64 VICT.] Military Pensions Extension to [1900, No. 62. 509 , Oontingents. New Zealand. ANALYSIS. Title. 3. Persons entitled. 1. Short Title. 4. Benefits of Aot to be irrespeotive of benefits 2. "Military Pensions Act, 1866," extended to from Imperial Government. oontingents in South Africa. Sohedule. 1900, No. 62. AN ACT to extend the Provisions of "The Military Pensions Act, Title. 1866," to Members of the South African Contingents. [20th October, 1900. 'BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Par­ liament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows :- 1. The 8hort Title of this Act is "The Military Pensions Short Title. Extension to Contingents Act, 1900." 2. For all the purposes of "The Military Pensions Act, 1866," "Militarv Pensions Aot,1866," the forces enrolled by the New Zealand Government for service in extended to oon­ South Africa shall be deemed to be Colonial Forces within the mean­ tingents in South ing of that Act, and the provisions of that Act shall extend and apply Africa. to those forces accor<pngly in like manner as if their service in South Africa were service under the New Zealand Government: Provided that the allowances made to relatives under that Act shall not be granted to any person under this Act except the widow, child, or mother of an ofitcer, non-commissioned officer, or private. 3. The following persons, and those only, shall be deemed to Persons entitled. be members of the forces enrolled by the New Zealand Government for service in South Africa :- (1.) The persons actually enrolled in New Zealand as members of the respective New Zealand contingents and reserves, or attached thereto, a complete list of their names being set out in Part 1. of the Schedule hereto; and (2.) The persons who, though not enrolled in New Zealand, were sent to South Africa by the New Zealand Government on non-military service connected with those contingents, and were enrolled in South Africa in those contingents, or in any Imperial Force, a list of their names, so far as known, being set out in Part H. of the Schedule hereto, but that list not being complete; (3.) The persons who, being New-Zealanders, were enrolled in South Africa in those contingents, a list of their names: , so far as known, being set out in Part HI. of the Sche­ dule hereto, but that list not being complete. 510• 1900, No. 62.J Military Pensions Extension to [64 VICT •.' . Oontingents. Benefits of Act to 4. The benefits conferred by this Act shall not be in any way be irrespective of benefits from affected by the grant of pensions, allowances, or benefits from the Imperial Govern· Imperial Government. ment. Schedule. SCHEDULE. PART I. FORCES ENROLLED IN NEW ZEALAND. FIRST OONTINGENT. STAFF. In oomma.nd: Major ALFRED WILLIAlI: ROBIN, N.Z.M. Surgeon: THOMAS BURNS. Veterina~y Surgeon: CHARLES RAYMOND NEA.LE. No. Rank and Name. Next·of-kin and Address. No. 1 COMPANY. Oaptain Davies, Riohard Hutton •. Mrs. Ida Mary Davies, Inglewood. Lieutenant Bartlett, Edwin Mrs. Isabella Bartlett, Argyle Street, Hawera. J ohns~on, George Rob,!lrt Captain G. Johnston, The Pines, Waverley. Lindsay, Michael Egan Mr. William Stewart Lindsay, Timaru. " Matthews, Robt. Saxton Father: Mr. Mattbews, Hawera. 