ABS-IGEOS Garlis Yogiswatin The Effectiveness of Adiwiyata Mandiri School in Fostering Imbas UNS-19183 School (A Case Study of SMAN 2 Cirebon) 14 ABS-IGEOS Muhammad Okta Implementation of Practicum Based Learning in the material UNS-19186 Ridha Maulidian “Understanding the Basics of Mapping” in Geography Subject in High School (An Experience in Implementing High School Learning in Banda Aceh) 15 ABS-IGEOS- Zarina Akbar COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTRE IN IMPROVING UNS-19206 DISASTERS AWARENESS THROUGH ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION 16 ABS-IGEOS Fitri Nur Intan Sari THE EFFECT OF THE FIELD STUDY METHOD ON CRITICAL UNS-19014 THINKING SKILLS IN ANALYZING FLOOD PHENOMENONS (Case Study in Class XI IPS of SMAN 6 Pandeglang) 17 ABS-IGEOS Ahmad Yani THE EFFECT OF TPACK FRAMEWORK ON INQUIRY UNS-19068 PROCESS: STUDY OF GEOGRAPHIC SUBJECT 18 ABS-IGEOS asep mulyadi GENDER PERSPECTIVE: THE EFFECT OF SPATIAL UNS-19106 INTELLIGENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL CARE ATTITUDES 19 ABS-IGEOS Sugiyanto Development of Communication, Collaborative and Creative Skills UNS-19174 Through the Use of TSTS Technical Cooperative Learning Models and Poetry Media 20 ABS-IGEOS Iwan Setiawan Waste Management at the UPI Campus and Campus Citizen Behavior UNS-19181 Towards the Management of Zero Waste 21 ABS-IGEOS Mangambit Juliandar ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE RETENTION
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