1 Sergeant· Major Regers, Charles Annie Rogers, Inglewood, Taranaki. Phillip 3 Colour· Sergeant Burr, William Mr. WiIliam Burr, Rawene, Hokianga, Auckland. Tholllas 5 Sergeant Harrowell, Edwin Mrs. A. HarroweJI, Alexandra Road, Layton, Essex. 8 Morgan, William Arthur Mr. E. J. Morgan, Kaimate Road, Inglewood, Taranaki. 2 Tuck, Sydney Howard .. Mr. William Tuck, Crescent Gardens, Bath, England. 4 Watts. Phillip Benjamin Mr. Cbarles Edwin Watts,40, City Road, London, E.C. 7 • Mahood, William Edward Mr. George Mahood, Tirau, Waikato. 6 • BOlld, Henry Purser John Mr. J. J. Bond, Brighton Road, Parnell, Auckland. 9 Corporal Bould,CharlesWilliamH. Father: Mr. Thomas Bould, Johnsonville Hotel. 10 Horne, James Alexander Mr. James Home, Bay Street, Petone. 11 McDonald, Norman Mrs. McDonald, Kihikihi, Waikato, Auokland. 12 Bodle, Donald William .. Mrs. E. J. Bodle, Totara Street, Ponsonby, Auokland. 13 Price, Frederick Gordon Mrs. Mary Price, Ploton, Marlborough. 14 " Hogg, John Martin Mrs. Sarah Hogg, Occidenta.l Hotel, Wellington. 16 Bugler Bowie, William Alexander Mr. Bowie, Timaru. 15 • Brown, Thomas Watson .. Mr. C. Brown, HA, Elizabeth Street, Wellington. 81 Private Avery, Bertram Richard •. Mr. John Avery, Spring Grove, Nelson. 18 Barty, John Anderson Mrs. Barty, Kirton Lethendy, Meikleour, Scotland. 36 Bartrop, Arthur Leigh La Major Bartrop, Malvern Road, Toorak, Melbourne. Boste 28 Bmir, John Mr. James Blair, Glarryford, Belfast, County Antrim, Ireland. 20 Farrier Bowie, Andrew James Mr. John Bowie, General Merohant, George St., Dunedin. 44 "Bradford, George Roland .. Mr. F. Bradford, Red Lion Inn, Brede, Sussex, England. 83 Private Brock, James Henry Alex· Mrs. Brock, Melrose Villa, Bushy Park, Wells Road, ander Bristol, England. 67 Batchelor, Arthur Frederick Mr. J. O. Batchelor, Fitzberbert, Palmerston North. 62 Bowcher, Sydney Mrs. A. S. Bowcher, Momahaki, Wllitotara, Patea. 23 Butler, Harry Francie Colonel E. A. Butler, Plumton Hall, Bury St. Ed· munds, England. 74 Blenkhorn, Charles j.\[r. Christopher Blenkhom, Knaresbro, Yorkshire, Eng­ land. 55 Oasey, Theodore Mr. VictorCasey, Great North Road, Arch Hill, Auokland. 54 Oa.lloway, Walter Mr. John Calloway, Kikowhakarere, Ooromandel, Auck· land. 22 Ooffey, Alfred Roraoe Mrs. M. Coffey, Hawera, Taranaki. 26 Cameron, Hector Allan Cameron, Marangai, Wanganui. 24 Crawley, Robert William •. Mrs. Crawley, Brunswick, Wanganui. 25 Oraig, James .. Mr. William Craig, Putlki, Wanganui. 68 Clevely, James William .. Mrs. E. OIevely, Bunnythorpe, Manawatu. 84 Cummins, John Nathaniel Mr. CUlllmins, Tawa Flat, Manawatu Line. 48 Curtain, Nathaniel Mrs. M' Curtain, Home Street, Arch Hill, Aucklanp. 96 Coutts, Henry Donald Mrs. Henry Coutts, Ngaire. Taranaki. 58 Dawson, Roger Mr. J. Dawson, 88, The Avenue, Gi,psy Hill, Norwood, London, S.E. 65 Edwards, Charles Alfred •• Mrs. Janet Edwards, Waverley, Wanganui. 89 EndelOby I Oharles Henry •• Mr. Charles Enderby, Wanganui. , 64 VICT.] Military Pensions Extension to [1900, No. 62. 511 Oontingents. PART I.-FORCES ENROLI,ED IN NEW ZEALAND-continued. No. I Rank and Name. Next-of·kin and Address. No. 1 COMPANY-Continued. 43 Private Gane. Gilbert Henry Mr. J. Gane, Ohaupo, Waikato, Auckland. 87 "Ga.lpin. Edwin Richa.rd wIr. W. T. Galpin, Woodlands, Marton. 85 Gaudin. Thomas J oseph Mrs. Eliza Gaudin, 7, Wynyard Street, Auckland. Holte 70 Gorrie, Keith •• Mr. William Gorrie, Princes Street, Auokland. 88 Goble, Joe Mr. Joe Goble, Inglewood, Taranaki. 90 Ha.nson, Charles Mrs. Mary Hanson, Medrox, Tighnabruach, Scotland. 40 Harris, WilIiam Mrs. H. Harris, CIifton, Dedington, Oxford, England. -60 Hedges, Alfred Ernest .. Mrs. Sarll.h Hedges, 25, Bamard Street, Timaru. 45 Hubbard, Percy Richard .. Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Hubbard, Paeroa, Ohinemuri, Auckland. 53 J enks, J ames .. Mr. George Jenks, G.P.O., Auckland. 32 Kells, George KeUs Mrs. J. F. Kells, Duddington Street, Palmerston North. 49 Kirkbride, Ma.tthew Bruce Mrs. M. M. Kirkbride, Mauge, Onehunga, Auokland. 59 Lewin. Cha.rles Monta.gue Montague Lewin, Addington, Christchurch. 93 Lockett, Emest Bamett Mr. John Lockett, Wanganui. 42 Maunder, Thomas Mr. George Maunder, Kihikihi, Waikato, Auckland. 97 Ma.nn, George Herbert Mr. WaIter William Mann, Patea. 41 Matson, John.. - Martha Matson, Cambridge, Auckland. 76 MoDonald, Robert John Mr. Watson McDonald, Waverley. 77 Miller, George Ralph Mrs. Henry John Miller, Fernbrook, Oamaru. 75 Mitohell, James Mr. John Dryden Mitchell, Burnbank, Manaia. 37 Morrison. Wilson Cameron Mrs. M. Morrison, Okaiawa, Taranaki. 30 Muir, William Mr. James Muil', Brookby, Auckland. 61 Munro, John Mrs. H. Y. Whishaw, Kimbolton, Feilding. 47 Montgomerie, John Mr. James Montgomerie, Mangere, Auckland. 69 McCauley, James Thomas Mr. J. McCauley, Upper Queen Street, Auckland. 27 McCallum, Maloolm Mr. Sam Malcolm, Kaiwarra, Wellington. 57 MoLean, Oharles Edward Mrs. Harriet McLean, Te Aroha, Auokland. 39 Nops. Edwin Hotspur Mr. Francis Nops, Ramsgate, England. 79 Newman. Charles Mrs. Ellen Newman, Tawa Flat, Manawatu Line. 34 Payne, George Meares MrS. Payne, Myrtle Villa, Bedford, England. 33 Palmer, Sidney Robert Mr. Palmer, Eltham Road, Awatuna., Taranaki. 31 Patterson, John MaoIntosh Mrs. Patterson. Inglewood, Kilcoy, Taranaki. 98 Pitt, William Mr. C. Dean Pi tt, Gisborne Club. 92 Powell, George •. Mr. Samuel Powell, Wanganui Post.office. 52 Pope. Francis Riohard Mrs. Frederiok Pope, Whatawhata, Wa.ikato, Au,~kJand. 17 Parkes, William J ames Mr. Parkes, Palmerston North. 94 Riddell, William Oliver Mr. James Riddell, Waverley, Wanganui. 100 Rookstrow, Frederick Mr. F. Rockstrow, Awatuna, Taranaki. 82 Ryan, Dennis Joseph Mr. Denis Ryan, Tawa Flat, Manawatu Line. 63 Raynes, John J ames Mr. W. F. Raynes, Tamahere, Waikato, Auckland. 56 Shaw. Frederick Thomas .. Mr. Thomas Shaw, Paeroa, Ohinemuri, Auckland. 73 Smith, WilIiam Henry Mrs. E. Smith, Fitzherbert Street, Palmerston North. 86 Smith, Ernest James Ralph Mr. A. A. Smith, National Hotel, Cambridge, Waikat:J, Auokland. 51 Steele, Samuel Mr. Samuel Steele, Ohaupo, Waikato, Auckland. 71 Tarrant, Leonard Matthews Mr. H. A. Tarrant, Lower Moutere, Nelson. 35 Taylor, Arthur Reginald .• Mr. G. Taylor, Merchant, Christchurch. 46 Tetley, John William .. Mrs. Mii.ry Tetley, Paeroa, Ohinemuri, Auckland. 29 Thorpe, James .• Mr. J. A. Thorpe, Aramoho, Wanganui.
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